What is Up with John Jerry?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Da 'Fins, Oct 27, 2010.

  1. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    How sick is the guy?

    Frankly, I'm tired of McQuistan. He's been decent but he's not making big plays.

    Among the other woes in the Dolphins offense, they are not running the ball very effectively at all. While Henne is discussed a great deal, the running game does not like nearly as potent and has not been as potent as in the past two years. Part of this may well be due to the aging of Brown and Williams and Brown just not having the burst or power he used to have; but, there also are not many big holes.

    Quite frankly, and I noted this in another thread, I find that all the incessant tinkering with the O-line to have been a waste of time as the line is no better than it was (and, watching the game Sunday I concentrated mostly on Mr. Carey - who at times was as mobile as rebar in concrete. Of course, I'd have a difficult time shifting a 120 lb gut load hanging over my belt as well - you are making millions Mr. Carey, get rid of the @#$% gut!).

    The mobility of this line is pretty weak. Watching the Giants OL on Monday night was an eye-opener after watching the Dolphins OL on Sunday. Granted, the Steelers are going to make big plays and have a good D. But, they also lost a big cog in A. Smith and the flaws - regardless of who they are playing - are still present.
    ToddsPhins and FinSane like this.
  2. sonn

    sonn Black Mamba Club Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    He's not sick anymore, the coaching staff is keeping him inactive.

  3. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    it was a big mistake to undo a functioning, elite offensive line & replace the entire interior three positions with back-ups. Sparano should have kept the line together & worked the other pieces in according to need & merit. still wondering why the running game is suffering? everything begins in the trenches.:deadhorse: Johnn Jerry the rookie or McQuistan the journeyman make little difference @ this point in the season, six of one, half dozen of the other.
  4. SeanP

    SeanP Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Deltona FL
    Left Guard: Injury Prone Justin Smiley
    Center: Injury Prone Jake Grove
    Right Guard: Injury Prone Donald Thomas.

    Yeah, that's an all star cast I can get behind... :pity:

    Bottom line is they were great when they were healthy, but not dependable, and a line that is not dependable is worth less than a line that's full of backups. Backups mind you that aren't performing all that far from their former starters in terms of performance. Maybe not in the run game, but for the most part great pass protection.
  5. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I dunno how you can harp on Jake Grove and Justin Smiley not being here. They both played very well originally when they got here, but both of them declined kind of badly here.

    Justin Smiley is riding the pine in Jacksonville after the guy who spelled him during an injury outplayed him. The shoulder injury he suffered here is apparently permanent, to where he's lost serious power but is still able to play.

    Jake Grove we know less of, but the guy is sitting at home, and hasn't even been contacted by the UFL as far as I know. That's a huge fall from grace, and if we had better local media they'd probably do some bare-minimum investigation on what exactly his problem is, but there is clearly something there.
  6. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    If the coaching knew that ronnie had lost some of his burst they would also know that they would need to rely more on the passing game. The offensive line we have now is better at pass protection than last year's unit. I suspect the turnover was done not only because of the injury prone nature of last years starters but also because of the lack of game breakers at running back and therefore the added importance of pass blocking for this season
    ToddsPhins likes this.
  7. mroz

    mroz Fix the OL Club Member

    Oct 26, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    I have to think there is more to it then the coaching staff just keeping him inactive because someone else is better at pass protection. The guy won the starting job for a reason.

    I wonder if he lost weight during his illness and is trying to get back up to playing weight? There has to be something else to this.
    Da 'Fins likes this.
  8. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    smiley is a backup, and grove and donald thomas arent even good enough to sign with the lions/raiders/browns.....

    so why does this upset you again?
  9. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Talk about the line all you want, the pass blocking this year has been much improved this season.

    Last season they were much better at run blocking however the pass blocking was sorely lacking.

    This season they are decent at best at run blocking, however their pass blocking has been close to spectacular. The time that Henne had against Pittsburgh was much improved over last season.
  10. Destroyer

    Destroyer There for every play.

    Oct 25, 2010
    Overall the line is better with the changes. I'd like to see Jerry back.
  11. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    McQuistan stopped playing like a bleeding twat right around the Green Bay game, and he's put together two mediocre (as opposed to very sub-mediocre) performances.

    The problem is right around that time, Richie Incognito started playing like a bleeding twat.

    With Sparano talking about the possibility of getting Jerry some reps at other positions so that it's more tempting to have him be active during the games as a backup, I wouldn't be surprised if that was code for, "We might think about over the next few weeks replacing Incognito."

    That could either be John Jerry who replaces him at Left Guard if he shows in practice he can handle the position better than he did waaaaay back when they tried him there a little in mini camps...or it could be moving McQuistan over and sliding Jerry back in. There's a tweet from Mike Berardino saying "Jerry just shoved Cory Procter back 5 yards with a right hand punch, so right shoulder must be ok."

    He keeps doing that, he'll get back in the game. Don't worry too much about it.
    FinSane, Da 'Fins and SICK like this.
  12. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    i'd like to see John Jerry move into Incognito's Guard spot, and Richie take over Center duties from Joe Berger who simply is not powerful enough at Center
  13. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    "Right shoulder must be ok"

    Did I miss something here CK. I thought the word on Jerry was he was sick or some darn thing. Sick in his shoulder? Enlighten me please.
  14. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Agreed about Incognito, that guy has been close to horrible
  15. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    After a practice last week Jerry had a bag of ice on his shoulder.
    Tin Indian likes this.
  16. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    Gotcha, Thanks Padre. I guess the whole story would be is he recovered from his "illness" and then banged up his shoulder some.
  17. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Hell if I know. First I'm hearing that Jerry's shoulder might be a question.
  18. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Hit the nail on the head.I think we were ranked #4 on the ground last year.
  19. madeinmiami2010

    madeinmiami2010 New Member

    Oct 24, 2010
    I do know what correlence Madden has to real life, but I'm sure they ratied John Jerry 95 Run Block Strength for a reason

    in Madden McQuistan is horrible at run blocking.

    ...Relax guys just using their ratings system lol
  20. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I wrote a few weeks ago Da Fin's, that the lack of athletic ability along our interior line is real bad, and its obvious that its affecting lanes and hesitation amongst the back's....

    Maybe the reason why the wildcat was shelvesd as well {which is ridiculous imo, but another story}

    I do see them getting better as a unit though, and expect a jump in their production as a whole...The steeler game was a pretty impressive performance overall..
    Da 'Fins likes this.
  21. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    If you can wait until 2011, Incognito will most likely be our starting center.
  22. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    Nothing wrong with John Jerry other then recovering from a pretty bad medical problem that is really no ones business. The guy lost some weight and has to get back into the swing of things. Doubt you ever see Jerry at LG as his pass blocking is abysmal at best.

    IMO, There is little to no difference from Jerry to McQuistan if you actually watch the games. Jerry got his shorts eaten in the Minn game and his play in the Buffalo game was far less then stellar. The weakest part of this Oline is from Berger all the way out to Carey. The main pass rushes have been coming left and up the middle and until now, Incognito and Long have been good. Berger is definately a question mark on pass protection as is Jerry and McQuistan. Carey actually has not been playing to bad, IMO but add him being alongside, Jerry/Mcquistan and them being alongside Berger then yeah, its not running on all cylinders.
    FinSane and Da 'Fins like this.
  23. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    cool sigpic!:up:
  24. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Thanks Bro, maybe just a touch to big I thought the forum software would resize it a bit more.
  25. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    Good observations, thanks. I've been in and out on the board for several weeks - barely able to be on for part of one or two days a week. Super busy fall.
    djphinfan likes this.
  26. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    astute observation
  27. GMJohnson

    GMJohnson New Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Care to elaborate? I've watched each game 3-4 times and I thought Jerry was playing quite well.
  28. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    Really would love to see a new RT with Carey inside at LG next year.

    LT- Long
    LG- Carey
    C- Incognito
    RG- Jerry
    RT- Carimi
  29. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    Jerry is practicing at Tackle.
  30. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    Just rookie errors. Problem I see is Berger, gives no help, on either side, on the double teams or plain ol misses his assignment when out in space. Jerry is not garbage but at this point, not better then McQuistan.
  31. FinSane

    FinSane Cynical Dolphins Fan

    Dec 1, 2007
    Melbourne, Fl
    As far as pass blocking is concerned...

    The LG is supposed to be lean, athletic and quick, since the best pass rushers tend to come from that side of the line especially against 3/4 defenses, the LG has to be able to pick up blitzing LBs coming from the leftside.

    The RG is supposed to be bigger and stronger, usually takes on the task of helping to double team the big noseguard against 3/4s or another DT against 4/3s. They also have look out for big middle Lbs who may also be blitzing.

    As a LG Incognito is not nimble or quick enough to take on pass rushers from the left side, but he is big and strong enough(not to mention wide enough) to perhaps replace Berger as our center to take on blocking the middle, as long as he doesn't screw up hiking the ball. Incognito has the power but not the agility required to be on the left side but would do well as a C or RG.

    As a RG McQuistan is big enough but does not have the strength to hold up as our RG. Jerry is an ideal RG but has to stay healthy. He is big, strong, and just agile enough to hold his own.

    As far as run blocking is concerned, the interior of the offensive line has been a big problem in terms of getting a push. Its why Samson Satele and Jake Grove were cut loose(even when healthy Grove was not much of an improvement over Satele), and Berger might get replaced soon. Its why Smiley needed to be replaced with a healthier lineman who has the agility and power Smiley had when he wasn't nursing his shoulder. Incognito is not the long term answer at LG either for this reason, as running to the left side has been a disaster because he cannot hold his own and push his oppenent. When I see RB or RW run to the left I immediately notice that the LG spot is usually the first to give up the battle and then our running back is down. RG I think McQuistan in time could be better at run blocking since his size and strength suggests he would be better at doing so but this has proven not to be the case so far. The right side was being exposed by the Steelers and it wasn't all Vernon Carey though he didn't play very well either. McQuistan is at best a backup but we knew this.

    So next season a new center and perhaps LG may be in order. Jerry I think should have a chance to reclaim his starting job and see if he improves throughout the year and into next. Incognito should be looked at at the center position but I'm not sure the coaching staff will replace Berger since he's one of their guys.

    But clearly the interior of the OL continues to be the main problem of our offense IMO.
    Boik14 likes this.
  32. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    i pretty much agree with this assessment. I think if we can get a bonafide top 10 type center or OG we should. I dont think we need both however. You can get away with one average offensive lineman out of five. I will say that I'm not sure what the plans for Jerry are though. I actually think he may end up being the LOG. A pairing of him and Long would be a monster in the run game and Jake seems to be able to hold his own without needing help in the passing game
  33. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    How about cutting Carey and using his money to sign Carl Nicks.... then draft a massive RT like Marcus Cannon of TCU. :shifty:
  34. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    Haha!...This is our guard Carey...And this is our other guard Jerry.:pointlol:
  35. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    I think we should draft the kid from 'The Blind Side' and see if he can play as well as Oher. :shifty:
    djphinfan likes this.
  36. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I like what their doing along the line at florida state...athleticism is at a premium...training the body physically, nutritionally, to have an excellent body fat ratio for the position...
    ToddsPhins likes this.
  37. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    Gotta disagree on the size of the LG postion. A lot of teams have some biggies over there. Depends on the scheme that is being run. Its very apparent since the signing of Marshal, this team wants to throw the ball a heck of a lot more downfield. The run vs pass being the same amount or almost, as of now, is, I believe, just getting Henne and the offense in the swing of things. Plus the defenses we have played, plus the change in the type of scheme we run. Even Theisman mentioned it on the NFL AFC playbook boradcast. " Miami can run it if they want to but its clear they have put the run game on the back burner and have gone, scheme wise, to the passing game "

    I agree with him 100 per cent. Its clear they want to make it a pass first team. On the LG, look at a lot of teams around the league, their LGs are pretty big guys. This new offense is not relying too much on having a LG that can pull all game long. Not from what I have seen so far. I am happy with the Oline the way it is, could use a better center but just the same, this Oline is not a bad one and IMO is as good as last years. People moaning about it are people that love the run game, its that simple. Things change and its pretty evident this offense is evolving away from its mainstay of the run game. If it wasn't, they would not have paid a boatload for Marshal. Add another good WR next year and it could be a scary offense IF Henne progresses the way they want him too.

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