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Pats just got lucky? Ap child endangerment

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by huck1974, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    No you didn't read what I said right I don't think. I mean there is no way a child can even understand a punishment that harsh as it relates to their behavior. They don't think "I'm getting punished for blank" they more likely just think they are getting beat up for some reason that elludes them"
  2. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    And then he unpaid his best RB and ran him into the ground one season before everyone knows they're going to cut him to save $.

    Carroll is a slimy car salesman. Don't believe the **** he says.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    The foreman of the Grand Jury who indicted in this case was a good friend of Belichick and waited until right before the Patriots game to turn in the indictment.
  4. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    Getting hit with a switch, paddle, belt or some other object was common practice when I was growing up. In fact when I was in PE class back in the 1960's, if the coach didn't think you were performing properly, he would hit you on the back of the legs with the cord he wore around his neck. This would leave welts on your legs which lasted for several days.

    If you misbehaved in class, you would be sent to the principals office to get a paddling. When you got home, you got another punishment with a belt or some other object from your father.

    This might all sound like criminal behavior to the youth of today. Yet I will assure you that the conduct in the classroom was far better back then than it is today.

    Back in our day, there was no such thing as, "time out" when you misbehaved. It was more of, " I'll knock you out if you keep it up".

    I certainly got my share of punishments when I was young and I came out just fine. I would never have called the police because of the punishments I received.
  5. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    I got paddled in PE as late as 1985...doesn't make it right. Some turned out OK...some didn't. Doesn't make this form of "discipline" an effective tool.
  6. What makes you think your some kind of expert that is qualified to say which form of discipline is appropriate.
  7. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    Because I can...simply because I have my own opinion...don't agree?
  8. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007

    What credentials are required to have an opinion now? Does one need verifiable credentials for an opinion on this topic only or does it go for all topics?
  9. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    Smart people can discipline without physical abuse/violence.
    Fin-Omenal and Puka-head like this.
  10. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Sheeee$... Switch ain't nothin, barber strap for me.
  11. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Your list makes some good points, but my point remains, there's an inordinate amount of dumb pro athletes that don't know how to navigate themselves thru situations without doing or saying something stupid..

    Have you even heard Greg hardy in an interview?

    If there is such a thing as karma, it came up on him and stuck him in the ***, he deserves anything he gets as well, and because of his out of control ego he thought he was above the law, or worse, arrogant enough to hit a woman.

    Another pos..

    Peterson has a waaaay out of control ego..the guy is dumb as a rock, now we can say that's inherent or we can attribute some to him being coddled his whole life.
  12. phinswolverinesrockets

    phinswolverinesrockets If he dies, he dies

    Oct 31, 2013
  13. phinswolverinesrockets

    phinswolverinesrockets If he dies, he dies

    Oct 31, 2013
    I'm glad she did it. Not many made it out of my neighborhood in Detroit. Timeouts don't work in those neighborhoods. I feared and respected my mother more than any drug dealer, gang banger, or bully.
  14. Parenting is not a one size fits all proposition. What works for some may not work for others. None of us know all the circumstances surrounding A.P. but there is some admittedly bad looking pics being circulated and some feel perfectly justified in condemning the guy. Let it play out in thr courts and let the law penalize him if need be. There is no reason he should be suspended based on an allegation. How would you like to be suspended from your job over an unsavory accusation but without the benefit of a trial or conviction.
  15. Dolphans Unite!

    Dolphans Unite! Banned

    Aug 17, 2014
    Your employer has the right to suspend you on the basis of whatever evidence it deems sufficient for the suspension, based on its own policies and procedures. Employers aren't tied to a legal ruling in making their decisions.
  16. I never said they did not have a legal right to suspend him. I do not know what his contract says to agree or disagree with you about what the nfl can do.
    What if he is innocent of the charges?
  17. TooGoodForDez

    TooGoodForDez Deion Sanders for GM

    Feb 26, 2013
    The gov't is wrong on this one. They are threatening to take his freedom away for whupping his kid. That is just crazy stuff.
    Govt is overstepping its bounds. I support AP on this one, and I support armed rebellion against gov't in cases like this where they get into private business of citizens where they have no business using their power to imprison people.
  18. Dolphans Unite!

    Dolphans Unite! Banned

    Aug 17, 2014
    His employer could still believe there is sufficient evidence of his guilt to warrant his suspension. It doesn't have to rest on what the legal system thinks about the situation.
  19. Dolphans Unite!

    Dolphans Unite! Banned

    Aug 17, 2014
    Go look up the concept of parens patriae.

    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    No. The government is there to protect the innocent 4 year old from his sadistic father. Cultural relativism can only go so far. At a certain point, it's fair to say, no, that's just wrong and should be stopped.
  21. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Wait, what?

    So abuse of children is a right now? Where's the line?
  22. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    You don't need to be a rocket surgeon to figure it out. Show me one peer reviewed piece of research that demonstrates violence against children (in any capacity, even as simple as spanking) is healthy for their present and future well-being. Hell, I'll even settle for one that doesn't show ANY negative impact whatsoever.

    I'll wait...
  23. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    No, they're (possibly) taking his freedom away because he's a child abuser who is a clear danger to children, as determined by an impartial 3rd party (Doctor).

    And conservatives get upset when liberals think they're are too stupid to own guns...
    Puka-head likes this.
  24. Its called negative reinforcement and it can be a valid teaching methodology. Just because you do not agree with it on any level does not disqualify it as an effective tool.
  25. daphins

    daphins A-Style

    Mar 22, 2008
    No, conservatives get upset when uneducated progressives flat out lie to push their narratives.


    Facts are a *****.
    BayAreaFinFan likes this.
  26. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    You don't know what you're talking about and have the nerve to call other people out for not being experts? lol. Do some research and get back to me. Still waiting.
  27. And liberals get upset when they are compared to Nazism
  28. Linus

    Linus Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    You can argue spanking's effectiveness all you want...from my experience, the kids I knew he really got beaten often ended up never learning/understanding "why." Most kids got regular spankings, what is everyone's point?

    This was a FOUR year old who had leaves stuffed in his mouth with a bunch of bleeding wounds, in areas other than just his backside, that were still bleeding after a week...by an NFL player that benches and squats the weights of multiple men.

    Swats or getting the belt from your mom, dad, gym teacher a few times in late middle school is a lot different. This kid probably doesn't know his ABCs, you really think this method is teaching him something?
    Puka-head, Hiruma78 and Clark Kent like this.
  29. phinswolverinesrockets

    phinswolverinesrockets If he dies, he dies

    Oct 31, 2013
    Now, this I can agree with. It's been all over the local news here in Houston, since this is where it happened. Just heard it was 40 marks on the kid. That is excessive. More facts are coming out. I can't argue with 40 lashings. That's insane. I was thinking maybe around 10. 40 is beyond ridiculous. While I am supporter of whooping your child, there is a line. 40 is way past that line.
    Fin-Omenal and BayAreaFinFan like this.
  30. To be clear I am not defending what AP is accused of. If he physically abused his kid then he should go to jail. That is the the function of the courts.

    What the nfl is doing is out of bounds. Where corporal punishment becomes considered abuse is subjective and should be left to the courts to decide not Goodell. He is being suspended based on an allegation.

    The players union is pretty useless if they are not going to defend players from this abuse.

    I'd like to know how many people at Espn and all the other outlets on this bandwagon are going to start suspending their employees whenever a similar allegation arises. Same goes for all the condescending fans who have convicted and sentenced the guy without a fair trial.
  31. If your not intelligent enough to understand that sometimes we learn not to do something because it results in pain, I cant help you.

    Most people do not touch a hot stove twice because they remember how bad the first time hurt.

    Sometimes a child needs to be spanked to stop from stealing because they are not mature enough to understand that they can not just take what they want.

    Im not saying corporal punishment is always the best approach but sometimes it is. Either way its not leagues place to suspend players this prematurely.
  32. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    Completely different. The psychology between parent and child is separate from child and stove. Your example doesn't hold water under scrutinized research. That's a fact. That's not my opinion. You can create any examples you wish to justify your beliefs, it doesn't change the truth about abuse. Violence during adolescence is psychologically and physically harmful (Not just in terms of pain, but grey matter developmental abnormalities in the cerebral cortex). No reputable source will EVER say different. Since you haven't bothered to back your assertions with any actual proof, I'm giving you an L and moving on from this conversation because it's getting old repeating myself.
    Puka-head and Hiruma78 like this.
  33. TooGoodForDez

    TooGoodForDez Deion Sanders for GM

    Feb 26, 2013
    Feds need to bomb Texas for prosecuting AP, we all need to come together on this, they are oppressing people over there. WTF is Obama doing on this?!? Somebody needs to step up and stop this insanity!
  34. Dolphans Unite!

    Dolphans Unite! Banned

    Aug 17, 2014
    You don't seem to realize that being employed doesn't entitle you to a "trial" before your employer can take action with regard to you. Employers are not required by law to use the same burden of proof (i.e., beyond a reasonable doubt) as the legal system.
  35. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    Great post. Thank you.

    Hippocrites burn. The old my daddy beat me too so the little boy should just take it crowd can burn too. F.N. neanderthals.
    shula_guy likes this.
  36. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    Horsepucky! Getting the crap beat out of me for what the eft ever it was pissed that evil bastard off tonite didn't do thing to make me a better man or parent. Just gave me more demons to slay before I could get there. I'm raising students who volunteer in their community don't miss a day of school and would rather give then get. Never had to hit them. Would die before I did.
  37. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    Ive got to disagree vehemently. We don't even train dogs this way any more.

    Do any of you who are condoning accepting this in any way have or have ever had a four year old? A 30-40 lb 3 ft tall human being. Who depends on you for...everything.

    What could a four year old child have possibly done??? Seriously. Lets assume for the sake of your argument that beating a child bloody. Ill pause while you consider that. Beating a 4 year old bloody is a justifiable action because the little sob did_____________________.

    What could he have done? Rape his two yr old sister? Wreck the family car? Disrespect his mother? What did you have to do to "deserve" that?

    Put him back in. Let a few real fathers have at him Sunday.
    KeyFin likes this.
  38. Ease up cowboy I never said I condoned beating a 4yr old bloody.

    I have raised a child and I have never used corporal punishment but that does not mean others can not choose too and that it can be done in a responsible manner.
  39. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    My mom used to use those plastic paint stirrers. Those little holes in them made the darn thing more aerodynamic and the welts stuck around for days. I would never even think to do that to one of my kids.

    The real reason I posted, however, is because my kid "ran away" a few years ago (she was 13, and rode a bike to the neighbors). To teach her a lesson, I called the police and had them bring her home. The cop told her, in my presence, that until she turns 18, her parents are the judge, jury and executioner. It is legal for us to spank her (which we rarely did anyway), and it is legal for us to punish her any way that we feel is just. The cop didn't use the word spank though....he said, "Your parents can beat you whenever they see fit." Honestly, I was kinda surprised.

    So I don't know where I stand on this suspension. On one hand, he did over-do it and deserves punishment, but I don't know if it is an NFL issue. There are two players on the field this Sunday standing trial for domestic violence, so I don't see why this case is different, except that Peterson told the truth. Here's the thing though, do we reward the ones who lie and come down harder on guys who are honest? I don't know, this is a tough one.
    shula_guy likes this.
  40. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    I think I need to step out of this discussion now. Carry on ya'll. Most enlightening.

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