Ryan Mallett "sensational" during workout; Could Dolphins be interested?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by dolfan7171, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Really hard to know how Mallet will produce in the pros. Two sides to every coin. Some of the people who like Mallet also thought Brady Quinn would be a stud. Some of the people who are threatening to jump off a cliff if we draft Mallet also thought drafting Matt Ryan would be a wasted pick because he was overrated and that we were set at QB with John Beck :shifty:
  2. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    The dude has great talent in his arm...

    He changes when hes around the brothers..know what iam sayin..

    From the looks of his body and that beer gut, doesn't look to me like he did anything to work on his craft from that perspective.

    Red flags everywhere...
    ToddsPhins likes this.
  3. razorbacksuitcase

    razorbacksuitcase New Member

    Feb 16, 2011
    I don't think Mallett is as dumb as you folks think. I don't think he is a candidate to be a Rhodes scholar... but I think both of his parents are teachers (I believe Mom is an English teacher ironically). Besides, Newton sounds dumb as dog-**** with his third person references and using big words in all the wrong places. Based on all Cam's drama in life... he most likely is. Why don't people think Newton is a character risk? Gabbert sounds pretty smart I guess... Ponder too. Actually they all sound stupid compared to McElroy LOL.

    Mallett talks like he's from the hood... but a lot of white guys do, especially athletes. Supposedly he is a film rat and like him or not, Petrino is a good coach. Plus Mallett comes from a pro-spread and works under center a lot. Newton and Gabbert are straight shot-gun guys. Who is the last spread / shotgun QB out of college to be great in the pros? Mallett can roll out pretty good and he actually has good ball fakes.

    Does Mallett try to make the big play too much... yes. But most guys with big arms do that. Like CK dude said... at least he is aggressive. Henne looks scared ****less IMO.

    But all this being said... Mallett could be a huge bust. But so could all of them.
    Hurricane and MrClean like this.
  4. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Arkansas' OL struggled against LSU and Alabama picking up the blitz but against most everybody else the OL did fine against the blitz. They struggled against OSU who only brought pressure with four. And I watched the clips you posted and I disagreed with your conclusions. Mallett was fine when he was moving in a direction and the pressure didn't make him change direction. In those cases he just used his arm strength to hit the underneath guy. Petrino did a decent job of protecting him by calling many of those designed plays. Even then, his performance was average under those kind of pressure situations. However, if the pressure made him change direction then he lacked the athleticism to throw a good pass. In those cases, his footwork fell apart and Mallett consistently failed. He will face those delayed blitzes in the NFL far more than he did in college. Those blitzes are the current rage.

    That's incorrect, IMO. What showed up as his most consistent flaw in college was consistently reading disguised coverages, and staying patient. He progressed on that during his college career, but hasn't progressed on it enough yet to succeed in the NFL. He'll need to continue the progression he's shown from 2009 to 2010.[/QUOTE]

    It's not a single data point with Mallett. In addition to Petrino saying Mallett wasn't taking bowl preparation seriously enough, there were articles while he was at Michigan saying that his team mates didn't like him b/c he didn't work hard. I also heard the same criticism about him coming out of HS. That's three different places and the same concern is brought up by three different groups.
  5. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    Sparano will fix that, don't you worry. :wink2:

    Give it a month and Mallett will have nothing to grab while his other hand is throwin down gang signs. Just sayin.
  6. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    yea, Sparano will all be like, "Throw Deep" and Mallet will be all like, "OK".

    unlike Henne who is all like, "Well you know, I could check down."
  7. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I don't recall anybody saying that Matt Ryan would be a wasted pick. I don't even recall people saying that Ryan was bad or over rated. What I recall was people saying that he wasn't that much better as a prospect compared to Flacco and Henne. That's the thing with any prospect. Nobody can say that a player will bust or succeed. All you can really say is your opinion of whether their odds are good or not. And those odds will always be impacted by the situation they end up in. In Mallett I see a player that lacks many of the characteristics of past successful QBs and has just about all of the characteristics of past busts. IMO that makes his odds of success low.
    ToddsPhins likes this.
  8. CashInFist

    CashInFist Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    West Virginia
    What the hell does that have to do with you saying that a GM will fall in love with him because he can throw in shorts? Your are posting pure BS now to cover-up your lame post that I quoted. You have years of game film of Ryan Mallett "IN PADS" to make a determination. Throwing is shorts was a crappy post by you, and you know it...
  9. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    A league source later told NFL Network insider Jason La Canfora that Newton also is scheduled to work out for the Tennessee Titans, Miami Dolphins, Cincinnati Bengals and Cleveland Browns.

    I think they are all great QB's but I don't see Ryan or Cam on the board at #15. There are too many teams needing QB's who pick before us: namely everyone listed above. This tryout by the Dolphins has to be a decoy.I personally would love to get one of these QB standouts, but unless we plan on trading up, I just can't fathom how it could happen.
  10. CashInFist

    CashInFist Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    West Virginia
    Or we are trying to determine the viability of trading up to get one of these signal callers?
  11. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    Man that would really be great but what would we give up to trade up? We don't have a second rounder and really need the picks that we have. I would love to see this happen but I don't know it would come off.
  12. CashInFist

    CashInFist Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    West Virginia
    Padre just posted a thread that said the NFL is trying to come up with an agreement that trading players will be allowed. That is our only hope for success this year, imo.
  13. cobrajet

    cobrajet Mr. Ross - sell the team!

    Jan 12, 2010
    That's what I love about the draft, there are so many players and options that anything can happen. Trading players is an option that will certainly add a ton of excitement. If we can get a stud QB in this draft I am all for it, but our RB issues are pretty huge too. I wonder if bringing back Henne, Thiggy and Penny for one more year would help us temporarily. The 2012 draft is huge in QB's, but who knows dude, not me.
  14. CashInFist

    CashInFist Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    West Virginia
    Only if you are interested in drafting Andrew Luck in 2012. :lol:
  15. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    All due respect Rafael, but if you don't recall, you've simply forgotten or weren't paying attention. I will say it was happening more on FinHeaven before this place even existed. But it was happening. The things people were saying were shocking, especially in hindsight. There were well respected members of both boards claiming that we were better off with John Beck citing evidence such as his "excellent performance" in garbage time in the Cincinnati game in 2007. Adamprez might remember those days. He's one of the very few I can remember that had anything nice to say about Matt Ryan. I don't know what it is about us Dolphin fans, but we tend to become enamored with the incumbent QB even if he is as pathetic as John Beck was. Now Henne is no John Beck as he's actually had some success in the NFL and can handle a snap, but he's garnering the same loyalty from fans. I guess it's a good trait for a fanbase to have. But I'll never understand fans not wanting to upgrade the most important position on the field if the incumbent isn't getting it done.

    That being said, I'm not trying to imply you are wrong or right on Ryan Mallet. I absolutely agree he is a MUCH bigger unknown than Matt Ryan was. My personal opinion on Ryan Mallet is I'm going to let our FO have an opinion on him and support their decision.
  16. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I can't say what was being said on Finheaven as I haven't been there in years. But I do recall what was being said here. And many, including myself liked Beck, but I doubt I would ever have said we were set at QB until we had a QB who had played well for at least a season. I wasn't a fan of drafting Ryan b/c I believed that Long was a better prospect at a position that is even harder to fill and almost as important. I also felt that getting the duo of Long and Flacco (who was the guy I liked as a combo with Long) was better than Ryan and any LT we could get. But I never claimed that Ryan was a bad prospect. And that's what I recall most everybody here saying. That Ryan was good, the best QB prospect in the draft, but not necessarily that much better than the other QBs in that draft. I don't recall anybody ever saying we are set. I think that you are either remembering what was said at Finheaven or you are exaggerating what was said here. I actually don't doubt any claim about something being said at Finheaven since I have seen many outlandish statements there but I wouldn't characterize those statements as coming from "respected and knowledgeable" posters.
  17. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007

    Nice article. Some points of interest:

    This line really sings to me. I don't know Ryan Mallett. I've never met him, I've never talked to him, etc. So Kirwan has a different perspective than I do. But the reason this line jives with me is because I have a similar experience as Kirwan every time I watch Mallett interviewed. Each time, his personality gets more intriguing, and each time I become more and more convinced that this talk about his personality issues is way overdone.


    Good answer.

    Not so sure about that. It was Petrino that strung him up by the heels prior to the bowl game in 2009 talking about how he's struggled to get Ryan Mallett to take bowl preparation seriously.

    As I've said many times before, Mallett beats the blitz. I think he feels more comfortable against the blitz, not unlike Henne. But you sit back with a lot of guys in coverage, disguising your coverage, etc...and you still get pressure with the four-man rush...that's painful. A lot of QBs struggle with that.

    In STARK contrast to what Chad Henne has developed a comfort with in Miami. Dan Henning gave Chad Henne the ability to call for extra protections, and Henne often did. When we notice how few receiving options Miami often has out on routes, we often blame Dan Henning, but the fact of the matter is it was both...Dan Henning set the table, and Chad Henne ordered the fish instead of the steak.

    What's interesting about that is some QBs think of a third option...THROW THE BALL AWAY. He didn't do that at Arkansas. He'll have to be coached to do it in the pros. It's hard to say how easy or hard that will be for him, because sometimes it seems to me that not throwing the ball away is part of his personality on the field. So I went ahead and looked across the league...to see how often guys threw the ball away. The results were in some cases very surprising. Chad Henne led the league in throwaways, which is yet another reason why I believe this coaching staff and this front office will not want Ryan Mallett. They obviously believe in and coach the throwaway very hard, and they're not going to like a guy like Mallett who not only seems to never throw the ball away, but whose personality seems opposed to the idea of it. But you know who almost never throws the football away? Peyton Manning. He threw the ball away only 5 times this year....on 697 drop backs. That's STAGGERING. But he's not totally alone. Tom Brady threw the ball away only 10 times on 522 drop backs. These are two guys that Ryan Mallett looks up to and models his game after, and they throw the ball away once every 52 and 140 drop backs. It's really no wonder Mallett never throws the ball away.
    padre31 likes this.
  18. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Definitely I'm not accusing you of saying any of that stuff. And most of the nonsense I describe was said at FinHeaven before it went down and before this board was established. But I remember less severe but similar comments over here. I won't drag anybody's names through the mud because a couple of them that I remember specifically don't post here anymore. The point I'm trying to make here is that we as fans never know for sure how a prospect will turn out. I think we've all held viewpoints on QB prospects that have been proven wrong. I was devastated when we passed on Brady Quinn. The only thing that continues to frustrate me as a fan is blind faith in the incumbent QB before he has proven he can be a franchise QB. Blind faith that goes so far as to disparage any potential replacement. I think we all know there were several who were upset when we drafted Henne and borderline disgusted when we signed Chad Pennington.
  19. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Good interview CK, I like the fact he is most concerned with making plays, that is his first priority though I do not think he realizes that is what he is saying.
  20. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007

    Myself I saw good things in John Beck and I thought he could be a decent QB if he got a fighting chance. I know a lot of people would disgree with me but I think he would have done a better job than Chad Henne did in the last two years. I was not happy when Chad Henne was drafted, however I have hoped for the best. So far he hasn't progressed how I would like and his horrible pocket presense annoys the hell out of me. I am hoping he improves I just do not see it.

    I was also so happy Miami passed on Brady Quinn. I did want Willis instead, I would like to say I wanted Revis, however i didn't know who he was. I was not impressed with Quinn in college.

    I am warming up to Mallett. If, by magic, there is a new CBA today or somethign happens so there can be an offseason I wouldn't mind drafting Mallett. The season would be more exciting with him at quarterback.
  21. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I agree that nobody knows with certainty what a prospect will do. I think the most we can do is estimate whether a prospect has a good chance to be a franchise guy or not. I also agree that the back-up QB is generally the most popular player and that incumbents amy sometimes receive too much love. But in this case, I don't think anybody is arguing that we are set with Henne. And I doubt anyone would argue that Henne is getting too much love. I think the debate is more about the quality of the potential replacements and prospects that are available this year.
    GMJohnson and MonstBlitz like this.
  22. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    This thread is about how sensational Mallett looked in shorts and speculation about whether the Dolphins are interested. And unless this is your first year watching a draft then you know that every year GMs fall in love with how some prospect plays in shorts. There is nothing BS about me saying that Mallett does not deserve a first round grade for what he did in pads but that some GM could fall in love with Mallett for how he plays in shorts.
  23. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    To me, the Mallet narrative is much simpler than even how he looks in shorts:

    -Big arm
    -Goal is to make plays deep down the field
    -Nice size.

    That is what there is to work with where Mallet is concerned.
  24. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I think any narrative would have to include the negatives as well. I agree about his positives though. I just think that there have been many QBs with those positives in the past and history has shown that generally those aren't enough to work with.
  25. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    That is not fair. Mallett has two years of good college play including 1 year of excellent play. He has a NFL arm and a NFL body. He is decently accurate and athletic as well. Watching him play he does deserve a first round grade. He might even climb like two other 2nd to 3rd round grade quarterbacks who shot up during the offseason I can think of. Philip Rivers and Joe Flacco. Josh Freeman was another one. I am not saying he is going to become successful in the NFL, however just because a quarterback shoots up during the offseason does not mean he is going to be a failure.
  26. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    he is accurate though
  27. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    IMO he is accurate in shorts and when not under pressure. I think that when he gets pressure that makes him have to change direction that his accuracy goes way down. Not just down like any other QB under pressure, but below that. And I don't think he has the athleticism or work ethic to ever improve that. (BTW for me athleticism is more than running around. It relates to the ability to stay in balance while performing).
  28. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I have seen CK write a decent post backing up the claim that he does perform well under pressure. i have also seen youtube videos of plays where he thrown accurate passes with guys in his face.

    Do you have any stats or proof to back up your claim taht his accuracy goes way down under pressure?

    Also I disagree with your assesment of athleticism, he shows more on the field than Chad Henne even if Chad henne has better athleticism in shorts.
  29. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I don't agree that he should have a first round grade or that he is anywhere near as good of a prospect as Rivers, Flacco or Freeman were. And that is hardly some shocking analysis as many of the "experts" have reached the same conclusion (not a first round grade). I also don't really think he's shooting up the boards. I think at best some GM may fall in love with how he plays in shorts and over draft him, but that most will look at the film and rate him as a second round prospect.
  30. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I honestly don't know how anyone can watch this video and come away thinking he sucks at dealing with pressure. He anticipates pressure well, gets the ball out, and can move around pressure. When rafael criticizes the pressure in the video it seems like he's punishing Mallett for sensing the pressure early and moving away from it. It seems like it "doesn't count" unless he makes the mistake of waiting until the guy is right in his face about to sack him, so that he can do some nifty dance move to make the guy miss and then throw the ball.

    CashInFist likes this.
  31. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Many experts didn't think Freeman or Flacco should have first round grades.
  32. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    There are SEVERAL off balance and back foot throws in that video where he was perfectly accurate. But if you'd listen to some people, those throws didn't happen.
  33. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    In addition to watching him play many times, I watched CK's youtube video of passes under pressure. As I watched the video I didn't agree that all of those would qualify as "under pressure". Many of those were simply designed rolls where a guy happened to be chasing and Mallett didn't have to change anything or what looked like designed quick passes where Mallett didn't have to move. When I excluded those I counted 15 pressure plays and rated 10 as bad plays and/or bad decisions and 5 as good plays and/or good decisions. As for his athleticism, we'll have to agree to disagree. Lack of athleticism was one of the things that I felt limited Henne as a prospect when he was coming out. In fact, I think that is the one area that Matt Ryan has shown to be superior over Henne and I think accounts for much of his better performance. (I also think Matt Ryan was in a much better situation). And I don't believe that Mallett is even on Henne's level in terms of athleticism.
  34. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    That is crazy. Watching the first five minutes of the video I saw more athleticism than in an entire season of Chad Henne. If it is not a designed roll out Chad Henne shows horrible athletism. Plus Henne's pocket awareness is much worse than Mallett's as well.
  35. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I never evaluated Freeman, but I had a first round grade on Flacco. But that really isn't the point. The point is that if many "experts" have come to a similar conclusion that a prospect doesn't deserve a first round grade that it shouldn't be shocking or unreasonable for another person to come to a similar conclusion. You're making it sound like there's no way I could reach the conclusion that Mallett doesn't deserve a first round grade and I'm saying that many have reached that same conclusion. In fact, this year's draft muncher which I believe has compiled the average results of 10 'experts' drafts shows Mallett's average draft position to be about slot 35. You're obviously free to have your own opinion, but I don't think my opinion on this prospect is all that outlandish.
  36. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Everyone can have their own opinions, however I am free to point out my opinion why your opinion is inaccurate. The way you have presented your opinion like there is no way someone can have a first round grade based on his play on the field is very shortsided.

    You do not have to agree with people's opinion on his play, however to say you cannot see why they would, does not fit with Ryan Mallett, imo. It just shows not enough work on the matter and having an opinion that is based more on emotion than facts.
  37. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I have never said nobody can have a first round grade on him. He can clearly throw the ball when not pressured and that has proven to be enough in the past that GMs have gambled on QBs like that. I think history has shown those to be poor gambles but clearly players that have performed like Mallet have been given first round grades in the past. What I said is that I don't see how it's reasonable to expect that a player that was accused of having a poor work ethic in three different places will suddenly have a great work ethic when he gets to the pros. I don't think it's impossible but I wouldn't call it a reasonable or likely expectation. I guess you can believe that Mallett actually has a great work ethic and that those reports were all wrong but that sounds to me like somebody who is ignoring things and going on emotion.
  38. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007

    Play 01: Sees pressure, forced to scramble and reset. Throws too low. Afterwards is seen telling player "My bad, J!" Incomplete
    Play 02: Sees 3-Tech come free, scrambles right to avoid, throws 40 yards at dead run. Pass is catchable with toe tap, but a few feet too wide. Incomplete
    Play 03: Sees pressure from left, backs up to avoid it, throws an off-balance pass that is placed well right to left over the middle. Complete
    Play 04: Sees blitzer from his left, scrambles to his right to avoid, sees McPhee to his right, stops, throws early and turfs the ball on purpose. Incomplete
    Play 05: Sees pressure coming in and decides to keep backing up, throwing off back foot accurately, converting on 4th & 1. Complete
    Play 06: Sees pressure in his face which forces a change to his throwing motion and follow-thru, throws the touchdown. Complete
    Play 07: Sees pressure from stunting LDE coming up middle, pulls down ball to avoid him, scrambles, throws on the run for 1st down. Dropped
    Play 08: Sees left pressure, steps up to avoid, hit as he threw, leading to off balance throw which goes off target low. Incomplete
    Play 09: Sees blitzing LB #43 coming up the middle, steps up to avoid, hit as he threw which causes ball to go low. Incomplete
    Play 10: Sees outside rusher #43 on right, steps up into pocket and scrambles right to free a lane, throws accurately upfield. Complete
    Play 11: Sees Heyward bull rushing his OL straight into him, jumps backward off balance while throwing ball accurately. Complete
    Play 12: Sees Heyward come in on him, scrambles right to avoid, makes a pinpoint throw upfield. Complete
    Play 13: Sees 3-Tech #54 cleanly beat RG, steps up to avoid, hit as he threw into a vacant area. Incomplete
    Play 14: Sees Heyward coming right into his face, steps up and to the right to avoid, throws 35 yards off balance into end zone for TD. Dropped
    Play 15: Sees Heyward free himself up middle, scrambles right to buy time, throws accurately upfield complete for TD. Touchdown
    Play 16: Sees LDE beat Dominguez and steps up to avoid, turfs the ball at a covered running back's feet. Incomplete
    Play 17: Sees #54 come free right up the middle, scrambles left and makes him miss, throws on the run upfield high to WR. Dropped
    Play 18: Sees stunting #54 coming free, steps up to throw ball to Jerious Wright who gave up on the route, leading to near INT on low ball. Incomplete
    Play 19: Sees blitzing Homan up middle untouched, backs up to buy time, makes off balance throw, didn't see DL dropping into zone. Intercepted
    Play 20: Sees edge blitzed, steps up and checks down to avoid, on target pass to runner. Dropped
    Play 21: Looking left, sees Marcel Dareus getting from from that direction, throws to the right off back foot, too high. Incomplete
    Play 22: Sees free blitzer from left, backs up and throws off back foot to avoid, on target pass gains 1st down. Complete
    Play 23: Sees a blitzing LB from right and steps up in pocket anticipating pressure that doesn't come. Throws on the move accurately. Complete
    Play 24: UF Play. Sees 1-Tech's outside rush, steps up to avoid, off balance throw 41 yards thru air. Complete
    Play 25: Late recognizing delayed blitz from right, steps up and right to make him miss, trips on his OL's feet, throws while falling off target. Incomplete
    Play 26: Sees DT free up middle, throws early and adjusts trajectory high to compensate, no follow thru, 39 yards thru air perfect placement. Complete
    Play 27: Sees blitzing CB from left immediately at snap and starts scrambling right to buy time, throws cross body perfect. Complete
    Play 28: Designed PA roll right, sees LB in his face soon as he turns, jerks to a stop, shifts back left, very difficult throw into tight window. Complete
    Play 29: Sees DT coming up middle late, jumps backward and throws off back foot to avoid, hit as he threw but gets ball on target. Dropped
    Play 30: Sees free blitzing LB, steps back and right to avoid, throws a little low and behind but right on the hands crossing left to right. Dropped
    Play 31: Sees RDE stunting and steps left to avoid, Dareus sheds forcing him to step back right, throws scramble drill into tight window. Intercepted
    Play 32: Sees Von Miller blitz inside RT, steps right to avoid, notices green dog blitzer late, speeds to the right more (gets lucky), perfect throw. Complete
    Play 33: Sees free blitzing LB after play fake, steps up and left to make miss, throws 53 yards thru air to deep man open complete for TD. Touchdown
    Play 34: Rolls right off PA, sees pursuit but underestimates speed, releases late allowing LB to hit him as he threw, affecting the throw, near INT. Incomplete
    Play 35: Sees overload blitz from right, scrambles right to keep sight lines on vacated zone, throws into it, high but catchable. Complete
    Play 36: Sees Von Miller cross vision, steps left to avoid him, throws off balance perfectly to D.J. Williams. Dropped
    Play 37: Sees rusher stunting right to left, steps up and left wanting upfield option, sees second stunter left to right, throws back left too low. Incomplete
    Play 38: Tries to throw up middle but pulls ball down because he sees passing lane get clogged by DT and Ref, resets and throws checkdown. Complete
    Play 39: Late recognizing free blitzer, steps up and left to avoid but slips, can't shake him, flips ball left handed to checkdown while being sacked. Complete
    Play 40: Sees collapsing pocket and steps left to clear his sight lines, guns it to WR on slant from left to right, high but catchable. Complete
    Play 41: Screen play to D.J. Williams, sees D.J. covered and throws ball away while backing up off back foot. Incomplete
    Play 42: Sees free blitzer and backs up, throws the ball away to his left toward D.J. Williams, gets pass interference call. Incomplete
    Play 43: Sees rusher stunting from left to right, steps left to avoid, pulls ball down to gain yardage scrambling. Rush
    Play 44: Rolls right off PA, sees #41 in his face soon as he turns, jerks back let to avoid, pulls ball down and scrambles for positive gain. Rush
    Play 45: Sees zone blitz and tries to hit hot read to D.J. Williams who didn't break off, so he pulls ball down and gains positive yardage. Rush

    The rest of the plays are not supposed to be pressure plays at all, just showing that contrary to popular belief, Ryan Mallett throws pretty well on the move, rolling out and whatnot. I would like to note though, two of the plays (the one at 10:09, and the one at 11:41) I should have put in the pressure file because on the first he turned off the fake and saw a guy in his face and chose to keep backing away from the play throwing off balance and complete for a 1st down off 3rd & 4, and the second he did the same thing except adjusted his release super high to get it over the defender's head to convert on 4th & 1.

    So what are the tallies? Well, I'll go ahead and exclude two plays in order to make the study more honest. I capped Mallett's games against Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Texas A&M and Mississippi State. But during those games they replayed a play he made against Florida in 2010 and a play he made against Georgia in 2009. I'll exclude those, because to include them would be cherry picking.

    Under Pressure plays: 20 of 43, 2 TDs, 2 INTs, 7 Drops, 1 Dropped TDs, 1 Dropped INTs
    On-the-Move plays: 7 of 8, 1 TDs, 0 INTs, 1 Drops, 0 Dropped TDs, 0 Dropped INTs
  39. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    To be able to sense pressure and react to it, and put the ball on the receiver's hands 63% of the time...that's pretty good. And one thing that's interesting is you notice that the worst of his plays are plays where he senses pressure one way, attempting to deal with it, and then the pressure surprises him by coming from another direction. THAT is where he gets into trouble.
  40. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Play 01: Forced to change direction. Incomplete
    Play 02: Forced to change direction, throws ball out of bounds, not catchable. Incomplete
    Play 03: Not forced to change direction. Complete
    Play 04: Forced to change direction. Incomplete
    Play 05: Not forced to change direction. Complete
    Play 06: Not forced to change direction. Complete
    Play 07: Not forced to change direction. Good pass. Dropped
    Play 08: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 09: Forced to move. Incomplete.
    Play 10: Not forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 11: Forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 12: Forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 13: Forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 14: Forced to change direction. Good pass. Dropped.
    Play 15: Not forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 16: Forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 17: Forced to change direction. Incomplete. (not dropped)
    Play 18: Forced to change direction. Incomplete
    Play 19: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 20: Forced to step up, but may have been a designed play. Dropped.
    Play 21: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete
    Play 22: Not forced to change direction. Complete
    Play 23: Not forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 24: Not forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 25: Forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 26: Not forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 27: Not forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 28: Forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 29: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete. Dropped.
    Play 30: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete. Dropped.
    Play 31: Forced to change direction. Intercepted. Incomplete.
    Play 32: Forced to change direction. Good pass. Complete.
    Play 33: Forced to change direction. Good pass. Complete. Touchdown
    Play 34: Forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 35: Forced to change direction. Complete.
    Play 36: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete. Dropped.
    Play 37: Forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 38: Not forced to change direction. Complete
    Play 39: Forced to change direction. Complete
    Play 40: Not pressured. Complete
    Play 41: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete
    Play 42: Not forced to change direction. Incomplete.
    Play 43: Forced to change direction. Rush
    Play 44: Forced to change direction. Rush.
    Play 45: Not forced to change direction. Rush.

    I didn’t repeat the descriptions although it seemed to me that you made many excuses for Mallett. My tally: (I counted all of the drops as completed passes), When forced to change directions he was 9 of 21 (43%). When not forced to move he was 16 of 21 (76%). IMO he will be pressured in the NFL and forced to move and he will be closer to that 43%. I think we’ll see that on the critical 3rd down stats. I believe that if you want to know if a QB can be good, you watch him on 3rd downs. When I project what Mallett will be, I see a player who isn’t likely to be good enough on 3rd downs b/c the NFL trend is to send those delayed A-gap blitzes on third down and make the QB move. The result is that those guys who can’t move and throw will struggle. The guys like Rodgers, Brees and Brady (yes, even Brady) who can throw well when forced to move will succeed. If you're looking for a franchise QB then you look for a guy who can throw when he's forced to move.
    ToddsPhins likes this.

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