Have the Jets passed us?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by sergiomiguel2, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. sergiomiguel2

    sergiomiguel2 New Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    Now I read something today on ESPN talking about how the Jets are a better contender for the Superbowl than the New England Patriots
    it had us as on the rise, but behind both of them....
    now don't hate me when I say this, but are we really behind the stinking Jets after beating them 3 times out of the last 4??

    I think we are tied, and let me tell you why

    Age wise, they are older, and soon they will be having trouble with their age on the d-line and o-line, which are their solid points of the team...

    Injuries, if you remember what happened to us when we went 11-5, we had few of them, but this year we had a ton...same thing happened to them this year, they only lost Leon Washington as a their main guy...thats about it

    Toughness wise...they might beat us there, I have no idea why, our team is pretty damn tough, but when I see them play us, it seems that they play with a mean streak...we do too, we just don't show it the way they do..and i hate Rex Ryan for that
    somehow that orca sized man has enough confidence to say whatever the hell he wants!!!

    but back to the point...

    in talent I believe they have a slight edge, but we have more potential talent then they do, and I believe a better group of personel to fill that than they do

    They have been filling a majority of their team by FA, and I do think that will haunt them very soon, because that depth on that o-line...very thin...
    if one goes down, they will soon fall

    And I think Sanchez sucks, mainly cause I hate him, but he did show a spark in the playoffs, something that I could not help but puke at the sight of

    Its as simple as this, our coaching staff needs to put together better game plans for our group of players
    sometimes I felt we were out-coached most of the season, and that goes hard on henning, Pasqualoni, and Sparano

    Henning was a stubborn man this year, and consistently ran the same play to prove we could run it...Pasqualoni...I have no idea what he was doing, but sometimes he would call a nice play or two
    Sparano, was too indecisive, and at least he took many mistakes as his own...but thats the problem..MANY MISTAKES...he has to become a decisive coach and have the balls to call out something wrong that his coordinators call out

    I think Nolan will be a great addition, he is a great caller and schemer
    and scheme is something we need to work on
    because when we call a good scheme for our players we have so much potential...look at Colts (offensively) Saints (1st half) Jets (1st game, they only made it close with ****ty calls and luck)
    Pats (2nd game, partial 1st game)

    so we have lots of potential, but our coaches better start to know how to use our players, and we do need to keep filling in the back end of our roster as well as a few PLAYMAKERS... we have so so few
    NaboCane likes this.
  2. Zeke0123

    Zeke0123 message board ******* Club Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    The way things stand right NOW the Jets are better...its not by much but they are.. and depending on how the offseason goes the Dolphins might be able to pass them up. The Jets are counting on a lot of Older players to keep producing and I would only give them the benfit of the doubt for MAYBE one more season then that decline is going to start to show.
    DolfanJake and Bpk like this.
  3. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    yes right now they are a better team than Miami IMO.....their defense is much better than Miami's, if they had a IDK 15 ranked defense, they would not have made the playoffs...
    Bpk and Stitches like this.
  4. MaddMatt

    MaddMatt New Member

    Oct 25, 2009
    I kind of agree with you. As you said, it is very close, and I would not trade our talent for their talent. We have MANY more young guys who should only get better, Davis, Smith, Hartline, Langford, Merling, to name a few. They do not.

    It may well come down to Henne and Sanchez, and who does what this off season. I like our chances.
  5. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Stitches were have you been bro?!?! the Jets are a little old on defense, but they are aggressive usually in the offseason, I wouldn't put it pass them to go after Dansby, or Peppers, if they let Edwards, and Jones leave, their offense might be pretty anemic...
  6. Zeke0123

    Zeke0123 message board ******* Club Member

    Nov 22, 2007
    I 100% agree that I would not swap rosters with them..no way.. to much age and no depth.
  7. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    You would think they have to make plays for some free agents. They don't have all of their draft picks again this year.
  8. findifference

    findifference Member

    Nov 29, 2009
    The Jets right now are a better team, but that didn't stop us from sweeping them.
    DolfanJake, skippysphins and Boomer like this.
  9. DolfanCole

    DolfanCole Season Ticket Holder

    Jan 4, 2008
    Hampton, VA
    I would say a "healthy" Dolphins team is better than the Jets. Unfortunately we weren't able to stay healthy last year. If we had, I believe that we would have finished ahead of the Jets and quite possibly would have been the ones in the playoffs and not the Jets.

    I concede that their defense is better and is what kept them in games and even won some games. But, you have to consider offense, defense, and special teams. And overall, I just think we have a better team, when healthy.
    HULKFish likes this.
  10. SeanP

    SeanP Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Deltona FL
    If the Jets are a better team than us, it's measurable in centimeters, not miles.

    We beat them twice this year, and would have made it to the playoffs, I feel, if we didn't have injuries coming out the wazoo.

    The second the Jets suffered a key injury (forget who it was, but their CB?) they got swalled up by the Colts.

    Lets not forget also that they are only as effective as that Running game, and Defense make them. As soon as they fall into a point deficit and have to rely on Sanchez things go to hell.

    Now, if Sanchez does turn out to be a star QB, and gets progressively better over the next year or two, while we do not properly address our defense, I'll be afraid of the Jets.

    If the Jets Offensive line had to put up with the same injuries that our offensive line did, they would have lost MANY more games.

    I just think that if we hadn't had the injuries we did, we'd have made it to the playoffs via the WC instead of them.
    DolfanCole likes this.
  11. HULKFish

    HULKFish Artist and Scribe

    Apr 30, 2008
    Central FL
    No way am I going to admit that... Especially now that Rex Ryan is there coach!!! I used to be able to talk with respect about there team, at least a little. NOW??? No way! We will beat there asses down next year and Rexxy's big mouth will help us!

    I agree that it will come down to QB play next year...
  12. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    They should be 8-8 at best, they are not an elite team, they are a mediocre team that got lucky.

    Sanchez hasnt shown me a damn thing, Greene scares the hell out of me and yes their D is elite yet old as ****.
  13. MaddMatt

    MaddMatt New Member

    Oct 25, 2009
    I have to give the Devil his do, even though he is a fat ***, obnoxious, PITA. His team did overcome the loss of Jennings. We did not do the same with Ferg.
  14. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    Their defense is not that old, especially the core of it.

    Their starting 22 is better than ours right now. Anyone that says different is probably in denial.

    Our depth is better, but we need to add a few more impact players.

    The fact we swept them means little. We were totally outplayed and fortunate to win the 2nd game in their house.
  15. MaddMatt

    MaddMatt New Member

    Oct 25, 2009
    Jets can have another Ken O'Brien IF we can have another Dan The Man. :lol:
  16. miamiron

    miamiron There's always next year

    Jan 4, 2008
    Sorry, but there is no"Dan the Man" on this roster
  17. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Because Solali blows.

    Special Teams dont count now?
  18. SeanP

    SeanP Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Deltona FL
    I'm sorry, the first game of the season was a more true comparison of team versus team, and we won that hands down. We played them several weeks later with injuries starting to build up, and were trampled.

    Whether that was them adjusting gameplans or what I don't know. The fact of the matter is that we played them at their best and they played us at our best and we won, on Monday Night.

    We're very close to them, take that to the bank. If they sweep us this year I'll eat my words. But we are not "hands down" behind them. That's not denial, that's looking at what happened and making a judgement off of it.

    The Jets are overrated, really overrated. They're good, but they are not a final 4 team. And if I'm correct aren't they heavily deficient in the draft this year? Good luck getting youth with the final 8 rule, and a handful of picks.

    Edi: Yeah, they are: 1.29, 2.29, 5.32 (from PHI via NO), 6.29, 7.29. So they'll get 1, maybe 2 starters out of that, and then 3 project players.
  19. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    I wholeheartedly disagree. We are the tougher team. When it came down to it, in that Monday night game in Miami, we punched them in the mouth the entire length of the field at the end of the game, scored the winning TD, and there was nothing the Jets could do to stop us. That's why Ryan was so upset in the post-game press conference. He ran his mouth about how tough they were, but we were tougher... AND we didn't have to run our mouths about it.

    The only reasons the Jets have this new 'tough-guy' reputation is because of Ryan's mouth, them backing into and through the playoffs, and the fact that they never had to play another 'tough' football team at the end of their season. Every team they played either laid down for them or was a 'finesse' team... which made the Jets look tougher than they really were.

    You call it 'confidence', I call it stupidity. It's funny how when a team is winning... no matter how that winning actually comes about... that team can do no wrong. Ryan's idiotic antics during press conferences are the perfect example. When we were whipping their butts, he was considered a big-mouthed idiot... they fall backwards into the playoffs, and suddenly, now, he's 'confident'.

    I guess it's true... winning means everything.

    On this, we agree. All I have to say is, Sanchez only started what... 16 games in college? QBs with that little experience don't fare too well in the NFL. We'll see how high he can raise the level of his game.

    I don't think it was coaching. Our coaches weren't perfect... however, when you look at the big picture, IMHO, it all came down to injuries.

    If we would have stayed healthy, we would have bested the Jets and made the playoffs. I honestly do think it's that simple.

    We're not on the same level as the Saints or Colts right now... no way. However, I think we're a better team than the Jets, who I believe are overrated. We'll see next year. Until then... SWEEP!
    DolfanJake, first&goal and DolfanCole like this.
  20. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    No I don't think the Jets passed us yet. They are close but not yet. Besides they have to beat us and they haven't done that. :up:
    Larry Little likes this.
  21. AbideN703

    AbideN703 Yes, I'd hit it

    Jan 7, 2008
    Springfield, Virginia
    Whoever said the Jets were a better lock at being a better team than NE is one of those people that fly by the seat of their pants. The Jets were the flavor of the month b/c of their unexpected run into the playoffs. This is how it works everywhere. They weren't favorites last year b/c of how they played the year before and now they will be favorites b/c of last year.

    It's a friggin domino effect
  22. Xeticus

    Xeticus Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    They have a better defense and running game. Their pass defense is much better than ours. However I think we have a better QB than they do and we're only one good draft away from equaling our bettering them when it comes to talent.

    This part is important. We do much better with less talent than they do. They have more talent but we get more out of what talent we have. A free safety, a wr, and a couple of LB's and we're ready to fight for the division title for the next few years. It all depends on this offseason.
  23. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Yeah, they passed us. At least I'm proud of how honest we are on this board.

    And we WILL beat them in the long run.
    Tin Indian likes this.
  24. sergiomiguel2

    sergiomiguel2 New Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    Wow well thats a lot of good feedback
    I think we can never nail this subject on the head, and honestly, I like being the underdog again, whenever we are put in the spotlight we fade out...fast...we need to change that (Culpepper year, superbowl favs by SI, last year we were doubted, but still talked about, and countless other times)

    I do think we are centimeters behind them, and I know our injuries were a big part of it, hell they had an injury free year like we did the year before

    but I still think coaching was a big factor, Sparano made plenty of mistakes this year...look at our 2 minute offense!!!
    adjustments made at half time (oh wait, what adjustments?? only the last 4 games did we actually improve after the half, but our pre-game plan was terrible, hence the terrible deficits we faced)
    This is why Pasqualoni was fired, he couldnt make that adjustment, hes a good coach, but not a coordinator
    Henning too will be gone soon if he continues from last year...I know probably a lot of people will not agree on this, but he was a stubborn play caller, and many of our wasted time outs were due to him calling a play without the personnel, and that may be a player thing, but did that happens the year before? Pennington had to change the play often because of the personnel they had on the field...that is a HUGE problem, we can't be wasting TO's like we did this year

    And I do think Sparano is the man for the job, but this year is his tell year...if he succeeds this year we know what we have

    and in the end f*** the Jets, they are the most obnoxious annoying players and fans! and ur right Rex Ryan is an idiot, they didnt deserve to make it to the playoffs, and its funny how they got so close, and now that cost them about 12 spots in the draft...they cant fill everything in FA...although the uncapped year scares me about that...that will change the game forever, and I kind of don't like that...
  25. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    we beat them twice last year. we could have been the ones in post season chasing the SuperBowl as were the jets had our luck been a little different. we will fill the very few holes remaining in the draft & free agency, then go on to win our division & procede to the SuperBowl next season.
  26. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    Sure they do. But unless you can show me where Miami's special teams were consistently and significantly better than the Jets last year, then the special teams performances (for both sides) in that game were more of an anomaly than a commonplace.
  27. EmDiggy

    EmDiggy New Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    Not necessarily... I think you guys are about the same..
  28. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    2-4 in the division. They haven't passed anybody. They were extremely lucky to even finish second and to be in the postseason at all. The Bills terrible division record is constantly used to show how far behind the curve they are but the Jets get a free pass for sucking in the AFC East because they won two extra games against teams that didn't care about the result.
  29. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    By this time next year we will all be talking about how much a fluke the Jets were.
  30. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    I'm not in denial. The starting 22 are not better than Miami's. They have one better Cb, one better S, one better NT, did have one better Wr, and for sure they have a better ILB but I'll take our Qb, our Rb's, our LT, our DL as a whole, and we have the Jet killer, Tedd Ginn, who may not do didly squat against any other team but.......

    They are a better Defense for sure but Miami's offense has found a way to beat them 2 times and ST's once in the last 3
  31. Xeticus

    Xeticus Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Honestly if we had a little better play from the FS and ILB position we'd have earned our way into the playoffs. We had some great games against top teams but our pass defense failed us badly. Fix our pass defense and we are a playoff team.
  32. PS17

    PS17 NYJ 2010!!!

    Jun 20, 2009
    OK. Really?

    Sanchez, Greene, Ferguson, Mangold, Keller, Revis, Harris to name a few.
  33. GISH


    Nov 23, 2007
    Over Yonder
    The jets haven't passed us until they beat us. That simple.
    Sceeto likes this.
  34. PSG

    PSG Clear Eyes. Full Hearts.

    Nov 24, 2007
    North of the Border
    An arguement can be made for either team being better.
    But the best part of this?
    The New England Patriots are staring 3rd place in the AFC right in the face.
  35. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    The problem with that argument, as it stands right now, is that those positions you've mentioned are places where even if Miami is better, it's not a significant gap. Long may be better than Ferguson, but Ferguson is pretty good. Our RB's may be better, but their RB's are good also. Our defensive line may be better, but they also have Jenkins and Ellis on their D-line which make them pretty solid.

    On the other hand, their ILB's are significantly better right now. Their OLB's are more solid all-around. Revis, right now, is the best CB in the NFL, and while Davis and Smith have great futures, they're not there yet. Their offensive line as a whole is more cohesive and solid.

    They have a better 22 because they have more impact players right now, and more guys who are further along as players. I'm not even sure how that's debatable.

    Having said that, it doesn't mean the gap is so significant that it can't be made up fairly quickly with a free agent or two, good draft and continued maturation of guys like Smith, Davis, Langford, Hartline, Henne, etc.
  36. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    The Saints and the Bucs split their season series, so using that logic I suppose they're on equal footing.
  37. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    They were 2-4 in the division. That means in the AFC East they are BEHIND the curve. It's extremely simple logic yet people look right past it b/c of that fluke playoff berth that should have never been. They had a little run in the playoffs, good for them. In reality how often do teams who are bad in their division get a playoff berth? How you can say a team has passed two others when that team's record against them is 1-3 is beyond me. It defies all logic and reason. They have talent but they never did what it took to become a force in the division.

    There is really no reason at this point to say Sanchez is an upgrade over Henne. Absolutely no proof, or even a good argument for that. We have good offensive linemen too. The only player on that list that I really covet is Revis. Maybe Keller but that's only because Miami's TEs are nothing special. Green would be good to have but Ronnie is still better. Good RBs are usually not extremely difficult to find anyway. Once again, the Jets have talent but have proven to be a losing team within the AFC east. They have passed nobody at this point.
    LandShark13 likes this.
  38. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    That is irrelevant. The Saints weren't 2-4 in the NFC South. They lost a game to the Bucs they didn't even need to win. The Jets needed every game they lost against the Dolphins, Pats, and Bills.
  39. PhinsRDbest

    PhinsRDbest Transform and Transcend

    Jan 5, 2010
    the next dimension
    ESPN thinks so, so it must be true :rolleyes:
  40. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    You're making far too much out of the division record. If the Jets had won the game they dominated against us we both would have had 3-3 records, and then we're 6-10, they're 10-6. Then you'd have to go the next criteria, which is outside the division, where they were much better than we were. Those games count too, and you can't write them off just because it's convenient for your argument.

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