Give me 5 reasons why Philbin should be retained ?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by ASOT, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    Even if we win out (not likely) we will probably lose out on the playoffs. What appreciable difference is there in the Dolphins since he came on board ?
    2socks likes this.
  2. vizi0n

    vizi0n Boom.. Club Member

    Aug 13, 2012
    Dez said keep him...

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  3. Ohio Fanatic

    Ohio Fanatic Twuaddle or bust Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Concord, MA
    I can only think of one: he's better than Sparano and Cameron.
    not really a complement. I'm firmly in the camp that he should be fired after we get our butts kicked by New England in 6 days.
    Bpk and ASOT like this.
  4. gunn34

    gunn34 I miss Don & Dan

    Jan 5, 2008
    Oviedo FL
    5? Give me one.
    PSG, Phins_Fan_87, DeDolfan and 3 others like this.
  5. cdz12250

    cdz12250 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Coconut Grove
    1. At this point in time, before anyone gets fired, there is no better alternative available.
    2. Learning on the job takes time. Given time, he may grow a pair and learn how to be a head coach. His offensive coordinator may learn how to be an offensive coordinator.
    3. The team needs stability. Learning yet another new system will further delay our becoming a competitor for the playoffs.
    4. Coaches don't throw pusillanimous blocks, drop passes or miss tackles. Players do. All his decent players at key positions got injured and he's had to start some guys who wouldn't make the practice squad on other teams.
    5. Steve Ross thinks he's a great guy.

    I'd love to see him gone, but you said give you five reasons, and those include the top excuses.
  6. 3Pmi

    3Pmi IT Specialist Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 23, 2008
    1) Offensive Line - First and foremost, with Philbin's background as a former OL position coach, Philbin has really brought his expertise to this team. He has done a superb job of finding the "right 5" to put on the field to give our offense the best chance to succeed. We no longer have to deal with abominations at RT such as Pat McQuistan and the coach has a good feel for when to play a rookie when his veteran OL players are not getting it done. This is really one of the biggest assets that Philbin brings to the team.

    2) Organization - In a close second comes Philbin's organizational skills. This was really what landed him the job, after all. He puts together a mean binder! Also, the players are much more productive at practice now that the gum wrapper/shoe lace/potty break plagued regime that was the Tony Sparano era has been brought to an end.

    3) Player Morale - Philbin is easily the most relatable HC we've had since the Shula days. Much softer and more forgiving than previous regimes, Philbin excels at inspiring the players by being very relatable and having a keen sense of humor. He really exudes a "one of the guys" sort of a feel that really motivates players to run through a brick wall for him. You don't see the sort of complaining and anonymous *****ing from the players that you would on any ordinary .500 team.

    4) Consensus Building - He had lots of practice with this in GB and has really brought it to a new level here in Miami. He still doesn't call the plays* and does a really good job of making sure all of his coordinators are on the same page he is.

    5) Spelling/Punctuation - PowerPoint, spell and grammar checked. Boom. All that needs to be said. Except the slide animation... killing that too. Like a teacher.... errrm boss.

    And I'll give you a bonus, since you asked so nicely:

    6) 'Cause Dez says so, and he is a sane, rational human being who is able to put together a perfectly reasonable argument on how Philbin is the best coach on Earth and losing a shootout is better than wining an ugly defensive struggle.

    * - "Queasy" moments aside
    LI phinfan and ASOT like this.
  7. speed

    speed Banned

    Oct 14, 2014
    He keeps the practice field clean of litter.
    Ohio Fanatic, SICK and GARDENHEAD like this.
  8. Hobiesailor

    Hobiesailor Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Continuity. The team is definitely on an upswing with Philbin at the helm of the team and is starting to set a culture for the team. High turnover for an NFL team is not conducive to building a perineal playoff performer. Problem is, you have to live through the adversity of building a culture, especially with the high turnover that this team has had over the last 15 years. There is no defined culture here, and it is in the process of being built. Keeping some continuity for this team instead of trying to force something to happen with high turnover and uncertainty. This team over the last 5 years has been devoid of any continuity in both coaching and player aquisition so the solid core of veterans that have been around for more than one contract just isnt there. Some of those dividends are being seen on defense with Wake and Starks being some of the longest tenured Dolphins, but the offense is devoid of any of that veteran Dolphin drafted and bred. Thats what happens when every 2-3 years your GM is either shopping for a new head coach, or your coach is trying to convice a new GM of the players he needs. No continuity and you miss out on keeping players that are good, and developing younger players to step up.

    I get it, people think Philbin is a coward and not a Rah Rah, blow up, get in your face coach and people think that this isn't the model head coach. But, the offense does function and while Philbin holds blame for not getting rid of sherman soon enough, he also gets credit for bringing in Lazor and letting him run the offense, which is handicapped by what basically boils down to a practice squad o-line. Coyle has gotten, at times, great production out of the defense which is being handicapped by an offense that doesn't put up points in the red zone, and has inopportune 3 and outs. This team is not a Sparano team that was definitely not a team built for the 21st century, or a team led by the ineptitude of Cam Cameron. The team is on the upswing, and a perineal playoff team is not built in the short term. Its built over many seasons and drafts, that quite frankly, the Dolphins haven't had. Until the wheels completely fall off, we need to keep the continuity and actually try to build something.
    MikeHoncho, CrunchTime and Agua like this.
  9. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Right now I'm not gonna give you any reasons... if the team ends up going 3-0 the rest of the way, making the playoffs and at least playing competitively in the wild card game, I guess that'd be a reason. It would show that the team fought out of adversity, backed up their coach and persevered. It would show character from the whole organization and then I might change my tune on Philbin. But as of right now, I don't think that's likely to happen and, quite honestly, I think we are much closer to 8-8 than 10-6.
  10. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
  11. ASOT

    ASOT New Member

    Mar 29, 2013
    Coral Gables, FL
    Green Bay stuck with Bart Starr as coach for I think 7 or 8 years. They never once sniffed a playoff. Your theory only works sometimes, not always. I'd rather take my chances with someone new.
  12. Fin4Ever

    Fin4Ever Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Aug 26, 2014
    Vero Beach, FL
    Yes, continuity like developing and keeping our core players like.Vontae Davis and Sean Smith...Another Philbin very weak area..knowing when you have talent?? Right..he has been given 3 YEARS to improve us and here we are again trying to find a way to get past 8-8 It is way past time to bring a championship back to Miami...we have to find a way to get better and we have to cut ties with some of the dead weight on this team STARTING WITH THE HEAD COACH.Yes, continuity
  13. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    No hes not lol sparano has been to the playoffs before, and Cameran can do a much better job with the talent Philbin has vs the one he had in 2007.
  14. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Hes not better then Sparano.

    Id take Tony every day and twice on Sunday over Philbin
  15. invid

    invid Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    2016 draft position.
  16. jcliving

    jcliving Active Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    1. It would be nice to stick with a head coach for 5or 6 years like all consistent and winning organizations do.

    2. Ireland refused to pick players that fit the type of system he wanted to run.

    3. This organization needs time for Lazor to grow into his position.

    4. I do not see a replacement candidate that is good enough to jeopardize the progress being made.

    5. He is improving each year.
    Agua and ElNino like this.
  17. jcliving

    jcliving Active Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    Yes, he is better than Sparano.
  18. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    There is a quiet sense of professionalism this team has. I do appreciate that quality he brings.

    He also has grown as a HC, which is better than not growing. We, as fans, get a little caught up with the weekly W-L column. I do, too. But before the season started, every poll put out on this site had us anywhere from 7-9 wins. These were reasonable outlooks by reasonable fans. This team is where it appeared it would be prior to the season. But then they looked a little better towards the middle of the year even after losing Moreno, which really handcuffed what this offense offered in scoring situations and in play-action. I also think this injury is directly related to the Red Zone woes Miami has faced. Losing Albert did not help. This team is reeling for a win, but it's tough to overcome those injuries.

    So secondly, keeping this team even-keeled during some rough patches. Which, this is one. BUT, did we expect anything else prior to the season? Most did not. But glimpses of what this team is capable of doing are there. Folks talk about Belichick, and rightly so, but just take a look at his record at Cleveland. Things happen. Injuries, other things happen.

    I do not know if Philbin will ultimately get the axe or not, but this team (overall) is moving in the right direction. I just do not get the Denny Green rants when they are who we thought they were.
  19. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    I'll give just 2 -

    1. Continuity. Hobiesailor already went into detail and covered it. For a young QB on the brink of making or breaking it, the importance here can not be understated.

    2. He's demonstrated improvement. Other posters have said continuity on it's own doesn't mean anything if the coach isn't getting better. That's true. But Philbin has improved every year in W/L. The team seems to be getting better under his tenure, even if it is in small increments. This depends on how he finishes this season but if he can finish 9-7 it's still an improvement.

    I'm not emotionally attached to Philbin as a coach, if he gets fired, I won't lose much sleep. But I also won't be grabbing the pitch fork if he's retained.
  20. 2socks

    2socks Rebuilding Since 1973

    Nov 27, 2008
    1. the urinals in the locker room have never smelled so fresh
    2. we no longer have to look at the pasty white leg's of failure
    3. during the playoffs we have several seldom used or seen plays which use Philbin's bald head as a decoy and involve condoms
    4. You know what your going to get on 3rd and 34 - a 12 yrd screen pass
    5. we need low player morale so that the players fall in line - this has proven to be the best way to win
    Bumrush likes this.
  21. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    My belief has been that unless your name is Cam Cameron, an NFL head coach should be given three years to show if he can get the job done or not. Getting the job done to me doesn't mean his team has to win the SB. It means showing that the team improves from year one to year three and makes the playoffs in year three.

    Right now this team appears to be the same type team it was in year one of the Philbin regime. They can't seem to win the close games and they fold when the season is on the line late in the season.

    Right now I can't give you a single reason to retain Philbin. Perhaps the Dolphins will win their remaining games and end up making the playoffs. That would be the only reason I would change my opinion regarding Philbin and his being fired after this season.

    The view that there are no better options out there is absurd. There certainly has to be a better option than a head coach who clearly is nothing but mediocre at best. It is now time for Ross to find and hire that better option. He owns the team and it falls on him to upgrade the head coaching position before the 2015 begins.
  22. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Ill go a step further. They are the same team they were the first year even though both offensive and defensive talent has improved.
    jw3102 likes this.
  23. 3Pmi

    3Pmi IT Specialist Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 23, 2008
    I'm not saying you have to be a Rex Ryan, Harbaugh, or Tomlin type with the emotions. Just act... human. Like a real boy, not one made of wood.

    Don't be so socially awkward that you can't look guys in the eye when you talk to them.

    Don't look down and away when your DL is yelling at you on the sideline.

    Don't have such a lack of emotion and inability to express yourself on the fly that you have to read your post-game speech from a note card.

    The one thing I require from my head coach is leadership. I'm not set on that having to be in the "rah rah" form either. You can show leadership by being an incredible X & O guy like a Sean Payton, or a loveable relatable type like Dick Vermeil. You can be a hardass like Ditka or Cowher or Shula. There are countless ways to do it and there have been head coaches who have had success with such a variety of leadership methods that their style doesn't matter to me, honestly. As long as a coach pulls on their personality strengths and uses that to exhibit strong leadership, that is something you can build on and have success in the NFL. It isn't everything, but it is my first requirement from a coach.

    Philbin, at best, can be described as having taken a very hands of approach to his relationship with his players. His pleas of ignorance to the locker room atmosphere last year are laughable. Whether you believe that the situation was overblown by the media or not, the fact that Philbin was completely oblivious to the situation scares me. The fact that bed-checks this year was his solution to being perceived as distant or uninvolved scares me even more. He decides to show leadership by tucking the players in for bed, and he is touted by some as showing how much of a changed man he is.

    When you can check off a significant number of symptoms for Asperger's or high-functioning autism when you look at your head coach, that should concern you.
    Bpk likes this.
  24. Larry Little

    Larry Little Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Nashville, TN
    Two weeks ago, I could have given you 5 reasons. Now, I don't think I can.

    Getting all new coaches and all new systems will be a pain, but, if Ross gave Philbin the ultimatum that he make the playoffs or bust... then, he needs to follow through. I'm 40/60 on Philbin staying at this point. I think he's a good man that needs to improve as a head coach. He's lost his team. I can't defend that.

    Ultimately, I do not want to see Lazor go elsewhere. But, it is what it is.
  25. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Lol at people saying he isn't better than Sparano.

    How quickly we forget the thrill of celebrating meaningless field goals.

    I am okay with Philbin being let go, but let's be realistic. He is immensely better than Sparano.
  26. Samphin

    Samphin Κακό σκυλί ψόφο δεν έχει

    Also, I am not sure how Lazor is getting a pass from everyone. He is as responsible for the offensive mess as Philbin, in my opinion. If you fire Joe, you are almost assuredly firing his entire staff.

    It is sort of a package deal.
  27. Alex44

    Alex44 Boshosaurus Rex

    Jan 7, 2008
    Hollywood, Florida
    Lazor, while not perfect has improved our offensive production, gotten more from our QB, and is learning NFL play calling.

    Philbin is the one who is supposed to step in and be a man when **** goes wrong. Its up to him (he has an offensive background) to say "Hey Bill I'm not liking Thomas vs their edge rush, we need to leave someone to chip the end"

    He's failed in every respect in that department.
  28. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Those aren't excuses. They're real world factors that affect the performance of the team. Coming into the season we were a fringe playoff team, the type of team that needed to play well and stay relatively healthy in order to make a real push.

    Offensively we lost Albert, the anchor of our pass pro and Moreno, our top back. Defensively we've lost our #2, 4, 5, 6 CBs, and we lost our FS yesterday. Ellerbe played one half, Miller has been banged up, as have Misi, Sturgis, Satele, Clay, Hartline, Gibson and Fields. Pouncey, Jones, Jordan and Smith have missed time.

    Granted, every team suffers injuries, but it's boderline insane to not adjust expectations for a team based on who they have healthy. So when a fringe team that most didn't expect to make the post season anyway, suffers an avalanche of injuries and ends up narrowly missing the playoffs, how is it in any way logical to blame the HC?
    Agua likes this.
  29. Jersey Dolfan

    Jersey Dolfan Active Member

    Sep 9, 2012
    If Sporano had this team I think wed have more wins. Not saying he is a great coach, but his fate was tied to chad henne.

    As for the "upswing" and "continuity" stuff, yes the talent in this team is improving, and yes our QB is coming along, BUT we are not on an upswing, as we are basically the same as last year, and have already started our December collapse.

    People talk about not "blowing it up" and I agree - that is why you don't fire the GM, or bring in some egotistical fossil like a Cowher or even Harbaugh who wants to build some utopia that will gut what we have.

    You bring in a Rex ryan type - a guy who is a good leader/motivator, but who will let the GM run personnel and let Lazor/Tanny keep improving. I would even let hickey have a say in coach

    One thing is for sure - philbin is not getting us to the playoffs, and after 3 years if picking up gum wrappers and "heckuva job" does not get you quality wins when it counts, the locker room will stop buying it.

    We have seen this before. With Soprano in 2011, with Rex ryan this year, etc. Bringing back philbin after another melt down will do nothing but get us a 4-12 type season, and for all those who don't want to lose "continuity" , that kind of season is exactly what will get this whole thing blown up and lose a potential franchise QB in the process, as whoever comes in will want "their guys" and we wait another 3 years just to see if it goes anywhere.

    You fire philbin this year, you hire a coach to get these guys over the hump ala harbaugh his first year in San Fran, ala Rex ryan his first 2 in NY, ala Gruden in Tampa etc. Save the team, or let it get flushed w philbin.
    Fish13 likes this.
  30. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    If Philbin had to tell Lazor that Thomas needed help then he Lazor shouldnt even have a job. That's Pop Warner level stuff and frankly, I wonder if you have any respect for how tough it is to do the jobs our coaches do. Dumervil is as good a pass rusher as Wake is for us, and when Wake dominates an opponent it's bc he's a great player who overcomes the opposing teams attempts to neutralize him. It's not bc the opposing team has an idiot for a HC.
  31. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    Unless you're a trained specialist, it would be assinine to assume a diagnosis without a complete history supporting it.

    For the sake of your claim, let's say he does show these symptoms. Why should we be concerned?
  32. 3Pmi

    3Pmi IT Specialist Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 23, 2008
    I think that stems from Sparano's best quality being Philbin's worst. Leadership. Sparano was well liked and relatable, where Philbin is laughably the opposite.
  33. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    How quickly we forget that Ireland was the worst GM ever lol. A year later and it's the same crowd with the same limp dick arguments, only the name of the scapegoat has changed. And if we don't make the PO next year it'll be Hickey's turn, or Tannehill's, or whoevers convenient.
  34. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    I honestly can't say Philbin is better than Sparano. At least Tony made the playoffs.

    Sparano lived in mediocrity. Only in his last season, after Ross embarrassed him, and let it be known he was a lame duck, was he a bit worse than mediocre. But Philbin is a game under .500 in his time here. Those guys are slightly different, but pretty much the same...less the 11-5 playoff birth by Sparano.

    More of the same middle of the pack nonsense.
  35. CashInFist

    CashInFist Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    West Virginia
  36. Lloyd Heilbrunn

    Lloyd Heilbrunn Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Sep 13, 2011
    Jupiter, Fl.
    His naked pics of Steve Ross.
  37. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    When your team is not good, and doesn't make the playoffs, usually fans get upset. I know some don't mind, but that's not generally the norm.

    I know the Irish haters will turn their hate elsewhere, but those solid acquisitions that were brought Parcells...are getting older.
  38. CashInFist

    CashInFist Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    West Virginia
    I want the whole staff to go, Hickey included. It's time...
    2socks likes this.
  39. Phins_Fan_87

    Phins_Fan_87 Phins and Heat fan Club Member

    Mar 9, 2013
    Most our coaching issues can be solved with an experienced coach. For christ sake, 3 years in and philbin is totally lost on how and when to use timeouts.

    Philbin is softer than butter and his team has adopted that mentality.

    Dolphins will ever win anything with philbin and as soon as ross realizes that we will be a step in the right direction
  40. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Being upset is one thing, I think we're all upset. I'm talking about the intellectually lazy practice of blaming one man for the failures of an entire team.

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