Do You Approve of Ryan Tannehill's Play in 2016?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by KeyFin, Sep 14, 2016.

Do you approve of Ryan Tannehill in 2016

Poll closed Sep 25, 2016.
  1. Heck yeah I do, he's the shizzle fo snizzle!

    6 vote(s)
  2. I'm not sure yet, it's too early to tell.

    22 vote(s)
  3. Heck no, did you even watch the game?

    3 vote(s)
  1. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    The poll says it all...I just wanted to see where everyone stood. I will likely do the same poll every few weeks throughout the season. Just keep in mind that I'm asking about 2016 ONLY, because that's ultimately what he will be graded on once his big contract jump comes due at the start of next season. Remember, we also have an out in his contract so it's not unthinkable that we walk away entirely if 2016 goes sour.

    So again, we're judging him here on week one of 2016 only for now...and in 2 weeks we will judge him on weeks 1, 2 and 3. Most of us know where we stand on the career of Ryan Tannehill and we don't need to get into all of that. Because honestly, IT DOESN'T MATTER. It's a brand new season and he's undeniably our starter, so please try to keep the arguments of the past to a minimum.

    For the record, I'm voting with Snoop Dog on this one...even though I have no idea what it means.
    Tin Indian and Bumrush like this.
  2. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Too early. Offense was inept but he wasn't helped by Kenny "drop for the Anthem then drop the ball" Stills.

    He still looks a bit mechanical in the pocket but it may have been a function of conservative play calling by Gase so I'll reserve judgment for now.
  3. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    It's too bad they couldn't fit all of that on Still's jersey...I thought it sounded pretty catchy.
    adamprez2003, Bumrush and resnor like this.
  4. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007

    I'm all honestly I'm having a tough time selling myself on Thill. I think he is what he is right now.. All the intangibles in the world, all the skill but still not the type of playmaker at the position you need to be a great QB.

    I hope to be proven wrong as the season progress.
    gunn34, KeyFin and LI phinfan like this.
  5. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    I thought that Ryan played ok, given the circumstances. Not good, not bad. He didn't make any big mistakes, and none of the passes that weren't tipped should have been intercepted. Its hard to say how much of the ugly offense was the scheme and play calling and how much was Ryan not hitting what chances he had. The deep ball to Stills was close to perfect. I give him a B- on the week, taking into account the Seahawks defense and the venue. Had he played that way against a poor defense at home, then the grade would be lower.
    number21, Shane Falco and KeyFin like this.
  6. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    I didnt vote because I thought he had a bit of a sluggish game but I expect him to rebound big time over the coming weeks and I think we will see just how good he is in the second half of the season when we come out of our bye. It usually takes eight weeks for everyone to get on the same page with a new system let alone a new coach who has to figure out who he can trust and who he cant. But by game eight I think we'll have a high octane offense that will be top ten if foster is the real deal. It will probably take that long for our oline to learn to run block with each other. I can accept going into the bye week 3-4. 2-5 would be a disappointment but losing to the steelers, bengals and patriots wouldnt kill me this early. The second half i want to go 7-2 or 6-3 at worse. I still predict he will end up playing in the pro bowl. I honestly think thats going to be one fo his worst games of the season and if thats as bad as it gets its going to be a good season
    DolphinGreg and KeyFin like this.
  7. bbqpitlover

    bbqpitlover Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2008
    I want him to succeed, I want him to win but I see the same old Tannehill last Week just mediocre. Im not trying to anger anyone or trying to start a debate. I just don't see a guy who motivates the team or gives it a spark and no I'm not trying to compare to Marino. We cant afford so many 3 and out in a no huddle offense just look at the time of possession you cant have the defense on the field that long. Heres to hoping Week two there's a better out put and running game and a huge win.
    dolphin25, Finster, gunn34 and 2 others like this.
  8. mlb1399

    mlb1399 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    Way too early to judge at this point. He went up against one of the best defenses in the NFL in one of the toughest places to play. Based on his QBR, you would say no. I don't think it's fair considering the factors mentioned.
    Tin Indian and KeyFin like this.
  9. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014

    Actually, I think last season QB's posted an average QBR of 76. Tanny's 75 was along those lines. And like someone posted in another thread here, if Stills had not dropped that pass..his QBR would have been a cool 99.
    resnor, DolphinGreg and KeyFin like this.
  10. Fin-O

    Fin-O Initiated Club Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    This thread promises to be epic no matter how he plays.
    Shane Falco, Bpk and KeyFin like this.
  11. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    Ya, but what does say when one pass can skew the QBR so wildly?

    Aside from other personnel issues - until Tanny learns to rip it on a consistent basis, this team will more than likely remain mediocre to sub-.500
    dolphin25 and KeyFin like this.
  12. Serpico Jones

    Serpico Jones Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    It's just one game, relax.
    number21, gunn34 and KeyFin like this.
  13. bran

    bran Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    New Hampshire
    hard to tell from one game, but the offense looked as awful as ever.
    dolphin25, KeyFin and DolphinGreg like this.
  14. jdang307

    jdang307 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    San Diego
    One game, in a new year, in a new system. Not even going to judge.
  15. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    I would just say that for a host of reasons, none of us got to see what we were hoping to see. We will continue to wait.
    KeyFin likes this.
  16. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Must use entire skillset to convert on third down, and that includes not throwing short of the sticks on third down, and running to convert by the QB...that didn't happen in game one, nor the last four last year we will continue to be the 30th ranked team in football..

    It's no coincidence...lets hope he gets it starting this week.
    dolphin25, KeyFin and gunn34 like this.
  17. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    To early to tell.

    I think it was tough sledding in Seattle, but its tough sledding for anyone in Seattle. Teams just don't score a ton of points against Seattle, especially IN SEATTLE.
    KeyFin and resnor like this.
  18. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    I think establishing an actual running game featuring actual running backs is far more important than the quarterback running a lot, don't you think?
    Shane Falco and KeyFin like this.
  19. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    What's the excuse for the previous two years when we had a running back that was serviceable?

    Fact of the matter is he HAS TO GET BETTER in the pocket. He has to make more plays and take more chances. He has to develop a sense of urgency when the rush is on and avert and / or make something out of nothing.

    Even the most ardent Tannehill supporters are starting to see that his deficiencies in the above areas need to be improved, and improved rapidly. This franchise cannot accept mediocrity any longer and it needs to start at the QB position, because like it or not, the QB position has the single largest impact on the game.

    I'm hoping he incrementally improves to the point where this team can compete for the playoffs, and with that confidence he starts playing loose and becomes the QB we ALL know he has the potential to be.
    dolphin25, KeyFin and DolphinGreg like this.
  20. LI phinfan

    LI phinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    Having a good RB and having a very good running game are completely two different things.. Last yr proved that .

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    KeyFin likes this.
  21. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sometimes an effective and dangerous passing game opens up the running game. This team has been one dimensional for too long, in a mediocre dimension at best.
    dolphin25 and KeyFin like this.
  22. LI phinfan

    LI phinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    I agree. But it is just as effective to open up the passing game with an effort to run the ball. Seems like Gase is looking for balance thank god. This team has been one dimensional for too long with a running attack that has hardly helped in setting up reasonable third downs and converting short yardage chances. I think it has more to do with a lack of quantity than a lack of quality running it. Either way, looking for improvements in both running and passing this year, I think we have the right HC for that....I also think we will see that we have the right QB for it also...hoping.
    resnor and KeyFin like this.
  23. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    What? My argument isn't that Ryan doesn't need to improve, it's that we should worry about being able to run the ball effectively in the traditional sense, because that will help the offense immensely.
    resnor, KeyFin and LI phinfan like this.
  24. CaribPhin

    CaribPhin Guest

    My initial instinct is to want to wait until week 5 or 6, similar to the first season under Lazor, but I've been hurt too much by this team to give it the benefit of the doubt. For me, it's a solid "Not enough information".
    KeyFin likes this.
  25. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    The running game would be helped by first down throws didn't gain under 3 yards half the time or nothing.
    dolphin25 and KeyFin like this.
  26. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Sure, just like downfield passing would be helped by a legit running game.

    Round and round we go.
    Shane Falco, resnor and KeyFin like this.
  27. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Well, short passes seem to be Tannehill's bread and butter, so ANYTHING we do outside that opens up the short passes. That includes running, QB scrambling, intermediate passes, throwing the bomb to Stonehenge (a little Necessary Roughness humor), etc.

    I think my biggest disappointment in week 1 was how effectively Landry was neutralized except on that 4th quarter catch. And the only reason he had room to run there was because he was the 1st option....and then around the 6th option as Tannehill scanned everywhere else and even contemplated running it himself. the way...have we ever even seen Tannehill do that in the pocket before? I don't think he's ever had that much time. I am very optimistic about our offensive line this season.
    dolphin25, DolphinGreg and Unlucky 13 like this.
  28. Sceeto

    Sceeto Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
    New York
    If Stills catches that pass for a TD and Cameron makes a f'ing play, are we, at least for right now, at this point, still having this convo?
    number21, Shane Falco and resnor like this.
  29. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    There have been times over the last few years where we’ve used excuses about the QB being young (2012 & 2013), the line not being capable of protecting him (2013 thru 2015), the WRs not being good enough (2013 & 2014) or the play-caller being insufficient and out-of-touch (2013 & 2015).

    However we appear to be approaching a point where those excuses are beginning to be taken less seriously. Expectations are rising. The roster is better than ever and the coaching projects to be solid this year. Thus, there is already pressure on this offense to perform better than it has in the past.

    To me, the obvious “problem” with the offense right now is that it’s far too hot and cold. As you’d expect, scoring drives are typically sparked by a key play. However, the problem is that the offense doesn’t seem capable of making those key plays consistently throughout a game. They seem to happen randomly and too infrequently for this offense to be labeled “explosive.” We’ll see 3 or 4 consecutive drives that all result in 3-and-outs and then all of a sudden there’s a beautiful 6-play drive that scores a TD.

    And we’re left asking…where the heck has that been at!?

    As a Clemson fan, I get to see a lot of that “bang your head against a wall” kind of play-calling but the difference there is that every 3 drives, DeShawn Watson either scrambles for 40 yards and looks like the best player on the field or he connects on a deep bomb to one of Clemson’s future NFL receivers. That’s kind of the offense Seattle runs: stall, stall, big drive, stall, big drive, big drive, stall, stall, big drive, etc. If you’re hitting on enough big plays then you can afford to be a little inconsistent.

    To me, it just feels like Miami is a lesser version of all that—they’re just not a Championship-level offense due to the inconsistency. When you zoom in and ask why you can get all the excuses I started with above: the QB, the line, the receivers, the play-caller, yada, yada, yada.

    So that’s what we all sit here and chat about all week. We all describe it in our own way but I’d say that on the whole, the offense just doesn’t produce enough. That can probably be quantified in both total yards as well as 1[SUP]st[/SUP] downs. The sad reality is that no matter who comes to Miami, the potential is never maximized because there's not enough overall production to go around. I'm okay with a QB throwing nearly 600 times but the overall production has to be higher if that's the case. Right now the efficiency numbers which revolve around yardage show that Miami isn't producing enough.

    Right now, it looks like this line is going to be able to pass-protect and in year-5 I think it’s fair to assume Tannehill should be familiar enough with NFL football to show some ability inside the new offense. In the past, I’ve looked at a lot of yearly stats—and there will be plenty of time for that after the season—but right now it’s more in the eye test and in the general flow of the offense throughout a game.

    I liked how the Dolphins offense looked both early and late against Seattle. However, the offense seemed to grind to a halt after the deep shot that missed. After that point, the offense seemed to go cold for a good 2 quarters despite a bunch of help from the defense. It finally made the adjustments necessary to drive down the field late but that happened because (1) Jarvis Landry got a big run-after catch and (2) Damien Williams broke free on a screen. So between those 2 plays and the big Arian Foster check-down, the majority of the Dolphins offense can be summed up right there. And that’s the problem.
    KeyFin and Bumrush like this.
  30. smahtaz

    smahtaz Pimpin Ain't Easy

    I'm no QB evaluator but I thought Tannehill looked like a different guy. I think his footwork is better and he protected the ball.

    This is what Cian Fahey had to say after watching the tape of last weeks game.


    This is pretty crazy. Tannehill sticks the landing.

    KeyFin and resnor like this.
  31. Limbo

    Limbo Mad Stillz

    Mar 21, 2013
    Wow that is some extensive weekly recap BR has laid out for 2016.

    Thought Tannehill's footwork looked better all preseason too. Quicker and with more purpose. He was too sluggish in the pocket for a kid with his physical tools. My hope is that the improvements there will help him maneuver pressure, process faster, and possibly encourage him to extend more plays or scramble. Should be more comfortable this week against a very meh Pats pass rush.

    Definitely some encouraging stuff from week 1. I want to see him be more aggressive with his decisions against a weaker defense this week.
    KeyFin and smahtaz like this.
  32. miami365

    miami365 Member

    Nov 18, 2012
    +1 way too early Palmer said it took them half a season to bed down Arian's offense, and a game on the road in the loudest stadium against one of the toughest defenses to boot. Given some of the hits he took we're lucky it's only Mario dealing with concussion.
    KeyFin and resnor like this.
  33. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    We're talking about the same offense that ran the ball the fewest times in the league, right? It's already been proven that is not really how effective your back is that's beneficial, in regards to the passing game, but running the ball enough that the defense can't simply expect pass every time.
    KeyFin, Pauly, Fin D and 1 other person like this.
  34. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Hopefully, we have the opprotunity to run the ball both more and more effectively this week than we did last. Our RBs only had 15 carries, and if you take out Foster's 9 yard run, he only averaged 2.4 YPA on his other 12. The whole offense suffers when that happens.
    KeyFin and resnor like this.
  35. Shane Falco

    Shane Falco Banned

    Nov 22, 2015
    This dude I will listen to. He knows football. The rest? Not so much.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  36. Conuficus

    Conuficus Premium Member Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well away from here
    Have you met Joe Philbin? He's a soul crusher.
    adamprez2003, smahtaz and resnor like this.
  37. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    No, absolutely not.

    I still can't figure out why the meaning of this is lost in so many posters.
    Sceeto and number21 like this.
  38. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    That's a fallacy though. You keep assuming the game plays out EXACTLY the same way.
  39. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Yeah, I'm sure if that pass was completed it would result in Tannehill and the offense playing worse.
  40. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    For example - how do you know the Seahawks don't break a kick return for a TD on the ensuing kickoff?

    Again, you're thinking like an "adjuster". If we hit Stills deep over the top - the Seahawks are put on alert and I guarantee you he doesn't continue to get 1-on-1 coverage back there.

    We both know teams leave plays out there on the field all the time though. If that Stills pass had happened deep in the 4th quarter you might have a point, there was plenty of ball game left.

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