Question for anyone with ink. (Tats)

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by dWreck, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
    No Idea where to put this, so bam! Q&As.

    As stated in one of my other threads I was talking about the drastic amount of weight ive been losing. (pushing near 100 lbs now), I'm getting my first tattoo for my birthday next month, as a present from my father whos covered in them head to toe, and I've always wanted one, so i'm excited as all hell. its gunna be on my left arm/bicep. from pretty much the tip of my shoulder down near my elbow, solid black in color with blank spacing inbetween hard shapes, pretty simple design. I already have the picture drawn up and ready to go. My question is - In regards to weight loss, drastic or not, How bad can it distort a tattoo? on the arms for that matter? I've obviously lost a lot and i still have quite a bit to go, another 40-45 lbs or so. I'm wondering If weight gain is the one that does the real damage distortion-wise for people (pregnancy, large weight gained in a short period of time, etc) or if weight loss can affect it just as badly. I've been reading all over the place and haven't really come up with a definitive answer ( i suppose because there isn't one and it probably depends solely on the person, the tat, and the circumstances). I just don't want an $800-1k tat looking distorted or warped drastically after i keep losing weight if i can help it. Most things i've read say there shouldn't be much to worry about being that its on the arm,.

    Anyone have any experience with something like this happening or not happening for that matter? Just want a little more insight from actual people as opposed to articles.
  2. Laces Out

    Laces Out Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
    Omaha, Ne
    I have 4 on my upper body and have gained probably 40 pounds, lost that 40 and gained 30 back and none of them are distorted.

    If you want to be sure, why not just wait until your weight loss journey is complete? That's a lot of coin to drop on some ink to have it possibly be distorted.
  3. dWreck

    dWreck formerly dcaf

    Oct 23, 2011
    Sebring, FL
    I mean its a reasonable possibility. I've thought about it. It's just that my body weight has fluctuated so drastically up and down my whole life, who knows really. and this is just the first time i've had to lose this much, and have. like i said, as i stand right now i want to lose like another 40lbs to be content. I'm just more curious about this than anything. I've waited a long time for my first tat, and ive wanted it to be big, I finally have it set up I don't think I could back down at this point.

    They would probably distort on the back of your arms much more I would imagine. Most things i've read say there really isnt much to worry about... people losing 90 lbs or so without any real changes (aside from it actually looking better in a sense). but obviously location on the body is a big factor i guess.

    I appreciate the input thanks man

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