Thursday Morning Discussion: Manning to Miami Speculation

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by MonstBlitz, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I know I usually do these on Friday's, but since I have off tomorrow today is my Friday. The thread title says it all. It's just SPECULATION. But very interesting speculation nonetheless. It's been mentioned a few times in other threads, but following this piece by David Hyde I thought it might be a thread worthy discussion -,0,6960418.column

    So, whether or not this is likely to actually happen, here's the question:

    How would you feel about Peyton Manning in a Phins uniform?

    My thoughts: I would love it. Even if he could only give us 2 or 3 years. I would hope we would draft another promising QB that wouldn't mind sitting behind Manning for as long as he's healthy but if that could be done, Dolphins football would be so much fun to watch over the next 2 - 5 seasons.

    Here is a quarterback that I think could thrive on any team. Like Chad Pennington, only with a MUCH stronger arm, he's like having another coach out there on the football field.

    In fact, I'm getting myself too excited over something that probably never happens.

    How about this question: Manning and another young QB prospect vs. say Andrew Luck. Which would you rather have? Maybe I only think this because we're just about out of the race but I'd prefer Manning and another young prospect to an unknown NFL prospect, even if his name is Luck. Especially if Manning has 5 years left.
  2. DePhinistr8

    DePhinistr8 Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 24, 2008
    I'm not so sure Manning isn't completely done. Anything neck/vertebrae related is scary. Add in the cost of what it would probably take to get him, despite those red flags, and it's probably not worth it.

    Now if he were given a complete clean bill of health? Deal me in...
  3. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Yes, that's the big question. I'm assuming any deal any team makes for Manning if he ends up available has to be pending passing a physical.

    But I get tingly thinking about Peyton Manning throwing to Brandon Marshall, Davone Bess and company. This is a QB who made guys like Blair White and an average dude like Dallas Clark look like a superstar.
  4. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    I know people bring up "well what about Daunte Culpepper... Trent Green... we'll just be repeating history!"

    However... this is Peyton Manning. IMO one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history. If he can make a god awful Indianapolis team into contenders, imagine what he could do with a mediocre Miami Dolphins team.

    However I think it would be wise to invest a draft pick in a quarterback to groom if we did bring in Manning.
  5. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Right. If Dolphins could strike a deal to get Manning I'd also like to see them spend a relatively high pick on what would hopefully be our version of Aaron Rodgers.

    Hyde mentions in the article that a 3rd round pick could be the going rate for Manning since that's what the Jets spent for Favre. If Manning is even remotely healthy, I see the price tag being a lot higher than that. But maybe not if the Colts really are hellbent on drafting Luck. They'll want to make it as clean as possible and not hold Manning hostage. Maybe a 2nd?
  6. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    I can't see any scenario where this is a wise decision. Either:

    a) he's given a clean bill of health and Indianapolis is going to keep him

    b) his neck situation is shaky and then we'd be foolish to overpay for someone who may have his career ended after just a few games
    Aquafin, rafael and PhinishLine like this.
  7. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    No thanks. To me it's Culpepper all over again. I think Manning has played his last snap in the NFL already. I don't see him coming back from that injury. The number of failed surgeries already, the unproven medical things they've tried out of desperation. To me, he's done. If there was no current injury risk, then I'd be all for it. However, it just doesnt seem like a good move for this franchise. Even if it was just for another 2-3 years, I still dont like it. I'd rather take my chances at getting a rook of our own, to be with us for the next 15.
    Killerphins likes this.
  8. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    Bad idea.
    Would this really help the future of this team?
    Answer: Hell no.
    Why repeat historical mistakes.
    Aquafin likes this.
  9. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Valid concerns, but IMO Peyton Manning is nothing like Culpepper. Culpepper relied on mobility so his injury was a career ender. But Peyton's could also be a career ender also, just for entirely different reasons.

    But I think by the time any deal would happen, Peyton's health status will be known. If he is healthy, and if the Colts plan on drafting Luck, in my opinion the only clean way they do it is by trading Manning. If they don't, and Manning is healthy, I just don't see any scenario where they keep both players and keep them both happy.
  10. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    If this team and defense keeps playing at the level they have played the last 2 games, and Peyton Manning comes back healthy, you don't think he could lead this team to good things within the next 5 years? I know that's 2 big ifs, but IF?
  11. Killerphins

    Killerphins The Finger

    Nov 11, 2008
    My biggest concern is a fused vertebrae. Sure if there is a clean bill of health it doesn't mean that one hit can't end his career instantly.
    I'm not willing to take that risk.
    The QB class is too strong to trade for a QB near the end of his career with a major injury.

    Also from my view Manning has slipped a little in recent years. That is only going to continue with age.
    brandon27, Aquafin and MonstBlitz like this.
  12. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I think his contract makes him unable to be traded with that injury hanging over his head (or under it, as it were). The Colts are going to want to trade him before they have to pay make a $23 million payment to him. What team is going to take over that financial obligation without knowing if he can ever play again? It would be nuts.

    No dice on the trade. Chances are he will be a free agent and it would require a Brees-like leap of faith to acquire him. But, whatever contract you give him is going to cover for neck related contingencies, and so that will be the key.

    But even if you acquire him, I'm drafting a QB high. The only way acquiring a Peyton Manning would change my outlook on that would be to be more comfortable acquiring a younger guy that has a little more ways to go, like Matt Barkley, Landry Jones or Ryan Tannehill, as opposed to Brandon Weeden.
  13. Dorfdad

    Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Behind this offensive line he would be done in 2 weeks.. No thanks and I don't see why Indy would let him go even if they draft Luck they won't play him for a year or two. Luck only starts next year if he comes to Miami or St.Louis or the Vikings.. In Indy he sits for a year or two..
  14. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    I can't help but recall the old saying "if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we'd have a merry Christmas indeed". Too many ifs, rather draft a solid "franchise" QB and play for the long term.

    The next few years would be rather exciting though if we did get him and he's healthy. Don't see it though, if he can play again, I see no way he doesn't finish his career at Indy.
  15. PhinsPhan23

    PhinsPhan23 New Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Please no. 3 neck surgeries for a 36 year old QB. I know he's Peyton Manning, but he's not Superman. If Peyton has one more elite season left in him, that would be alot. You are probably looking at solid production for the next 2-3 years and a swift retirement thereafter. Keep in mind as well that this guy never missed a game up until this year and consistently had his team in the playoffs. That's a lot of wear and tear on his body. Please just draft a QB with our 1st round pick. I will go crazy if it's any other option.
    MAFishFan and RevRick like this.
  16. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    As thrilling as I think it would be to land Peyton Manning, I just don't see any realistic possibility in it. As Ohio Fanatic said, if he's healthy, he continues playing for Indy. If not, it's not worth the risk.

    Even if Manning is given a clean bill of health to play, there would be obvious risk...if Manning were to be hit this way, or that way. You'd have to keep extra protection in to prevent hits such as that and take away targets for Manning to hit.

    I wish Peyton Manning well. I remember watching him play with Tennessee, remember the two halves of his first season...first half a disaster and the second half earning him a trip to the Pro Bowl...the years he missed going to the Super Bowl by "that much" and the elation of his finally winning a championship.

    I hope he does indeed come back, but if he doesn't, Peyton it's been a BLAST watching you play; :up:
    Ohio Fanatic and MonstBlitz like this.
  17. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    RoninFin4 and SICK like this.

    ATLFINFAN Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    No thanks with this ...........AGAIN. No more BANDAIDS.....
  19. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    Even if he is given the go-ahead to play, at 36 years old you may be looking at diminishing returns to begin with and possibly worse if his neck surgeries lead to lingering issues that could further diminish his effectiveness. Under the best case circumstance I believe he would still be a few steps above what we have now, but like a lot of aging gunslingers he may be entering the phase of his career where he may still be good enough to get you into the playoffs, but would carry a high degree of risk thereafter.

    Considering that, I'm not quite sold on the idea of giving up a prime draft pick for him, especially since they would still need to draft their QB of the future given Manning's health issues.
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  20. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I see Luck pulling an Elway or Eli if he's drafted by a team where he would have to sit for any amount of time. He is 100% NFL ready. He isn't going to want to wait to start his NFL career.

    I find myself agreeing with both sides of this. The idea of a healthy Peyton Manning thrills the hell out of me. But I also realize a lot of you are making great points where it might not be a good idea.

    Also, I worry it could be Chad Pennington all over again. Maybe we get 1 or 2 good years out of Peyton. But if it doesn't get us a superbowl and we end up drafting another Henne like player in the 2nd or 3rd round to be groomed who can't quite cut it when Peyton's done, it won't have been worth it.
  21. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007

    I would love Manning, that gives us 2 or 3 yrs and then we draft RGIII who I think will be a very good qb if developed correctly. RGIII is very athletic and throws a very nice deep ball. His td to int ratio is very good as well. I think he is a star in teh making and having manning gives the immediate answer while providing for the future as well
  22. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I'm not against trading for Peyton Manning because I'm against the idea of a "band-aid". Don't get me wrong. Talent is talent at that position. And since every year counts, I'm not turning down talent at that position just because I don't think he will play long.

    But I'm not trading for that contract and taking over that $23 million up front payment, plus whatever you have to pay him in 2012 as salary. That would be nuts. Absolutely insane for a guy I think most medical people would say should probably never play again.

    If you get him, there's only one way to do that, and it's as a free agent, and it's contingent on him actually playing in games. I'm perfectly fine with that. I think it would even be a good move. But come April, I'm still targeting a QB unless the Pats will trade Mallett to us for a 2nd rounder.
    Bumrush and RoninFin4 like this.
  23. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Wait till he's a free agent. He was a Dolphins fan growing up, (i think) and always uses miami players in his commercials (see jason taylor running down the hallway towards him).....he would probably sign here. I don't consider him a band-aid.

    Pennington was a bandaid. Peyton Manning is friggin PEYTON MANNING. DrafT Barkley or jones or RGIII and let them learn behind one of the greatest minds/talents at the position while also competing with the best.....I am all for it.

  24. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    That's how I see it. I also don't think it will be a trade situation. My guess is that the Colts will draft a QB regardless and that Manning either stays on some reworked contract or is released.
  25. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I never even thought about that signing bonus he's due. I guess we would have to wait for him to hit free agency.

    For me I think this falls into the category of things that even though it might be a bad idea, I'd still love to see it happen. Kind of like when Pennington (briefly) got his starting job back last season. I knew it was a bad thing in terms of what it meant for Chad Henne and the future at the QB position for us, but **** if I wasn't happy to see him under center (even if it was for only 2 plays).

    I'm biased towards great old QBs. I think it comes from my wish that Dan Marino had played a few more seasons. I see one of the old great QBs still going out there and making it happen and I think, "That could have been Marino." I thought that way about Testerverde (sp?) and even Favre although the media coverage was putrid. Peyton doesn't even fall into the category of old QB, but his injury I guess really gives him a much shorter shelf life.

    And ****, it's not even like a guy like Peyton needs motivation but can you imagine how motivated he would be to prove to the Colts it was a mistake to let him walk?

    I don't really disagree with anyone who has posted in this thread. Great discussions on both sides of the coin.
  26. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    A Peyton Manning led Miami Dolphins team can compete deep into the playoffs. That's all I need to know. That's all you need to reestablish a culture of winning here.
  27. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I'd be for it, if things fall into place:

    First, he can pass a physical.

    Second, the Colts cut him loose, or at worst we trade a third rounder for him.

    Third, we draft the best OT with the first rounder and a developmental QB with the second. Or, if we are drafting high enough, get Jones or Barkely with that first and the best OT left in the second round.

    We could contend immediately with a healthy Peyton, and prepare for the future with a rookie QB. I'd also note that the NFL would love to see Brady and Peyton playing at least two games against each other for the next couple years.
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  28. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    Whatever the case with right tackle or this or that position, I'm not all that concerned as far as quarterbacks go if you have time to develop a guy. Outside of a few examples there aren't that many QBs that succeed and if they do succeed probably lose quite a bit of development not sitting for a year or two. It does make a big difference.

    I really like this idea. Peyton's a good dude I want to see him put a god damn romp on the Colts, the Jets, the Pats, and the Bills for two years.
  29. rdhstlr23

    rdhstlr23 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Chicago, IL
    I think a better analogy would be our very own Dan Marino. He had some nerve issues in his neck and he really wasn't more than mediocre from that point (truthfully maybe before that point).

    I don't see Manning ever coming to Miami in the first place. If he leaves Indy, he's going to want to go to a team ready to win now. Miami isn't that team.
  30. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    What is that team then? What other team has poor quarterbacking and has this much talent? The Jets?
    rdhstlr23 likes this.
  31. mroz

    mroz Fix the OL Club Member

    Oct 26, 2008
    SF Bay Area
    I would think it is more then a 3rd as well... look at what the Raiders gave up for Palmer (who could not carry PM's jock)
  32. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    As much as I'd "buy that for a dollar" every day of the week and twice on Sunday's, first I don't think the Colts let Manning go, even if they end up with Luck. Second, the biggest fear, since we're talking about a neck injury, my biggest fear would be that the comes here, we are playing real well, beating teams we should and he gets injured again and then we're stuck in the 'next guy up' scenario, which has not worked for us particularly in the QB department...
  33. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I don't agree with that at all. I know we didn't look like that team at the beginning of the year, and we might not look like that against better teams from here on out. But so many of our problems are because of poor quarterback play. Good or great play from the QB position solves so many problems. We have the running backs. We have the wide receivers. We have a defense that will get better. We need some help on Oline, but one great QB like Manning could be a great cure all. Great QB play even helps the defense. You need look no further than the 2011 Colts for all the proof you need.

    Add to that, we will probably be adding a proven head coach, and we could be potentially looking at a team ready for a playoff run with a QB like Manning.

    The other reasons people have mentioned in this thread against Manning are all valid. But I don't think Manning would look at this team as being a team he couldn't help win. If he could take that Colts team to a superbowl, taking this Dolphins team there should be a walk in the park.
  34. CrunchTime

    CrunchTime Administrator Retired Administrator

    Nov 23, 2007
    You can see what has happened to the Colts this year after Manning was injured.There is a lack of talent on that team mostly because of the high cap burden Manning takes up .

    Now imagine Manning on this team .There would be an equally great cap burden which would probably mean we would not be ble to re-sign some of our key players when their contracts are up for negotiations and we would not be able to sign some of the higher profile free agents.

    You can overcome that if you hit on most of your draft picks but we havent been able to do that so far.

    I think that type of investment may be worth the risk if he had 3-4 yrs of productivity left in his career.
    MonstBlitz likes this.
  35. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I would think San Francisco would be an attractive option for Peyton Manning.
  36. If Peyton decided to test the FA waters what makes anyone believe he would do it in Miami? He will sign where he feels he has the best shot at another ring. He wants rings.....not money.
  37. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Like I said above, Peyton Manning knows enough about NFL teams that I'm sure he realizes that one of the biggest missing pieces on this Dolphins team is QB. Look at how bad the Colts are without him.

    Take a look around the NFL. The teams that need a QB are the worst teams! Teams that have the best shot of winning quickly don't need a QB. Maybe an exception could be Houston if Schaub's injury is crippling.

    Manning knows he's good enough healthy to make any team a winner and I bet he's ready to prove it. I don't see any teams situation scaring him away.

    Crazy thing is, as of right now, the hardest team to make a contender is the Colts and he's been there done that. Miami will be easy for him.
  38. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    I think San Francisco would be pretty happy to turn their dude around. I think Manning would look at Miami and say, well damn I'm the unquestioned guy there. Dan's a good friend of his, the media is a little more relaxed than New York, and the team has some talent. Any thoughts on what kind of offense would be a good fit for him at this stage? I think it's time the burden switched off of him. In the last couple of years in Indy he had to do far too much. Perhaps a team with a 50/50 ratio, a stable of RBs, and a great line would be ideal.
  39. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I think there's something to be said for Peyton wanting to go to a situation he perceives as one where he could win immediately. In San Francisco they've got the Coach of the Year, defense is performing extremely well, and the offense is running well enough that Alex Smith can look good in it. If I'm Peyton Manning, I'm looking at San Fran and going there.

    MonstBlitz is right, the worst teams tend to be the ones that need QBs. The exception at the moment is San Francisco and I think Peyton Manning is going to look for exceptions. As things stand the 49ers are 8-1 with Alex Smith at the helm. They're going to get into the playoffs, maybe even have a bye week, but does anyone think they're winning the Super Bowl? I don't. I don't think Alex Smith survives the playoffs. Once Alex Smith gets exposed in the playoffs, the 49ers will look like a beast of a football team that just needs a premium quarterback...LIKE Peyton do more than just be good in the regular season.
    ssmiami likes this.
  40. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    If he sees Miami performing well I think that would make a big difference in his decision-making.

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