Draft Insider Mock

Discussion in 'NFL Draft Forum' started by Gunner, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Gunner

    Gunner Rock Hunter

    Jan 5, 2008
    Mobile, AL
    Frank Coyle has his latest Mock out ... his Miami pick aught to stir up some unruliness :yes:


    1 Carolina - 2-14 - * A.J. Green - WR - Georgia
    2 Denver - 4-12 - * Nick Fairley - DT - Auburn
    3 Buffalo - 4-12 - * Da'Quan Bowers - DE - Clemson
    4 Cincinnati - 4-12 - * Robert Quinn - DE - North Carolina
    5 Arizona - 5-11 - * Blaine Gabbert - QB - Missouri
    6 Cleveland - 5-11 - * Patrick Peterson - CB - LSU
    7 San Fran - 6-10 - Adrian Clayborn - DE - Iowa
    8 Tennessee - 6-10 - Jake Locker - QB - Washington
    9 Dallas - 6-10 - Von Miller - LB - Texas A&M
    10 Washington - 6-10 - * Julio Jones - WR - Alabama
    11 Houston - 6-10 - * Marcel Dareus - DE - Alabama
    12 Minnesota - 6-10 - * Cam Newton - QB - Auburn
    13 Detroit - 6-10 - Prince Amukamara - CB - Nebraska
    14 St. Louis - 7-9 - Ryan Kerrigan - DE - Purdue
    15 Miami - 7-9 - * Ryan Mallett - QB - Arkansas
  2. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007

    I hope the Miami pick does not become a reality.
  3. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Have to agree with you Alen, not seeing that one happening, Jerruh is not a good football man, but Von Miller?

    Not seeing Locker to TN either, Newton makes more sense if they plan on dumping Vince Young.
  4. charlestonphan

    charlestonphan Junior Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    think i read earlier tonite that Kiper has Locker falling out of the first round altogether now, FWIW. and if the Bungals draft Quinn, they will have the bookends from Fort Dorchester High here in Charleston, since they drafted Carlos Dunlap last year. as for Mallett, none for me thanks.
  5. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    The only way that makes sense is if you think Bud Adams continues with his stupidity. Why dump Vince Young and draft his twin?
    Killerphins likes this.
  6. Frayser

    Frayser Barstool Philosopher

    Dec 4, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    I make no claim to be a draft guru, but I'll be astonished if four quarterbacks go in the first fifteen picks.
  7. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Because their offense is already premade to use a VY type of Qb, Adams wants that style of play, he just is tired of Young's crap imho.

    Titans are in line to have a loonnnggg season, may as well break in a Rook Qb this yr.
  8. mor911

    mor911 pooping

    Nov 25, 2007
    Austin, TX
    I hate this pick. I hate Mallet
  9. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Has a wideout ever gone first overall? Frankly, unless the Panthers fall in love with a QB like Gabbert or Newton the pick has to be Fairly with Bowers a close second.

    Hard to see Locker as the second QB off the board as well.
  10. Panther7

    Panther7 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 31, 2009

    Irving Fryer and Keyshawn Johnson.
  11. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Can't help but wonder if the Cards are going to convince themselves that Skelton is their guy. That would be a mistake but they do like him and he's huge, has a big arm. Oh and of course Sports Science did a workout on him and gave him an A+ grade or whatever (sarcastic).

    If you take Gabbert away from the Carinals, then bump Jake Locker out of the top 15, have Tennessee taking Gabbert and then Minnesota taking Newton, I could see the quarterbacks playing out like this. After all the signals toward a mobile QB, it's tough to believe they'd go with Mallett, but I could dig it.
  12. azfinfanmang

    azfinfanmang Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    IF we pick Ryan Mallett, I swear to everybody here, I will officially ban myself from watching ANYTHING Dolphin related for years!!!!
  13. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    The Redskins may still be an issue, although from the way Shanahan supposedly likes Locker they may gamble that he'll fall to them in round 2. I'd also wonder that if the VY to Minnesota speculation comes to pass whether they'd go in another direction in round 1 and either hope Kaepernick is there in round 2 or like Joe Webb to the point where they think he could learn under VY for a few years.
  14. sports24/7

    sports24/7 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Even if Mallett turns out to be a good QB?

    If Newton gets to 12 I'd move up to get him. It wouldn't cost more than a future 2nd plus filler probably.
    texanphinatic likes this.
  15. Third Man

    Third Man Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 10, 2010
    I wonder if Bud Adams will fall in love with another Texas high school quarterback in Ryan Mallett (originally from Texarkana in Northeast Texas) and force their new head coach to take him? Would be hilarious if true.

    For what it's worth re: Skelton he did play well down the stretch. I didn't like him in the draft but he played well, I thought. You've got to think, though, that Whisenhunt knows the value of having a top quarterback. What happened to the Cards after Warner left proved that with all the subtlety of nuclear armageddon.
  16. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    I think the Cards make a serious push for a vet to give Skelton some time. If McNabb doesn't hang em up, he would be a prime candidate. The biggest thing with the Cards is that they have no pass rush. I think their leader had 6 or something. Porter was abysmal and won't get better. They very much could go for a Von Miller or other DE/OLB prospect at 5.
  17. vinivedivichi

    vinivedivichi New Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Admittedly, I haven't done any in-depth analysis on these quarterbacks but I don't get the hate for Mallet. He's big, he has a good arm, played in a pro system, and has decent accuracy. He has off the field concerns, which are troubling, but frankly we're not going to get a perfect QB prospect to fall to us at #15 anyway.

    My philosophy on quarterbacks is pretty simple - if there are substantial questions about the ability to throw the ball then I don't want you. Sure Newton is a great athlete and is a dual threat, but he hasn't played in a pro style offense and he's never had to depend on making throws consistently. And didn't he have academic problems at UF? He could be a great player, but that's way too much risk for my liking. I'd take Mallet over Newton or Locker in a second.
  18. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Quite a few NFL prospects never played in a "prostyle" offense - correct me if I am wrong but didn't Bradford play almost entirely in the spread? The kid can make the throws and accurately. If in interviews he demonstrates a complete lack of ability to understand schemes then I may be concerned, but I would rather have him than Mallet atm. Possible coke abuse>possible academic issues in my book.
  19. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    If there's one guarantee I would make, it's that Washington will not take Ryan Mallett.
  20. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Define 'well'?

    He completed 47.6% of his passes with 5.3 YPA (not a good YPC at 11.0 either), 2 TDs and 2 INTs, plus a lost fumble.

    It's no wonder Larry Fitzgerald is out there saying he wants the Cardinals to trade for Kevin Kolb.
  21. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Marc Bulger is being heavily rumored to be heading to the desert.

    Which to me means Von Miller is firmly on the Cardinals radar as Porter and Haggans are both 34.
  22. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    He has warts. They all have warts. Matthew Stafford had warts. Mark Sanchez had warts. Joe Flacco had warts. Those guys all still have some of those same problems.

    Mallett loses his accuracy and his decision-making when pressured heavily inside the pocket and forced to reset his feet or throw from bad leverage. His arm is not naturally accurate or versatile, he needs his feet to get the accuracy on his passes. With Newton you get the feeling like he could throw a pass on the money from the ground lying on his back. Mallett's not like that at all, he needs his stance. That means the way you get to Mallett is, you keep blitzing him, especially at the end of games, and you just hope you get to him. One thing I'll add to that though is, if you don't get to him, watch out...because to a certain point at the end of the season I saw a graphic that said that when he plays from the shotgun against the blitz he completes 76% of his passes with a 10.5 YPA, 4 TDs and 0 INTs. That's a tremendous blitz-beating record. But, when you get in there on him and he hasn't found a target, he's a Greek tragedy. The guy never threw the ball away and he often played like a selfish player, would try and do something crazy and risky with the ball. He would allow his frustrations to show on the field and some of his teammates don't particularly like him. His anticipation is average at best. His short ball placement is below average, probably because like I said, his arm by itself without his feet is not naturally accurate, and short ball placement is a lot less about feet and more about arm. When it comes to screens to the running back, he's probably the worst screen thrower among the draftable QBs. He's not accurate from different leverage or different platforms. He didn't make a whole lot of touch throws in his career, the up-and-down throw over the linebacker and under the safety. He appears to be actively improving his touch, though. He has slow feet, like Chad Henne.

    There are rumors that Mallett either has done cocaine or actively still does. It's important to note those are JUST rumors though, I specifically was told by someone in the know that even though a lot of people are SAYING it, absolutely nobody has anything substantive on it and nobody will confirm it (yet). And when that one group came out with what they claim is a source that supposedly has seen Mallett do coke and weed, the guy I'm talking about told me specifically that he's met the people with that draft site, that they're NOT reliable at all, and do not believe what they say. This was all told to me by a guy that has him dinged on his own draft board because of the rumors, but he made it clear there's zero confirmation to be had out there.

    Now that I'm done ripping the guy to pieces I'll say that his ability to read a defense, see the field, stand tall in the pocket and deliver strikes is special. Special. Nothing short of it. He's accurate at distance. He's improved his touch, especially outside shoulder placement. He beats the blitz by recognizing it and delivering the ball into the defense's weakness. He can take a beating. I don't care what weapons he had, his production in the SEC as purely a passer that had no dual-threat capability to keep the defense thinking, was special.

    The things that rub people the wrong way about his personality...tell me that Tom Brady and Ben Rapistberger don't make you want to puke every time you hear them speak. Tell me that Ben Rapistberger and Mike Vick are not two of the most loathsome creatures in the NFL, that they have spotless records of working hard and being team leaders, etc...that they haven't won a ton of games, won playoff games, gone to conference championships, and even won Super Bowls while actively being described as NOT hard workers and 'uncoachable' (actual term used by a Pittsbugh coach to describe Big Ben to a friend of mine).

    I hate to minimize intangibles and the things I criticize about Ryan Mallett...and all of the negatives I've listed about him are what have him firmly BEHIND Blaine Gabbert and Cam Newton on my board...but at some point if you've got the talent to play the game, you show the ability to process the field, process a defense, manage your own offense...you can go out there and murder a bunch of dogs, have a human shot at your birthday party, and then when you get in the playoffs you'll have people cheering for you and other NFL players flocking to you, even congratulatory phone calls from the President of the United States.

    There are no substantial questions about Newton's ability to throw the ball. Period.
  23. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    That's true they could go for Von Miller. But they do have your boy O'Brien Schofield. I'm sure they'll give him a shot.
  24. Frayser

    Frayser Barstool Philosopher

    Dec 4, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    I hope they give him a shot. Liked him a lot.
  25. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    To me, that's the sticking point. Even if they find no evidence of it, is Ireland going to be truly comfortable enough in the research to want to take the chance? Despite the extensions he and Sparano received they are under increased pressure to find a franchise guy. I can see teams with a bit more house money (Minnesota, Seattle) being more open to taking that risk than I can Miami.
  26. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I guess what I'm not understanding is, if your background research on the guy is inconclusive, why are you assuming that there's a risk there at all? Are we going to pass on Blaine Gabbert because our background research could not conclusively prove that he's never huffed paint? You have to find the basis for the accusation, and either confirm it well enough to your liking, or dismiss it.
  27. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Better than Derek Anderson and Max Hall?
  28. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Well, 3-4 you can never have to many young athletic linebackers, if a talent like Miller is on the board, and you have Bulger in camp, or reason to believe (not think) he will be as soon as their is a CBA, then to not take him after the defense melted down would not seem likely to happen.

    Keep in mind the Cardinals are the same franchise that straight out waived Cody Brown after not seeing him play a single snap and he was a second rd pick.

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