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Cutler Signed!

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Galant, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. GISH


    Nov 23, 2007
    Over Yonder
    I've never liked Cutler. He's like a cockier, less prepared, less talented version of Brett Favre. But.... at the same time, he could be the best passer we've had since Marino. Which isn't saying much. If healthy, he could do very well with our WRs.

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    Fin-O likes this.
  2. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Cutler will have a solid month to get into game shape. He is a QB, not a HB or WR who could never get up to speed in that time frame. In any event, the season will ride more on the running game being effective and not Cutler carrying the offense.
  3. Fame

    Fame Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
    Vero Beach
    I think it's been scientifically proven that its physically impossible to be cockier than Brett Favre. The dude was sending geriatric d*$# pics to some hot *** reporter in NY at the age of 90, or however old he was when he finally retired for the 5th time.
    jdallen1222 likes this.
  4. Fame

    Fame Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
    Vero Beach
    This should be exciting news to all those silly people who have been harping for years than Moore is better than Tannehill. Cutler is basically a more talented version of Matt Moore.
    resnor and Bpk like this.
  5. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I think the worst part about that whole favre scandal is the amount of air time his wife Deanna used to get on every Packers game for being a breast cancer survivor.
  6. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    That... would make for an awesome QB, as long as he is also more durable. I get the feeling both Cutler and Moore will play this year. Maybe even Tanny if he tries to rehab the knee instead of surgery (not my knee, but surgery seems like the better fix now).
  7. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Bpk likes this.
  8. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Bpk likes this.
  9. jdallen1222

    jdallen1222 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Plantation, Fl
    In Gase I trust.
    Tin Indian likes this.
  10. invid

    invid Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Pretty much. We got dealt a **** hand and now we kinda have to fight our way through it and possibly out of it.
    Bpk likes this.
  11. Vinny Fins

    Vinny Fins Feisty Brooklyn dolfan ️‍

    Oct 26, 2009
    superbowl run. ****ing lets go
    GARDENHEAD and Bpk like this.
  12. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Mcduffie81 likes this.
  13. Mcduffie81

    Mcduffie81 Wildcat Club Member

    Mar 23, 2008
    Lake Worth, Fl.
    I've always had the hots for his girl. He has good taste.......in physical appearance at least.
    danmarino likes this.
  14. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    Michael from the Dan LeBatard show ..... LOL

    Mcduffie81 and Bpk like this.
  15. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Pretty much this. If Philbin was still coach this would be a disaster but with a strong QB coach like Gase and this was his number 1 option as a fix I've got faith. Just gotta hope it's a good enough fix for playoffs and not mediocrity.

    Last time Miami scooped up a casted off former pro bowler weeks before the season started (2008) it worked out pretty good.
    jdallen1222 likes this.
  16. xphinfanx

    xphinfanx Stay strong my friends.

    Nov 1, 2009
    Thank you for not going after Kap I can still root for the team.
    Tin Indian, finsfandan and Rick 1966 like this.
  17. Fame

    Fame Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2012
    Vero Beach
    I'm not exactly a Kaepernick fan, but he isn't the lone "bad guy" in the NFL. By rooting for any team you're essentially supporting all kinds of horrible behavior traits spread out across the 1,700 active players in the league, many of whom are much worse than Kaepernick.

    Let's be honest here. We've got a guy on our team who genuinely believes that mermaids exists but dinosaurs are a hoax. If you're going to let the personal opinions of players dictate who you root for you should probably start with that one...because it's clinically insane.
  18. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    I followed the early part of Cutler's career pretty closely. My impression was that he had one big similarity to Tannehill and that was his early coaches didn't tailor the gameplam to his strengths.
    danmarino likes this.
  19. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    There was never a chance Colin Kaepernick would have ended up in Miami after praising Fidel castro. Ozzie Guillen got fired for doing the same, you dont praise Fidel and expect to sleep tight in South florida
    Tin Indian likes this.
  20. jdallen1222

    jdallen1222 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Plantation, Fl

    Why the **** not?

    I honestly thought a mobile QB like Kap would be a better fit, but who the hell am I to second guess Adam Gase.
  21. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    I am trying. Really trying. I mean I am trying really flippin hard this weekend, to get flipped up enough for this to make me feel even a little bit good about my football team right now. Wife hasn't talked to me for two days, teenager is hiding in her room. Baby girl got me out of the house to take her and the dog to the park so I haven't gone totally over the edge...yet. It's hot as flip here, the air is full of not good smoke, work sucks. The only thing keeping me going was anticipation for this season, soon it will be cool and raining again, my team was on the rise.

    Flippin football gods flippin hate me I swear. Jay flippin CUTLER's retired dumb azz is supposed to make me feel better!!! Taking the job away from Moore who totally deserves the shot. Flippin horse apples!!!
    Rock Sexton and roy_miami like this.
  22. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Gotta love the mains!!

    Losing RT sucks.

    MM is a back-up QB who can come in and play in a pinch and win you 2-4 games.

    I think Kaep has a higher ceiling than Cutler at this point, but Kaep would need half the season to get up to speed and Cutler knows the offense.

    Cutler is 10x the QB MM is. Cutler is Favre Jr. I realize that some here don't like Favre, but he's a legit top 10 all time QB. The Dolphins could have done much worse in this situation. Like rolling with MM all season. Having Cutler there waiting is a blessing in disguise.

    Cutler has 2 weaknesses; he trusts his arm too much (which sometimes creates fantastic plays, but other times creates INT's) and he gets frustrated if he feels his teammates aren't on the same page as he is and he tunes out. If Gase can manage the latter (which he did when both were in Chicago) the Dolphins will have a top 10 QB next year. If Gase can fix both, the Dolphins will have a top 5 QB next year.
  23. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    A potential Top 5 QB ...... that no QB-starved teams around the league wanted to sign. Yup, gotta love the mains!

    Let's temper the expectations a bit.
    mbsinmisc, Puka-head and bigballa2102 like this.
  24. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    **** it, Jay's my new best bro.

    I ride with him.

    EverFin and Fin-O like this.
  25. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    No other team had the advantages Miami does -having Gase as coach and running an offensive system Cutler is familiar with. Cutler makes the most sense for the Phins for those reasons. Gase certainly thinks he needs Cutler, and can get the best QB play possible out of him, so why hit the panic button now? I'm going to trust that Gase knows what he is doing here.

    Who cares if no other team had the right circumstances to lure Cutler out of retirement? I feel we caught a HUGE break by getting Jay and we still have Moore to fall back on if all else fails. Best we could hope for after Tanny got hurt again.

    Oh, and as for expectations, I was thinking we go 10-6 with Tanny starting this year, and I expect we do the same with Cutler.
  26. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    The internet was pretty savage today ....


    mcdave21 and Puka-head like this.
  27. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    With Gase he was the 16th rated passer in the NFL in 2015.

    Lets hope he cracks the Top 10.
    Finster likes this.
  28. Deus ex dolphin

    Deus ex dolphin Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    Miami has better weapons on offense and a better OL. Not way better than what Chicago had in 2015, but between that and Cutler getting to know the offense again (it will be his second season in a Gase offense I believe) we should expect better numbers than what he put up in 2015. That said, I think his ceiling is around the 8-12 range.
  29. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    8-12 sounds more logical.

    More notables:

  30. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    He did have equal or better weapons, they got hurt though. The question is, for the last 20 years, how is the OL?

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  31. Georgia Fin

    Georgia Fin Fin For Life

    Nov 25, 2007
    West Georgia
    As long as it isn't as bad as Cleo Lemon and John Beck, I can live with it. Those were some dark days.
    mcdave21, Puka-head and Tin Indian like this.
  32. finserg

    finserg Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    What I don't understand what kind of doctors do we have ? Dre brees and now tannahil
  33. Tin Indian

    Tin Indian Rockin' The Bottom End Club Member

    Feb 10, 2010
    Palm Bay Florida
    I think its not that he doesn't have a lot of confidence in Moore as much as the backups behind him are woeful. Like him or not, Cutler knows the system and Gase is comfortable with him. This season with much promise has turned into a total crap shoot now. It sucks, but thats football. If they had not signed Cutler we would have been 1 snap away from Doughty as our starter. That would have truly been a disaster.
    resnor and NyPhinfan like this.
  34. NyPhinfan

    NyPhinfan Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 21, 2007
    I meant in Moore staying healthy for 16 games. You are totally correct in we could not go into the season with Doughty next up

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    Tin Indian likes this.
  35. Not So Fast

    Not So Fast Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    Lake Worth, FL
    Probably the best option considering the circumstances. Hopefully Gase can make due with Cutler this year and get a fully healthy Tannehill next year.
  36. danmarino

    danmarino Tua is H1M! Club Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Do you even watch football or keep up with the offseason? Cutler had offers, but the teams that he spoke with were the likes of the Browns etc. Why would he play there? Do you think Ross and Gase are dumb? You must, because you believe they're the only people to reach out to Cutler. I understand that once again your boy Matt Moore didn't get his, in your eyes, deserving starting roll, but that doesn't mean you have to dislike Cutler.

    Cutler has one of the best arms in the NFL and when his head is in the game he's a top QB. You don't see that because you probably never watched him play or you just don't have the ability to judge a player objectively.

    As I wrote before, if Gase can fix his two flaws he can be a top 5 QB in this league.
    TopLoader and bigballa2102 like this.
  37. bigballa2102

    bigballa2102 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    So CAL
    Anyone who thinks Miami is going to crest the 10 win mark with cutler is crazy your looking at a dismal 8-8 or 9-7 about the same you would have gotten with MM. the only difference is now you take potentially 13 mill off the cap. Not a bad deal for Jay what was he gonna make broadcasting 400k? this is going to be interesting, everyone is talking about GASE GASE GASE GASE, the one year he had with gase in Chi-town they won 6 games for last place in the nfc north? with forte Jeffrey and bennet? with no playoff games!!!! WHAAAAATTTT and now all of a sudden we are supposed to win 12 games and make the playoffs with a guy who played 4 games last year? I guess I missed the mark where good stats meant more than winning.

    But at least we didn't sign keap. but anyone who thinks jay is 5x better than moore is absolutely skewing their argument around 1 year of stats, the guy has been in the league 11 years and is a provin loser over and over again. all you need to do is look at Moores 4 games to cutlers 5 games last yr. When the last yr you played is what matters. not what ifs...if grandma had balls shed be grandpa. lets compare games from last yr shall we.

    cutler in 5 games: 59% cmp, 4 td, 5int, 5 fumbles for a qbr of 27.8
    moore in 4 games: 63.2 cmp, 8td, 3int, 1 fumble for a qbr of 81.7

    if cutler is a savior all I can say is we bought the same car but an older model in a different color.

    I sure hope to god im wrong but it looks like another year of high hopes being washed away.
    Puka-head and dolphin25 like this.
  38. bigballa2102

    bigballa2102 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    So CAL

    Dang dan, this is 2 post I don't agree with you on lets not keep this going lol. But your wrong I watch alotta cutler the past 8 years and just because he can hit the keyes from hardrock stadium doesn't give him top qb potential, he has experience I will give you that he has seen a lot, but to say hes going to crest, Rodgers, brady, rothlisturder, breese, rivers, manning is crazy talk, he is going to rank right where he normally ranks 12+ I would say mosty likely around the 15-18 mark, but like I said I hope im wrong but normally old dogs don't learn new tricks we have to get used to horrible decisions and INT's
  39. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    Not sure this is good move. You sign a guy that teammates don't typically like to start over a guy the locker room loves in Moore?

    It shall be interesting.
    Puka-head likes this.
  40. Dorfdad

    Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    While agree with your statement Kap is a PR nightmare and something this team desperately doesn't need.

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