For you JT Haters..

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by TOMMYGUNS, Dec 13, 2007.


    TOMMYGUNS New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    How would you feel if youre the def player of the year, and the next year Capers changes up your role. Did anyone answer that question? Why the change? Not many differences in personnel from last year, why did our unit suck so bad even before injuries? JT WAS THE DEF POTY LAST YEAR! Did everyone forget about this fact? Does everyone here suddenly think he's washed up after one offseason?!?!
    He is very opionated about his team, not just himself.
    I have loyalty to this team, and the two players that have done so much for this team, that are the face of this defense or even the whole team. JT and ZT are the main men on this team, and who does not like watching them play? If a DE is so needed with a draft pick in JT's absence, then find a DE in the back of the draft. Did anyone forget that ZT was a fifth rounder? Let the man stay here and finish out. He has a motor and plays for his team. JT is proven, trade him for a 1st or 2nd and who knows, you may get a nice Jason Allen, or Beck. Yay...I havent exactly stayed true to this team all year, because losing as a team is painful. The team is screwing things up, interceptions, dropped passes, Worrell...So it's not like JT is the reason. I hate losing and I air it out. You have a lot of players out there that lose a game and take the ,"We'll go out and try to win next week." Why? Because they get millions of dollars. JT gets paid, but goes farther, he actually hates to lose, that's what I like about him. The man is passionate. Trade him if you like, but if goes somewhere, New England?, I guarentee, there will be many here who say, "Why did we trade him?"
    JT has earned his status here, Haters and Traitors, shove it up your Jets.
  2. WaywardZest

    WaywardZest New Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    I laugh when people say they lost respect for Jason Taylor and they respect our winless coach. They blame his penalties this season, discounting the fact that he is being misused and is too old to do everything for us.
  3. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    It's a business.

    I respect Jason Taylor, but I no longer want him on my team because of his comments about our head coach and what not. If we could get a third round pick out of JT, I'd be willing to part. The fact is, Jason Taylor is being a cancer to the locker room and if he doesn't want to work with Cameron, then he can get the boot.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    Yes he was miss used, but he still has played bellow par. He needs to shut his mouth and play harder.

    I love JT, one of my all time favorite Fins, but I do lose respect for whiners, and he has been doing a lot the past two years.
  5. joker2thief

    joker2thief New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Along the Watchtower
    It is laughable that instead of using facts like his supporting cast is not the same.People go to the easy lazy answer of he is dogging it. Or he is loafing and the best yet he is faking injuries-all opinions based on nothing more than having no logical answer to give.
    My favorite has to be the he is a locker room killer or he is a cancer to the team.He is and has always been a leader on the field in the community and in the locker room.A leader speaks out-not keeps his mouth shut.The only difference now is you do not agree with what he is saying.These things always go on in locker rooms the difference now is the media is looking even harder to get these stories out there to create something of value for people to talk about.Randy Moss or T.O. haven't changed-they are winning now
    so no one cares what they are doing.The sad thing is the guy you counted on year in and year out to make a play to save the day is frustrated with loosing he gave us his all every play every game and all you can do now is throw him under the bus as you guys say.
  6. burger13

    burger13 New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Jersey
    so lets get rid of the all-time great player, in favor of the winless coach? doesn't seem too logical to me.

    If they can get value for JT, I'm all for it (3rd round is not value IMO). But he knows something about this game of football and is lack of confidence in Cam speaks volumes. If you are Wayne and concerned about the relationship between Cam and JT.....say goodbye to the one who has contributed absolutely NOTHING to the franchise (hint - that's not JT).
  7. larfo2224

    larfo2224 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Box Elder, South Dakota
    I dont think that everyone wants to get rid of Jason Taylor because they have lost respect for him. In some cases, it is the opposite. They want to see him win and know that this team is rebuilding. Do we really want to see someone with as much heart as he has shown in the past go thru that. If he wants out, let's try and trade him to a contender that is not in our division and wish him the best.
  8. namor

    namor New Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Lets see..JT is drafted by JJ,loved playing for him...played well for
    WANNY,of all people.Played well for Jim Bates ..liked him,too.Played
    great for Saban,became DPOY.Has a problem with Cam,the only
    coach to go winless,but JT is the cancer?Maybe Cam is the problem.
  9. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Knowing about the game of football and being good at football is two different things. Because he has no confidence in Cameron means nothing. Taylor had confidence in Wannstedt and Saban? Whatever happened to them. Taylor is a great player, don't get me wrong... but I'm not kissing his butt because of what he has done for us. Football is a "what have you done now" business, not a "what did you do in the past for us" business. Sorry, but JT needs to go.
  10. pags77

    pags77 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Taylor is just frustrated by this team and this organization. In past defensive schemes we were always stout up the middle with our DT's and that allowed Taylor to do what he does best, rush the passer from the outside and track down plays from the backside. Now the opposing O lines blow holes big enough for any running back to gain 100 yards so Taylor has less chances to create havoc. There is also no other D lineman that can get pressure on the QB so JT is often doubled on passing plays. I wish him the best, he should leave and get himself on to a contender, I'm sure he would be great as a Patriot!
  11. pocoloco

    pocoloco I'm your huckleberry Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    North Chicagoland
    Capers completely screwed up JT this year. Porter too. Those are very very expensive mistakes
  12. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    When a team is rebuilding, that means they aren't winning. JT has only a couple of years left to win. That means you trade the guy for draft picks. This isn't rocket science.

    The draft pick(s) we obtain for Jason Taylor will help this team five years from now, when JT is sitting on his couch at home, possibly with a Super Bowl ring around his finger.

    It has nothing to do with hating Jason Taylor, as the subject line puts it. It has everything to do with a recognition that Taylor is a liability on a team that's rebuilding.

    If we can get a 2nd and 3rd round pick for him, I say ship him out as a practical matter. But then again, most people here think with the jerks in their knees, not the gray matter in their heads.
  13. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    End of thread.

    Very well put. :thumbup:
  14. inFINSible

    inFINSible Bad ministrator

    Nov 26, 2007
    :lol: Who thinks JT doesn't know exactly what he's doing?

    HE is causing dissention. HE is putting himself at odds with the head coach. HE doesn't want anything to do with rebuilding. HE knows the ramifications of his actions.

    HE wants to go somewhere else.

    HE is orchestrating this whole thing.
  15. tay0365

    tay0365 New Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    Exactly, JT has shown to be a great player for us, but the constant whining has really gotten old. Look at his brother-in-law, Zach has shown nothing but class, has just gotten out there, done his job when able, and has even gone on record to say that he wants to come back to Miami because he love being a part of this team.

    TOMMYGUNS New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    So, Desides if you are in favor of trading a player with not a lot left, when would you have traded Marino? '98, '97? Zach, cant have too much left, trade him too? Im sure by what you say, it would have been no problem to see Marino retire in another uniform...Of course to get a 2nd or 3rd round pick, right?
  17. billsfaninpeace

    billsfaninpeace New Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Is that not what rebuilding teams do.

    Sorry in the day and age of the Cap players staying with one team are going to be few and far between.

    So let me ask you IS JT playing up to his contract????

    So this day in age it is kinda like deal or no deal. You have to know when to pull the trigger. JT stock may have been the highest it was going to get last year.

    So another year under an old mans belt you would be lucky to get a 3rd.

    But is it worth it, depends on your draft. But would you want a kid that you know will play 5 years or an over the hill DE that crys that may play one more year, and that one more year may not be close to AVG?

    TOMMYGUNS New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Like my post says, is it the scheme Capers has him in? Or his ability? He was the dpoy last year, beating out Strahan, Merriman, and what ever younger DE you think of. Another thing I said, If you trade, do you get another Jason Allen, or a futre hall of famer like Zach in the fifth round? Who can say what you will get with a pick, But you KNOW what you got on the line now. If you think hes done, then youd trade him. I think he is just having a bad year, keep him.
  19. billsfaninpeace

    billsfaninpeace New Member

    Dec 4, 2007

    Personally watching him play, though the scheme may have a little to blame. I think he is eaily at the tail end. Looks sluggish coming off the edge at times. Looks slow,

    Hey age sucks.
  20. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    How about Jason just shut his mouth and play the same position he played for all but two seasons? He did not exactly warm up to the role Satan was going to give him either.

    So if JT is truely complaining, and wants out, ship his butt off to the farthest, coldest, WORST team we can find....

    TOMMYGUNS New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    New England? lol
  22. Zod

    Zod Ruler of the Universe

    Nov 25, 2007
    This post......

    This post that started the entire thread is the reason you trade Jason Taylor.

    You can go to an LA Lakers message board and find the same words written about Kobe Bryant.

    You can go to a Baltimore Ravens board and you should find the same words written about Ray Lewis.

    You do not question the man in charge. No matter how bad it gets, you do not make that mistake. When you get away with something once, it makes it all the easier to do it again. The moral of the story is that he is a player - play and keep your piehole shut.
  23. rvicious

    rvicious New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    So I guess you've lost respect for most of the people in this board, since whining is the national pastime. :001_rolleyes:
  24. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Excellent job of completely misrepresenting (or perhaps misunderstanding) the situation and arguments.

    And for the record, I'm against trading Zach Thomas.

    TOMMYGUNS New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
  26. namor

    namor New Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Trade JT and fire Cam.
  27. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007

    The reason why we should get rid of JT is the same reason the 'phins should have traded Dan Marino when JJ came on board. Although I can only really say that about Dan 10 years after the event, and I would have been mightily displeased if JJ had traded Dan, but in retrospect the best thing for JJ to have done would have been to trade Dan.

    Dan never bought into JJ's regime and you ended up with half the players doing Dan Marino things and half the players doing JJ things.

    It isn't about whether or not Dan and JT are great players, because they are. It's about what is the best way for the team to improve, and it's like rowing - everybody in the crew has to be working to the same stroke otherwise you end up with chaos.
  28. Disnardo

    Disnardo Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Hialeah, FL
    lets look at JTs remarks before the NE game. There after the CC trade, he states that he does not want to be part of a team that is rebuilding. He basically stating he wants out..
    And this note of his after the trade deadline. Does it sound like he wants to be a Dolphin for life???

    To answer some of the comments about letting JT go in a trad... IMO those comments from him let us all know that he does not want to be part of a team who is rebuilding...he wants to leave (period)...
  29. Captain lou

    Captain lou New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Why in the world why JT want to stay and play here. This team gives him zero chance at a Superbowl. He deserves that. BTW JT's numbers are still amoung the elite at his position.

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