Schedule watching

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by dirtylandry, Nov 8, 2016.

  1. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    So Miami doesn't play a team with a winning record until its last game. They still have to play the NFC West , which is 7-16-1. I am not going to get into predictions, but we need to start rooting for teams to lose now, like TN, Denver and KC.

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    dolfan7171 and Unlucky 13 like this.
  2. loveisgold

    loveisgold New Member

    Aug 16, 2016
    yes. we need it now
  3. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Both are excellent points, Dirty. After taking care of business this week vs the Jets, I think its very possible that we end the year with a winning record. However, we need both Denver and KC to lose as many as possible the rest of the way if we have any shot of getting into the playoffs, even if we were to go 6-2 during the second half. We should also root for the Patriots, disgusting as that notion is, to beat the Ravens later on.

    The hard part is that the Broncos and Chiefs actually still play head to head twice. We likely need to root for one of them to sweep, but if that still matters in Week 16 when they play a second time, that means that we've held up our end of the bargain and are doing well. They both have pretty tough schedules the second half, and KC plays games vs the NFC three of the next four, making it easy to root against them.
  4. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    It's pointless. We've lost too many games already to make a realistic playoff run. We'd have to drop no more than two more games the rest of the season and that's not going to happen.
  5. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Its not pointless. After eight games last season, Seattle was 4-4, and then ended up 10-6 and in the playoffs. Kansas City was 3-5, and they ended up 11-5 and in. Pittsburgh was 4-4, and they ended 10-6 and in. Houston and Washington were 3-5, and they both won nine games and their division.

    So just last year, 5/12 teams who made the postseason were .500 or worse at this point.
  6. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    If we were four and four, without an identity, I would be worried. However this team has not developed a strong run defense, a strong run offense, and can explode anytime at special teams

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  7. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    Aside from New England, we could have just one more loss. Again all the teams we play have a losing record

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  8. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Why do you say it's not going to happen? Based on what?
  9. zippychippy

    zippychippy New Member

    Sep 27, 2015
    We play the Pats on the last week which they probably won't need
    dolphin25 likes this.
  10. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    They play Seattle next week and at Broncos.

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  11. seekerone

    seekerone Member

    Sep 19, 2015
    If they can avoid getting too comfortable, they may be able to avoid the trap games with all these "underdogs" coming up. None of them are going to be gimme games. This team has not been disciplined enough to stay focused on a run of more than maybe 3 or 4 game winning streak since Shula. Maybe... just maybe Gase can find a way. At least we have something to play for. And maybe we make something special happen.

    One thing that could be good about the reduced focus on the passing game is that it was not horrible before (despite the pass blocking). So if we need to turn to it in one or two of these games, should be able to mix things up pretty well and maybe catch some secondaries off guard.
    dolfan7171 and Brasfin like this.
  12. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    Agreed. I think if we need to pass the ball to win the game (obviously without completely abandoning the run) we still can, we just haven't really needed to these last few games.
  13. cbrad

    cbrad .

    Dec 21, 2014
    Best bet right now seems like Denver losing. They've lost 3 of their last 5 and all their home games are tough (Chiefs, Patriots, Raiders) with 2 of their away games no gimmes (NO and Chiefs).

    As far as taking care of business ourselves, I'd be ecstatic if we just end with a winning record for once (last time was in 2008!). We're actually finding ways to win now and I can't remember the last time we saw several games in a row like that. Getting the HC right would be more than sufficient for me to call this season a success, even if individual units or players are still disappointing.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  14. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    If we go 10-6 and not make the playoffs it will be a successful year

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  15. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    This team's history. This quarterback's history. The quality of the defensive backfield.
  16. Unlucky 13

    Unlucky 13 Team Raheem Club Member

    Apr 24, 2012
    Troy, Virginia
    Honestly, if we go 9-7 it will be a succesfull year, IMO. Having a winning record for the first time after seven consecutive non-winning seasons would be a great way to start Gase's career.
    xphinfanx likes this.
  17. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    I agree. 9-7 would be a definite improvement. It irks me that we COULD have a shot at the playoffs if we hadn't played so damned horrible the first five games of the season.
  18. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Basically, as a Dolphins fan we have to hope for:

    1) Miami to continue to stack wins. The San Diego game this week is massive. The Baltimore game could very well be massive.

    2) One of the AFC West teams, at this point Denver is closest, to fall back to Miami and for Miami to pass them.

    3) The Bengals and Titans to continue to lose as they have tie-breakers in-hand over Miami.
    Unlucky 13 likes this.
  19. Finster

    Finster Finsterious Finologist

    Jul 27, 2013
    I'm enthusiastic about what I'm seeing right now, but also aware of the fact that no one we've beat on this 3 game win streak has a winning record, and we could have lost any of these games, the last 2 you could make the case we we're fortunate to win.

    For me personally, it's way to early to start sched watching, 1 OL injury can send this team spiraling out of control, I'm just looking for progress, I'm seeing it right now and I'm happy.

    Regardless of what our record is at the end of the year, I just want to feel like the arrow is pointing up and I'll be happy.

  20. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    we do have a shot. 9-7 can get you in.

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