Kobe jumping over an Aston Martin!

Discussion in 'Other Sports Forum' started by vmarcilfan75, Apr 11, 2008.

  1. vmarcilfan75

    vmarcilfan75 blah...blah...blah... Club Member

    Dec 13, 2007
    City Of Angels

    Looks so damn real :eek:
  2. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    I know how they did it...does anyone else?
  3. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    That can't be real.
  4. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    He was behind the car?
  5. vmarcilfan75

    vmarcilfan75 blah...blah...blah... Club Member

    Dec 13, 2007
    City Of Angels
    no i think the car was next to him when it drove by
  6. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Close. In front fo the car more than likely. He is closer to the camera so when he jumps it looks as if he is jumping right over the car. Funny to see Rony in the vid as well.
  7. High Definition

    High Definition No Smoke / No Drink 2011+

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Beach
    If you're standing behind Kobe, the car is on the right of him. I caught that on the first view last night. The amazing thing is, he actually got twice as high up there. If it was real, he probably pulls that one off. But I highly doubt he's even ALLOWED to attempt something so ridiculous in March (he said the date in the video) right before the playoffs. Nike, David Stern, Phil Jackson, and a few others would be at his door step by morning.
  8. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Yeah, its a viral video for his new shoe. Pretty creative. Would have been better if he wasn't yelling into the camera like that though.

    And no, he would not have been able to jump over that had it been legit. He probably would have hit the back end of that. He is closer to the camera so he doesn't have to jump as high to make it look believable. Its a good camera trick though.
  9. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    Its fake. Just a marketing ploy.
  10. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Thank you for heling us with that...:lol:

  11. Regan21286

    Regan21286 MCAT's, EMT's, AMCAS, ugh

    Dec 3, 2007
    UCLA, CA
    Nice camera trick. Better than the LeBron one anyways, which Kevin Love does for real. Interesting to see Ronny in it though I guess the two are becoming pretty good friends (not hard to imagine). I don't doubt Kobe could actually do it but he's contractually obligated not to by the league and his own team. I mean, Vlad Radmanovic was fined by the team for snowboarding, imagine what jumping over cars would do.

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