Taylor Press Conference Transcript| Open to a trade but will play as a Dolphin in '08

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by ac_lanham, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. ac_lanham

    ac_lanham Junior Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
    PhinsRock, brandon27, calphin and 4 others like this.
  2. Celtkin

    Celtkin <B>Webmaster</b> Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    46.73° N, 117.00° W
    brandon27, calphin and alen1 like this.
  3. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Seems like a lame press conference. Nothing new was gained.
  4. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
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  5. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    I may be overreacting but my problem with that quote is that he states he loves the Dolphins and he would play as a Dolphin, yet he's not showing up for the mandatory camp. He knows we shopped him around and he knows that we TRIED to give him his wish but we didn't succeed. If you're a Dolphin this season (assuming your not traded) and you say you love this place, then why are you ignoring your colleagues in something that could be vital to your teams success which is something that YOU are looking for?

    We have possibly two new interior line players, two new linebackers, couple new safeties and all those could be starting. You want to be in a winning situation? It's not going to happen if your not busting your *** out there with everyone else trying to build up chemistry. Come to camp, be quiet, do your job and let it all play out. If you don't get traded, then you should have no problems because according to your OWN comments that you made, you "love" it here.

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
    djphinfan and calphin like this.
  6. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    I think he had to answer the press and sparano's last press conference. I wouldn't say nothing was gained.

    THCMAN New Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    He did come out and admit now that he asked to be traded in private at the very begining...

    He is the one who screwed up his desire to get traded.

    First because if he really wanted to leave he should have just came out and said so in public at the same time that he said so in private, instead he has been 'leaking' crappola to the press in a constant diarea like stream.

    Now, he has totally removed any possibility of being traded by saying that he will only play for this upcoming year then retire. It's like he watched what Michael Strahan has done, and tried to do the same thing but he was too impatiant and insincere to get it right...
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
    alen1 likes this.
  8. whatsburning

    whatsburning Junior Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    This press conference was nothing more than saving his name. It's now become a game of "he said-she said". JT should have really spoke his mind, instead of "saying the right things". Like a tennis match, the ball is back in Sparano-Parcell's court.
    alen1 likes this.
  9. calphin

    calphin deadly at 250 yards!!

    Send him to Dallas for the waterboy I'm getting sick of all this crap!!!!!!
  10. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    Sad the bitterness I see on these boards, the man may not have done or said all the right things but he seems to have been honest about his desires and intentions. Why should we expect more than that? JT has given his heart and soul to this franchise, and we as fans owe him the courtesy of listening to what he is really saying. What is wrong with him saying he wants to go out a winner? What is wrong with him being willing to finish his career with the team he loves and telling us he loves?

    So he is going to miss the minicamp, his relative is having a huge affair and Jason needs to be there. I don't like it much, but I am certainly not going to throw him under the bus for it. He sounds like he will play for us next season, and that is a damn good thing for our team, we need to get off the guy's back and cheer him on like the champion he is, SB or not!

    I have been saying for weeks now I don't see anywhere that JT was the one who said he would not be in TC. If he isn't, it is obviously going to be because Bill Parcells doesn't want him there (and can't get a trade for him worth making), NOT because JT won't honor his contract.

    I ask you folks to please give the guy the respect he has EARNED playing 11 or 12 years for us, and don't put words in his mouth. He made a few mistakes this off season, sure, but his heart has always been the same guy who played so hard for us all these years. We as fans should give Jason Taylor the benefit of any doubt, he deserves that much from us. He can miss a little mandatory minicamp and still have a HUGE impact for us this season, all the while teaching our new youngsters like Merling, and Jake Long, Murphy, Langford, et al, a few tricks.

    It gives me great pain in my heart to see loyal Fin Fans on these boards rip apart a guy who gives us so much on the field, is such a fine man off the field, and who cares so much about our team, and us as fans. I beg you all, please give this man the benefit of any doubt, and make me proud of us as MIAMI DOLPHIN FANS!
    vmarcilfan75 and dolphindebby like this.
  11. THCMAN

    THCMAN New Member

    Dec 21, 2007


    JT said he won't be in training camp because he has a brother or relative that is graduating and because he has a legal issue to deal with.

    I can understand how many fans are loyal to #99 & want to believe the best, but when you start distorting reality that is another thing.

    I think they actually tried to trade him after he asked for a trade, but his antics & priorities totally diminished his trade value.

    What gets me upset is the way that he contionues to try and negotiate through the press. There is no way that the herald article could have been written this morning without JT giving that information to salgu-u-momma. He's been doing this baloney all off-season.
    The only reason that this is such an ugly story is because the press have been fed a long line of stories from JT under the table.
  12. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    If you want to disagree that's fine, but please let's keep the facts straight. The part of my post you highlighted was related to why JT would not be in TC, nothing to do with the minicamp, which is when he will be addressing the legal issue. How did I distort reality? :no:
  13. DOLPHAN1

    DOLPHAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    no he didn't. he said he told the FO that he would be amenable to a trade if value could be had for him. that is not the same as saying i want out, trade me. he continues to dodge this question, i think, to preserve his image with the fans.
    alen1 likes this.
  14. THCMAN

    THCMAN New Member

    Dec 21, 2007

    I stand corrected,. I was lumping TC and minicamp together, didn't realize he is probably going to need a new excuse for minicamp. :pointlol:

    But I do agree to disagree...:shifty:
  15. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    Works for me! :up:

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