Gruden with Tannehill

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Phinj, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    LOL "He's a very intelligent football man" Gruden on Tannehill.
  2. Phinj

    Phinj Active Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Oops, looking at the front page, I thought this was the draft section.
  3. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    I think its fine, the other QB camp videos were posted here I think.
    Phinj likes this.
  4. FinNasty

    FinNasty Alabama don’t want this... Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Loving it...
  5. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    That's what she said
  6. Dorfdad

    Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Loved the video.. We shall see what happens but I like the kids attitude, hes smart and has good size and played a pro offense which is based on west coast already so hes in the game already.. However I dont think we will draft him at #8 something tells me were going defensive end.

    We might be able to do some kind of trade for a late #1 if he slips but Im not sure he will.
  7. dsteve

    dsteve Banned

    Sep 26, 2011
    all the money we've spent on defense...i just dont get it. our offense is such garbage we really shouldn't draft any D unless its whatever the **** his name is from BC and we get rid of fat dansby
  8. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    I watched Gruden when he was talking to Tannehill on ESPN. I have always felt that Tannehill is a very bright guy and a very good athlete. He appears to have a strong arm and just like Henne, he can make all the throws required of an NFL QB. Unfortunately I had the misfortune of watching Tannehill play three games last season and I came away from these games feeling that he just wouldn't be a quality starter at the next level. I would not be upset in the least if the Dolphins pass on Tannehill if he is still on the board when they select in round one.

    That being stated, I also realize that I am certainly not as cognizant of all the pluses and negatives Tannehill brings if he is selected by the Dolphins. While I may not personally be high on Tannehill as a projected franchise QB in the NFL. If Philbin and Sherman are high on him and they feel he can be the QB they want to build this team around, I would certainly believe that they should fight to have Ireland take Tannehill. Both these coaches and Ireland have a lot more riding on this pick, if it is Tannehill, than I do or anyone else on this forum does. So while Tannehill would not be my choice in the first round. I will not be on this forum complaining if he is the first round pick of the Dolphins. I will just be hoping that he is a QB I vastly underrated and that he will prove over the coming years that he was the best pick the Dolphins have made since 1983, when they selected their last franchise QB in the first round.
    Lab3003 and djphinfan like this.
  9. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Is anyone just shocked how this guy is keeping these videos from getting pulled?
  10. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Maybe he is John Gruden.
  11. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Great video. It pretty much dispels those inaccurate evaluations where people claim he doesn't go through his progressions or locks on to receivers.
  12. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I respect ya' Raf, but c'mon.

    If these people made their locking on/inaccurate claims without evidence, why would giving them evidence they are wrong change their minds? Its like telling 5yr olds Santa doesn't exist and using physics to prove he doesn't.

    It won't dispel anything, but your optimism is admirable.
    rafael likes this.
  13. Makados10

    Makados10 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2010
    Loved watching, thanks!!

    I don't have TIVO :(

    Gruden has a man-crush on every QB that comes through, which I understand that Gruden can't crush guys on TV and drop their draft stock or no one would go anymore.

    But I think this camp video is different than others that I've seen.... It really seemed like Gruden specifically meant to address some of the criticisms of Tannehill after studying him. Not just his interview with Tannehill, but his on camera comments as well.
  14. Laces Out

    Laces Out Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
    Omaha, Ne
    My beef is his throwing motion consistency. I see a lot of high throws that he gets away with in college, but he will get someone killed in the NFL. It is a flaw that is fixable though.

    Gruden lit into Luck a bit on Spider 2/3 Y banana. Used his USC game tape where he threw the pick on the backside instead of going to his first read(FB in the flat). Asked him what he was thinking and what coach was saying to him, and what Luck thought Gruden would say to him as his coach. You could tell that Luck knew when he threw it, and again when he saw it on film that he messed up big time.

    EDIT: for those that care or didn't see it
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2012
  15. Disnardo

    Disnardo Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Hialeah, FL
    Thanks for the link phinj...

    Let us keep our fingers cross...
    Phinj likes this.
  16. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    if not Tannehill than the best talent available @ 8
    then forget about it
    & bet the entire draft in 2013 on the #1 rated QB

    they will only go after him if they are convinced he is the Franchise future & I believe he is
    Tannehill in 2012:dolphin: won't have too long to know the answers
  17. dsteve

    dsteve Banned

    Sep 26, 2011
    lol *I* watched three games and I say he sucks....give me a break
  18. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    I NEVER said he sucks. I merely pointed out that I was not that impressed after watching him in those three games. Exactly how many games did you watch him play to determine that you want the Dolphins to draft him and that he is a possible franchise QB? You probably never watched him play and you are just all giddy about the Dolphins drafting him because a few so called, "draft experts", think the Dolphins should draft him. Of course these so called, "experts" have been wrong over 50% of the time in regards to first round QB's over the past decade.

    At least I am willing to admit that my negative attitude toward the Dolphins drafting Tannehill is based largely on the only three games I saw him play. I also have a major concern with the fact that he played against only three decent defenses last year and he threw three interceptions in each of these games. Yet I am certainly willing to accept the Dolphins drafting him in the first round if Philbin and Sherman he is the player they want.

    I just wonder how many individuals on here are buying into all the hype on Tannehill and yet they haven't watched a single game he has played as a QB at Texas A&M. Perhaps you are one of these individuals.
  19. FinNasty

    FinNasty Alabama don’t want this... Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    It's not hard to see his games. YouTube has videos from multiple games where they cut up every one of his plays in the game.
  20. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Probably the same as the ones that don't want him and use things like "Sherman got fired" as evidence he's not a good QB.

    Almost all of the people that have studied every throw he's made in depth, however, all think he's anything from 1st to 2nd round talent.

    I'll ask again what experience do you have evaluating QBs that you would believe Tanny isn't a good QB with such fervor you have to make the same 3 paragraph post about him in every thread?
    USArmyFinFan likes this.
  21. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    The only reason I keep repeating the reason I am not that high on Tannehill is because I am consistently asked why I don't like him as the Dolphins first round selection.

    I have also stated that I am no expert and if Sherman and Philbin want to select Tannehill in the first round, I have no problem with it because it is their job on the line and certainly not mine.

    I never realized that to make comments on this forum you are required to agree the the majority of the posters in regard to a particular player. The same individuals get on here and praise Tannehill and state that the Dolphins should select him in the first round and I don't see you questioning their motives. You only seem to question the motives of the individuals on here which don't agree with your opinions.
  22. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    No, no, no.

    You are repeatedly asked because you post the same thing in every thread about Tanny. Like this thread.
  23. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    If you don't like it, don't read or respond to my posts. I'll certainly be happy to ignore your comments from now on.
  24. DolfanTom

    DolfanTom Livin' and Dyin' w/ Ryan!

    Apr 26, 2008
    Saratoga Springs, NY
    I like Tannehill, and want the Dolphins to draft him. I also wanted them to take Brady Quinn, so what do I know. He seems very impressive in this video - impressive in size, and strength and speed, naturally, but also in the ways that will make him better. He seems very knowledgeable, and is willing to learn - seems to easily realize what he did wrong on film, and doesn't seem offended at all by the criticism (as opposed to - say - a whiney Sanchez on HBO Hard Knocks). It seems that with some time, he will learn from his mistakes, and then be able to utilize his natural gifts.

    sign me up!
  25. dsteve

    dsteve Banned

    Sep 26, 2011
    I've prob watched ZERO complete games of texas A&M but I've seen a good majority of his plays cut up. The kid can make every throw, he can run, he can throw on the run he just needs to be coached up like every other quarterback in this draft besides luck who prob just needs game experience at the speed of the NFL to make him better.

    I'm not all giddy about drafting a quarterback but it is a need. I favored Long over matt ryan. I favored patrick willis over ted gin JR and my only saving grace was "damn but atleast we didn't draft that bum quinn". I actually thought Chad Henne could have been a capable NFL starter if he had some consistency on offense in terms of coaching and play calling and the guy actually showed some flashes of turning the corner before getting hurt behind the worst right side oline in nfl history. The actual right football move for this team would have been to sign henne for cheap instead of garad and let them have a legit battle in camp to find a starter while filling holes at WR (later rounds) saftey, DE and of course the right side of the line. Obviously this would have never gone over with fans but wait and see if Henne gets a fair shake in Jacksonville.

    bottom line, unless you have one of the can't miss blue chip guys fall to you why not take a shot on a kid that won't be there we you pick again?If you can trade down and get value while still grabbing him then go for it but that's a ballsy move.
  26. Zach13

    Zach13 Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 28, 2007
    I've seen him play twice.
    And I've watched a lot of the video that's out there.

    I would take a shot on him at #8.
  27. dsteve

    dsteve Banned

    Sep 26, 2011
    the question isn't if he going to be a decent football player, it's how much are you going to gamble. Unless I see a sure thing at 8 then why not? I'd go for Luke Kuechly if it also means we can dump danbsy and his money over tanny at 8 but thats obviously not happening.
  28. FinNasty

    FinNasty Alabama don’t want this... Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    There is no such thing as a "sure thing". Its a myth. Every prospect is a gamble...

    Over the past 10 years, positional players taken with picks 5-13 have had a 40-60% chance of busting.
    ssmiami likes this.
  29. dsteve

    dsteve Banned

    Sep 26, 2011
    lol, fine...less of a gamble. didn't know it was take everything literally day. The stat you dropped is pretty stupid too. just saying.

    I can tell you're pro tanny and so am I so don't get all butt hurt.
  30. FinNasty

    FinNasty Alabama don’t want this... Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    Woah dude... dont know how you interpreted my post to draw a response like that.

    I posted it in another thread, but I went back and looked at every non-QB taken in the last 10 years (if a particular pick, say 5th overall, had a QB taken, I went back 11 years to get 10 players per pick). I then went and graded them to be a bust or not (If the player is not a pro bowl caliber player, I graded them as a bust, as a situational player or average starter is a disappointment for a top 13 pick.) Obviously there is some opinion involved, which is why I went with 40-60%, b/c some of it is based on whether you feel player XYZ is a bust or not. But overall, pending on your grades, those picks have anywhere from a 40-60% chance of busting. Many of them were inarguable...

    If doing that research is considered stupid, then I'm stupid. But I was curious as to what the actual rate was of hitting on the 8th overall pick. And then, I expanded it to picks 5-13 to get a bigger sample size to see if the results changed... and they didnt.

    This led me to believe that no matter how "safe" we think a player is, that its all warm fuzzy feeling stuff that has no base in reality. Plenty of "safe" players have busted over that time period, and I dont think this years draft is any different.
  31. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    With all due respect, there are plenty of well-respected evaluators that have made those claims with plenty of evidence.

    Certainly there are many that make unfounded criticisms, but lets not act like everyone is just making things up.
  32. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Ummmm no.

    There's been a couple of people who say they don't want Tanny and base it on their own real research. None, however, have made the case he's inaccurate or locks on to a target, unless all they do is just watch a couple of games haphazardly.
  33. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Mike Mayock???

    And to be clear, just because you think his accuracy is inconsistent (which I do), and he stares down receivers (I kinda do, mostly on PA), that doesn't mean you dont want him.
  34. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Mike Mayock has him as the number 19th player in the entire draft.
  35. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Right. Again, I'm not saying he isn't worthy of the 8th pick in my opinion. All I'm saying is that there are people who have said he's had accuracy issues and stared down receivers who actually have watched a lot of Tannehill.
  36. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    Mayock originally said that Tannehill locked on receivers and then went back and changed it after watching more film. Mayock qualified it to say that Tannehill locked on receivers during in-breaking routes only. That was something I had pointed out about Tannehill as well. I stated that he tended to watch and wait for WRs to break open in the middle of the field but showed anticipation on passes to the edges. IMO if a QB shows anticipation on some routes and not on others then it's just an experience thing. In Tannehill's case, they run so many comebacks at TAMU that it makes sense for him to be better on those throws. He simply has thrown more of those so his anticipation to the outside breaking routes is excellent.
    Steve-Mo, ssmiami and Fin D like this.
  37. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    OK. I don't disagree with any of that. I'm not sure how it contradicts anything I said. Here is what Mayock said:
    Seems about right to me.
  38. dsteve

    dsteve Banned

    Sep 26, 2011
    I think he "locks on" a little bit but i don't see a lot of forced interceptions into tight coverage. A lot of the outs and combacks it looks like he's locking on but it might just be the pre snap read/man or zone, press or not etc and then he throws the timing route. A vet qb can "lock on" without actually looking at a WR or his first read directly thats a skill that most qbs learn in the pros. I see a lot of him throwing people open which is a plus. his arm is huge etc. He def is pretty decent at going through progressions but i could be wrong. thats something sherman should know right?

    his WR corp is was horrible in college though. a lot of flat out drops, people falling down on comebacks etc.
  39. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yeah, Sherman would have the best insight. Either way I don't think the locking-on part is that big of a deal.

    Neither is the accuracy thing. IMO he's inherently accurate. The problem is that his mechanics are pretty inconsistent .Thats easily corrected, and they'll probably do the same work with him that they did with Rodgers and Flynn. With those two they had them begin their throwing motion lower in order to get a more consistent release-point.

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