Welker vs. Wallace

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by finyank13, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    I am at PT yesterday and they had 3 guys on ESPN talking about free agent wideouts. When Welker's name came up 2 of the 3 said that MIAMI would be an ideal fit for Welker. Their reasons...

    --Cheaper than Wallace
    --He could serve the same function to THill and to Brady, and they argued it is even more valuable to RT cuz he is so young
    --Taking THE major piece from a Division rival, whom ironically has he best games against them it seems
    --Work ethic never changes as opposed to Wallace whom you wont know really if he gets paid how he will react

    I started to think about it and I like the idea myself. I dont adhere to the whole you got to have a "downfield" guy, a "possession" guy etc....The Pats proved that all wrong as they have nothing BUT possession guys.

    But which would you guys rather see?

    Welker, Hartline, Bess and draft Patterson?

    Wallace, Hartline, Bess, and no Patterson?

    I myself and leaning Welker...I believe he would be invaluable to RT's development, the media up here is stressing just how important Wes is to Brady, **** if he is that important to Brady he is more important to RT no?


    I didn't include Jennings in this because if they do either of them, I doubt they sign Jennings as well...

    funny also they around here they were saying the deal was close to being done, now this....

  2. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Welker would be more palatable to me, but I'm not really a fan of signing either.
  3. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    Well, if I recall, he was rather shocked when he was traded from here several years ago. Now that turned out to be a boon for him because he would never have had the success here, that he's had in NE. Now, El Jeffe was not around when that deal was made, so perhaps it wouldn't be a big thing, but it probably has to figure in there somewhere...
  4. ItsDFresh

    ItsDFresh Beast Mode

    Feb 21, 2013
    New Jersey
    I think it would be interesting. I think it also would take Bess and Jennings out of the equation completely. Would look for Patterson at #12 if this happened.
  5. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Welker has to want to sign here. Doubt he will.
    Boik14 and DrAstroZoom like this.
  6. Boik14

    Boik14 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    New York
    Its an acceptable alternative to Wallace and hes better then Jennings.
  7. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Sick I think he will sign where the jack is the most if he leaves NE....

    Thinking about this too, it would help Patterson....you have WW, BH, and DB whom all run solid routes and will at one point or another get open...

    It does leave room for Patterson to roam around his first year...making plays, he wont have much pressure....

    However on days that Wallace gets shut down, that it alot of pressure on BH and DB to HAVE to get open.....

    AT THE LEAST, they should definitely have him in to make the Pats sweat...
    SICK likes this.
  8. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Whats one thing that Welker doesnt have? A superbowl ring. I think he will go to a contender, if not the patriots, which is where I see him going back to if they'll have him.
    finyank13 likes this.

    ATLFINFAN Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    I dont see how Welker would be the answer to our problems. He and Bess are clones.
    Section126 and HULKFish like this.
  10. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Yeah I can see that.....to play devils advocate though why not just sign with the Pats now then??
  11. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    Well, they best play the same role, but they are not clones...Welker is faster, more durable, and more elusive. Not by a lot, but more than Bess...

    I think the thought of him coming here has more to do with what Philbin likes to do in his O than whether we already have a WR who mimics Welker...
    finyank13 likes this.
  12. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    My problem with Welker is that he's going to be 32 by the time the season starts. Since he's a guy who makes his living off of quickness, I'm not sure I'd want to sign him to anything longer than 2-3 years.
    DevilFin13 likes this.
  13. PlanB

    PlanB New Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    Thats exactly what I was thinking. With all the success he has had, he is beecoming a member of the Pats generation thats starting to resemble the early 90's Buffalo Bills. The Chokers. He wants to win and at 31 he still has some go left in the tank. Plus with him out of the picture in New England we get that much better. Grab Welker get a deep threat in the draft and this Team has become seriously dangerous. I might even consider re signing Bush at this point. He would benifit from such a scenerio as well.
    SICK likes this.
  14. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    While he serves the same function, Welker is much better it isn't even close actually....it is the samething when people compare WW with Amendola....

    Again the Pats did just fine on passing offense despite having all possession guys who clogged the middle of the field....
  15. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    years are an issues sure....I would do 3 years...They could because they are cap rich frontload it so if they choose to cut him in the third there is a minimal cap hit...
  16. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    While he's better at scoring TDs than our current WRs, he's still not good enough to command the money he'll be asking for. I don't have time to check it now, but what are his TD numbers minus the games he plays against us? seems like he scores a lot against the team that traded him,
  17. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    2 TD's of his 6 last year.....but he would do the same against NE, their secondary is pitiful.....

    he is a matchup problem against any team...
  18. HULKFish

    HULKFish Artist and Scribe

    Apr 30, 2008
    Central FL
    I'm for the Wallace/BH/DB and draft Patterson @ 12. Bess would flourish in the Pats offense as well, and I don't believe Welker has anything on Bess.
  19. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I've never been more pissed off at a personell decision then I was when we traded Welker, thought he was a "future star"..the abuse I used to take on my stance of that player was downright criminal lol..guess he turned out alright huh..

    Yea I know, it's the Qb, it's the system...ok, sure man, still holding on to that initial eval are ya..

    Sorry, lots of harbored feelings, back on topic, pure gut here, he won't sign here, he'll tease the pats a bit, but Brady will win.
    HULKFish likes this.
  20. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    Good lord..no.
  21. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    Y Sec?
  22. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Because he's the excact same player as Bess with too much hype?
    Section126 likes this.
  23. PhinGeneral

    PhinGeneral PC Texas A&M, Bro Club Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    Swamps of Jersey
    I think Wes would probably prefer something longer. I also don't think he's exactly what we're looking for at the moment.
  24. Shamboubou

    Shamboubou Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2008
    God..... I remember when people here were acting like we just ripped the Pats off when we got that second round pick. All this "you can't pay that kind of money for a slot guy." Just trashing the guy. I don't even know that I would want him back, I just didn't want to lose him in the first place. Actually reminds me a lot of what I hear about Hartline right now.

    Anyway, if you look back at the Pats though, when they were winning Championships they had that speed guy in Moss that could make that big play. They gave that up and have not won one since, though you can't argue with their success since.

    I still have not given up on getting Wallace and Jennings moving Hartline to the slot and keeping Bess. I know its not extremely realistic, but there is a chance it happens. Even drafting Keenan Allen in the 2nd round if he makes it there and putting him with Wallace/Jennings, Hartline, and Bess would be good. The fun thing is that we have all these options available, lets just hope this joker running things doesn't screw it all up.
  25. TotoreMexico

    TotoreMexico Your retarded

    Jan 4, 2008
    The same ****** who dissed the Dolphins? **** him and his overrated ***
  26. finyank13

    finyank13 Reality Check

    Jan 6, 2010
    He isn't come on...Welker is better....
  27. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Why does Mike Wallace get the lazy edit? What has he ever done to suggest he isn't a worker? Held out for a contract? holdout doesn't equal lazy. it was the right play.

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