Mr. Ross please help!

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by PHINZ4LIFE, Oct 19, 2011.


    PHINZ4LIFE New Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    La Marque Tx
    Mr. Ross please do not allow our once proud franchise become any more of a middle of the road type team, or a bottom dweller, etc. It is time to replace Don Shula and Dan Marino. I am disgusted at how long it has taken to do so. I lived in Cali as a Dolphins fan for years and 1-15 season was a bad memory until this season. A Dolphins fan should not endure such a season. Now I live in Texas and we can't beat the Texans, and we seem to look worse than that team that was a Greg Camarillo catch away from 0-16. Don't get me wrong I LOVE my Phins but enough is enough. My flag flys high, my jersey is ready for every game day, sunday ticket is a must, and I will be in Dallas on Thanksgiving (although I will have a paper bag on); BUT you need to address our GM, HC issues now. So in time the new and much needed regime can address the team issues starting with a franchise QB.
  2. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    If you wan't to get things done just stop supporting the team and buying their merch.
    Wearing paper bags and begging the owner on a Dolphins message board isn't going to get it done.

    I have a hard time believing this thread is also serious..... :lol:
    siciliansith likes this.
  3. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    I see no evidence that ROSS isnt part of the problem.....he hasnt distinguished himself as part of the solution to date.

    Since until he sells, he will be the head of this franchise, I am concerned we will not change. Scary thought!
  4. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    The guy owns the team. He sees the empty seats in the stadium, and the public apathy towards the team. He's well aware of its financial effects, much less the effect it has on his own pride and ego.
    AquaBlitz likes this.
  5. AquaBlitz

    AquaBlitz Active Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    The guy's only been owner for 3 years. I believe we need to give him some times to hire his own GM and Head Coach before we start making judgments on him. I'm 95% sure Huizenga brought in Parcells who then brought in the current regime.
    PHINZ4LIFE likes this.
  6. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    your going to wear a bag on your head?? old are you?
    siciliansith and Killerphins like this.
  7. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Exactly, since Ross has taken over from Huizenga the missteps and errors have become Exponential.

    Ross isnt doing anything for his image or trust factor to show the NFL world he now roams within - that other than being the owner - he knows what he actually want to accomplish from a football standpoint. To date, his focus seems misplaced doesnt it, with Orange Carpet, Club, Celebrities, etc. And thats not really working is it? Certainly not from an image standpoint among his peers I sense.

    So, you say, as I have in the past, ok, well he has Football guys to run the on field side....but does he? Correct he inheritied them, they arent his, but then again, he has retained and extended them. Plus, last year he flies across the country on his own doing, and makes a huge gaffe in interviewing/soliciting a Head Coach while still having a HC on the payroll. This year, he has a GM he has kept in place, but has outside consultants in Peterson and Mangini of his own doing?

    Does anyone in the industry yearn to work for him? Many will take the money, but can he secure the best available? Will he have to settle?

    I stated before, Ross with his looks and physical statue, and his actual moves and actions and words so far, just has to have the lowest Q rating of any owner, to attract new talent that he tabs and targets. And that includes, players via FA, or agreeing to trades, to personnel FO types, and we will see if that includes DRAFT time. Things can still get a whole lot worse as I see it.

    We are the most embarrassing NFL franchise right now, are we not? I would never ever of thought that. It wont change until ROSS decides it will change, and that may not happen till he sells. That a horrible thought.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    He is also the one that made this team into a circus last year trying to hire a coach while we still had one. Ross has a lot of blame in the mess.
    BigDogsHunt likes this.
  9. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Granted, I know its all speculation....but while many of us are saying Do NOT FIRE Tony, etc.....what if in reality, Ross wants to hire Tony, but CANT DECIDE who should replace him, CANT GET anyone to AGREE LONGTERM to replace him, etc.

    Ross is part of the problem....and as FANS we must rely on him to be part of the solution....frankly, to date, I do not see a glimpse of him being able to pull that off.
    NJFINSFAN1 likes this.

    PHINZ4LIFE New Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    La Marque Tx
    I have a hard time believing your a Dolphins fan. I was just posting bro you don't have to read it, or have it read too

    [Mod] We do not call other posters names[/mod]
  11. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    I got told........ :lol:

    Seriously I have a hard time believing you are going to wear a bag on your head at all let alone at an opposing stadium.
    Cowboys fans are going to laugh their *** off at you. :wink2:
  12. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    When you put that bag on your head remember that at that momment, you will have become the type fan that deserves to root for a bottom dweller.

    We dont deserve anything just because we root for a team. None of us! Take the good with the bad and either jump ship or stay on board.

    PHINZ4LIFE New Member

    Apr 30, 2010
    La Marque Tx
    I'm a die hard Phinz fan but the bag is because its a insult this coach is still here(just an expression I picked up from a die hard Saints fan. It worked for him). A shake up is needed. Great pic by the way, something to cheer about.
  14. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    A much better way to cause a shake up is to not show up! Silence is golden!
    NJFINSFAN1 likes this.
  15. SeanP

    SeanP Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Aug 24, 2009
    Deltona FL
    In my opinion I've got to disagree with this. The only thing I've seen Ross truly blunder on (I'd say all the celebrity additions were a wash really) is the Harbaugh thing. If nothing else he identified that we probably needed a coaching change, but he wasn't going to just grab anyone for it. He botched the process and looked like a fool, but really his head was in the right place.

    Until his courting of Harbaugh, the general consensus (maybe not the consensus of our experts, but the overall consensus) was that Sparano and Ireland were doing an adequate job, and cleaning house was not necessary. So if that's the case there's not much he needs to do, nor would I want him to do.

    I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt depending on how he handles this offseason. Can Ireland and Sparano, and do a real search for the most qualified candidates. Do it more professionally than the Harbaugh thing and I think we'll bounce back.
  16. DeDolfan

    DeDolfan Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Rehoboth Beach
    Who do you think you're talking to?
  17. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Well, it goes deeper than this very moment his aligning as a consultant Mangini is being viewed as an equal joke. Ross has continued to mis-step!

    We need it to change...we need improvement from our owner!
  18. smahtaz

    smahtaz Pimpin Ain't Easy

    Paper or plastic?
    Ozzy likes this.
  19. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    I get all that, however, he seems to think that Fergie and JLo azzes would put more fans in the stadium than winning football...that's what's disturbing...
  20. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Its the same kind of people who call radio shows and promote losses for the stanford QB...''Stupid'' as that QB would say, but people have egos and they crave attention, this is the gross way of gaining attention on themselves.

    All I know is if I was a at a stadium and I saw another fan with a stupid TSHIRT on, or a holding a sign that says you know what, then all Ia'm saying, is some sh%$ will go down..So if I'am like that, I'am sure there are others...

    I know that initself may sound immature, but, sorry, if your flaunting it in my face or in my space, then watch ya back..
    siciliansith and Ozzy like this.

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