Great game...

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by 757Niner, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    You defense was everything I feared. We couldn't establish the run and that throws our whole offense out of wack. Your front four played a great game. And Dansby was his usual disruptive self. I thought Sherman called a great game until he had to go primarily pass later in the game to move the changes. Excellent call on those 3rd down draw plays....we rarely see those and it shows. And he called some timely screens, which we can never seem to defend properly. I thought he mixed it up extremely well and did a good job early of getting the ball out of Tannehill's hands quickly with some shorter drops. All Tanny needs is some speed on the outside and a athletic pass-catching TE and you guys will be insanely tough to defend. And get Jake back healthy as well. I know any loss sucks but coming half-way across the country, I thought you guys gave us tons of problems and it was close late. One less muff punt and this is a totally different game. Hopefully we can beat the Pats for you next week. You'll see me around....good luck the rest of the way.
    CWBIII, Boomer, RevRick and 13 others like this.
  2. Hurricane

    Hurricane Guest

    Was our offense everything that you had hoped?

    I'm happy for Kaepernick; I rooted for him back at Nevada. Never did like Smith much, and I attend his alma mater.
    Bpk likes this.
  3. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Is your team on steroids?
  4. mason

    mason Junior Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    norfolk va
    A dolphin fan in 757 does not agree with your thread title.
  5. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    Yeah, Sherman kept us off-balance. That's not easy to do. Alot ppl start out trying to run on us but then when they get behind, the become one dimensional which plays into our hands because were better against pass. But Sherman kept at it, even down by 10 and that commitment to the run led to alot of 3rd down conversions, which in turn, led to some scores. We couldn't stop the run with only 7 in the box and that was the key early on. When our safeties are coming down, making tackles in the box, that mean the run has our attention. And that makes the play-action and mis-direction plays much more difficult to defend. I thought your O-Line was solid.
    Bpk and fins4o8 like this.
  6. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    Trust me, until we put Baalke in charge and he landed Harbaugh, I was right there with you. We were always doing just enough to lose, game after game, year after year. I dont know enough about Philbin to know if he's the answer you all have been looking for but you guys look alot better as a whole, from last year. Not sure if Ireland is the answer but you found a QB and that's half the battle. Just surrounded him with talent and your going to win more than you lose.
    DolfanTom, gunn34 and Bpk like this.
  7. TotoreMexico

    TotoreMexico Your retarded

    Jan 4, 2008
    Classy post, good luck in the playoffs.
    RevRick, SICK, Bpk and 2 others like this.
  8. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    757, what are the odds that Dashon Goldson gets to test the free agent market? I've been banging the drum for him for two years now. He showed out pretty well in the game today, and I think he'd be an excellent person to pair with Reshad Jones in Miami.

    Also, completely impressed/jealous with Aldon Smith and Chris Culliver. That's a helluva 1-2 duo in a draft class and it looks as if both are going to be major players for the 49ers for years to come.
  9. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    Yeah Baalke hit it big in that 2011 draft. Cully, Aldon, Kendall Hunter, CK, Kilgore who will be the future at center and Bruce Miller. All from that class and all have performed above and beyond expectations thus far.

    As far as Goldson, I wish I could say 'no way' we let it go that far but I think its a numbers thing. Baalke does a great job of knowing player's worth, around the league and when it comes time to re-sign them, not budging from the value he has already assigned them. He's played hard ball with Goldson for 2 years now....and its worked. At first I thought he wanted to see if he could string along consecutive stellar seasons. Well he's done that but yet, he made it a priority to extend Bowman 2 weeks ago and not Goldson. Bowman wasn't due to be a FA until 2014. I don't get it because Goldson is proabably having a better year this year, than last year. His ints are down but his overall play has been much more consistent. The thing is Goldson wants Weddle money. I think he deserves it. A lot of the fanbase feels he deserves it. The question is does Baalke?
  10. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    How come you understand this and our own fan-base doesnt?

    How did you feel about the Smith benching? I felt he was playing well and didnt deserve to be benched. Even if hes limited I still think hes better then Kaepernick.

    Very jealous you guys got Aldon Smith last year. He was my top rated defensive player at any position last year.
    Shamboubou and Bpk like this.
  11. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    That's a significant sum for a player who has a history of improper angles of pursuit.
  12. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I think this fan base is well aware we need a big play WR and TE. I mean, there are 10 threads a day on the subject, Mr. Moderator. :shifty:
    Boik14 likes this.
  13. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Yet some (not you) are still in extreme denial. :)
    Rocky Raccoon likes this.
  14. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    But... we have two guys who will go over a thousand yards. :)

    And Fasano's catch today proves he is a pro-bowl pass catching TE talent.
  15. fin13

    fin13 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 29, 2009
    These two guys didn't do much until RT showed up, and if they could stay on their feet they could do alot better than 1000 yards.
    They should take off their clown shoes.
  16. The G Man

    The G Man Git 'r doooonnne!!!

    Mar 18, 2009
    Thanks man. That's a classy thing to say.

    Good luck next week and the rest of the way.
  17. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Classy post. Thanks for the thoughts. Id like to think that the Fins are a #1 WR and a solid TE away from being in the playoffs, but I think that even then its a question mark at best.
  18. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Interesting. Given Bowman's age and how good he is, I can see why extending him now makes sense. Better to do it now than have it hanging over everyone's head for a period of time.

    Good luck in the playoffs.
  19. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    The money is a drawback, but what are your thoughts on him teaming with Reshad Jones? He seems to have much more of an impact vs. the run and the pass than Chris Clemons.
  20. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    I didnt like it. Smith had been playing pretty solid ball and I don't think players should lose their job to a concussion....sets a bad precedent IMO. But give CK credit for seizing the opportunity.

    The thing is a lot of our fanbase is mad because they expected us to be this explosive offense now with CK and it hasn't happened. They just don't realize that's Harbaugh. He's a ball-control type of coach. He was the same way at Stanford when he had Luck. Doesn't matter how talented the QB is, he will run the ball and do it consistently unless the game dictates otherwise. He wants balance offensively so it doesn't really matter who the QB, were going to still run. It's a big part of what we do. We're last in the league in pass attempts for a reason.

    In all honesty from a passing perspective, there isn't much difference from CK and Alex Smith. CK has a better arm and better escapability. He has the improvisational skills to make something out of nothing. Alex doesn't and that's why he's the starter. But if you look at the numbers, its not much different in terms of pass attempts, passing yards per game from when Alex was the starter. So from that perspective, makes sense to go with the younger, more rawer player in hopes that some experience will lead to a bigger upside down the road, then to stick with the the status quo of a 7 year vet and know pretty much what your going to get.
    Boik14 likes this.
  21. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    That might have been true two years ago but Goldson has improved in that respect, the more time he's spent on the field. All safeties take a bad angle or make a wrong read here and there. These guys aren't robots. But if your sound in your technique and discipline in your assignments 95% of the time, than you will make more plays than you give up. Goldson is best tackling FS for my money. He hits like a mack truck and has excellent ball skills. He may not poses the range of a Ed Reed or have the speed to cover the slot like a Earl Thomas but he's one of the best centerfielders playing. And he just turned 27 in September, so he's still improving. Baalke would be crazy not to lock him up. It's a passing league. Guys who perform well on the back-end are severely hard to find. Maybe Baalke wants more man cover skills out of the position, idk but good luck finding it. Only two FS I'd rate over him is Thomas and Reed. Weddle is great against the pass but he isn't nearly the presence Goldson is against the run and as a blitzer. I think the Jerry Jones is going to throw a ton of money Goldson's way if he hits the market and I'm going to be extremely upset if he becomes a Cowboy.
  22. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    Your short-changing yourself I think. Your defense is solid. Add another pass-rusher and shore up your depth in the secondary and that'll be a great unit going forward. Surround Tammy with some talent and your there. Only team you have to worry about in your division is NE, which is getting older and seems to be drafting worst and worst as each year passes, so they're constantly dipping into free agency to fill voids. Starts with your division first. Jets are meh. Buffalo is meh. I always said Green Bay and Pittsburgh was the model each franchise should strive for. Develop your scouting department, keep your staff and scheme on both sides of the ball intact for as long as possible and then draft to fit your scheme, not on who the pundits think you should draft. You know how many draft experts thought we drafted Chris Culliver 2 rounds too early? How many said Aldon Smith wasn't a fit in the 3-4? Made fun of Baalke because he drafted a conference defensive player of the year to play FB? Your trust your scouting, trust your coaching, and you do your homework. No was laughing at him when he won Executive of the Year last year. You build through the draft and you get to spend your money re-signing your own talent instead investing in expensive FAs every year, which are hit or miss depending on scheme. You guys are not that far off really. You may have to use free agency to fill some voids offensively, until you can string together a couple of good drafts and infuse some young talent to backtrack your depth. But its not like your that far off. Like I said earlier, you found your QB and seemed to have your HC....that's half the battle
    Boik14 likes this.
  23. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    I think he still has the issue. Recall the angle he took on Darren Sproles' 44-yard angle route reception in the playoffs? I'm not saying he should be mistake-free; that would be ludicrous, but what I am saying is the sum of money Eric Weddle received is quite a bit. As for improvement, he has slightly but the angle issues date back to his days in college and early in his career.

    I don't necessarily agree on Weddle's run criticism, as he his keys are different than those of Goldson's.
  24. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I don't understand how that team has not won in four games that they've played.
  25. 757Niner

    757Niner Active Member

    Jun 3, 2012
    Fair enough. I think he's improved to point where it isn't the issue it was early on in his career. I mean he took a bad angle yesterday I believe on a screen and I think a pass across the middle to Bess . But it was a glaring weakness before. I would argue that its a minor weakness at this point.

    And your correct about Weddle, the Bolts use him differently but I think it has more to do with his strengths and weakness and I don't think his skills in the box are playing him to his strengths. And this is coming from a guy who was a huge Weddle fan when he was a senior at Utah and really wanted the Niners to draft him. His physicality in and around the box is lacking in comparison to Goldson's from my perspective. Now some might argue that's just because Goldson is really a SS with enough range that allows him to also to play FS, so that's why he's more adept in the box to Weddle, a true FS. Guess it just depends on which side of the fence you stand.

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