I think it's about time...

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by jaymoney, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    For those of who don't know where i live, I'm in South Korea. And as a local dude who spent most of life time in S.Korea, 3month of holiday at Miami was amazing.
    People were nice, food was great and even more amazing because i learned about football while i was at there.

    I love this game so much that i actually joined football team in S.Korea(yes very few but we have amateur football team), bought whole gears like helmets and shoulder pads, pants, cleats, gloves, under armor stuffs with my money. I even paid 300$ for my team annually 'cause they don't have enough money.
    For 3years, i played CB and receiver now im just regular football fan just like many of you.
    Only difference is, i dont have madden friends, fantasy football friends and watching Dolphins game in the monday morning alone.
    It's been more than 14 years now that i start rooting my beloving Dolphins.
    And at this point, with 0-2 start, i don't think i'm going to watch Fins game anymore...
    I've been always thinking "i should support them more when they having a hard time." but i just lost my passion somehow.

    I'm not gonna rooting for other team since that is ridiculous and non-sense to me, so i think im just gonna stop watching football until Fins get better. Every time when people mocking me on the internet cause im a Dolfan, i used to never back down and It's sad that i lost my passions for the Dolphins.

    Im really sorry if u offended by this post. Many of u guys will keep watching the game and buying their stuffs, but i dont have anyone who can share this sadness around me. My family think i'm stupid lol.

    Thanks for read this craps. I hope to see u guys in the other side of the world some day.:lol:
  2. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    Not to deliberately prolong your misery, but you might think about waiting another 2 games. We're likely to beat the Browns, and then we have a tough game against the Bengals. IF we beat the Bengals this season looks very different. If we don't, then .. OK .. wait till the Dolphins get better.
    gunn34 and jaymoney like this.
  3. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    We can't risk it doc.....a heartbreaker against the Browns would kill this man....he needs booze, STAT!
  4. Lt Dan

    Lt Dan Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 23, 2008
    Eglin AFB, Fl
    Drink much soju. That's what I did when I was stationed in South Korea 2003-2004
  5. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    I can't ever read any of your posts and not think of ICE CREAM
    cuchulainn, vt_dolfan and Pandarilla like this.
  6. Stitches

    Stitches ThePhin's Biggest Killjoy Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Spring, TX
    I don't have any dolphins fans around me (not to say there are none in the general area), but I suppose that I still have football fans around me, so it isn't quite the same.
  7. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    I think 95% of Dolphins fans are closest/open masochists and I'm not quite sure we'd be any or less happier with a winning and competing season.

    Hang in there man....the winning times will be that much sweeter.........maybe. :wink2:
  8. Pandarilla

    Pandarilla Purist Emeritus

    Sep 10, 2009
    Boone, NC
    I heard South Korea is all futuristic and awesome...True?
  9. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    That's a reasonable suggestion but i don't know..Thanks anyway :)
    cbrad likes this.
  10. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Hey man, I feel your pain. I live in Brazil where most people don't really care for American Football (though the NFL is becoming a lot more popular here lately). I know some NFL fans in my city (medium size-ish) but I don't really know any Dolphins fans, or at least never met one in person. Most people who follow the NFL here in Brazil are fans of the more successful franchises of the last decade, such as the Patriots (lots of pats fans here), Broncos, Seahawks, Packers, Steelers, Giants, etc. Rarely do I see fans of other teams that haven't at least made the playoffs on a consistent basis in the last few years.

    Now that I think of it, most of the few Dolphins fans that I know of (online) in the country probably started following the NFL at around the 2008 season and happened to pick the Dolphins as their favorite team, probably thinking they were on the upswing. Funny thing is that the Dolphins are viewed as a likeable team around here, even though there aren't many hardcore fans. It's a team people don't hate (not even supposed fans of division rivals), and actually don't mind rooting for either, though won't consider themselves Dolphins fans... most of the younger fans also know the Dolphins and Dan Marino because of the classic Ace Ventura movie.

    Still, most people see the Dolphins as a mediocre franchise... some don't even know about our storied past. Whenever I meet someone who follows the NFL and tell them I'm a Dolphin fan, they usually joke around saying that I probably suffer. I don't really let it bother me though. I don't know exactly how the South Korean sports culture is, but people around here usually understand the "once a fan always a fan" mentality and that you just "have no choice" but to follow the team you picked.

    Just don't let this fandom thing become your whole life and you'll be good. Remember, it's just a sport, there are tons of more important stuff in life. :wink2:

    Just enjoy the ride, cause when we do make it to the top (it'll happen sooner or later) it'll be even sweeter and you'll be able to brag to all your friends that you endured the worst part of Dolphins history.
    cuchulainn and jaymoney like this.
  11. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    Lol im already drunk and wasted man. It's 5am here and i gotta go to work in 3 hours. Im going to drink a special booze to cure my sadness.
  12. muskrat21

    muskrat21 Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2014
    considering most of us have been waiting close to 20 years for the dolphins to be worth watching. You might want to just forget football exist.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  13. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    Hello sir...i mean lieutenant Dan. Thanks for your service. I served too and i listen Eagle FM sometimes... I don't like soju cause it smells awful but Thanks. Love from Seoul.
  14. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    Thanks man. It means a lot:)
    Brasfin likes this.
  15. jaymoney

    jaymoney it's magic baby

    Mar 15, 2013
    Nah...If that means half of the people are actually internet addict and smart phone addict then perhaps yes.

    But i dont consider its awesome nor futuristic tho :)
    Stitches and Pandarilla like this.
  16. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Now Ill hear.."Lt. DANNNNN" Every time in my head...lol
  17. Dolfan984

    Dolfan984 Underrated Free Agent

    Apr 26, 2009
    Bay Area, CA
    My passion for the Dolphins is about 25% of what it used to be. That said, I still love football and wouldn't have the heart to root for anyone else. Sucks but it is what it is. :(
    dolphin25 and gunn34 like this.
  18. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    I understand dude. The only time I completely walked away from it was after watching the start of the third game Dante Culpepper was playing QB for us. I KNEW how that was going to go. After loss 3 or 4 of Cam Cameron's tenure, it was apparent he was completely clueless as well. Other than that, though, I may not watch every game real time, but I keep up with it on forums, twitter and then watch the condensed versions afterwards.

    It can be tough and there's no need to put yourself through this.

    I've been watching the phins for close to 45 years now, and I'm not ready to give up on THIS season yet, but I expect to see some improvement over the next few games or I'm going to walk away from this season too.
  19. Fame

    Fame Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
    Vero Beach
    I tell myself the same thing every Sunday.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  20. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    Well...after watching the Patriots win 27-0 with their 3rd stringer and still no gronk essentially...

    Why do we bother
    Agua, gunn34 and cbrad like this.
  21. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015

    yes I agree you should start. will bring some good luck, and one question, will you start watching when they win again? A true fan loves their team no matter what.
    you root harder when they suck
  22. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    how does that work? Doesn't knowing the outcome ruin it? Hard for me to rewatch a loss.
    BigNastyDB13 likes this.
  23. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    No. I follow it real time on twitter and the game day threads, then go back and watch the condensed version on Gamepass. I can not watch the games live and haven't done so since 2009. I get too heated and absorbed into the games. A personality problem, I guess.
  24. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    I'm not buying that so much. Houston is highly over-rated and IMO a soft team that can't tackle and is prone to getting worked on defense (see Miami last year).

    On offense, they just put up 0. I don't care how motivated the NE defense was knowing they had to help out their struggling offense, when you put up 0, you're bad.

    I give all the credit in the world to NE, so don't get me wrong. I marveled at how they got an INT as well as 2 turnovers on special teams in a short week where they needed those game-changing plays most. NE's defense, special teams and running game all stepped up to take pressure of Jacoby Brissett.

    But Houston sucks. I'm sorry. Bill O'Brien has not done special since arriving and Romeo Crennel has not fielded a defense that consistently shows up in awhile. Houston is a fraudulent Play-off team if you ask me--another product of a weak AFC South. Tannehill's shredded them for a perfect rating last year because they suck at tackling. They're the opposite of Seattle.

    At this stage, you cannot judge teams based on record. There are fraudulent 2-0 teams and 0-2 teams like Miami that have fought hard.
  25. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    I used to be that way, but sadly I do not expect much anymore so I am more relaxed. The wife used to leave the house every Sunday while the Dolphins were on cause she knew i would be screaming :)
    BigNastyDB13 and Agua like this.
  26. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    That's basically it. I did throw a large plastic glass full of vodka / grapefruit juice at the TV one time, but the cursing and kicking are too much. It's easier to handle it when I'm reading about it a few moments after it happens than to watch the catastrophe unfold in real time.
  27. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    My honest advice would be to stop focusing so much on the team and start loving the game. The more I’ve become a fan of the Dolphins the more I’ve felt compelled to learn about the team from the roster to the front office to the X’s and O’s of their schemes. And by consequence I’ve gotten much more into the game itself. As I explore the game I get interested in watching teams outside of just Miami. And because it’s a mature expansion of my sincere interest in football I don’t have to apologize to anyone for it. I can watch the Pats or Cards or Bengals and admire what’s going on and enjoy it.

    And if you should ever find yourself spending too much time on the details, just press the pause button on that aspect of it and enjoy the game as a casual fan. That’s what some of my friends do—the ones that watch football. Do keep in mind that there’s a whole world of people out there that don’t give a hoot about the NFL for one reason or another. Some folks just prefer college sports. Some prefer more Euro-centric sports like soccer and rugby. Some folks consider sports a waste of time. I know (and admire) folks in all the above categories.

    I also think that the combination of online forums, 24-hr sports networks and fantasy sports has shaped a whole generation of what would otherwise be team-oriented fans into league-oriented people. And nowadays there’s so much info out there you can’t possibility keep yourself confined to following just one team. Why stop with 1? I want to hear about all 32 teams! It’s only natural.

    The single biggest component is the exposure people get today that they didn’t 30 and 40 years ago. I have Sunday Ticket which means (1) I’m broke but (2) I can watch and record any team in the league. It’s no surprise that I’m much more open to watching other teams given this freedom. Back in the day when the only game on was the local game, well, you got a different type of fan. Free agency has changed it as well. The doors are just wide open today.

    This is why you see such a stark contrast between the old-school fans who are very biased towards their team and who typically despise rival teams and the newer generation of fans like me who simply admire success wherever it crops up and are happy to pat a rival on the back when they’re simply the better team.

    Another thing I’d say is that as someone who plays a ton of golf I guess to some degree I’ve adopted the mentality of that sport wherein you don’t root against anyone. Rooting for your opponent to fail in golf is considered taboo. On the contrary you root for the people you prefer, which often includes yourself. It’s a more mature way to act and think and it’s more in line with how we behave in society where we feel proud about ourselves but also acknowledge others’ achievements.

    And it’s good because it’s in line with who we are as people. I wouldn’t feel right if I was forced to ignore my compassion at the sight of someone failing. I’m not going to rub a bad shot in anyone’s face. I’m not going to look at someone who lost the Super Bowl and stick a finger in their face. Consequently it makes me feel that much better when I do well or my team does well or when I can embrace a friend when I’m there to see them shoot a great number.

    And it’s kind of funny because this is exactly what we see when players from both the winning and losing football teams come together at the end to shake hands, laugh and congratulate each other. They show up as friends, compete and after the game everyone is friends again. It’s actually the fans who have the incredibly immature view of things.

    Anyhow, I’m a Dolfan by birth. I was born in Ft Lauderdale and grew up as a fan of Miami teams because that’s what the fans in my family were. I was actually more a Marlins fan early. I remember watching the Marlins win the World Series for the first time. I could probably still recite most of the line-up from that time. My family moved up to SC and I slowly became a Braves fan because as a young kid it felt natural (plus the Marlins went on to perennially bomb). It’s funny how you can actually tell when an organization isn’t trying. So I didn’t have qualms about becoming a Braves fan like all my neighbors and friends.

    But the Dolphins aren’t the Marlins. The Dolphins have always tried, now more than ever.

    And that’s why I never felt that rooting for the Falcons was even a remote possibility. I actually do slightly pull for the Panthers to do well in the NFC because I’ve been a Carolinian for over 20 years now and they were an expansion team coming into the league just as my family moved to the area. They’re home-field that first year was actually Clemson’s stadium. I attended one of their games that first year. So I’m glad when the Panthers win just like I’m glad when someone beats the Bills, Jets or Pats. It’s a small victory. I’m definitely happy for that franchise now that they’ve really built something special. But I’ll never root for any other team than the Dolphins in a serious way.

    Most of us believe there’s real potential in the combination of Gase and Tannehill and that with the right moves the defense can be brought back from oblivion and turned into something decent. But that said, the most interesting things won’t happen until we got to March, April and May of next year. This year is all about growth and development amongst the guys who are coming together to form the team and learn the systems. Next year we’ll see more pieces added that will surely be needed if this Gase team is to be anything special.

    With the NFL being so unpredictable, I have a very hard time believing that a guy as solid as Ryan Tannehill—a guy who does as much correctly as he does—won’t at some point start to make a few Play-off appearances, particularly if he’s given another 5-10 years.

    As a fan that came aboard pretty much right as Marino and Shula were leaving I’ve experienced a brief moment of glory with Ricky Williams but pretty much everything after that has been awful, including a 1-15 year in which things seemed hopeless and an endless string of QBs that never panned out. As I watched all those QBs come and go and I saw the promising Parcells re-build fall apart largely because of an inept QB, I prayed that this team would just find someone decent and stick with him long enough so that he could learn to be the leader the team needed.

    Well, through 4 more years of losing that spurred a mountain of contentious debate I’ve finally gotten what I asked for—a team whose few upsides finally seem aligned with long-term success. Despite all the ugliness of the past few years Miami finally has a decent coaching staff, a solid QB and a sprinkling of real good guys around which they can build.

    This is a team whose core is pretty young. There’s obvious upside to that but the reality is that this team may not hit its real stride for another 2-3 years. It could be that this team finally makes some noise in the Play-offs but that it doesn’t happen until Tannehill’s in his early 30s and Parker is a more mature, refined veteran. Success could still be a little ways off.

    Taking a break is no issue in my eyes. Everyone does it at some point with their favorite hobby. Why not sports? Sometimes you’re just not that into it and it becomes a bummer. I understand that.

    But do keep in mind that sometimes people just forget how to take a loss or a bad season. I can’t even believe some members of my family watch the Dolphins it makes them so mad. I think all of us have a quota, a limit on how many times we can watch a floundering ship go under. For a lot of people they don’t need to see the movie or read the book to understand the general plot line.

    But I’ll close by offering this warning…

    The current plot that involves Tannehill, Gase and so many others is not going to be any more interesting to you when the team starts winning. If things have become too depressing for you in their current state or you’ve simply experienced too much losing that you’ve soured on this team and leaving is what you choose, you can’t come back.

    And I don’t mean we won’t let you. I mean your head and heart won’t let you. If you were to walk away only to see Tannehill raising the Lombardi 5 years from now, it wouldn’t mean a damn thing to you. You’d write it off because it wouldn’t seem legit.

    It’s totally understandable to walk away if you’re tired of this team, but if you do, no amount of success is going to re-ignite that spark and make you love this team again.

    That’s just not how being a fan works.
  28. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    That's false. I left after a dose of Culpepper, returned to watch Cameron fail for a few games, left again, watched Sparano jadedly, then jumped in whole heartedly, even watching the games live for that wonderful season. You can walk away from it, keep an eye on them from a distance once in a while, then jump back into it. If I don't see some improvement the next two games, I'm going to do just that, and look at them again next year.
    jaymoney likes this.
  29. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Yeah, I agree with this. Kind of happened to me as well during the 1-15 season. I just stopped following the Dolphins and the NFL in general at about the 6th loss. Came back a few weeks before the draft the following year and never stopped following the Fins since.
    Agua likes this.
  30. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014

    Ok, then let me rephrase it. Walking away only to skip the formative years of this regime's attempt at a rebuild isn't a thing.

    I understand if you bail on a regime. But to me, if the OP is bailing on Gase and Tannehill it's a forever kind of thing.

    If Gase works out the OP will have to live with the knowledge he bailed on it initially. I don't advise as much this year. If a guys just got better stuff to do on Sunday than watch a team struggle through growing pains I understand. No harm, no foul. Do your thing brother.
  31. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    I've got to see improvement. I sat through and enjoyed JJ's first year here, even though I think they finished 8-8 (maybe 7-9 - don't remember) because I could see improvement, even though it was a crappy season. They swept Buff for the first time in I don't know when, and you saw some enthusiasm which, aside from Marino, had been sorely lacking with Shula's clubs for a while. So far I've seen Tanny look like a better QB, more than marginally, but I don't watch football to oooo and ahhh over a QB if the team is sucking ***, and that's what I'm seeing SO FAR. If some rook doesn't jump up and grab my attention or I don't see some enthusiasm being generated, I'm not going to sit around and watch a team filled with declining defensive stars stumble to what, at this point, looks like a 4-12 to 6-10 record.
  32. BigNastyDB13

    BigNastyDB13 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2012
    Lol sounds like me. My fiance usually goes into the other room. The advantages of having 2 living rooms. Im not nearly as bad as i used to be tho. I no longer live n die with this team because i expect them to lose. I more or less watch for the love of the game now. I still cuss and shake my head but i chuckle at their misery now instead of getting wrapped up into every play. Fins games used to determine my mood for days at a time. It only effects me for a couple hrs now and usually by halftime im laughing at their ineptitude.
  33. BigNastyDB13

    BigNastyDB13 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2012
    Parker and Tunsil are worth watching. Hard to get excited over an OL but its nice to see the OL pass block as well as they have. Those 2 picks will work out if health permits. Parker can be a stud. Just needs to stay healthy and get that killer instinct. Hopefully Howard proves to be a solid DB. We need more talent bur I believe in Gase going forward. 2016 will likely be another mediocre at best season though. Youre always 1 stud QB away from changing a franchise tho.
    Agua likes this.
  34. Not So Fast

    Not So Fast Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    Lake Worth, FL
    I understand your feelings JayMoney. I don't invest myself too much in the Fins any more. I will watch the games, but I have zero expecations for them. Sadly, I don't see the team get any better while Stephen Ross remains owner of this franchise. His decisionmaking has led to the awful product that we have.
  35. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    Yeah, that was the other part of why I quit watching the games live. I'd go into a funk after every loss, whether it was a big matchup or a gimme they pissed away. It would take until about Thursday before I'd get over it. It's just not worth it.

    If you follow on the message boards (here and FH), along with Twitter, you're aware its already happened, you're not seeing it, and my reaction isn't nearly as volatile. It's more like, "****!" (head shake), rather than "!@@#!$ !@#$Q GD MF POS F U, GD worthless @#$@" (stomp / kick / stomp).
    BigNastyDB13 likes this.
  36. BigNastyDB13

    BigNastyDB13 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2012
    Lol i can most definitely relate. Im sure once the Dolphins have expectations again my fire will come back. I still rant and rave and cuss up a storm during games but once they lose, its over. Im onto more important things. I used to let it bother me for days like you said. Now its a couple hours at most. I was over the NE game by the end of the 1st qtr. Then again i knew it was over at that point as well. I was surprised they made it look competitive at the end. A lot of it has to do with my expectations of the team. Plus ive grown older ofcourse and i have more important things to look forward to now. Before i had little else to get excited about beyond sports and women so i looked forward to games. Now its just an addiction i have to do knowing full well its bad for me. Thank God I have a very tolerant fiance'
    Agua likes this.
  37. DolphinGreg

    DolphinGreg Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    Exactly my point. We're on the same page.

    If you remain a fan but simply want to tune to another station because life isn't best spent watching the Dolphins right now that's fine.

    The OP is talking about giving up on the team in a broader sense.

    The difference is that you clearly have faith but want to do other things (fine). The OP seems to be losing faith.

    Maybe he's not losing faith as much as it seems but that's the picture he painted so I'm responding as such.

    Hope that makes sense. I've got no problems with people who just want to fast forward to next season where we can put real expectations on this team from a W/L perspective.
    Agua likes this.

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