Brandon Marshall talking live to media LIVE

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by phinnhedd, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. phinnhedd

    phinnhedd Reality.

    Oct 10, 2008
    Port Saint Lucie, FL
    Go to front page, talking live now.

    And here's the link to the archived video:
  2. phinnhedd

    phinnhedd Reality.

    Oct 10, 2008
    Port Saint Lucie, FL
    2 things he's making clear:

    he wouldn't be a man if he didn't stop the villainization of his wife. Appreciates his wife for handing the situation with grace and honor.

    he wouldn't be able to articulate to paint a vivid enough picture to show what he's been suffering from. Affects his interpersonal relationships.

    Out of respect for his marriage, he won't go into any detail of any situation about past events. Says his wife didn't stab him. He made the glass available to the detectives so they could make the right decisions. The glass had his blood and skin still on it.

    2nd thing, only reason he is doing this, comes a time for a guy that you go through so many things that you become bulletproof to all the critics and what the world thinks of you. Today, he is vulnerable, making himself vulnerable. this is the opposite of damage control. Making people aware of things he's had to deal with. He can't explain and paint a vivid enough picture for us of his situation.

    His story has played out publicly through the media since he stepped foot on the NFL field. It was so hard for him to understand how someone so blessed with success how he felt inside. He made it to the NFL that was his only goal, not only did he make it he became a probowl player, one of the highest paid players. Married a beautiful wife, has a beautiful home (thanks to his wife). Goes through more of what he has...

    Says he hasn't been able to enjoy any of what he has and has a hard time to understand why. With that said, he wants the media to tell his story in an accurate way that way people who may be suffering the same thing he is can get help and get treatment. Says his BPD is very treatable, with the right treatment program. Says he can live a healthy, peaceful, effective life. Gives credit to someone that has come up with an effective treatment.

    He's doing a documentary (Borderline Beast). Says he got saved in February, asked for God to show him his purpose here. When he got out of the hospital, started the process of his documentary. Says he didn't know what would come out of it, but something good will happen. What inspired him to do that, was not only his prayers, but what his wife said before she got arrested. Wife had a look in her eyes of sadness, confusion, pain and told him someone will learn from our story, someone will learn from this story she said. He thought that was really powerful, that someone who was wrongfully arrested to have the strength to say that. He can't articulate it well enough for us to understand for how he has been living and affected the people around him. Gives more credit to his wife for being able to handle him. She has exhausted herself trying to help brandon, trying to love him, and this is where we are at today. His purpose here today is to give publicity to BPD. Says professionals are apprehensive on diagnosing BPD.
  3. phinnhedd

    phinnhedd Reality.

    Oct 10, 2008
    Port Saint Lucie, FL
    10% of all cases of BPD ends in suicide...

    This is where his passion comes from. Some may ask why is he so serious. His purpose is to raise awareness. Talks about jail/prison population of people suffering with BPD. If things hasn't happened the way they have for Brandon, something else would have happened (worse). Suggests it could have been a lot worse had he not received treatment. Reason he is so passionate about it, he may lose his wife from it. Hurts him deeply. (long pause)

    He wears his emotions on his sleeve, says he isn't crazy. What he feels is real, validity behind his feelings. Says sufferers of BPD react differently to situations. Learning how to cope with different things and how to think is what he's been trying to do. Says he's going to study psychology at Nova to learn more about his condition. Talks about frontal lobe and what it does (brain part.) Says he just wants to raise awareness over and over again. Says it's an exciting day, a day he's been waiting for. Says he loves the game, has a new appreciation for the game. Thinks he may be a better football player. Says he's been more reactive instead of thinking. With that being said he didn't even think off the field. Says he's always been impulsive and reactive. Says BPD has ruined him in ways that he's had to deal with
    evz, Boik14 and djphinfan like this.
  4. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Very interesting. He truly seems to be in a different place now.
    djphinfan likes this.
  5. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    So I guess there were some behind the scene incidents/blowups as well. Spoke well of Henne getting the guys together and distributing information. Probably the nicest thing he's ever said about Henne.
  6. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts

    As Ricky packs his bags, our next "star" player announces he has issues...

    Oh boy, this is going to be a fun season.
  7. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Wow...I'am blown away by this mans strength, and honesty..



    All i'am saying is, watch the fu%4 out for this football team..This team is gonna watch his back, and this man is going to show great leadership because of his own self discovery.. watch..

    Mods, this should be on the front page, everyone here should read this...Totally inspiring..
  8. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    eh I'd be happy if bmarsh gets his stuff together and works through this. I know I'm a ***** lol
  9. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    yessir Kent, he sure did, and that my friend, should not be underestimated..This is a very powerful man right now, and he just endorsed his QB..
  10. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    What is this? One Flew Over the Flipper's Lagoon?
  11. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Marshall will have a massive year IF he has continuity. Yes, that means he needs to be familiar with his Qb. I think Sparano should clear this up now and name Henne the starter.
  12. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I agree..check it, even if orton does eventually come here, I don't think folks are properly quantifying the loyalty and respect that Henne has earned this offseason..I have a feeling this is gonna be a close knit bunch..
  13. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    It was a very powerful media session today.

    Brandon talked about how players have that 'switch' that they turn off when they leave the field. He said with him there was no switch. He was like that all the time.

    He said it was during last season that for the first time he started to wonder whether something was really wrong with him mentally. I'd heard about him having problems functioning within the team and he said as much. He thanked the Dolphins for keeping all of this stuff in-house.

    He talked about one instance where he blew up in a team meeting and just let it rip. Later on he felt really bad about it and asked Ricky if he thought something was wrong with him mentally. That's when Ricky recommended the McLean Center.

    Brandon said that his agent and assistant actually performed an intervention. That up until April, he still thought he could manage it and fix himself alone. He said that if he hadn't gone to Boston, something else would have happened. He said he was still "boiling inside" and ready to explode. That he would have lost his career and possibly his life, and that he still might lose his wife.

    He said the game is no longer a priority to him (personally I think he meant 'the' priority), but he thinks this could make him an even better player. Says he's 'feeling' now for the first time, actually connecting with his emotions. He's never been like that before. He talked about seeing a picture of his dogs while in Boston and going, "Man, I really miss my dogs." Then he saw a picture of his pool and said, "Man, I miss my pool." There was a total disconnect with that part of his psyche that has now been turned back on.

    He also said "I don't watch TV anymore. I YouTube 'psychology'". Says this new direction has been his life the last 3 months and he's going to enroll at Nova in the spring to study mental health.

    Also, if you haven't seen the trailer for his documentary, check it out.

    evz, Bpk, Trackstar and 2 others like this.
  14. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    I'm still baffled over " Marshall went to Ricky Williams for advice..."

    Suspect if people really want to know what went on in 2010 they should seek Williams interview with Sid as I suspect that is as close as we will ever come to finding out, even then RW did not mention Marshall's in house blow up during a team meeting that they effectively suppressed.
  15. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Why did we ever go near this guy. He is a complete mess.
    And of course he was a changed man when he came to Miami. That was all a farce.
    I don't believe a word that this man says anymore.
  16. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    I thought I was the only one that felt this way.
  17. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Smart move by the organization to coordinate this at the beginning of camp. Takes a lot of pressure of some of the guys.
  18. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts

    He recognized he had a problem and is dealing with it, which would be a change.
  19. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Doesn't change the fact that he got Darrent Williams killed and has beaten women dozens of times. He admits he has a personality disorder (a fancy way of saying he's an *******) and all of a sudden he's forgiven?
  20. Alex13

    Alex13 Tua Time !!! Club Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    is there a link for the press conference, that documentary could be something, i was pissed that this was just a preview
  21. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Nope, the past can never be changed, it is what is, the only thing that matters is what is next, not what was last.
    Bpk and Ronnie Bass like this.
  22. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts

    Not up yet, will be sometime after 6pm I'm sure, maybe earlier.
  23. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    The man has obviously been in pain thru his life, lets support him during this time man, its a real problem, he's showing contriteness and sorrow for his actions..His focus will be better, his attitude will be better..He's showing the intelligence to face his ultimate fears and do something about it..give the man a break this time, he's gonna try to help others..
    muscle979 and Bpk like this.
  24. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    You can't change the past. Nothing will bring Williams back. And it's pretty well established that Marshall carries that with him.

    I don't think he's asking for our forgiveness, and explicitly stated he's not looking for sympathy.
    Trowa, Stringer Bell and Bpk like this.
  25. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    I didn't buy one word of Marshall's presser. Reminded me of Tiger's "sex addiction" press conference. It was very transparent, all very self-serving and self-indulgent. He's fishing for sympathy and trying to excuse or make people forget his actions. But, according to the reactions I've seen, most people are buying it.
  26. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    His actions speak louder than words. All that talk about why he's not doing what he's doing is EXACTLY why he's doing it.
  27. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    Enjoy your stay, it may not be the smoothest.
    steveincolorado, PSG and djphinfan like this.
  28. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Seems he's gone to a lot more trouble and expense to 'convince' everyone than Tiger. And he waited quite a long time to put it out there.

    Why would he come out and call national attention to himself, his issues, make a documentary, etc. when time alone would push that stuff into the past? Really, why would he do that? Why would he make up all of this stuff?

    Do you realize how difficult it must be to declare to the world that you're mentally ill?

    Fact: people in his situation do end up hurting people, in jail or dead. And the longer you live and the more people/relationships you encounter, you realize these kinds of things truly exist. Kudos to him for putting it out there and raising awareness.

    From the YouTube comments.

    That's why he's doing it.
  29. ToddsPhins

    ToddsPhins Banned

    Mar 15, 2009
    what i said from day 1 about Brandon----> that this is a guy whom is extremely passionate about everything, which is something that should be respected and appreciated about him....... and that he's a guy who really holds himself to a high standard.

    I've always said that if you accept Brandon for who he is, this extremely passionate, competitive guy who's gonna do dumb stuff from time to time, then you'll be ok, and his relationship with the team, fans, and media will be much better b/c of it. Holding him to a certain set of expectations as a person is something that can really bring this guy down, and it's entirely unfair. He deserves our support and love IMO.

    If we embrace Brandon for who he is, we could see him proceed with a tremendous career here b/c, when he's happy and in his "high" state, then very little can stand in the way of his extreme determination.
  30. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    He never said he was addicted to anything, he was diagnosed with a mental illness, as was Ricky Williams, which means both have a struggle ahead of them, though Ricky has apparently overcome his issues, Marshall is really just starting to deal with them.
    Stringer Bell, Bpk and Muck like this.
  31. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Ricky doesn't deserve to be in prison.
  32. bigbucks24

    bigbucks24 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Is there a link for his beating women 24 times? And I assume you have proof that "he got Darrent Williams killed"?
    CaribPhin and Anonymous like this.
  33. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Why would Marshall "deserve" to be in prison?

    Has he been convicted of anything?
  34. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Ha, because that's the measure.
  35. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Yeah, normally there is a conviction involved in a prison sentence, unless of course one is judge and jury.
    CaribPhin and Bpk like this.
  36. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Time to reup for Club Level.
    Trowa, Anonymous and CaribPhin like this.
  37. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Chris, I've watched your videos and followed you on Bleacher report and always respected you, but I have to say I'm disappointed in your attitude towards Brandon Marshall. I don;t mean to get personal, but could it be that his 'explanation' rings hollow because of an experience in your past with hollow explanations? I speak from experience there because my girlfriend reacts much the way you are today when confronted with someone showing remorse because her Dad had an addiction and kept telling the family he had 'changed' only to go back to being a bad father and husband again. So when she hears someone saying things like Brandon did today she doesn;t buy it either. She just gets angry at them.

    I don;t know if you have something like that going on, but honestly your response to this doesn;t seem objective. It seems like an out-of-proportion emotional reaction to something about this situation.

    Sorry if that offends you, but as I've said, I've followed you for awhile and this seems uncharacteristically harsh and negative for you.
  38. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    I gotta agree with BPK here, I love reading Chris's stuff but this seems totally out of character for him.
  39. ChrisJNelson


    Jan 25, 2010
    Atlanta, Georgia
    I just don't buy what Marshall's selling. I'm not inserting any personal feelings into the situation and I have nothing inherently against him. But when I watch the press conference, it comes across as extremely phony. From what I can tell speaking privately with a lot of the Dolphins' reporters, they all agree, with the exception of Omar Kelly, who seems to be Marshall's personal publicist. The conflict for a journalist is that if they wrote how they truly felt (and they certainly know Marshall better than we do, so I believe their insights), they'd receive the kind of ridicule from the fans that I have. I probably lost at least a dozen followers on twitter today. And maybe I shouldn't have made jokes about the situation. But I feel how I do about Marshall's history and his motives, and so do the people that cover the team. From what I hear, Marshall's only problem is that he's an "a-hole."
    Bpk likes this.
  40. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    The Miami sports media is **** with the exception of Darlington, Skolnick, Dave Hyde and Barry Jackson.
    I'd add Lebatard but he is getting a show on ESPN.

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