Miami's Last Two Drives

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by dirtylandry, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    3 plays 7 yards 1:51
    3 plays 9 yards :31

    I'm not sure if the loss of Parker or the makeshift line caught up, but the play calling was atrocious. I am happy more than anyone about winning 6 in a row, but in the NFL, 17 point leads with 8 minutes left is an eternity, especially if the team with the lead goes 3 and out. At this point in a game, you know what works vs what doesn't work. You know what plays to exploit and what just seems to be keyed on by the opposing team. But most importantly, the mentality must be that despite playing with a lead, it should be of playing behind. That's because a 17 point lead with 8:00 left is again, an eternity. I know we are growing as a team, but this was atrocious, no way else to put it. We all knew they were going to bring pressure, and Miami still allowed this to effect the play. In addition, Kaepernick had this team gassed by the 4th. The offense needed to pick up the team. Gase must be held accountable for this and the kind of coach he is, he will take the blame. In my opinion, they couldn't run effectively and Tannehill had a good game going into those last two drives. With Parker out, why not look for those TE flares to Gray or look for Sims? Matching up Williams on a LB has been vulnerable all season. Look, I know we won, I am happy, but successful teams will have leads going deep into games. Miami hopefully will grow from this. A week ago, the Phins were aggressive passing the ball, with the run out of the plans, but were playing with a deficit. Playing with a lead should have the same mentality
  2. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    I honestly feel we should've spread it out, and quick pass the **** out of them. Those drives were horrible, and almost cost us the game.

    I think Vance Joseph needs to get some flak also. Some of his end game coverages/plans were horrendous. Dropping our best pass rusher into coverage 15 yards down the field on 3rd and long? Man coverage and a twist stunt with a running quarterback you can't turn your back on him in man. Just so many issues, that we got away with, but ALMOST cost us our streak and possibly the playoffs. Gotta fix them.
    number21 and dolphin25 like this.
  3. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Definitely some odd calls but at this point I'm willing to give a pass to the coaches for this season. Let them try things, mix it up, and see what works - as long as they learn from those mistakes.

    As much as this recent success has been awesome to see, I remind myself that this was always a "let's see what we've got year", a "settle things down and build" year. The success is a cherry on top. So I'm happy for the coaches to make mistakes, I expect the players to make mistakes too while they learn. I just wanted to see progress this year, and it's amazing to be able to say we've seen that and a lot more.
    SICK likes this.
  4. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    To give up 4th and 15 with the game on the line - unforgivable. What is it with this team on 3rd or 4th and long? They almost seem to do better on 3rd and short. At least the offense did better on 3rd down.

    Let's not forget the help the refs gave to help the 49ers stay in the game. Phantom PI call and no call on the pick in the end zone.
    SICK and dolphin25 like this.
  5. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    I agree, it was nuts to drop Wake into coverage there. I mean if you were the OC of the other team you couldn't ask for a better gift.
    SICK likes this.
  6. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Agreed, my dad and I were discussing how we're so excited for NEXT year and beyond. Build out the defense some more, another season with Gase and company. This season is just absolute frosting!

    Plus we get Reshad Jones back in '17 !!!
  7. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    Exactly and Kaep smartly threw right at his zone.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  8. Dol-Fan Dupree

    Dol-Fan Dupree Tank? Who is Tank? I am Guy Incognito.

    Dec 11, 2007
    Landry did drop a pass that would have been a first down. So it is not all on Gase
  9. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    It would be almost impossible not to, especially when you have Gase telling the media that he has made mistakes and he's still learning this team. I could see getting mad if we've had the same starting 11 for the entire season, but we're having to make new game plans every single week based on which injured player will be on the field and what they can accomplish with that injury.

    I'm sorry, but under Philbin this would have been a 3-8 team right now. We wouldn't have taken any of those come from behind victories and we definitely wouldn't have a QB that's proficient with the deep ball.

    I think that we will continue to improve over these last five games and beyond, but I think the bigger picture is what this team will look like in 2017 and 2018. We have a coach who knows how to win in this league, how to elevate his players and most importantly, how to change when something that you're doing doesn't work. And folks, if I could only choose one perk of 2016....I'd take the competent coach over the playoffs or a win streak ten times out of ten.

    We're starting a legacy here and it's so much more important over a few lousy play calls. Because under Philbin, we knew those lousy calls will happen again and again, while Gase sees the problems and moves on.

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