How long will we have to wait?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by MonstBlitz, Jan 2, 2011.

How long?

  1. By the end of today.

  2. Tomorrow.

  3. Sometime this week.

  4. He's kept.

  1. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Sparano should be gone. When will the news come?
  2. gunn34

    gunn34 I miss Don & Dan

    Jan 5, 2008
    Oviedo FL
    Not soon enough.
    DolfanJake likes this.
  3. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    Probably by Tuesday. Maybe tomorrow.
  4. NFL2102

    NFL2102 New Member

    Oct 4, 2010
  5. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    He sounded like a defeated man in the post game press conference. I think he sees the writing on the wall or already knows he will be dismissed.
  6. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    Probably wont be until a bit later in the week, I think it has to happen though.
  7. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    I think Ross should do it right away so he can get to the business of finding the new guy. There are other teams in the coaching hunt, don't want them snatching up all of the good candidates.
    DolfanJake likes this.
  8. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Exactly. As I said earlier this week, he had plenty of material to make a decision off of before this meaningless game. This latest embarrassment is just icing on the **** cake. Let's hope he comes to a decision very quickly so we can be in play for the best candidates.
  9. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    I think Ross should call in a favor to Donal Trump and get him to chopper down to Davie, walk up to Sparano and say "You're Fired" (also possibly having Emeril standing right behind him to say "BAM!" right after).


    You're Fired!


    Mr. Ross does fancy himself a showman after all, doesn't he?
  10. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    I understand we need a new guy, but you guys act as though the GOOD candidates will want this job. What does it have to offer ? I think a lot of good coaches, despite the fact they want to compete, will look at having Belichek & Ryan in the division, and then look elsewhere where it will be easier to win. They know the owner is disappointed & the fan base in near total revolt. The atmosphere surrounding the Dolphins, and this job will be horrible. There are many other jobs where it will be much easier a job. I think we end up with a nobody who is getting his 1st chance at a HC job, just like Cam Cameron.

    It sux doesn't it ?
  11. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Sorry Jake, I just don't buy this at all. Good coaches aren't afraid of other coaches.
  12. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    Trust me, I hope I am wrong.
  13. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Now one theory I could buy into is that coaches would like to have an established QB, which Miami CLEARLY does not have. But I really don't see guys like Cowher or Gruden being afraid of any of these coaches.
  14. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    I think Tony needs to be replaced.....but I dont think Tony Sparano will be unemployed for long. I think he will be a fine HC at some point. Right now....Ross has to make a change to create a sense of change to save ticket sales next season....which will most definatley be at risk right now.
  15. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Im telling ya.....

    Stanford plays tomorrow night. We will interview Jim Harbaugh by weeks end.....fulfill our Rooney requirement...and hire him.

    Or maybe not....but I hope.

    Also wouldnt mind Gruden.
  16. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Good coaches WILL WANT THIS JOB.

    Because Miami has and always will be....a franchise with name and tradition. Many good coaches will want to be the one to resurrect the shining franchise in South Florida. Especially coaches like Gruden, Cowher, and even Harbaugh, of whom tradition means alot.

    The coach that puts Miami back on the Map...will always be equated with Shula....
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  17. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    Exactly. Who wouldn't want to accept that challenge? If they're scared we shouldn't want them anyway.
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  18. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    And Parcells couldnt get it done.

    So the coach that does.....and the GM that does....would be elevated above Parcells.

    You dont think Gruden and Cowher wouldnt love to succeed where Parcells failed?
  19. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    The problem is, a coach is not going to turn this thing around very soon. I may be wrong but I don't see Gruden getting the job done here. We need a QB and I really don't see one in this draft.

    Irony - we are 7-9 drafting in the middle of the 1st round but given the way we've played the past half of the season, we are as bad as the teams getting to draft in the top 5. It's a worst case scenario - particularly from an offensive perspective. This is one of the worst offenses I've seen in a long time at any level. It's completely dysfunctional. Zero identity and that is equally on Sparano and his horrific O-line scouting/developing/play - as it is on Henning.

    I am just not very optimistic at this point and it's not just this last game (which I didn't get to see).
    Pandarilla and DolfanJake like this.
  20. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    an entire offseason dedicated to offensive talent acquisition is all we need. there is zero reason to switch coaches. we simply didnt have the talent on the offensive side to compete. one offseason will change that
    Rocky Raccoon likes this.
  21. Roman529

    Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    Hopefully Ross fires Sparano, Parcells, Ireland, Henning and most of the remaining staff. I cannot see why anyone should be brought back. Blow it up and start over from the front office on down to the team trainer. I think only the cheerleaders should be brought back.
  22. flynryan151

    flynryan151 New Member

    Oct 1, 2009
    BAHAHAHAHA catch my breath Bahahaha! Zero reason to change? Thanks for the laugh Morano and company are so far in over their heads it is laughable! Ireland sucks too! It will be nice to have a GM who doesn't dig through the Cowboys, Lions, and Raiders trash for players!
  23. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Well at least we know no amount of failure will change your stance on anything, as a brutal typhoon takes you down with the Sparano / Henning ship. Your stance is laughable. You add arguably a top 5 WR to a unit that was serviceable last year and completely regress as an offense, and you find NO blame on the coaches? Questionable play calling that has been disastrous has been documented by members of this board and the media all season long, yet you find no fault with the coaches? All season long, Sparano has not been able to keep this team motivated for big games, and you think he's done an acceptable job? Losing to the Browns and Lions at home, and you think the coaches share no blame? I can see maybe, possibly making an argument that Sparano deserves another chance, but to not place any blame on the coaches is a joke.

    This isn't even a debate anymore, it's just you being stubborn.
  24. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    You may be right Adam, but even if we do have success in the playoffs, do you really believe Sparano can maintain the same level of success once our coordinators leave for other head coaching gigs much less win a Super Bowl?

    It's probably a moot point as Ross is a business man and he's about to lose most of his fanbase in one season if he doesn't make a switch. I think Sparano certainly has his virtues but I'd rather just promote Nolan to head coach than stay with Sparano.
  25. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    no whats laughable is wanting to start over. we have built a championship caliber defense and just need to add some talent on offense. one more year will do that. anyone that thinks we had the talent on offense to compete is clueless
    Rocky Raccoon likes this.
  26. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    well if sparano leaves then nolan either becomes head coach or he splits. in addition we probably have a harder time signing free agents and we probably lose some of our own. sparano has the best chance of resigning soliai and not being taken to the cleaners to do it
  27. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    I don't know whether or not Sparano is going to be fired, but I do know that Henning fits into the category of "got to go". I really think if we were to get a new offensive coordinator that knows how to use the talent we have, we could be least heading in the right direction even if we kept the remainder of the coaching staff.

    I don't know if there's a coach out there than can bring success to Miami. Jerry Jones did point out that no Super Bowl winning coach has ever gone to another team and won a Super Bowl with the new team, and if that's the case and we use that as a factual reference, that rules out Bill Cowher and John Gruden.

    If we were to fire Sparano, I want the coach that Don Shula would have hand selected as his successor if he had the chance...Marty Shottenheimer, but the chances of that happening are probably slim to none.
    Pandarilla likes this.
  28. VanDolPhan

    VanDolPhan Club member Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Hamilton, Ontario Canada
    Food for thought. Since Brady/Belichek started with New England Miami will be on it's 6th Head Coach during that time if Sparano is fired. Wanny, Jim Bates, Nick Satan, Cam Cameron and Tony Sparano......and then of course the new guy.
  29. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    i think the bigger problem with former SB winning coaches is they split as soon as things turn sour. they dont have the hunger anymore and dont need to go through bad years or tough times. definitely say no to cowher and gruden
  30. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Well you just called the coaching staff you so adamantly defend clueless. You don't think they thought they could compete at the beginning of the season? You don't think Sparano thought this team could compete right up until today's game? Of course he did. So which is it? Is he a perfect coach who was just saddled with horrible players, or clueless? You don't not make a change just because starting over is tough. The definition of insanity is sticking with the same plan and hoping for different results. You may be satisfied with 7-9 seasons, but I can pretty confidently assure you that Stephen Ross is not.
    DolfanJake likes this.
  31. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    A championship caliber defense ? The one out there today ?

    Dude, I can understand loyalty, but you are being ridiculous. It won't stop you from getting an orange name if you critisize the team once in a while.
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  32. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    well then ross is a moron
  33. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    You didn't answer my question and I'm not letting you off the hook that easy. You stated that anyone who thought we had the talent on offense to compete was clueless. Sparano clearly thought we had a team that could compete right up until today. You defend Sparano and Henning, yet call them clueless in the same breath. Which is it?
  34. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Black Monday is coming up over the hill.
    Sparano is history. His *** should get canned between now and tomorrow.
    Pandarilla likes this.
  35. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    yeah i was referring to today's defense
  36. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    why do you say he thought we had talent? wasnt parcells slamming henne this offseason. dont you think henning and sparano knew they were in for a long year with henne. dont you think it was obvious to everyone but the fans that our offensive line sucked
  37. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Oh please. So all of his displays of excitement during the season when things were going well was just great acting? Must have been if deep down he knew we didn't have the talent to succeed. And if he went into this season knowing that Henne wasn't the answer at QB then shame on him for sticking with for so many games. Shame on Ireland not doing something to address the position in the offseason. Shame on the entire staff for putting this team on the field. The offense last season was serviceable. This year it was abysmal. When you add better players and get worse results, it's coaching. And finally, as you say the offensive line was poor this season so shame on Sparano, a former offensive line coach, for letting it get so bad.
  38. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    I love the straightforwardness of your posts even if I don't agree with you at times.

    Killer, you seen any of these college guys or free agent QB's? Is there anyone who doesn't look like a stiff?
  39. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    You almost have to feel sorry for the poor SOB. Not everything was his fault, but a ton of things were.
  40. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    Thank you! I dedicated a whole thread to them sucking in the preseason and everyone huffed and puffed. Who's afraid of the emaciated wolf who hasn't been fed in over a month now?


    uh-be-beh-be-beh That's All Sparano!

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