The Game Today

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by KB21, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    In previous years, this is a game that we lose hands down.

    The funny thing is, we largely won this game because Tony Sparano suddenly started coaching the Falcons. When the Falcons were dominating the yardage early in the game but kept settling for field goals, I told my father law that doing that was going to cost them in the end. It did.

    You have to give credit to our defense. When Atlanta got into the redzone, our defense tightened. In between the 20s though, this was some of the worst tackling I have ever seen from a Dolphins team. We are very fortunate that Atlanta didn't convert those opportunities into touchdowns.

    Ryan Tannehill didn't play well today, but he played well when it counted.

    I thought the match up of John and Peria Jerry was fun to watch, personally. I'm from Mississippi, and those two are South Panola boys. Neither one has realized his potential though.
  2. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    yeah. liked the bend but dont break tendency of our defense today though they were getting gashed from the 20 to the 20 all day long. to me we won the game with the john denney fumble recovery. that play doesnt happen we lose. we are the golden child so far this year when it comes to getting breaks. dont think it will continue to last but it's fun while it does
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2013
  3. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    I wouldn't say that. There have been things that haven't went our way. I recall Luck fumbling once last week and it going right to Colts players. You do things the right way you'll get your fair share of the breaks.
    mbsinmisc likes this.
  4. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    There was also that catch in Cleveland that flew into a Brown's receivers hands.

    New Orleans is going to be a tougher game.
    mbsinmisc likes this.
  5. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    We got to protect Tanny better, seemed like he didn't have much time and of course, being sacked 6 times doesn't help. Our tackling does suck, but on the bright side, we're 2-0 against 2012 playoff teams.

    Of course, NO next week, not sure if their missing any starters?
  6. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    not sure what to make of the saints yet but the ravens have me worried. i was hoping week one was how they were going to be but it seems that was just a slow start
  7. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    Hopefully when that luck runs out, we will have improved enough that it won't matter.
  8. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    Now that I think about it there was also a pass from Luck to Heyward-Bey that went off of his hands and bounced a few yards over into TY Hilton's hands. Rather than to a Dolphins DB.
    mbsinmisc likes this.
  9. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    I'll be surprised if we don't beat the Ravens. That's only one good game they've had out of three. I could see us losing to the Saints, beating the Ravens, and going into the bye 4-1.
  10. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    at this rate tanny wont survive the season. he is taking at least one hellacious shot every game. at some point a bone is going to break. we have to shore up our pass protection quick or start moving the pocket
    PhinGeneral and Bpk like this.
  11. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    reverse with me. dont see us beating them right now but i could see us beating the saints
  12. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    Ryan also has to get a lot better at feeling the pressure he is getting and get rid of the ball.
    PhinGeneral, Ozzy and Bpk like this.
  13. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
  14. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Very fortunate indeed. We could have lost this game by double digits today. Falcons have to be kicking themselves. We have a long way to go... but we are right on track in the won loss column :wink2:
  15. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    yeah. he got blown up on one play by osi and he never felt it. have to get a better feel
  16. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    The Saints are a tough team regardless. I'd say their offense is better in terms of play, however they don't have a massive Caroll vs. Jones disparity. If Miami was healthy I think they could have won this game by a 10 point margin. At full health Miami has a chance against N.O. and although their defense hasn't shown that it's better than N.O.'s D it's faced tougher competition (Indy vs say Arizona).

    It'll come down to the match-ups and Miami keeping poise, along with health. I think Miami can beat the Ravens.
  17. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    he also needs to have BETTER POCKET PRESENCE!! The majority of the sacks today were on him.
    Bpk and adamprez2003 like this.
  18. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    they werent impressive against the browns either. That game was 6-0 browns at halftime i believe before the ravens came back and won it 14-6. As for todays game, idk, houston should feel blessed to be 2-1 right now.
  19. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    nice to be on the other side of those games finally:lol:
    Paul 13 likes this.
  20. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    good points on the quality of competition. that's why i still dont know what to make of the saints. will know after this week
  21. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    what i'm seeing with the ravens is they make great 2nd half adjustments and dominate the second halves of games
    Bpk likes this.
  22. muscle979

    muscle979 Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 12, 2007
    Evans, GA
    We're a pretty tough 3-0. Not 3-0 against a cupcake schedule like the Pats. I hate those guys....
  23. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    Think it was the last sack, but he didn't stand a chance. He was on his back after one sec.
  24. sports24/7

    sports24/7 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    This was what I took away from this game as well. This team for years found a way to lose football games. They failed to make the play when it was needed. This year has been the opposite. They have done what they need to win games and are making the key plays needed to win close football games. There were multiple examples of this today, but none more evident to me than the fumble and recovery on that punt. Jones makes a huge hit and despite a Falcon falling on the football Denney wrestles it away at the bottom of the pile. That was enormous and the type of winning play we just haven't had in a while.
    Bpk and adamprez2003 like this.
  25. Sumlit

    Sumlit Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2012
    Problem is, getting rid of the ball wont stop the hit, just the loss of yardage.

    There is no question Tannehill needs to improve his pocket awareness and movement, he already has the pocket presence, dude does not flinch back there. However I have to put a lot on the O-Line and the offensive coordiantor.

    O-line is not giving him a pocket to move at all. Every single drop back you have one lineman getting beaten and the others getting pushed back. Not only can Tannehill not predict where the rush is coming because each time a different lineman is getting his *** handed to him, but the others are getting pushed back and not giving him a clean pocket to climb up.

    Then you have to question the offensive coord. At this point you have to know the o-line is a huge weakness, then go ahead and gameplan to ease some pressure off it. Move the pocket, practice screens, get some plays that get your linemen a little off the hook. Help them out. Tannehill is constantly gameplanned to stand there tall in the pocket and not move out. Why?

    I have to think the fact they have preached Tannehill so much on ball protection and not throwing the ball into compromised situations, has to be an influence in him holding the ball and eating a sack instead of forcing it into someone.
    mbsinmisc, Drowning and phatphish like this.
  26. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    in the past years we make that hit, jar the ball loose and a falcon recovers it
    sports24/7 likes this.
  27. Lloyd Heilbrunn

    Lloyd Heilbrunn Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Jupiter, Fl.
    Might be the first time in NFL history a team has given up 14 sacks in 3 games and been 3-0.
    Paul 13 likes this.
  28. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    I'm not a stat monkey, but we've given up 14 sacks already? WOW, Matt Moore, make sure your ready.
    Bpk likes this.
  29. Paul 13

    Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    well, when I saw that play live, all I could think of, as the ball was laying there, was that the Falcons were going to recover it. Sure enough a Falcon falls on it... I throw my remote on the floor... and then the ref says the Dolphins have the ball? #saywhat?
  30. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    Effing officials, huh?
  31. Frumundah Finnatic

    Frumundah Finnatic U Mad Miami?

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami FL
    Completing over 60% of your passes for 2 TDs is a good game.
    Now the yardage would have been better had the D given us more opportunities in the first half.
    And a lot of his misthrows were due to Tanny trying to beat the pass rush.

    OL is a problem.
  32. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    It doesn't seem to be a problem when they attack in the two-minute drill. You're running quick pass after quick pass and just letting your guys go to work, while keeping Wallace in there to keep them honest.
  33. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    This is sort of what the Falcons did today to avoid our pass rush, quick short passes, no slow developing plays. We should start doing this more often in the beginning of games, most of the sacks have come in the first half of the games from what I remember.
  34. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    That's true and they seem to make adjustments better then their opponents do so if you can weather the first half of that New Orleans game you've got a good chance.
  35. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    I haven't looked, but you would probably be surprised. The key is this. The pressure we are allowing hasn't made us a turnover prone team. Ryan has turned the ball over 4 times this year (2 INTs, and 2 lost fumbles). With as much pressure as he has gotten this year, you would think that number would be a good bit higher.
  36. DevilFin13

    DevilFin13 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    Yeah, we can't pull that against the Saints. They don't have this ridiculous notion that you "have to find balance" on offense. They'll let Brees tear us apart. And if our offensive line doesn't improve Tannehill won't last much longer. And then we'll start the clock on Matt Moore, who doesn't exactly like to dink and dunk it. Obviously I'm glad we won. I'm just worried we can't win like that consistently.
  37. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    This is what I wass thinking too. More quick hitters and maybe some moving pockets.
  38. Drowning


    Dec 20, 2007
    Sherman is going to cost us games this year. Discount double-check must be a god to have hidden the atrocity that this guy is.

    We'e running the ball on 2nd and longs late in the game? Consecutively? Play-action on 1st down when you haven't run the ball on 1st down for the majority of the 2nd half? And you haven't had a running game for a threat in the entire 2nd half to justify such :sarcasm: "trickery" regardless of what f@$king down you're running on? Passing from under center when clearly, CLEARLY Tannehil is more comfortable and successful and you're oline can f@$kin use it- shotgun?

    To KB: Tannehil was a HOFer out there today given the play-calling.

    Another game without a deep attempt to Wallace? Just a simple go and don't stop and let Tannehil throw over every one, triple coverage even just to see what happens. Just to see if Wallace can outrun the entire secondary on a miraculous, Sportscenter highlight play. Just to say hey, it's at our disposal. Hey, its in our arsenal. Hey, thats why we brought him here. Hey, we're not afraid to give it a shot despite defenses closely monitoring it. And you think we will ever garner the respect of a defense run by the likes of Bellichick coaches and Patriot teams from keeping the kitchen sink from being launched?

    To KB: Tannehil was a HOFer out there today given the play-calling.

    In Cleveland, despite the fact of forgetting that Wallace could be used to catch footballs, he abandoned the run late in the game and let the shutgun gain first downs until the game was over. Why are the Dolphins si cursed to always go away from what works? Always. No matter the regime. No matter the momentum in the game. Its to break down and cry about.

    I love your post Sumlit. I only don't agree with the pocket presence thing. No. Dude has to flinch out there when it's necessary. It's not a coincidence that I point out in a post that i do not put all of the blame on the oline and the guys on tv are saying the same thing the game after my post. This is the only way Tannehil was not a HOFer today but he did run it out once. He did run away and throw it away once. There is hope there.
  39. unifiedtheory

    unifiedtheory Sub Pending Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Burnaby, BC, Canada
    Tannehill is as responsible for 1/2 the sacks he takes as the offensive line. He needs to get rid of the ****ing thing sometimes and live to fight another day.
    Drowning likes this.
  40. Springveldt

    Springveldt Season Ticket Holder

    I'm seeing the exact same thing with the Dolphins. The half time adjustments have been very, very good.
    Fin D likes this.

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