Not one player....

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by TampaFinsFan01, Dec 23, 2007.

  1. TampaFinsFan01

    TampaFinsFan01 New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    There is not one player that Bill Parcells will find indispensable.

    If I am BP, I offer EVERY SINGLE PLAYER on the team to any team that wants to bid on them.

    Salary cap be damned, if you can get third or fourth round picks for these losers, do it. You never know what team might bid on what player. We can burn up all all the dead money in 09 and start building this team.

    I don't think we have more than a handful of players that actually belong on NFL rosters. We are probably the worse football team in the history of the league. We just need to face it and start over.

    The coaches need to go away as well. I feel bad for them, but we need a fresh break. We don't need a single player from this team contaminating new players in the coming years. These guys will not be able to shake the LOSER mentality that they have now.

    So Bill, please, get rid of these losers. Keep a roster of this years team. Get rid of each one of them and by '10 we shouldn't have any of these losers anywhere near this team.

    Find us a new coach who isn't associated with any of these loser coaches. Find a GM who isn't associated with this loser GM.

    And maybe, just maybe, we'll get back on track to respectability.
  2. Danny

    Danny New Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    I'm sure that Bill will get rid of plenty of players but we don't need to let all of them go....we do have some good young players that just need to develop and we need some more playmakers on both offence and defence.

    Ozzy rules!!
  3. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    While I wouldnt say anyone is safe, auctioning off the entire team for pennies on the dollar wont accomplish much either. You need to at least get some fair value for trades and such, not to mention your not gonna replace 20-30 people in one offseason and be better. We dont necessarily need to subtract all that much, we need to ADD talent and playmakers, via both FA and the draft.

    Yeah if another team is offering a decent deal for someone then we can take it, but honestly, if you think they are all losers, why would anyone else want them? We actually have a few decent pieces, just need to really start getting an influx of playmakers.
  4. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    how can we be the worst team that this league has ever seen? we won a game more then the bucs and lost 6 games by less then three points. We compete every sunday with heart, sometimes u win some and sometimes u lose some. This team won one game but that one game was won with heart and passion for the game. The bucs just looked terrible in their days and thats what seperates us from them in my belief
  5. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Parcells will not be acting as the General Manager, people.
  6. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    A bunch of loser eh? So maybe we should sign you, you can play some football for us.....or atleast sign you as a obviously have a knack for calling out professional athletes, some perenial all pros, hopefully you break through soon as a scout, considering you would be better off "picking" non-losers right?.......Although, you "picked" a great team to root for. (in your opinion, a bunch of losers)
  7. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    HMMMMMM,where was all the heart and passion today that everyone was talking about,. heart and passion my you know what, i watched this team quit in games on several occassions this year, most of the guys on this team checked a long time ago, i agree with you tampa, i watched several guys today who could care less about this team, laughing, youcking it up with the opponent, they were pathetic today.

    How in the world did they come out flat and unemotional, knowing that parcells is watching their every move?, i'll tell ya why, because most of them don't care and have'nt cared for a while. they know there gonna be playing elsewhere.

    Jason Allen, Lo book, mike lehan, camirillo, J. Taylor, Chatman, satele, the juggernaut, J porter, tedd ginn 'but just barely' and maybe a couple more, these are the only players i would keep, the rest are expendable
  8. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    Ya know, this thread brings back a joke I made today when i was watching the game with some friends. On Maroney's second long run one of my friends was like "Oh my god, where was the safety!?"

    "Parcells cut him before the play started"
  9. Brown42000

    Brown42000 Chillin

    Nov 24, 2007
    That won't happen as that is not how you rebuild a team and if that were to happen Miami would be in cap penalty hell.
  10. bran

    bran Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    New Hampshire
    not everyone on this team needs to go, bill will weed out the ones that need to go
  11. #1dolphinsfan

    #1dolphinsfan New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    U forgot Ronnie Brown, Ronnie is the miami dolphins Offence with out him we wont be able to pass that ball and Brown is ALOT better then Chatman, Chatman makes a good backup but no starter
  12. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    sorry,ronnie is my favorite player
  13. pags77

    pags77 New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Are you sure he is not going to be the GM, is that in stone at this point? Even if there is some other guy with the title of GM I think Parcells will be calling the shots, the guy is too much of an egomaniac.
  14. sweeper

    sweeper New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    jsut b/c he calls them losers it doenst mean in normal society buddy but rather in the NFL level. THey are ALL LOSERS within the NFL society but outside of it they are not. thats the point relax u almost got a heart attack there lolll
  15. kadiddlehopper

    kadiddlehopper Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Well to me, the part thats need blown up more than the team and coaches, are the medical staff and the entire scouting/evaluation organization. Alot of bad calls have been made relative to this or that player long before Cam or Randy came along.
  16. sweeper

    sweeper New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    exactly n one of the main problem is we have drafted a few G's taht haven't cut it n end up on the IR and players in general. why are we drafting a dude in the 4th, 5th, 6th rd etc if he isnt big enough, strong enough, quick enough, is a project, and needs to go on IR etc etc? I dont think ne other teams drafts like this.

  17. I agree that for the right price anyone is expendable. I think winning is just as contagious as losing and a locker room mentality can be quickly changed around by making a few key changes. I dont think the entire team needs to be cut in order to get this team back on track mentaly, I do think that this team has a serious talent drought and there isnt a single postion that there isn't room for improvment in.

    As much improved play as we have seen from our OLine it still needs alot of help.

    We dont have a solid front 7 on Defense let alone the depth to rotate and keep them fresh for 4 quarters

    Our secondary is very weak and needs help

    Ronnie Brown would be a lock in his postion if he could manage to stay healthy for a full season. Freak accidents or not I'm begining to wonder if we can count on him playing for a full season.

    I think it will be intresting to see what he does with Ricky Williams

    I think Chatman is showing alot of promise of developing into a productive player for us

    Camirillo is on a roll right now and hopefully he can maintain at the level he has been playing at

    John Beck is not ready yet to be our QB and Cleo is mediocre so I would expect to see someone brought in to fix that. Maybe make a run at Anderson if the Browns are ready to comitt to Quinn. Parcells found Sims, Romo, and Brady and I expect he will find us a second day pick QB to develope as well. I say this mostly due to Becks age. Im thinking we're only going to get maybe a 6yr window with Beck behind the center playing good ball so even if he is our guy we need to start looking for his replacement now.

    We need wideouts but I think that will sit on the backburner until the QB thing is resolved. It will give them time to get a better look at Ginn. I dont follow college ball so I will say if there is someone they think is a stud in this draft they might go for it just because they dont want to miss out on the opprotunity in front of them but I doubt it's a high priority on his need list.

    I totally will not be surprised to see a lot of changes on the coaching/adminstrative side of the team. Parcels will surround himself with people he is familiar with, and those people will do the same, it could possibly trickle all the way down to the teams towel boy. I have to think there will be a lot of people sat down and interviewed to see if they are going to be staying or not. The main thing is how fast can Bill get his guys in place and how fast can his guys get thier guys in place, because this team can not begin to move forward before that gets done.

    Unless Bill has an ace up his sleeve or is completly unimpressed with Cameron I think its a given he will be retained for another season here.
  18. Captain lou

    Captain lou New Member

    Dec 7, 2007

    We are one of the worst teams in NFL history. Firstly that Tampa team was a new franchise in it's first season. We will end up 1-15. I don't care how many close games we lost. The bottom line is we lost good teams find ways to win and we found ways to lose. BTW the second worse team in the "THE JETS" got 2 of their 3 wins from us. SO YES WE ARE ONE OF THE WORST TEAMS IN NFL HISTORY AND DERSEVEDLY SO.
  19. dolfan32323

    dolfan32323 ty xphinfanx

    Nov 27, 2007
    Washington DC
    Porter, Chatman, Mauia, Booker, Camarillo, and Taylor all put in a good effort yesterday.
  20. #1dolphinsfan

    #1dolphinsfan New Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Chatman didnt really do anything yesterday but ever one else played good
  21. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    I've deleted both of the posts containing personal attacks. Please don't let it happen again gentlemen.
  22. phinfan_1

    phinfan_1 New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    I am to concerned with what he will do with Ricky...I think if there is one player on this team that can make a WHOLE lot of difference is Ricky...when he is on the field things just other player in Dolphin history has done that besides Dan Marino.
  23. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    no other player cost us so much, and delivered so little.. missed 44 games too
  24. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    You are right....almost had a heart attack, because of something, someone said, on a miami dolphins message board.....i gotta stop taking stuff so seriously. I just love how people call nfl players "losers within the nfl society" when you know you couldnt hold the jock they wear on game day.....ironic :up:
  25. phinfan_1

    phinfan_1 New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    True cnc66, but when he's on the field there is no my opinion the best Runningback of all other RB has ever been gifted with such natural skills, speed, power, vision, and the ability to make defenses fear him...all in one package.
    The only thing is will he be ready next year mentally and physically, or will he even be a Dolphin next year, who really knows but I know if he is ready next year there's no doubt in my mind he can dominate again...
  26. big0mar

    big0mar New Member

    Dec 15, 2007
    We do not know that. We know that Parcells will not be called the GM. But how he acts is anyones guess.:wink2::

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