Peter King Thinks Beck is Going to get Cut

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Sikone, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Sikone

    Sikone Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    Lawrenceville, GA
  2. texasPHINSfan

    texasPHINSfan New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Bellevue, WA
    while i can somewhat understand his logic, its faulty in that it doesn't address why we'd keep McCown over him and have two vets on our roster. Beck is still developmental... absolutely no reason to cut him.
  3. Coral Reefer

    Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    I don't know how you could understand "his logic" because he offered nothing, absolutely nothing to back up his statement.

    Over the years I've come to the conclusion that anything that comes out of all these media guys are nothing more than farts in the wind.

    We'll see what happens.

    I agree with you that there is no reason to cut Beck. You're looking for a future QB and we've got 2 young ones to develop. Why throw one away before knowing what he can develop into. Would be stupid.
    calphin and MelbournePhin like this.
  4. PMZQ

    PMZQ Banned

    Nov 24, 2007
    Miami, FL
    I don't agree with that. I think he's worthy of a look from a number of teams. I can see him getting at least 4 looks (Vikings, Bears, Jax and of course NE -- especially the latter, they do that or try to do that to any player the Dolphins give up on).
  5. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    I could see him going to New England or a team that was interested in him last year
  6. Regan21286

    Regan21286 MCAT's, EMT's, AMCAS, ugh

    Dec 3, 2007
    UCLA, CA
    The Parcells regime isn't too keen (almost trigger-happy to let go) on players it didn't draft or sign so I can understand it from that angle but really it should be McCown gone.
  7. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    But they were high on Beck when he was coming out.
  8. Regan21286

    Regan21286 MCAT's, EMT's, AMCAS, ugh

    Dec 3, 2007
    UCLA, CA
    Well, they weren't going to say anything derogatory that's for sure. They might've had some interest, throw some praise out there to keep everyone happy, but after a good look decided to go their own way.
  9. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    He might be right. Quien sabe? I don't think the decision has been made yet...I think they are going to give Beck the entire pre-season to prove he deserves to be here.
  10. FinsAreLife

    FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    Getting rid of beck over McCown wouldnt make a whole lot of sense.
  11. Sikone

    Sikone Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    Lawrenceville, GA

    I'm just worried about King's supposed close relationship with Bill Parcells. Is he hearing anything from the horse's mouth?
    funkdat likes this.
  12. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    It's possible, but I doubt it.
    Either way, I am not sweating it. Frankly, I don't think this team's future rests on the decision to keep Beck or not.
    PMZQ likes this.
  13. SuncoastFinsFan

    SuncoastFinsFan Banned

    Apr 12, 2008
    It does seem like there is alot of media speculation that we might cut Beck. Its almost as if some word has been leaked to them to try to prepare the fan base for what is going to be equal to what happened when GB traded Favre.

    IF Beck gets cut, there is going to be more of a firestorm than I think the Trifecta is counting on. Not that they would change their minds, but Beck is EXTREMELY popular. They better keep preparing the people.
  14. Sikone

    Sikone Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    Lawrenceville, GA
    You're right, I just hate to see high draft picks flame out. Honestly, Chad Henne gets me a lot more excited than Beck does.
    texasPHINSfan likes this.
  15. SuncoastFinsFan

    SuncoastFinsFan Banned

    Apr 12, 2008
    I didn't see this post when I posted. I agree. There is way too much speculation from the media and the media types aren't insightful enough to all come to the same conclusion.

    If I'm Beck, I'm worried. Or he sure as hell better set the world on fire in this weeks game.
  16. Sikone

    Sikone Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 8, 2008
    Lawrenceville, GA

    You can tell by the live practice blog posted earlier that Beck seems to be getting less and less snaps then Pennington and Henne, but McClown seems to be getting even less. I doubt they keep the 4.
  17. Brown42000

    Brown42000 Chillin

    Nov 24, 2007
    For no good reason either.
    my 2 cents and SuncoastFinsFan like this.
  18. TotoreMexico

    TotoreMexico Your retarded

    Jan 4, 2008
    I'd rather keep Beck than McCown

    I mean, what's the point of keeping McCown?
  19. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    I can somewhat understand keeping McCown because if Pennington was to go down, which is likely, then McCown could come in as the 'other' veteran insurance. However, I don't think its worth cutting a guy in Beck that can still be something for your team to keep a guy whose one of the most inconsistent guys in the league. McCown is all over the place when he plays. One game, he'll throw you 300+ yards and 2 touchdowns and then the next game, he'll throw you three picks and no touchdowns.
  20. 124

    124 Banned

    May 12, 2008
    ****ing 124. What an ******* for suggesting a Beck release. :lol:
    texasPHINSfan, Darkoak and alen1 like this.
  21. Kanye West

    Kanye West 'Parcells' Guy

    Mar 23, 2008
  22. Striking

    Striking Junior Member

    Apr 21, 2008
    Aurora, Colorado
    It would show a real lack of class on the Dolphins part if that were true.
  23. like2god

    like2god Typical white person Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    Why is it such a "now or never" situation in your eyes?

    1. What is the purpose of keeping McCown around now that Penny is on board? Has McCown really outplayed Beck and Henne?

    2. Reading these blogs on a daily basis has left me (and many others) to point out the bias against Beck and the fawning over Henne who really hasn't done much of anything to be considered the front runner. As jdang307 pointed out earlier, todays blog report was misleading and anyone who skimmed through to find a wrapup/breakdown would have thought "OMG, Beck sucked today".

    I don't think Beck is in any danger of being cut, speculation is a journalists best friend.
    Colorado Dolfan likes this.
  24. Georgia Fin

    Georgia Fin Fin For Life

    Nov 25, 2007
    West Georgia
    I don't think it really matters, at this point if Beck or McCown make the team this year they will be gone by next year. Pennington and Henne are the one's who will move forward with us and another QB will be added to develop behind them next year. I just don't see McCown or Beck getting the reps this year to solidify them keeping a job with us next year. The writing is on the wall and this group will not sit back on their laurels like the others did. We'll use a mid to late round pick on a QB next year and continue to try to develop young QBs and not get caughtbin the rut the others did. Only the strong survive and honestly I like it.
    Brown42000 and FinSane like this.
  25. Loyal Fin

    Loyal Fin Business as usual

    Mar 22, 2008
    South Florida
    The people who support Beck think he's the quarterback of the future. Based on his college and NFL performance.
  26. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    I don't think he's the Quarterback of the future and I'm a Beck supporter.
  27. SuncoastFinsFan

    SuncoastFinsFan Banned

    Apr 12, 2008
    Now or never in my eyes? One only has to pay attention to this league. Its a now or never league, my friend. Don't blame me. I didn't create it. Its just the way it is.

    And the decision about Beck won't be based on what we've seen. It'll be based on what the coaches have seen. Based on what we've seen, he could be cut tomorrow and its no big loss.

    But if the coaches, will all of their collective years of watching QBs believe that Beck is not cut out for the NFL, then it'll be adios Juan.

    But I think by now, in his second TC, second season with the Fins, Beck needs to start showing that he can see the whole field, he can find open WRs and he can get the ball to them. You can't run an offense where all of your passes are to the fullback.

    As for why we are enamored with Henne, it is because as a rookie, hes no worse than Beck and he has much better physical skills. That would portend to be more upside.

    I don't want to rehash the Beck Bias, pro or con. That's old news.

    If I was the coach, I would keep Beck, just because he might pan out. But I am not, and I don't see him in practice and I don't have the expertise to determine whether or not he can play. If they deem he cannot, I'll support their decision.
  28. Loyal Fin

    Loyal Fin Business as usual

    Mar 22, 2008
    South Florida
    That's fine. I wasn't trying to say that there's no alternative. Just that there are people who don't believe he'll be cut in a year. Those same people are convinced that he's the answer and were offended by the signing of Henne.

    I support anyone who wears Aqua and Coral and that includes John Beck. I'm just not biased to one or the other for whatever social reason.
  29. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Ooo ok. Yeah, I support every player on our team as well.
  30. SuncoastFinsFan

    SuncoastFinsFan Banned

    Apr 12, 2008
    (I qualify this post with the assumption that Beck isn't a total bust to the coaching staff).

    I disagree with this. I think Beck might be able to develop into a good long term backup QB. Hes only 27. By next year, it'll be his third year in the league and his second in the offense.

    CPs contract runs through the 2009 season. If he stays around two years, then Henne takes over (which may even be sooner), why have a late round rookie as Hennes backup? Keep Beck as the backup. Pay him better than market value for a backup. Its a critical position.

    His nickname can be "Backup Beck". I think its got a nice ring to it. :wink2:
  31. like2god

    like2god Typical white person Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    The people who support Henne think he's the QB of the future based on his college and camp performance. What's your point? :confused:

    We have 2 young and talented QB's on our roster and the FO owes it to the franchise to try and develop that talent, otherwise we're just pissing away draft picks and bringing in castoffs from other teams in the hopes that they pan out. That's the type of management that put us in this 1-15 mess in the first place, we need to start developing our young players or else we will find ourselves right back here next year talking about the same thing.

    Seeing that McCown is the veteran out of the original 3 (McCown, Beck, Henne) and he hasn't been able to pull away and win the starting job like an experienced vet should, I think he's the odd man out. He was brought here to be the veteran presence and Pennington is now that guy, I just don't see the purpose of keeping McCown on the roster.
  32. keypusher

    keypusher Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    Agree with this. I would be amazed if McCown isn't the one to go. To cut Beck it seems like they would have to conclude he's completely hopeless, which seems unlikely.
    Larryfinfan and like2god like this.
  33. Georgia Fin

    Georgia Fin Fin For Life

    Nov 25, 2007
    West Georgia

    I agree it is a good thing to have a vet backup Henne if Pennington is gone, but if Beck doen't show up, he'll be gone too. This group has shown it has no reservations about turning over players on the roster. They will go out and get someone they have ties or connections to that is serviceable in a pinch and won't think twice about it. Make no bones about it, if Beck leaves a bad taste in their mouth, they will spit him out in a hurry.JMO
  34. Loyal Fin

    Loyal Fin Business as usual

    Mar 22, 2008
    South Florida
    First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    I don't think that was the original point I was trying to make. If that's what you understood, forgive me.

    my original, miniscule point was to let Georgia Fin know that there are a large number of fans who don't think Beck will be cut this year or next year. Certain people think he's actally the answer. I take it you consider yourself one of those people? You seemed to jump right in and post your confusion over a relatively small and insignificant post.

    I actually agree with the first part of your post. I think it would be a waste of a draft pick and camp resources if we were to cut or release John Beck. He is a developmental QB and I think he has a lot of upside if he were to just relax and be a leader. Everyone knows he has the talent, it's just a matter of will he blossom for us? or someone else....
    With that said, I don't think John Beck is ready to back up Pennington when he "falls"(fingers crossed that he doesn't). At least he hasn't showed his readiness. So that leaves us in a dangerous situation. An injury prone QB, a lackluster back up and two young promising QBs.
    It's for this reason that I rather not debate or argue this particular subject. Someone might confuse me for a Henne or Beck "supporter". I rather just keep supporting the team as a whole and let the F.O decide who should lead us foward. After all, they are the experts, we are just speculating.
    like2god likes this.
  35. like2god

    like2god Typical white person Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    Thanks brother :knucks:

    Yeah, to me it sounded like you were trying to brush off Beck supporters by saying that he hasn't accomplished anything. I was just simply pointing out that Henne is pretty much in the same boat experience and performance wise. :wink2:

    Well that's the point of an open forum, you see a topic and you add your 2 cents worth of insight.

    And I am a Beck supporter, I support all of our players until they give me reason not to. Which takes me back to my original point, we really don't know what we have with either one of our young QB's at this point. Beck was horribly mishandled last year by Cam and I don't feel that what we saw is an accurate representation of what he has to offer this team. I think the idea of giving up on him to soon would be a major waste of an asset, an asset that cost us a 2nd rounder just one year ago. This team has wasted so many draft picks over the years (2nd rounders on Feeley and Culpepper, only 2 players from the 2000-2004 drafts are still with he team - Bell and Carey), we really should make sure that we do everything we can to make sure that we know what we have before we move on and toss them to the side.

    The same with Henne, he's a rookie and he's just getting his feet wet in the NFL. We really don't know what he has to offer but it's clear that he still has some things to work on in order to be a starter in the NFL. I would hope that he gets a fair shot to show what he has to offer before the team decides to move on.

    On the otherhand, we do know what McCown has to offer this team because he has been in the NFL for a number of years now and he has a body of work from which we can look at and make judgements. He was supposed to be the vet to come in and challenge for the starters job and the fact that he (with his 7 years of NFL experience) couldn't beat out 2 young unexperienced QB's should put him on the outside looking in. I'm not really understanding why he would still be on the team with Pennington in the fold.

    I agree, I think Beck has as much talent and potential as Henne and we should consider ourselves lucky to have 2 talented QB's from which to choose. The sky is the limit for both.

    First of all, we all support the team and this is just a discussion. :hi5:

    But your quote above brings up two points in my mind.

    1. If Beck isn't ready to be a backup to Pennington right now, what does that say about McCown who couldn't pull away from the pack to win the starters job and what does that say about Henne who hasn't done anything to distance himself from Beck and McCown? I would think that if a 7 year vet can't win the job from two inexperienced players, then he would be the one on the outs.

    2. When Parcells and Co. took over they were talking about rebuilding, being patient and how this wouldn't happen overnight. What happened to the plan? Did we all of a sudden change gears because Pennington was available? Is he really a guy that you can build on and count on to be healthy for a full season? I agree that he is better than what we currently have when he's healthy, but his ability to stay healthy has been an issue throughout his career. Add to that the fact that he can't throw the deep ball because of his lack of arm strength, now the opposing defenses will focus more on stopping the run and Ginn's speed won't be as big a factor as it should be. If the plan is to be a playoff team in 2 years, why sign a player that might not be around in 2 years while keeping 2 of your youngsters on the bench? When that target 2010 playoff year rolls around we could very well be starting someone who has little to no NFL game experience.

    So I'll give the FO the benefit of the doubt and acknowledge that Penny is a pretty good game manager and that he is currently better than any of the other 3 QB's on the roster. But I question how long he will hold up and what exactly is the direction that this team is heading? Are we still a rebuilding team or are we a retooling team?
    calphin and Colorado Dolfan like this.
  36. SuncoastFinsFan

    SuncoastFinsFan Banned

    Apr 12, 2008
    I agree. If Beck shows he CANT play, then he should be cut. And thats really the $64,000 question. Does the coaching staff believe that Beck can develop into a legit QB? If not, he'll go away and McCown will stay.
    Georgia Fin likes this.
  37. Loyal Fin

    Loyal Fin Business as usual

    Mar 22, 2008
    South Florida
    I can't disagree with anything I read in your great post. I'd respond to each section but again, I'm not taking "the other side" here. I agree that McCown is useless and we should look for another back up. If not, maybe the FO knows Pennington is unreliable and plan to switch Beck and Henne during CPs downtime..? It's all up for debate and that's why I love coming here, cause you guys do it so well:up:
  38. Loyal Fin

    Loyal Fin Business as usual

    Mar 22, 2008
    South Florida
    I haven't studied QBs so I wouldn't know but who's to say that Henne wont be Becks "backup"? That might be what people who think Beck is superior, believe. Like what I think your sig(which I think is genius) expresses, there is always "another side" to the coin/argument/debate.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  39. CA Dolfan

    CA Dolfan New Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Beck or McCown each has a 50/50 chance. 54 snaps at practice and they get 2 each.

    "As Dolphins coach Tony Sparano hinted before practice, Pennington got the bulk of the work in 11-on-11 drills. He took 28 of the 54 snaps, with rookie Chad Henne getting 21. Veteran Josh McCown and second-year quarterback John Beck split the rest."
  40. alen1

    alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    If Pennington got 28 snaps and Henne got 21, that would equal out to 49, which leaves 5 left for Beck and McCown. How do you split up five into two?

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