Ireland is in bargain mode, did we do enough in FA already?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by padre31, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    IMO, we are back to normal down in Davie after adding Wallace/Keller/Gibson/Ellerbe/Wheeler and resigning Clemons and Garner.

    Have they done enough in FA so if it ended tomorrow, Dolfans should be happy with what they accomplished?

    I can see Davie being happy with the OL heading into the Draft, Cornerback just seems a bit undermanned with proven veterans heading into the Draft and the Cb talent pool is drying up rapidly.

    Eric Winston probably writes off trips to SFla from his taxes as this is his second tour down here and yet he left w/o a contract both times. Suspect he visits family when down here and never really had any intention of signing a deal.

    What I'd like to see:

    -add a blocking Te, Fasano's leaving means we have no one who can do that job and they work cheaply

    -add some vet Rb depth, maybe roll the dice on a Ahmad Bradshaw

    -add a vet De/pass rushing specialist, it's fine to believe in OV, however you can't really bet a season on him. And AFAIK, Chicago's Melton is still on the market.

    Thoughts? Did they go far enough in FA?
  2. NolesNPhinsFan

    NolesNPhinsFan New Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Good post. I'd like to see an OL and DE signed for depth.
  3. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Melton was given the franchise tag, I think.
  4. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I stopped reading at the first sentence, because I don't understand the gripe at all.

    We made the biggest splash in FA this year, and because we aren't making the same giant moves 11 days in, means its ok to ***** about the same old same old?
    MAFishFan, toto, mroz and 4 others like this.
  5. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    Fact is, FA does NOT end tomorrow, so none of us can really tell if we're "happy with what they accomplished"...

    I'm pretty sure that Ross, Ireland, Philbin and co. would say that they aren't satisfied yet with FA since it's not complete. I think most of us feel the same way...

    Yeah, I like the things they've done so far, but I still think that OT and CB and potentially DE need to be addressed before we get to the draft. They seem to be doing those things, or at least looking into those things as we speak...

    Why don't we let things ride a bit longer before we complain/worry ??
  6. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Okay Mrs Defensive, not griping at all, Ireland signed what..6 starters?

    And all proven young Vets, not a Nannee in the group.

    My question is more along the lines of if my fellow fans think that is enough or should other pieces be added?

    The mistake the Eagles made is they went all in, w/o also counting on young guys already on the roster developing, for example Brandon Moore is a fine Vet G, we also have John Jerry who is young and up and coming, passing on Moore and relying on Jerry is not a bad strategy at all.

    Especially with Garner in house and healthy, if JJ comes in bloated Garner can take his RG slot.
  7. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    You are correct, I did get defensive. My bad. I read your first post incorrectly. I apologize.
    inFINSible, dolfan22, maynard and 7 others like this.
  8. Triggercut

    Triggercut Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    They consider the draft process and free agency together as the player acquisition period. Maybe they won't do anything until after, or during, the draft.
  9. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    No problem, imo if the season started tomorrow we'd be in good shape, not perfect shape mind you, aside from Cb we have clear answers all over the field.
    maynard, DPlus47 and Fin D like this.
  10. Ducken

    Ducken Luxury Box Luxury Box

    Nov 25, 2007
    Lower Delaware
    I'm pretty happy with what they have done, CB is a huge concern for me and I would not be surprised to see a trade up for a CB or OT. Either to the top of the 1st rd or back into the 1st. It is my very humble opinion we have set ourselves up very well to do almost anything in this years draft.
  11. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    I don't think Miami has done enough, however I do think they are doing a good job. FA is not over, I would rather answer this question at the end of July.
  12. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    It's almost like Ireland uses the visits as an excuse ("well, we talked to these guys but they wouldn't sign").

    There are obvious needs ... In some cases it could be that the player is looking for big money. But, I just don't get it. If you invite a guy in - be serious about his value (you should have talked to the agent already to get a feel for the cost).

    I'd like to see us sign at least one OL (the two we just had plus either a DE or CB). I'd prefer signing a DE over CB (but all those guys are overestimating their value). NOt a fan of the DEs in the draft.
  13. PhinsRDbest

    PhinsRDbest Transform and Transcend

    Jan 5, 2010
    the next dimension
    Big missed opportunity if tackle and cornerback is a glaring need heading into the draft with how flooded the FA market was at those positions.
    Da 'Fins and LBsFinest like this.
  14. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    The game works both way s Da'Fins, the league knows we still have plenty of cap cash, a visit here means an Agent can leverage a team with more overt interest in their client.
  15. Limbo

    Limbo Mad Stillz

    Mar 21, 2013
    Agreed. The Corner market was especially deep and cheap; hopefully there's something coming soon.

    I wouldn't feel great about the draft if it were tomorrow; we would have to pick a few specific needs (T, CB, RB, maybe DE) pretty early to go into the season with sound starters at all positions. Started the off-season with holes at WR, CB, T, DE, and TE. We've addressed one of those, maybe 2 if you count renting Keller. I like the guys we've added for the most part, but one more signing at CB would really help. Free Agency is a chance to fill/plug holes and set yourself up to draft with freedom, pick talent over need. If the draft were tomorrow, I don't think we'd have much freedom or flexibility.
  16. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    With teams being able to roll cap over to the next season... not really.
  17. rtl1334

    rtl1334 New Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    I think the price and value of corners has come down due to the shift in the game. With the rules and offensive schemes, even the best corners are getting beat. As well, with three playing most of the time, you simply cannot pay heavy at all three spots. If you pay a Revis $13M, teams will just avoid him and throw all day on the slot corner playing on the minimum.

    I think you now need three "solid" corners, good cover safeties and two excellent pass rushers. If we're playing primarily a zone, I'm not sure you take zone corners at pick 12 in the draft or pay heavy in free agency.
    padre31 likes this.
  18. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    we have a lot of draft picks to use. I'm hesitant to sign middle-tier starters right now if they end up getting cut in training camp when they hopefully get displaced by the rookies.
  19. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Yeah really, the league is all about upfront cash and owners willing to offer it.
  20. LBsFinest

    LBsFinest Banned

    Jul 24, 2012
    I'm a little worried. I think people are underestimating how important the decisions regarding our 2013 OT's will be, like i said before, it could make or break our season. if we cant pass protect on an offense that will be heavily pass oriented, adding Wallace, Gibson and Keller really wont matter. We should have signed Vollmer the second Jake Long signed with STL, strengthen your team while weakening a division rival. They're both injury prone but Vollmer has been more consistent the last couple of years, he's cheaper, and he's played both tackle spots.

    And we have nothing at corner right now. I'm not trying to rely on 2 rookies like back in 09. It's funny how we were all fine with letting Sean Smith walk because the FA corner market was so stacked. well we're 11 days in and we haven't signed one damn corner. Now they are all gone.

    Then there's DE, Michael Bennett signed for 1 year, 5 mil with a team that already had Avril, Clemons, and Bruce Irvin...reports said we only offered him 4.5 mil...? Less competition for him here, had we offered him bit more he likely would've signed. Ireland can give Wallace 12 mil/yr but 5 mil is too much for a 27 y.o. DE that can rush the passer and stop the run? Makes no sense to me.

    Now I'm not saying we should've filled every hole in FA, we obviously still have the draft next month, but to leave all 3 of these deficiencies unaddressed up to this point when the FA market has dried up is definitely troubling, we're talking about DE, CB, and OT here, these aren't just minor components, these are 3 of the 5 most critical positions on the field.
  21. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts

    "Shut down corner" means as much today as "franchise left tackle"

    INOW..bumpkis, what is needed is Db's who can tackle and cover Te's the rules just do not allow for the sort of bump and run coverage of a bygone era and it is just to easy to avoid Mr Shutdown and find the weak link.
  22. VManis

    VManis Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 10, 2010
    In the interview with Ireland and Ross, Ireland made a comment about not being finished and continuing to build the team through the draft and other player aquisition times (I'm paraphrasing). I think he was refering to after cut downs when you can pick up some quality cap-casuality vets. I could defintely see us waiting until then to add a blocking TE or a back-up RB.
  23. Alex13

    Alex13 Tua Time !!! Club Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    i agree, although i'm gettting a little itchy lately, no need to be make conclusions yet
  24. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    I don't want to make a big deal of anything. But these are my thoughts.

    1. They signed Mike Wallace for money I wouldn't have given. I made that clear a long time before there were believable reports that Miami really was after him and for the longest time I flatly disregarded those reports, so if someone wants to sit here and say I only don't like spending that much for Wallace because Miami actually did it then all the power to you but you're wrong. It's just not something I would've done. He'll be a valuable addition but I think the money is going to bite us down the road.

    2. They inserted a lot of risk at the LB position particularly with the Dansby for Ellerbe swap. Ellerbe is a nice player. I think they paid too much for him relative to his experience level. The Wheeler for Burnett swap I could get on with but doing that AND also doing this Ellerbe for Dansby swap is a big risk. These are not guys you know, that have been playing in your system. The rules about return on investment in free agency therefore apply. So I'm cautiously optimistic like everyone but also pretty wary.

    3. Brian Hartline for $6 million a year was too much but I can understand why they did it. They fear the return on investment for free agency that I talked about. He's the devil they know and he actually pairs really well with Mike Wallace. So I can dig it. But the priority has to be on replacing Davone Bess with someone much more athletic and much more capable of producing big plays. Hence all the Tavon Austin talk. He's on my list. I'm not opposed at all.

    4. But then why sign Brandon Gibson with $4 million guaranteed? While Davone Bess is on the roster, all this is, is a development clogger. Not a fan.

    5. I like the Keller signing particularly at the price they paid. I didn't think I was going to because I thought he'd get more money and on a longer term contract. He's not the seam threat people think. But he is going to work the same side as Mike Wallace and catch passes underneath once Wallace clears the area. Sanchez was late and inaccurate on those throws in particular and I don't think Tannehill will be. Having him here gives Egnew a chance to still try and make good. Even so, every attempt should've been made to get Martellus Bennett.

    6. Allowing Jake Long to walk was a mistake, IMO. There's no other way to put this. I like the contract the Rams got him on. I'd have done that. The Dolphins could lessen this mistake by signing a Sebastian Vollmer but I don't think that's going to happen. I don't like what they're doing here so far, at all.

    7. Nervous about the corner position. This talk of Miami not needing valuable corner investments because of their zone scheme is as nonsensical as last year's talk about Miami not needing valuable receiver investments because of Philbin's scheme. Fast forward a year and Miami is shelling out $100 million in contracts at the receiver position and may still use a #12 overall pick on it aside, so obviously all that talk was a bunch of horse sh-t. I feel like once we fast forward a year from now we could be looking at the same thing with the corner position. Hopefully they stem that by grabbing a Brent Grimes, and hopefully his Achilles turns out fine. Or hopefully they make an RFA offer on Sam Shields but that seems doubtful. Hopefully they make smart investments in the position in the Draft.

    8. I don't like one bit punting the free safety position by buying one more year with Chris Clemons. I think we got away with some things in 2012 with him not being challenged as much as he could've been. But that card could turn up at any time, and it'll be costly when it does.

    9. Grabbing Matt Moore for $4 million a year isn't what I would've done. It's not a big deal but it's not what I would have done.

    10. God help this defensive end position opposite Cameron Wake if they punt on the pass rush specialists still available and then they try and go cheap on it in the Draft.
  25. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    Duh ... :) I realize that - it's how a free market works. But, they already went through this last year with Winston once. You'd think, if they are having him in again they would have an idea of the market.

    There are four clear positions of need (potentially 5 if you include LT) - RT, OG, DE and CB (2). The hope is that with $14 M available they Should be able to hit 3 of those spots. Preferably the OL and either DE or CB (I'd prefer RT, OG, DE with CBs available in the second round).

    This is vital, imo, to allow them to draft BPA versus reaching for "need."
  26. Da 'Fins

    Da 'Fins Season Ticket Holder Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Birmingham, AL
    Excellent overall thoughts.

    1. I think they had to and I am hoping the Cap will go up in two years. The biggest challenge may be next year, imo, as he has a big salary. I also think he's going to be a good player. Certainly, risk is there.

    2. Really did overpay here. What is interesting is that Wheeler has the lower overall # ($26 M to $35 M) but got the higher guarantee ($13M to $7M). Still, I am very optimistic about these guys and like the youth they bring. But, it is a big risk if they don't come through.

    3. Completely concur.

    4. Exactly. Don't get this.

    5. Agree on Keller as well. Got a good deal.

    6. Also tend to agree. If we trade up to get a LT in the draft - very painful. WHy they don't show interest in Vollmer is puzzling.

    7. This is a concern. Landing a UFA and then getting a CB in round 2 would be ideal, imo.

    8. Think they may need to address this in the draft as well. Might have been better trying to land one of the UFAs here.

    9. Guess they feel he's the best backup QB option out there (hard to know the inner workings of the team and how much he contributes as a teammate to Tannehill's development). But the fact that they still have $14 M in cap space this year indicates they should be able to do more.

    10. I still hold out extremely thin hope that we will sign Umenyiora or one of the other DEs to give us a stop-gap for another year. I think Osi or Abraham could get 10 sacks this year for us without starting every down. If we don't .... trouble.
  27. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Hmm, imo it works out fine, Wallace is not a diva type, he wanted to be paid.

    I agree, partially based on watching the Gerbil and Crowder getting toasted the last time we traded passable for a higher concept.

    Bline was worth the coin, objectively what is he?

    A 26 yr old Wr who rarely misses games, who was asked to step up and did, those rarely hit the market.

    This is the concept part, and at worst, we now have passable Wr depth.

    People tend to overlook Bennett being a dbag in Dallas, Keller though made due with a crappy Qb.

    Uhm, I would have held the door open at Miami Intl when Jake signed with the Rams, I know crappy when I see it, he was crappy, and has been for 2 yrs, perhaps KB was right when he said he is a right tackle in fact, either way..just no.

    Here we agree, I think Cb's value is not what it once was, BUT you need at least consistent competence, not sure we have it atm.

    Have ambivalence for CC, think he has hands of stone, but is a good hitter and decent in coverage.

    I would have, you need quality back ups at Qb and he is as quality as you are likely to find.

    Or Vernon develops, no one thought Jones would develop but he has, Vernon can do the same.

    Still would double down on that role, betting on Odrick who is a good all around player, to rush the passer and cover the edge is not wise.
  28. LBsFinest

    LBsFinest Banned

    Jul 24, 2012
    if Martin doesn't improve significantly this season you're gonna be missing Long just as much as Tannehill will.
  29. ckparrothead

    ckparrothead Draft Forum Moderator Luxury Box

    Dec 1, 2007
    Antwan Barnes' contract with the Jets is for 3 years and $4 million by the way. Keep that in mind as you see the Dolphins offer $5 million to guys who have been less efficient pass rushers over the last 5 years.

    And Barnes is a native Miamian. He wants to be here.
  30. FanMarino

    FanMarino Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 24, 2007
    What the Seahawks have done regarding upgrading their Cornerbacks with the type, size, athletic ability and measurables are the new blueprint for defending the pass orientated NFL Offenses. The TE position has changed last few yrs and the Hawks are setting the new template at Cornerback imo. Seattle went out of the box to the norm. I don't think we need to use the 1st pick on CB.
  31. LBsFinest

    LBsFinest Banned

    Jul 24, 2012
    I hated the Hartline signing at first, warmed up to it a bit now that I've seen how it's structured, but honestly wouldn't you rather have let him walk, signed Gibson, and then forwarded the money we saved towards a Derek Cox, Greg Toler or Chris Houston? or even a Michael Bennett. and then just draft Patterson.

    seeing as how Long and Vollmer are repped by the same agency, we should've had a plan B deal in place with Vollmer if/when Long chose to leave.

    completely agree, all these corners were out there and we couldn't even sign one? and we let Sean Smith walk.

    yea I really don't get it, Ireland's throwing money everywhere but when it comes to the most critical pieces on the field, pass rusher, corner, and OT, all of sudden he's as cheap as can be.
  32. FanMarino

    FanMarino Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 24, 2007
    If ppl are complaining about our FA up to now then they are nitpicking. We had more holes than a colander going into Free Agency. Now we've got a few holes and FA hasn't finished. I'm hoping we reach the point when Draft day arrives we actually pick the BPA and not need.
  33. vizi0n

    vizi0n Boom.. Club Member

    Aug 13, 2012
  34. LBsFinest

    LBsFinest Banned

    Jul 24, 2012
    EJ Biggers signed for dirt cheap *smh*

  35. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    I can almost be ok with Martin at LT in 2013 but we need an entire Right side of our offensive line. We currently do not have anyone on this team I would trust at RG or RT and that includes Yeatman. Yeatman is a project, plain and simple. There is no reason for me to believe after he was inactive for a lot of games last year he will magically be a starter this year.

    We need a RG RT a d lineman to compliment Wake and a good corner. Do not care how we get them. The priority is the RG and RT. If we do not replace Jerry and our RT losing Jake Long is going to make us look like even bigger dam Yahooo's and Ross does not want that, not at all.
    Da 'Fins likes this.
  36. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    LOL, all a player needs is two teams interested in his services for the player to get PAID. Now 4 teams ? Denver is going to win out but it is going to cost them major jack to keep this guy. If Denver does not keep him, now with 4 teams in the hunt, its going to cost major jack to any team that wants him. I like the guy but no way we should drop the mother load on him. I can see Ireland foregoing signing anyone else until Dumervil decides. By that time, Winston and Volmer will be signed and we will have nobody, NADA. Or if we get Dumervil the bank will be almost empty for the rest of FA.
    Da 'Fins likes this.
  37. VanDolPhan

    VanDolPhan Club member Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Hamilton, Ontario Canada
    I find a lot of players just think they are worth more then they are. Look at Osi as a prime example. Can't defend the nothing more then a nickel/dime pass rusher now and he wants over $5 million a year? Good luck with that.
    Da 'Fins likes this.
  38. vizi0n

    vizi0n Boom.. Club Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    After his contract debacle earlier I'm sure he wants the $$$ too.

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  39. mommabilly

    mommabilly No riders allowed

    May 3, 2010
    Can't say I blame him but when a player has 2 teams with serious interest, he gets paid. 4 teams with serious interest ? = stupid funny money.
  40. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Not always. Just because four teams are interested doesnt mean they are all bidding each other up. Most teams not run by (RIP) Al Davis or Dan Snyder don't throw insane numbers at big names.

    That said Im sure he gets a healthy deal.

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