Martins Mom has been planning this all along:

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by PlanB, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. PlanB

    PlanB New Member

    Mar 6, 2013
    This can't be obvious to only me:

    100% fabricated. I bet he was coached to get close to Incognito because of his past. Why couldn't the JETS have drafted this prick? !!!!!!!!!!
  2. finfansince72

    finfansince72 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Columbia, South Carolina
    I don't think this is something he set up years ago, if it was he wouldn't have participated in the behavior himself. His "case" is very flimsy when you add in his own text messages talking to Incognito the same way Incognito talks to him. I think he is angling to get the rest of his pay from us but I don't see this ending up in a drawn out court case. He will get his release from us and go somewhere else with his money in his pocket.
  3. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    It's a really bad argument. Martin did not position himself to be harassed, have his NFL career ended, and suffer public embarrassment so that he could win a court case.

    I don't think this cunning detective work takes into consideration Martin's psychological issues, either.
  4. scotty_irnbru

    scotty_irnbru Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2013
    Dundee, Scotland
    That's a ridiculous idea. Its way too conspiracy theory.
  5. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    I don't understand why a perfectly reasonable idea that his mom ran with this AFTER he left the team has to be turned into a ridiculous and complicated scheme that spans decades as if Christopher Nolan wrote it for Batman 4.
    Colorado Dolfan, Bpk, RGF and 4 others like this.
  6. sonn

    sonn Black Mamba Club Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    Oh it is.
    Bpk, cuchulainn and Fin D like this.
  7. JimToss

    JimToss Thank You Chad Pennington

    Oct 11, 2009
    A scheme hatched years ago when her son ended up being a second round pick having the potential to earn MILLIONS of dollars over his career? Not to mention the public shame/backlash her son will get. Makes no sense.

    Mommy did come flying in to the rescue after Martin went off the deep end though.
    MikeHoncho and Desides like this.
  8. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Okay, really dude? Really?
    Desides likes this.
  9. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    It is amazing how people will warp facts if they feel sufficiently defensive.

    Seriously, your favorite football team screwed up hard. That doesn't mean you have to contort yourself to defend them. It means your favorite football team needs to be better.
  10. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    I agree that the team screwed up (drafting Martin to begin with, keeping Incognito, letting this fester without stepping in sooner), but this would hardly be a story if it was a black player that had been calling him the N word. Let's face facts. This is is a headline story for one reason on. A white player called a black player a n*****.
    Fin-Omenal likes this.
  11. 77FinFan

    77FinFan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Buckeye Land
    I'm not buying a scheme launched years ago. I would like to know when he made his parents aware of what was going on with Richie and other players. Regardless, I think Richie is getting screwed. If VM's and texts were released at the same, that they were between two players and then the team was told to deal with it it would be a very different situation right now. Both players would be disciplined. Honestly I don't think any of it should be a huge deal, but there is no way using the "N" word in that context trumps "kill your family".
  12. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Oh for ****s sake, really? You think that's really the big thing, and not threatening to gang-rape sisters, defecate in mouths? That the coaching staff was OK with doing this to a player that the team and perpetrators apparently believed to have mental health issues? Or that teammates apparently assaulted Martin?

    There's a tremendous amount objectionable, and worthy of national attention here outside the context of your own insular racial concerns.
  13. KB21

    KB21 Almost Never Wrong Club Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    I don't have any racial concerns, but that is the reason this is even a story. It has nothing to do with with everything else that was said in the VM or text. If Incognito hadn't called him a N......., this wouldn't be a story.
  14. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Or maybe there'll be a Shaymalanian twist where Richie was dead all along and it was in fact the plants that were harassing Martin, but then it turns out Martin was the bad guy and the whole time it was an alien from another planet that was protecting Tannehill's blind side (poorly).
    Bpk and Fin D like this.
  15. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    The n-bomb was dropped...gotta be Tarantino.
    MikeHoncho likes this.
  16. trickyric

    trickyric New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    I don't know about conspiracies but I find it quite credible that Martin wasn't happy, (he tried to quit before the season started) had repeated conversations with his parents about being unhappy. Then after having a terrible start to his starting left tackle dream got council from his lawyer mom on how to protect his money in case he quit or got cut.
    Who keeps old voice mails which at this time, based on the texts Martin sent to Incognito seem to be how these guys mess around with each other?
    He may have had depression for many reasons but keeping explicit records going back to April seem like he was building a case file.
  17. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    That's why it escalated into a national mainstream media news story, yes. That and things like defecating into mouths.

    It's a story at all because it's stunning ineptness and mismanagement from what is supposed to be a professional, competently-run organization.
  18. gafinfan

    gafinfan gunner Club Member

    If your reasoning is true then explain Cog's record keeping of the reportedly 1100+ he retained? Was he on a witch hunt himself, did he feel the need to protect himself, or is this all just a silly locker room game gone ballistic?
    DOLPHAN1 and anlgp like this.
  19. ElNino

    ElNino Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Norfolk VA
    Many times that's true, but for some reason in this case i think it would be just as objectionable. The way it was said in the text. When you put "Half" in front of the N word, it loses all casual context, regardless of who it's coming from.
  20. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I don't believe it was planned all along, but I do believe that it wasn't bullying or workplace harassment in anybody's mind until after Martin left the team and the lawyers (including his mom) got involved. I am curious to hear Martin's statement to see if he'll change his tune from his text right after he left the team where he basically discredited the reports of bullying. My guess is that he will due to pressure from his mom and attorney. I think that's why he's refusing to do an interview and is instead going to do a statement that can be rehearsed, reviewed (by legal counsel) and refined before being released.
  21. trickyric

    trickyric New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Not erasing texts is kind of common. I don't clear my phone of texts. Plus the texts Incognito shared where within the last month. How many texts do you get in a month?
    Keeping voice mails is different. I don't know anyone who doesn't delete them after listening to them.
    Might be innocent but his lawyers jumped out with them pretty fast. Brian Hartline said that he had played it in the locker room and was laughing about it. He said Martin knew it was a joke.
    Seems weird that he kept it for so long.
  22. trickyric

    trickyric New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Sounds more like it.
  23. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Text message retention is being hugely overplayed as evidence of foreplanning, when it isn't.
    MrClean, Bpk, brandon27 and 2 others like this.
  24. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    That's a really incredible thing to believe and say given all the other aspects to this story.
  25. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Its also being hugely overplayed as evidence of bullying too.

    I've heard plenty of people say Martin wouldn't have saved the voice mails if they didn't offend him.
  26. trickyric

    trickyric New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    I have spent a lot of time around soldiers.
    You would not believe the things they say to each other and yet they would literally die for each other.
    DOLPHAN1 and Hellion like this.
  27. chadisawesome

    chadisawesome New Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    not really. you think on the playing field, in the trenches players aren't telling other players they are going to run trains on their sister, or that they screwed his mom the other night? but that's okay because it's on the field? or against your "enemy"? you don't think a player sacks tom brady and doesn't mention plowing his wife later that night? these are men trash talking each other and it's gone on forever. take away the racial implications and we are only discussing one playing threatening to kill another ones family and another guy threatening to smack his real mama.... hardly news... unless the player actually felt threatened, in which case he shouldn't be playing a game where that type of talk is commonplace.
    Fin-Omenal and trickyric like this.
  28. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    If that was the case it would be a lot more boring.
    Fin D likes this.
  29. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    It's his team mate, and someone he knew to have psychological issues.
  30. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    You know what I want to know? Where are all of the sports psychologists? Whenever there is any bad behavior in sports, you hear from sports psychologists discussing the mentality of athletes in sports and why they do "this" or "that", trying to get people to "understand".

    Now, I'm not looking for some psychologist to rationalize or discuss the mentality in an effort to condone what has happened in our locker room (or any other locker room for that matter), but if nothing else, acknowledge that it does indeed exist and perhaps extinguish the flames of the headline by drawing attention to the fact that the locker room of the Miami Dolphins isn't the ONLY place where this mentality exists.
  31. chadisawesome

    chadisawesome New Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    so, because they aren't enemies, and therefore really shouldn't have such harsh feelings it suddenly means MORE?

    and you are saying he knew he had psychological issues based on a rant from his obviously insane father, but lets assume he knew he had issues, are we really judging him for not knowing the proper way to deal with it? he's an offensive lineman not a psychiatrist. it's martins job to find help, not expect the people around him to know how to deal with it, especially if he saw Martin participating, maybe in Incognitos head busting balls with him made him feel more accepted, and he was helping him.
    trickyric and Fin D like this.
  32. Hellion

    Hellion Crash Club Member

    Dec 4, 2007
    Here and there
    And you seriously over estimate the actual impact of the bolded part.
    Fin-Omenal likes this.
  33. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    I don't delete voice mails. Never really saw a reason to.
    Bpk likes this.
  34. Fineas

    Fineas Club Member Luxury Box

    Jan 5, 2008
    What is the evidence he knew Martin had psychological problems? And what did he know? What kind of psychological problems did he know/think he had?
    Bpk and trickyric like this.
  35. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Esteemed poster mommabilly(who happens to be Richie Incognito's father) posted a big rant about how Jonathan Martin had tried to kill himself multiple times.
  36. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Do those same people know that iPhones require you to delete voicemails twice to be totally gone, and even then, they can be retrieved?

    The bullying angle is almost secondary at this point. It's the supporting detail in the bigger headline that is the Dolphins' poor organization.
  37. Stringer Bell

    Stringer Bell Post Hard, Post Often Club Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    I think Martin being moved from LT likely played a much larger role than anything Incognito did.
  38. trickyric

    trickyric New Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    When I delete voice mails on my Iphone it disappears. Where are you seeing a 2nd option to delete?

    Never mind, I found it.
    You learn something every day!
    Bpk likes this.
  39. DOLPHAN1

    DOLPHAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    BS. are they supposed to monitor the players personal lives too? the only thing they had control of was anything on campus and by all reports everything was ok between he and RI and he and the rest of the team. he participated in the pranks for crying out loud!!
    trickyric likes this.
  40. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    I don't think it goes back years, but I think anyone defending Martin should crawl out of their beautiful suburban home and take a look at how people act in the real world.
    Hellion and Bpk like this.

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