Worst Super Bowl in years!

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by cobrajet, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    This was a total disappointment.

    Everything from the stupid TV commercials, to the halftime show, to the botched star spangled banner made the event very forgettable. I even think the game looked rigged. After Green Bay dominated the Steelers in the first 1/2 it looked like they actually let them catch up. The whole thing looked scripted (IMHO).




    "If you want to make sure you have the least anticipated Bowl half-time in modern history, a sure bet is to book a group that would show up to play a supermarket ribbon-cutting."

    On a scale of 1 - 10 I'd rate this Super Bowl at a 3. Far too much hype for a horrid game and lack luster entertainment.
  2. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Jerry Jones has now put downtown Fort worth. worth on the map......that was pathetic to look at all week..

    I think the stadium will be a mistake for the dallas cowboys football team..There is a huge disconnect there.. like ours..
  3. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    I wouldn't go that far. I was disappointed that the game was decided more on fatal errors than big plays...or ANY big plays, for that matter.

    The commercials were money, though. Both VWs were brilliant and there wer a few others that made me grin.

    Coca-Cola, as usual, had a great one.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  4. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Really, DJ? That's a shame if so, because it really is a marvel.
  5. 1334

    1334 Junior Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    The last Good superbowl was in 1973 (superbowlVIII) I believe. They are all "the worst" since then.
    Clipse, CaribPhin, Marco and 7 others like this.
  6. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    I did see one or two good commercials but nothing like years past. Most were duds, like the game itself.
  7. TheHighExhaulted

    TheHighExhaulted Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    Not for people who had GB 1 PITT 5 in their pool...aka this guy!!!
  8. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Doritos pug ftw.
  9. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I agree, it is a marvel, 9th wonder of the world Nob's...

    Its a marvel that completely separates the fans from the intimacy of the players...

    Let me ask you a question Nabo?....Who has the coolest aura in college football right now, who is cutting edge at this point in terms of branding their name?..
  10. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I enjoyed it, but then again I changed the channel for most of the commercials, and found something else to do instead of watching the half time show.

    Wasn't really invested in either team, did think the Stealers had caught so many breaks this year that is was enjoyable watching them lose.
    late again likes this.
  11. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Your first mistake was caring about the commercials. The second mistake was caring about the halftime show instead of watching "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and the third mistake was not getting a beer during the national anthem like youre supposed to. :tongue2:

    As far as the game itself...there have been worse and there have been better. At least it was close.
    MarinePhinFan and late again like this.
  12. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    I wasn't really disappointed in the Super Bowl at all, however I hope the guy running the audio during the halftime show was fired.
  13. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Bridgestone's karma commercial and the Dorito's Grandpa commercial were my favorites, BTW. The Darth Vader and Eminem ones were good as well.
  14. Trowa

    Trowa A world of pain

    May 8, 2008
    I agree. Worst half time show ever. Worst commercials ever. Worst national anthem ever. And an overall pretty boring game. Hell, throughout over half the game at the party I was at we were only paying token attention to the game. Not a worthwhile investment of 3 hours.
  15. ASUFinFan

    ASUFinFan Uh huh

    Dec 8, 2007
    Scottsdale, AZ
    I don't know about branding their name, but as for cutting edge it has to be Oregon imo. With Phil Knight there, all that Nike hoopla, new insane jerseys every week, and their brand new Knight basketball arena..holy cow that floor and set up is sick!
  16. Trowa

    Trowa A world of pain

    May 8, 2008
    I am glad that rapist sumbitch didn't win the super bowl though.
    PSG, DolfanJake, Zippy and 1 other person like this.
  17. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    IDK...that's a question to which there are only subjective answers, I think...but I'd say Oregon if I had to answer.

    YES! The Chrysler commercial was pure money.
  18. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I liked the Bridgestone commercial as well, dude was going off of the chain.

    TBH, I thought when Charles Woodson left with the broken collarbone the Steelers were going to win the game.
  19. ASUFinFan

    ASUFinFan Uh huh

    Dec 8, 2007
    Scottsdale, AZ
    I watched it and just wished Miami would have had the cajones to have taken him at 2 that year. Hell, Miami didn't have a quarterback at that point in time ither. I like Ronnie, but mayn. I know a lot of other teams passed on him in the first as well, but most didn't need a qb.
  20. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    I thought this was one of the better games played in the Super Bowl. Weather ? who cares, I was not there and the place was sold out, so who gives a shiiit about the weather.

    Commercials ? LMAO, did not even notice or pay attention to a single one. Time outs and for getting beer and bsing with everyone else in the room.

    Halftime show ? The sound was absolutely horrible, horrible. For a state of the art place it did not sound as if it sounded much better there.

    Game was very competitive and a good one.
  21. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Thats right, Oregon...hmmmm, now think of all the variables that connect that fanbase to that team, all the rep is stadium related...Its a gold mine..Why is it a goldmine, because the fans have gotten national attention for their ability to create noise, and a stadium that is condusive to making it..If somebody doesnt think that Phil knight is 100 percent aware of this, than I just dont think they conceptualize the residual affect that stadium has on that program..I wonder how many recruits that stadium closes at a night game..

    Whats utterly mind boggling to me is how a stadium that is built from the ground up, like the cowboy one, doesn't acknowledge, thru tangible architecture, this incredible resource for energy, and a cash revenue stream that doesnt stop giving.

    The connection from the fans to the team is where its at...Unfortunately, we have 0 of that, yet we still cant put a finger on why we suck at home...
    DolfanJake and NaboCane like this.
  22. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    How was this the worst SB if the Jets weren't in it?
  23. NaboCane

    NaboCane Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    I agree with you 100%.
    djphinfan likes this.
  24. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    I'd like to think Karma came back on the Steelers after stealing that win from us.
    Still crazy that we beat the Packers and lost to the Steelers on a blown call.
  25. GreysonWinfield

    GreysonWinfield Release The Hounds

    Nov 1, 2009
    I thought the game was next week.
  26. PhinishLine

    PhinishLine Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Half time show wasn't bad. If the Black Eyed Peas aren't your particular cup of tea, then I understand that. I can barely tolerate them myself, but the show as pretty good. It wasn't boring and watchable like the 5 old guys they put up on stage last year. I don't see anything wrong with it. And judging by the number of multiplatinum singles they guys have, I doubt a great deal of people felt the same as well.

    Yeah, Christina missed a word/words. She was probably nervous. Not like she remixed it or did a Rosanne Barr. Aside from that missed word, she sang it beautifully. Hell, players had tears in their eyes.

    Honestly, if anything...I wish it was a better game. I don't really care about commercials and all of that crap. I really wanted to see a better game. Ben didn't look good at all.
  27. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    All in all, I didn't think it was that bad of a game. Wasnt the greatest, but they can't all be. It was at least entertaining I though. Halftime, I rarely watch anyways, so I couldnt care less. Instead of watching that crap, I was getting another beer, and some more chilli dogs and stuff. Glad the Steelers lost!
  28. arsenal

    arsenal Sunglasses and advil

    Nov 26, 2007
    Commack, NY

    i thought it was a good game, came down to the fourth quarter... decent amount of scoring, play wasn't too sloppy... it was an entertaining game that came down to the final drive for Pitt...

    in every football game i watch all year, i never pay attention to the national anthem, halftime show, commercials... why start now? if you are a football fan, aren't you mainly concerned with the football?
    late again, dukane5 and PhiNomina like this.
  29. Phintastic

    Phintastic Guest

    I didn't really have a dog in the fight. I guess I was rooting for the AFC but didn't really care who won. I had great food, good company , and the Beer was a flowing!
  30. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    Pepsi Max was the best one....the girl...."is he the one ?", "how much money does he make ?", "does he want kids ?"......the guy...."I want to have sex with her, I want to have sex with her, I want to have sex with her, I want to have sex with her".......it was classic !
    NaboCane likes this.
  31. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    Oh the movies trailers looked awesome too. Rio, Super 8, Thor, and Captain America......I want to see them all now.
  32. PhiNomina

    PhiNomina White-Collar Redneck

    Dec 21, 2007
    Cleveland, OH
    That was by far the best Puppy Bowl in years. Edge-of-your-seat suspense from beginning to end.
  33. jason8er

    jason8er Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Beaufort, SC
    I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a halftime show, if ever. I stop watching right off the bat when there are a bunch of hired extras jumping up and down in front of the stage. It looks just too contrived and un-natural. If it's a *****y act, it looks even more ridiculous. And, when done in front of a "has been" band, it looks flat out pathetic.

    Halftime is an intermission for me. Replenishing beer or food, hitting the john, having a quickie............anything but the halftime show.
    DolfanJake likes this.
  34. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    .....and they sucked too !
    jason8er likes this.
  35. finserg

    finserg Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    I also thought the commercial were boring to say the least ,My favorite was the Dark Vader but that one leaked out before the SB.
  36. finserg

    finserg Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Yea i liked it too.
  37. dukane5

    dukane5 New Member

    Jun 9, 2009
    Los Angeles, CA
    Wow, I am surprised so many of you think it was a bad game. How many Super Bowls have been decided before the 4th quarter? This game went down to the final minute. Rodgers made some great throws, and I, like some have already stated, was glad to see the Steelers run of fortunate breaks end and Big Ben not to get another Super Bowl win.

    Talk about the sound system?? How about the fact that the stadium had to close off a section of seats and put a group of fans somewhere else or give them their money back because they didn't have the temporary seats installed safely...WHAT?? Jerry Jones has to be pissed and embarrassed. The halftime show was fine...I am sure the NFL was trying to focus on a different generation than the past couple of years. The singing was so-so, sound system terrible, but lights and action entertaining for most. Having Slash and then Usher appear was good too......if that stuff matters to anyone. But this is the Super Bowl and there is a goal to appeal to more then the crazed fans like all of us!! My favorite commercials were the Doritos...the office one with the co-worker licking fingers was funny....

    Well, the bigger subject is now everyone is 0-0 again with a 1/32 shot at being in this position next year. We have a long off season (hopefully not longer than scheduled....get a deal done!) and we need to hit a home run with the draft and do as well with a big offensive and/or defensive FA as last year (Dansby).
    PhiNomina likes this.
  38. jason8er

    jason8er Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Beaufort, SC

    I'll take your word for it, cuz no way I was sticking around to watch that.
    DolfanJake likes this.
  39. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Well, those fans got hooked up though Dukane, I'll give the NFL credit for that:

    -3x face value of the tickets, so they were handed 2,700 dollars
    -were taken to the Club Level and got free food and booze
    -free tickets to next yr's super bowl

    Jerruh flopped the way only the overly pompous can, the NFL did their level best to try and rectify the situation.

    As for being 0-0 would love to see:

    -Soliai signed
    -Chad Owens signed
    -Phillip Hunt signed
    -Wake given a raise

    I know Odie has started running, would like to see Kory Sheets running as well.
    dukane5 likes this.
  40. DolfanJake

    DolfanJake Banned

    Jan 15, 2010
    West Miami-Dade County
    Where did you read they got free tickets to next year's game ? I never saw that. Link please.

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