Dolphins Game Changing Offseason Moves: A new anchor at nose

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by dolfan7171, Jun 25, 2010.

  1. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
  2. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    if he plays like he did last year. i agree. its game changing also in the fact that alot of our success hinges on how well he plays.....its a big thing to watch all season
    Thunderbolt89 and dolfan7171 like this.
  3. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    It's a very significant move but whether it's a game changer will depend on whether Phil Merling or Jared Odrick is better at DE than Paul Soliai would have been at NT.

    A good DL is a good DL. I expect Randy Starks to play NT as well as he played DE/DT. But it's not an addition to the squad. It's just a move. To believe that it's a game changing move, you have to be convinced that the NT spot is just that much more important. I'm not sure I do.
    jetssuck and dolfan7171 like this.
  4. Onehondo

    Onehondo Senior Member Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Chesapeake, Virginia
    Its a matter of opinion and discussion whether NT is that important. Jason Ferguson was an adequate NT and Paul Solaii has mostly been less than adequate. The big difference would be if Starks could be an improved version of the starting NT. If Starks plays as well as Ferguson we are fortunate, if he doesn't, we still have a glaring need there.
    On the other hand if Starks is an improvement and can apply pressure up the middle along with plugging the gap, he can be considered an outstanding offseason move.
    A NT who can not only eat up space in the middle, but pressure the QB would help the DE's improve their game and would greatly help create openings for blitzing LBs. I guess there are only three possible outcomes and thats a positive move, a failed experiment or an outstanding offseason move depending on the results but thats JMO.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  5. Trowa

    Trowa A world of pain

    May 8, 2008
    Well, technicall it IS a game changing move since it does change our game. It helped us out significantly in the draft as the article points out. It all will come down to whether Starks can play the position well or not.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  6. steeda

    steeda Active Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    What will happen to Starks once Ferguson comes back from his suspension?
  7. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I am not sure personally if it is a game changing move just yet. I think he is capable of handling the job well until Ferguson gets back into the lineup. It will be interesting to see how everyone else will play if he plays well. If he does play well then will be in good shape come midseason when Ferguson comes back. Then we will be even more dangerous to deal with.
    Thunderbolt89 likes this.
  8. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I think he will back up Ferguson and rotate with him to get him fresh and active. It will bring more depth to the position which is always good in the 2nd half of the season:up:
  9. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I think that the Baltimore game in 2008 is a good example of why it's not such a game-changing move.

    I thought Starks was pretty outstanding in that game (and if you don't believe me see [ame=]this video I created of Starks at NT[/ame]). But the Ravens still ran all over us even with him having a good game, and Baltimore pounded out a solid fourth quarter victory. It was like a war of attrition and we finally broke. The NT could only do so much, he needed the ILBs and other DEs to step up and none of them did.
  10. RickyBobby

    RickyBobby VIP DIY

    Sep 22, 2009
    Palm beach
    This video make me like the move even more. He only had a handful of plays I wouldnt consider good. we r going to have nearlyy 1000lbs from our front 3, I cant wait to see this defense getr on the field
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  11. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    I think it could be a game changing move, but not in the way we're thinking here.

    Starks has been our best defensive lineman. Not only was he the best against the run, but he's the only guy who's consistently been able to generate middle pressure on third down.

    You move that guy to NT, where he's going to get beaten on by two offensive lineman, and you're now forced to rest him on a lot more third downs.

    Somebody else has to fill that vacancy. If not, you watch despondently as Mark Sanchez punches in the winning touchdown in last year's rematch at the Meadowlands.
    jetssuck and dolfan7171 like this.
  12. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    My goodness a 1,000 lbs....that's crazy. No one is going to want to run against us this year.
  13. Thunderbolt89

    Thunderbolt89 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2009
    I'm also hoping he can fill the need until we get Ferguson back. Starks had a great year last year and we can only hope he translates that to NT. We have to hope our rookies like Odrick and Misi along with guys like Wake can step up and help Starks with that transition. From that video of Starks posted at NT from that Baltimore game,all that shows is yeah he is going to need a strong supporting cast to make sure he is a success at NT.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  14. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    They could have gone Hughes/Cody instead of Odrick/Misi in the draft and kept Starks at DE. However, I like the move slightly, because I hear that it's a difficult position to transition to straight out of college. It's the biggest gamble of the offseason, but I think Starks makes it less of one.

    Me personally, I would have taken Brandon Graham with the 12th pick. Move Starks if you want to, but Cam Thomas was still available in the 5th round.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  15. Makados10

    Makados10 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2010
    Well, our LB coverage ability went up considerably. Hopefully, that'll buy time for a pass rush.
    Pandarilla and dolfan7171 like this.
  16. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    No one has mentioned the sack production from Starks
    No way you see seven sacks from Starks at the nose
    It can still be a game changing move buy it won't be in the sack department.
    Someone else will have to step up.
    LandShark13 and dolfan7171 like this.
  17. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I think the DE's will step up and make the job for Starks that much easier. Then the LB's can do their job even better.
  18. Wildcat23

    Wildcat23 Here kitty kitty

    Nov 9, 2009
    You neglect the addition of odrick and misi(plus dansby is a good blitzing ILB). They should generate more pressure. Plus if im not mistaken, Solia's strength was just bull rushing in(not so much run support, he seriously could push linemen back 5 yards easy pretty much when ever he felt like it), so im pretty sure he will suffice with pressure on 3rd downs. And with ferg back in week 8, im sure they will keep Starks fresh.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  19. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    IMO Muck was right with his analysis except he failed to mention the sack production from Starks which will taper off. Starks is going to earn his money in there. Merling has to step up this year and prove himself. That guy gives me a migraine. He should dominate but he doesn't. Odrick is a vertical player who uses his hands well getting off blocks but it's the NFL now and he won't be getting around OL. Love his straight push but you have to have more. He struggles as rookie IMO. The FO is doing it right. Cook up something new when it don't work. Meaning '09.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  20. Wildcat23

    Wildcat23 Here kitty kitty

    Nov 9, 2009

    Not worried about it at all. Infact, I like our Dline heading into this year than I did last year.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  21. Striking

    Striking Junior Member

    Apr 21, 2008
    Aurora, Colorado
    If Starks can hold up like that he's going to be in the ProBowl and Dansby is going to have a monster year. As was said that video shows just how bad the Dolphins ILBs are/were.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  22. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area

    seems to me:
    I was the first to suggest we go w/ Randy @ NT & draft a DE.
    took a lot of heat over that thread, but now it appears to be not as absurd
    when others (the pundits & reluctant ones) say it, it suddenly is a winning idea.
    look for Starks to do well & Solai to step up big time this season.
    my only concern remains @ FS.
    look for Jason Allen to get a shot @ the start, as they bring along Clemons
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  23. mbmonk

    mbmonk I have no clue

    Aug 4, 2008
    I think this FO and coaching staff are just flexible. They didn't panic on NT during the draft and they haven't panicked over FS. They will work with what they have until they feel like they can properly address the situation.

    Starks moving was key in us being able to go into the draft and have flexibility, but Mike Nolan, Dansby, and Marshall are all more important in my opinion.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  24. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I like randy's instincts in space, Iam not convinced him at the nose utilizes those strengths and instincts..we'll see, I think he's a great player, and I know he's strong, but having a real stout run defense usually is occupied by a large man.

    My hope is that he plays similar to Jay ratcliff, whom I think is the best in the game..

    Watching that video makes me ill watching crowder...I think were gonna need the power game of Dobbins, because Crowder has 0.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  25. xphinfanx

    xphinfanx Stay strong my friends.

    Nov 1, 2009
    Hopefully Randy will stay healthy and hold down the spot.
    dolfan7171 likes this.

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