Miami Dolphins New logo/uniforms Thread

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Rocky Raccoon, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    machine guns... smoking... laser beams... that is soooo 2011...
    Dol-Fan Dupree likes this.
  2. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    This thread is making me hate all of you more than the logo.
  3. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    Update on new logo

    Yeah. Not sure why this is so important to people. I care, but a 40 page thread is surprising.
  4. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    just be thankful we dont have 6 separate threads going. I mean it is kinda the off season for us fans, we have 1 game and then done. Also this thread really exploded once the logo got "leaked"
    Bpk likes this.
  5. Killer Bees

    Killer Bees Bringin' the Ruckus

    Aug 14, 2011
    I like the clean one a lot just replace the sun with the one from the "prototype" logo and it's money.
  6. PSG

    PSG Clear Eyes. Full Hearts.

    Nov 24, 2007
    North of the Border
    It's actually not surprising. Par for the course.
  7. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    Anyone who nets dolphins should be killed.
    Ozzy and Ophinerated like this.
  8. Ophinerated

    Ophinerated Preposterous!

    Apr 1, 2008
    I got my other stuff done faster than I expected, came back and almost finished the clean version when I saw your post. Here is the almost complete clean version and a quick version of what you were asking for:

    I still have a bit of work to clean up the roughness on the edges of portions of the dolphin and some other areas that need attention to sharpness. You can really see it in the under belly of the dolphin and the areas where the dolphin and sun ring begin to meet. There's actually a good bit more than that to fix. It doesn't take long to slap things together, especially when others have done the hard work for you, but it does take time to make it all look right in the end. I am not an artist, I could never do this from scratch, mainly because I just cannot get the hang of the pen tool. So, I always fall back on my tried and true polygon lasso tool. :lol:


    MAFishFan, djphinfan and Killer Bees like this.
  9. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    my prefeance on that logo
    Aqua4Ever04 and Ophinerated like this.
  10. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    JT's fault :lol:
    Bpk and Jt0323 like this.
  11. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    Well, this is only your opinion. It may also be an opinion that is shared with many people I'm sure. I'm also sure that there are just as many people, if not more, who think the logo is perfect for a football team. I happen to dig it and not because it is something I grew up with.

    It is art that has withstood the sands of time. Art that thousands of people voted on. Professionals included I'm sure.
    MrClean likes this.
  12. Ophinerated

    Ophinerated Preposterous!

    Apr 1, 2008
    For me, I just like to play with photoshop when I get the chance and something strikes me as interesting. It's a way to practice my limited creativity for a subject that I have passion for. It's fun to create, I just wish I could do it all on my own and without pre-existing work involved. It's actually very soothing and gratifying even when others don't like it.
    Bpk likes this.
  13. WhiteIbanez

    WhiteIbanez Megamediocremaniacal

    Aug 10, 2012
    I'm cool with that except that it doesn't look like the real sun. Kidding.
    Ozzy called someone a dick in this thread. :lol:
  14. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    I consider all my teachers *****...
  15. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    This is the best one so far but I think the dark color blue needs to be much thinner. An M somehow incorporated into it might be a hit....
  16. Ophinerated

    Ophinerated Preposterous!

    Apr 1, 2008
    I like that one as well, my preference was to go with the grey to go with the "hopefully" grey face masks. I really liked the grey face masks as opposed to the aqua ones we have today.
  17. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    an M with the fins :yes:
    Ozzy likes this.
  18. Killer Bees

    Killer Bees Bringin' the Ruckus

    Aug 14, 2011
    I like your style, I've been feelin' the grey face masks as well. I think it would look a lot better than the aqua ones, hope they incorporate those into the uniform change. Send this logo in NOW lol.
    Ophinerated likes this.
  19. Ophinerated

    Ophinerated Preposterous!

    Apr 1, 2008
    I can't do that. This logo is a creation of multiple artists works. I just took what they offered and modified them to mine and others likings. I can't take credit for the logo that I didn't create from scratch.

    I appreciate the compliment though.
    Ozzy, Jt0323 and Steve-Mo like this.
  20. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    not mine to submit, I only changed the colors, the easy part
  21. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
  22. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    I'd like to quickly get mad at Dupree for mentioning teenage mutant ninja turtles... as now I'm seeing ninja turtle commercials on my pages here.
    Dol-Fan Dupree likes this.
  23. Ophinerated

    Ophinerated Preposterous!

    Apr 1, 2008
    Jt0323 likes this.
  24. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    I remember when FH had their logo contest years ago we had so many good designs. I wonder if any are still out there
    Ophinerated likes this.
  25. Ophinerated

    Ophinerated Preposterous!

    Apr 1, 2008
    I partook in a few of them, but never finished well. I was Blitphinfan on FH.
    Jt0323 likes this.
  26. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    No its really not an opinion.

    There is a part to every logo (or other graphic design) that is completely objective. That is the craftsmanship part. The craftsmanship of that logo is horrible. You can tell when something is done right. Like I said, drips in the paint or mohawks in a mowed lawn or bubbles in a wallpaper job or off kilter tiles.

    The opinion part comes in with liking the color combinations or juxtaposition of the elements, etc. Craftsmanship is not really an opinion.

    I'd also wager you couldn't give a meaningful explanation as to why you love the old logo on its own artistic merits without linking it to the past and tradition. (Don't get butt hurt, that's not an insult.)
  27. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    I dont have photo shop, but for kicks try filling the the dolphin with:


    then filling the sun with:


    may no

    t be good for a helmet logo, but might be a pretty cool looking avitar!!

    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    I love the amount of time spent to recreate, improve or come up with your own logos. Impressive.

    I especially love the posts saying to send it to Mike Dee or submit it.

    It is almost Omar Kelly denial tastic.

    Especially since they have already approved the logo. Any verbage used in regards to them not decided yet, will make the decision before the draft, etc is just a smoke screen. They might not announce it until then. However the decision and logo are in the books.
  29. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    Clark Kent, Bpk, SICK and 3 others like this.
  30. Fishweiser

    Fishweiser New Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Sweet!! any way to fill the entire sun?
  31. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    I love the logo because of the way it fits with an NFL team. The way the artist was thinking by taking the thought of a sun(what Miami's always been known for) behind a Dolphin that's jumping. The way it was incorporated into the background, while keeping it from looking like a perfect painting was genius. The way the helmet fits the head and the way the M was used on it. The only thing it could have has was less white lines and they could have been better defined.

    How do you define “artistic merit”? A quick search on the net, yielded the following definition: “Artistic merit is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art“.
    Wikipedia continues to say: “However, many people fail to distinguish between the problem of distinguishing art from non-art and the problem of distinguishing good art from bad art. In many cases, people claim that such-and-such object is “not art” or “not real art” when they intend to say that they do not consider it to be good or successful art”.

    From all the above, there’s one word which really stands out for me: “perceived“. Each person can perceive something very differently than somebody else based on their personal experiences, feelings, mood, believes, knowledge on the topic, etc… (the list is endless). If one man’s “Rubbish!” is another man’s “Masterpiece!”, does that mean that there’s unlimited levels of “artistic merit”?
    MrClean likes this.
  32. Jt0323

    Jt0323 Fins Up! Luxury Box

    Dec 7, 2007
    Las Vegas
    Omar Kelly ‏@OmarKelly
    I LOVE how people want to twist around Dolphins CEO Mike Dee's words, omitting some of it to keep this logo story going. Do better!
  33. Steve-Mo

    Steve-Mo 'Saban' Guy

    Apr 14, 2010
    Western New York
    I don't follow Kelly on Twitter or am even exposed to him in the news as I live in NY, but I want to strangle that man.
  34. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    From '68 to '80, the Bengals looked basically liked the Browns except they had the team name in upper case on the side of the helmet.
  35. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    One of my least favorite logos.

    Look at me, we're tigers!
  36. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

    I liked both of them. According to one link I found, the team started with the Dolphin's nose inside the sun logo in '66 for just 3 games, but went to the nose outside the sun logo, for the final 11 games of '66, throughout '67 and '68. In 1969 they went back to the inside the sun logo til 1974. The 17-0 team wore the inside the sun logo. The change wasn't permanently made til '74. Except for some reason Norm Bulaich only continued to wear the inside the sun logo in '75 and '76

    Of course FinD in his infinite wisdom says the old logo looks like it was drawn by a 2 yr old and anyone who likes it, has mental problems. Of course his middle name is Hyperbole.
    Ozzy likes this.
  37. Killer Bees

    Killer Bees Bringin' the Ruckus

    Aug 14, 2011
    Sorry many of us on this forum and including fans on talk radio etc. think this "prototype" leaked logo isn't ideal for a football team logo. I mean look at it man, I wouldn't feel very manly or proud to be rockin' that on my shirt or shorts whatever. Like others said, it looks like it should be placed on the side of a cruse ship. Not just dolphin fan's but many other football fans I have come in contact to think its ridiculous. And what make's you so sure that this logo has already been approved and it's not changing? I think it was probably leaked on purpose to get fan perspective on what they think to help them make a decision, but who knows.

    I know its hard for a dolphin to look "tough", then maybe they should go with a logo like the giants, 49'ers, jets, pakers, etc. by having the initials of the team or spelling out dolphins in a nice looking font because I would definitely rather have that than this logo that was leaked.
    djphinfan likes this.
  38. Ozzy

    Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    That's the correct times and dates for our logos! Im a big fan of all except the current logo. It's ok I guess but I prefer the second one that came out in 74
    MrClean likes this.
  39. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    stop. posting. omar. kelly. quotes. on. here. hes. terrible.
    PhinsRDbest likes this.

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