I'm just thinking what if...

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by dolfan7171, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I am watching the story of the 1996 Packers on NFL Network when a thought came to mind. What if the 2010 Dolphins was like the Packers in '96? I am comparing Ronnie Brown with Desmond Howard. I know they played different positions and all but I am getting somewhere here. I noticed something about these players that they both had in common: both of them have issues with durability. Both are great talents but couldn't stay healthy for the life of them. But in the '96 season Desmond Howard was one of the main keys for the 13-3 season and the Super Bowl win. The point I am making is, what if Ronnie Brown could be that kind of player for us? I mean we win most of our games and win the Super Bowl. Do you think its possible? What if this was really our year to win it all?

    What say you?
    TiP54, SeanP, frozenfin and 1 other person like this.
  2. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    I don't think Ronnie would play that well in cold weather. :shifty:

    I believe our Oline will be stampeding & punishing teams en route to the promise land, and whomever is running behind it is going to look MIGHTY damn good!.... IMO his value will come from what he does during wildcat snaps.

    If he and the line stay healthy, I wouldn't be shocked to see him top 3 in rushing come season's end.
    dolfan7171, frozenfin and ssmiami like this.
  3. Phinatic425

    Phinatic425 MIA State of Mind

    Feb 19, 2010
    Upper Left Corner
    Our offense was good enough to win games behind a healthy Ronnie. And now with a true #1 reciever our offense is even more dangerous. If Ronnie stays healthy we will have a deadly offense that is Superbowl worthy. But I believe that no matter how good Ronnie and the Phins offense plays, it all depends on how well the defense does.
  4. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    The teams identities are way different. Favre was pretty much a known entity at that point, Henne is still very much a question mark (although I believe he will get it done). Edgar Bennett and Dorsey Levens could probably be compared to Ricky and Ronnie in terms of how they split carries that year, but I wouldn't compare Ronnie to Desmond Howard on any level.

    Howard was a Heisman winning collegiate player who is only one of four people to win the Heisman AND the Super Bowl MVP. He was also somewhat of a journeyman when he joined the Packers in 1996. The closest we have to someone like that who plays a similar position is probaby Patrick Cobbs, who much like Howard, is on his third NFL team and can return kicks/punts (albeit at a much lower level than Howard).

    We DO have a white Tight End though (Chmura/Fasano) although I am pretty sure ours isn't banging the underage baby sitter. And both offensive lines should be pretty good in both the pass and run. :lol:

    And defensively their safety play was proven and good coming into the season.

    The most similar things about the two teams may be the fat head coaches with mustaches (Holmgren and Sparano). But I wouldn't mind if the end results to both seasons were identical as well. :shifty:
    dolfan7171 and frozenfin like this.
  5. AbideN703

    AbideN703 Yes, I'd hit it

    Jan 7, 2008
    Springfield, Virginia
    All I know is I'd be set for life if the Phins went 13-3 and won it all
  6. gunn34

    gunn34 I miss Don & Dan

    Jan 5, 2008
    Oviedo FL
    We should have a good team. The "D" scares me a little. We still need another really good LB.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  7. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    i think we have enough to steal a SuperBowl. I dont think we'll be the best team in the league but if we're injury free we could be in the top eight and then its just a matter of getting hot at the right time.
    dolfan7171, ToddsPhins and frozenfin like this.
  8. Conuficus

    Conuficus Premium Member Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well away from here
    I think people will be surprised by how well we do this season.

    The better question is which teams can match both our talent and depth along both the offensive and defensive lines? Seriously? We have to be the deepest team at either group in the NFL.
    dolfan7171, ToddsPhins and frozenfin like this.
  9. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009
    The fact of the matter is, we are not winning the Superbowl unless Henne becomes an elite QB.
    Our D is too green to carry us, and the running game doesn't win.

    With that said I can still see a nice run into the playoffs.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  10. frozenfin

    frozenfin Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    What I get out of dolfan7171's comparison is, you never know when a player is going to explode with a mega breakout superstar year. Howard went from draft bust journeyman to Super Bowl MVP. When someone has pure physical talent like Howard or like Ronnie Brown, they have the potential to shatter expectations. We are all hoping Brown's best year has yet to be seen. Hell as much as most of us were vicious haters of the Ginn family, myself included, he was our hero in the Jets games... you never know when someone is going to fulfill potential (even for a short time).

    The 96 Packers were built on a lot of veterans on both offense and defense (Reggie White, Sean Jones, Eugene Robinson, Keith Jackson, Don Beebe, Andre Rison), some home-grown players hitting their prime (Leroy Butler, Doug Evans, Edgar Bennett, Mark Chmura), and rookies making a big splash and stepping up (Dorsey Levans, Antonio Freeman). Like many championship teams, a lot of the right things had to come together at once with a little magic in the air.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  11. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    Thanks for posting. I was actually making comparisons to the fact that both them had problems staying healthy. I wouldn't compare them any other though. Good point.
  12. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    That's good man. Thanks for sharing you thoughts.
  13. SuperMarksBros.

    SuperMarksBros. Active Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Desmond Howard didnt have durability issues. Missed 3 games once in his career, 2 games once, and played in all 16 games throughout most of his career. We should be so lucky with Brown.

    He was drafted as a WR, and was largely a bust at that position, was allowed to enter the expansion draft in 1995(Jacksonville). IMO, he compares to Ted Ginn...nice returner, poor WR, both gone from their original teams after 3 years.
  14. AbideN703

    AbideN703 Yes, I'd hit it

    Jan 7, 2008
    Springfield, Virginia
    True. In simple terms, you won't know it happens until it happens.

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