Why blame Cam?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by BuckeyeKing, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    This coaching staff had a great draft.

    What are you blaming him for?

    If I remember correctly we lost KEY players to season ending injurys.

    Now you want to fire Cam because this team got annhilated due to injurys?
  2. WaywardZest

    WaywardZest New Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    He is the coach. We weren't winning with those players.
  3. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    To early to tell.

    The defense was the let down for the first half. IF no one gets injured we have atleast 3 wins. Thats just fact.
  4. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    The coaching staff had a great draft?

    How about Mueller the GM?

    The coaching staff is responsible for the X's and O's.
    It's been talked about greatly in other threads so I'm not going to list all the reasons here but there is significant material to at least develop an argument to consider the coaching staff accountable to a good amount of the blame.
  5. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    We lost when we had everyone playing as I recall.
    That's not fact at all.
  6. mmikel30

    mmikel30 New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    in a house
    I Don't Think The Draft Was All That Great ...#1 Ginn...top 10 Pick 2-3 Td's And That Includes Off. And Special Teams Right Now.....c+ ...#2. Beck...shown Nothing Promising Yet Benched For A Sour Lemon ...d+ ....#2 Satale...solid Pick A ...#3 Booker... Could Have Used His Hands Earlier C- #4 Solai ...don't See It With This Pick D+ #5 Regan Maui...a Mistake Can't Catch Slow Average Blocker Wasn't Even Supposed To Get Drafted He Plays Cause We Have No One Else. #6 Mormino...injured #6 Fields ...we Had A Better Punter ....stupidty #7 Abe Wright.....hasn't Seen The Field Now Was This A Great Draft ...well You Can't Call It A Great Draft Yet That's All I Know The Jury Is Still Out Depends On Ginn And The Rest The Maui Pick Was Dumb
  7. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    Not fact, but it is a little i guess shortsighted to not take the amount of injuries we have had this year into account. I do agree though coaching staff must also take some responsibility *cough* dcoordinator *cough*........
  8. abNORMal

    abNORMal New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio
    No offense Buckeye King, I am an Ohioan as well, but just because we drafted a Buckeye does not mean we had a great draft. We cannot even properly evaluate the draft for a couple more seasons....
  9. Pariah

    Pariah Revolutionary

    Nov 27, 2007
    Little Rhody
    Cause he stinks
  10. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    What... the first game? That's the only game we started with everyone healthy... :001_rolleyes: Sure didn't end that way, though...

    Therefore, we have not played even a single game with everyone playing.

    So, it is, in fact, fact. :lol:
  11. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    Yes because I said we had a great draft because of Ginn:001_rolleyes:

    We had a sold draft compared to previous drafts.
  12. abNORMal

    abNORMal New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio

    Dude, compared to previous drafts there was nowhere to go but up...
  13. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    because he was supposed to be some idiot savant offensive genius, but as it turns out he's just an idiot.
  14. Mr.Majestik

    Mr.Majestik New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Cameron isn't the GM

    Cameron is not responsible for the drafts. Randy Mueller is the GM. If any credit is due, the credit goes to Mueller. The difference between the two of them is this--Cameron has been a head coach before, and was really bad; Mueller has been a GM before, and he was named executive of the year, which is the front office equivalent of league MVP. But even then, there is no judging this draft for a couple of years. It's typical of lousy teams to say they don't have a lot of talent, when they may have a lot of talent, and it just isn't experienced enough to make a difference. We may find we have more talent than we know, and it just hasn't been utilized properly, or developed correctly.
  15. fins4o8

    fins4o8 Mac FTW!

    Nov 25, 2007
  16. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    I love the Dolphins and have been a devoted fan since I was a little boy back in '72. But the one thing I can't stand about the fans of the Dolphins is they are spoiled rotten!!! The Dolphins have always been one of the premier franchises in the NFL since 1971 when Don Shula took them to the first Super Bowl appearance. Since Shula's retirement, it's been the whining of the fans and the idiotic decisions of the ownership that has the Dolphins in the predictament they are in now. First idiotic move...hiring Jimmy Johnson. granted, he brought a defense to Miami, the likes that had not been seen since the infamous No Name Defense, but other than that, the franschise started it's downward spiral. Always looking for a "quick fix"...trying to find an immediate replacement for Marino...trading for Ricky Williams...Culpepper...Wannstedt and on and on.

    The Dolphins are practically an expansion team right now. Rebuilding from absolute scratch. Now, you can either suck it up and have faith that things will get better, or continue your whining and pressure the ownership in making yet another stupid decision which will prolong the Dolphins stay in the bowels of NFL hell.
  17. kadiddlehopper

    kadiddlehopper Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Because he's in charge.
    Question is does he want to continue losing and getting the first pick in the draft for the next 4 or 5 years, or does he really plan on coaching and winning after the 2008 draft?
  18. Waldop

    Waldop New Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Miramar, FL

    You think injuries is the main reason we stink???? There are plenty of teams who have injuries and can at least win "1" game!! Give me a break!!
  19. AggieFin21

    AggieFin21 New Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    Well atleast you realize that Cam was a stupid decision. :thumbup:
  20. AggieFin21

    AggieFin21 New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Yes!!!! :yes:

    BALLS DEEP New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    Um because he's the coach and should have gotten the team to win at least one game by now. He's the head guy. Bad things are going to happen look at the last time the Pats went to the SuperBowl, they had tons of injuries and players on IR. But with the right leadership they still did awesome.

    Now look at our leadership, Cam has all kinds of injuries so he get's a pass on winning ANY games? That's ludicrous.
  22. DeDolfan

    DeDolfan Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Rehoboth Beach
    How is it a fact? Like the man said, we were not winning with a full intact squad anyway.
  23. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    We should indeed blame Cameron. Not for us having a losing team---that was almost inevitable, although a really really good GM might have been able to cobble together a team that could have gone at least 500. But for being winless...that's all on Cam. Other coaches have had injuries---the Texans have 17 guys on IR---and still won a couple games here and there.
    We need a coach that makes our players play above their heads. We DON'T need a coach that produces a team of underachievers. We've HAD those sorts of coaches. If Cameron can't squeeze a win out of our current low-talent roster, how well is he going to do when we get more talent?
    I want a coach that gets the most possible from his players and Cameron ain't it.
  24. ac_lanham

    ac_lanham Junior Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Wasn't he the one who told Wayne H. that this sorry team was a playoff contender? That's why we blame Cam. Offensive genius my @$$, he isn't a genius, but his decision making, playcalling, and this team is just offensive.
  25. dolfaniss

    dolfaniss Junior Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    This is really a tough, tough debate on whether or not Cameron should be fired or blamed for this horrible season. I do believe with Trent Green, Ronnie Brown and Chris Chambers playing offense for us we would have won a couple of games. But how good is that, still not very. Now I'm not sure if there are many if any coaches that could help lead the current roster to victory. Our starters are not very good at all. The fact that Lemon couldn't unseat Harrington last season should speak volumes to us about his ability. Beck just isn't ready to lead an offense with a couple of talented rookies and not much else. Our offensive line is struggling in pass protection because we are no virtually no threat to run the ball. The defense has it's share of holes and the unit we fielded against the Bills was filled with backups. They were often put in a bad position due to bad offense or special teams play and are not near good enough to overcome that. The point is there are many reasons we are 0-13, and probably going 0-16, other than the head coach.

    With all of that being said, Cameron has no proven track record as the man to rebuild this franchise in his mold and get them back on track. Also, and maybe through no fault of his own, he has shown us nothing that instills confidence in his ability to turn this thing around. Maybe Cameron deserves a chance as we all no the lack of stability in this franchise is probably what is killing it the most. Look at all of the things the Colts and Patriots can do and it not only because they have lots of talented players but because they have a bunch of players who have been playing in the same system for many years. We haven't had that since 1999. The problem here is the Dolphins are so bad I'm not sure I want to give an unproven coach a chance even if he derserves it especailly if someone like Bill Cowher, Bill Parcellls (playing Belechick twice a year and would love to knock him off) and even Shottenheimer (could get us to the doorstep at least) possibly being available. We have had nothing but quitters and incompetant coaches, outside of Cameron who maybe hasn't been given a long enough chance, since Shula retired. I don't think I would pass up a Hall Of Fame coach if any of them were interested. Wayne has a tough decision come January.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2007
  26. Shifty187

    Shifty187 New Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Great draft?

    We drafted a return man (thats a #3 WR at best) at #9 overall!

    The worst part is that he isnt even one of the top return men in the league!

    Devin Hester - 2nd round
    Josh Cribbs - undrafted
    Leon Washington - 4th round
  27. pocoloco

    pocoloco I'm your huckleberry Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    North Chicagoland
    Only in the rarest of circumstances does a coach deserve to be let go after one season. Those are being caught in a comprimising situation with a farm animal, and enduring a winless season. I think Cam gets this, and is full on desperation mode right now.

    That said, if we go winless (and more importantly, not show any progress in the homestretch), than Wayne owes it to the fans and his pocketbook to try something else. Going winless is a monumental effort, absolutely historic.

    Of course, if we beat the Pats, give him an extension. All would be forgiven this season.
  28. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    True... But we have never, this year, had a full intact squad. Bell injured in game 1. :sad:
  29. Marino1384

    Marino1384 Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    How is he a #3 receiver at best? Have you watched any of the games at all? Hes shown that he gets seperation, has run good routes and has good hands. What more do you want from the guy? Hes a rookie and has played with 3 different qbs. If we don't find a qb then yes according to you he will be a third receiver at best but so is ever other receiver in the league if they were on this team.
  30. Zod

    Zod Ruler of the Universe

    Nov 25, 2007
    I have to ask you a question. We have a guy (Lance Schulters) who has bounced off and on our roster all year. At the present time he looks as he is one of the best players in our secondary. We have another guy (Samkon Gado) who has bounced on and off our roster all year. We have another guy (Jesse Chatman) who ate his way out of this league. Did Cleveland not just bench Seth Mckinney?

    (I have to go to work like right now so let me cut this short.)

    I don't have time to look up the guys who are on the team that WERE on our practice squad. The question I have is -

    How good could our roster be when nobody else seems to want our starters? You are basing your assessment upon this group of losers are NFL talent. I think at least 7 wouldn't be in the league if it were not for the Dolphins. I think the majority of our starters could not find another starting role elsewhere.

    So when you are assessing "bad" you have to denote "how bad". I think we are "really, really bad" in the talent department. I really do. And if they are not bad, they are inexperienced. One can't even luck their way to a win if it's bad enough.
  31. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY

    Sorry, but you're forgetting the fact that we didn't lose all those players in the offseason. Ronnie Brown was running very well before he went down...yet we still didn't win a game. Our safeties were playing poorly when the starters were in. The whole defense played even worse when the starters were in.
    And the fact is, this is the defense that Cameron, Capers and Mueller put together. They had cap space, they blew it on Porter then misused him. They let Kevin Carter go and took forever to play Jason Allen. They spent their first round pick on special teams rather than defense.
    This is the team they built and before the injuries started piling up, they still didn't win a single game.
  32. #1dolphinsfan

    #1dolphinsfan New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    i with u i think he should get at least one more year
  33. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Actually, no I don't think that Cameron was a stupid decision. If there was a stupid decision, it was the selection of Randy Mueller as GM. I mean, he was the former GM of who? The New Orleans Saints??? THE SAINTS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!!! The last time the Saint's did anything was when?

    So we go from Shula and our GM back then (sorry, can't recall who it was) to Jimmy Johnson (an no GM)...to Dave Wannstedt (and no GM)...to Nick Saban (and no GM) to Cam Cameron and Randy Mueller as GM. If Huizenga was serious about rebuilding this team to it's former greatness, he would have opened up his checkbook and tried to get Bill Polian, who brought Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas and Andre Reed to Buffalo....Peyton Manning, Edggerin James and Marvin Harrison to Indianapolis. But instead, we get Randy Mueller, who brought Aaron Brooks and...some guy as running back...and some other guy as running back...and some other guy as wide receiver. It wasn't until his departure that Brees and Joe Horn arrived in New Orleans and McAllister and Bush were brought to New Orleans.

    But go ahead and continue to blame Cameron. To paraphrase Bill Parcells, whom many are tooting his horn....blame Cameron for the team he has to work with when he didn't buy the groceries.

    No matter how hard you try, you can't make a T-bone steak out of ground beef.
  34. New Era

    New Era Waterboy

    Nov 28, 2007
    If you go 0-13... you should be fired as a head coach. There is a lot of reasons why Miami has not won a game yet. He has his hands in a lot of those games...play calling, time outs, not playing Ronnie enough in the first two weeks, etc... should I go on?

    Simply put...0 -13 = Fired!!!

    Even with the injuries, losing players, trading players,etc... he should have found a way to win one game.

    Let's not forget...

    Trent Green * Bad Play Calling * Bad Roster Moves For Gameday * Bad Gameplans * No emotion during the games....

    :wave:Cya Cam:wave:

    Let the boys in blue have him and let him have a great life coaching in the NCAA. But do not let him back in the stadium on gameday.:lol::hump:
  35. finfan1966

    finfan1966 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Its fans like this that scare me. I guess going 0-16 isn't enough proof for some people that we need a new coach. And to be honest I think this years draft was not that great. Ginn is far from being worth the 9th over all pick. Beck is the worst out of the rookie class of QB's that I have seen play this year. Booker just played in his first game last Sunday. If I have to see another year of Mueller and Cameron - this team is never going to get any better!
  36. Zod

    Zod Ruler of the Universe

    Nov 25, 2007
    You are missing the point. I'm not debating where you stand nor am I debating where I stand on the coaching issue. We are loud enough about that on our own. I don't care to get in that pissin' match. The question was about talent and not even being able to luck your way to a win.....

    ......and just to be forthright about my intentions I quoted the above as a precursor. I am forever the optimist but even I didn't think the team was competitive in the offseason. I didn't know it was this bad but the roster has to really suck for me to only see (at most) 5 wins in the season. I gave them the 5 wins due to Trent Green. That is the most I saw in this roster in the offseason.

    I'm asking for some honesty here. How many wins did you see in the preseason? And do you see how this team couldn't even luck their way to a win without Trent Green? Cause it was after the switch to John Beck that I was convinced that if he wasn't the next coming of Marino - we were doomed.
  37. Jets81

    Jets81 Junior Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Even in an injury riddled season, a coach should still be able to get a few wins out of his team. It takes a bad coach to have a 1-2 win season. It takes a Cam Cameron to go defeated.
  38. Zod

    Zod Ruler of the Universe

    Nov 25, 2007
    I like how you limited that to a "2" win season. Might I ask what kind of a coach it takes to have a "3" win season. :wave:
  39. abNORMal

    abNORMal New Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio
    Please correct me if I am wrong!!!!

    If I remember corectly, some of our board memebers were saying that Cam ran a soft training camp...can some of our injuries be attributed to that? If the answer is yes then even the injuries are partly Cam's fault. I know injuries happen, but if training camp does not prepare you for the season...well I am sure you guys can follow the line of thinking....
  40. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY


    We couldn't win with him either. Against some bad teams.

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