Thoughts on Tennessee & Moving Forward

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by KeyFin, Oct 8, 2017.

  1. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    My friends, today was about as ugly as it gets in the NFL. Our defense- holy ****, they were lighting people up something fierce. Timmons. Harris. Jones. Suh. Howard. Darn near every single one of our starting rotation had a game-changing hit or tackle. The corners looked serious for this first time this season as well and we wiped the floor with Tennessee. Ugly may not even be the right word for how this squad played...they utterly dominated in every aspect of the game.

    Unfortunately, the offense was the other type of ugly with the exception of Jay Ajayi. Check out a few of these unofficial stats from my notes as I watched the game.

    - We ran the ball on 1st down almost 70% of the time
    - We ran the ball on 2nd and 10 five times
    - We threw 5 screen passes on 1st or 2nd down
    - We threw 2 screen passes on 3rd down
    - Landry dropped three 3rd down passes
    - There were 4 other (catchable) dropped passes in the game
    - Cutler threw under pressure on all but one pass the entire day

    Now, if you didn't watch the game and you just took those stats at face value, you'd say, "What the heck is the play caller thinking? You can't win a game that way unless you have a stud RB and a super-shifty WR." Well, we have both of those things folks in Ajayi/Williams and Landry/Grant, and our opponents know it all too well.

    Granted, Ajayi ran like a madman this afternoon and fought for every single inch. Even with the drops that cost us three different first downs, it's hard to fault Landry either since he was doubled almost the entire game. And before you say, "The line just sucks," I'll ask you to look at the tapes for the past few weeks and see that the blocking is actually above average on most plays- this isn't on the line either.

    Now let's talk about Cutler- who I believe is a victim of circumstance in this offense. For the past two weeks, he has looked hesitant at times, awkward at others, and he's clearly running for his life. Yet if you watch the film, he's getting a fairly clean pocket on most passing downs and then buying an extra 1-2 seconds by scrambling...Cutler is doing everything he can to get this offense going. It's simply not good enough though because Cutler spent the off-season goofing off, came into camp at the last second out of shape, and thrust into the starting role like he was the same player from four months prior. And he's clearly not that guy....he's rusty and overthinking everything in the pocket.

    To make matters worse, go back to my stats and you'll see that Gase is thinking EXACTLY the way I am. While Cutler may be the best QB on our roster, he's not ready to be back on the field yet and Gase is doing everything he can to call conservative plays to protect Smokin Jay. We saw it last year early on with Tannehill as well- Gase "took the training wheels off" around week 7 and out offense thrived. In fact, we saw it as early as week 3 in that "unwinnable game" against NE where RT went beserker on the Pats defense.

    Our troubles are even more compounded with Parker off the field since he's the only "anywhere" weapon we have.

    The player of the game today was Jay Ajayi by a long-shot because he carried this offense like a true stud. It's hard to run in the NFL on any down but when the defense is waiting for it, a back gets hit at the LOS and then he still gets 4-7 yards, that's super human. The defense was phenomenal this afternoon but it was Ajayi carrying the load and letting our starters get just enough rest to continue dominating.

    Where do we go from here? I really wish I had the answer. Cutler took almost half his snaps today with 1 second left on the clock, so I just don't see up-tempo as an option. Cutler is scrambling so much and not planting his foot before launching that the passes are all over the place, and our receivers dropped almost 35% of the balls thrown today. Moore would be the easy answer but I think we all know that you can't leave him on the field for 11 more games- he's one head hit away from retirement as it is. And I personally love Matt Moore...but it scares the heck out of me because of his history with head injuries.

    So if Cutler is the only real season-long option at QB and the only thing that can help him is reps, Gase has to take the training wheels off like he did for Tannehill. Start tossing some quick slants to Stills and Landry to allow Cutler to build some type of rhythm, and then encourage him to start taking shots down the field. He's not going to get his "sea legs" handing off to Ajayi and throwing screen though....that makes it impossible to really get into the game.

    And the time to do that is NOW! I don't think we have a chance at beating Atlanta and I think it would do Cutler a lot of good to have one of his blow-up games. Let him go out there and swing for the fences and if he throws four picks, so be it. We have to play his game though and let him find some chemistry to build on moving forward.

    Maybe I'm overthinking this and the offense will look great next week after some real time at home. But unless our defense can make that type of showing every week, we need Cutler to find his poise and start playing winning football. He looks so out of his element that it's not even funny and sadly, Gase is largely to blame here. That's what happens when you start an older, out of shape strong arm QB that has zero chemistry with your team.

    I'll end where I left off though- the defense looked incredible today. One of you video editing guys should make us a highlight reel of today with "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" in the background....people were getting leveled on both sides of the ball (Landry had two MASSIVE hits today....the one in the 3rd quarter was epic). This team is really stomping people's butts and that's awesome to see, but unfortunately that doesn't move the chains.
  2. Galant

    Galant Love - Unity - Sacrifice - Eternity

    Apr 22, 2014
    Good post.

    I'll just say that I saw a little bit of what I hoped I would see today, progress.

    It wasn't often but Ajayi got some runs and Cutler managed to connect on a few passes.

    Let's hope that they can build on this from here.
    KeyFin likes this.
  3. hitman8

    hitman8 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2016
    Gase is the main problem with this offense right now. He is too conservative and predictable with his play calling.

    That and bad blocking by the oline are the main problems. Cutler does have some rust on him and he panics under pressure but he is actually not the biggest problem.
    dolphin25 and KeyFin like this.
  4. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    ahh... another year as a Dolphin fan[​IMG]
  5. invid

    invid Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Ugly. Lethargic. Yellow.

    Miami offense 2017.
    Dolphin North and KeyFin like this.
  6. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    The turnaround that this defense has made is simply incredible. They have been excellent against the run all year and the pass defense has improved since Tankersley took over for Maxwell and I give Gase and Burke all the credit in the world for making that move. If we can just get this offense clicking, it's going to be fun. If we had a healthy RT17, I'd feel pretty confident in saying that the Dolphins would be at worst 3-1 right now. I was glad to see some improvement on offense today as we were able to run the ball decently well and Landry made a few nice plays.
    cuchulainn, KeyFin and bran like this.
  7. bran

    bran Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    New Hampshire
    The defense has really showed up in the last couple of weeks, but this offense is just bad, today was some of the worst offensive play I have ever seen.
  8. Walter

    Walter Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2017
    OL OL OL OL OL for the 9 millionth time.......12 years and we still don't get the fact that our OL sucks until far enough into the season and then our crack head staff has the light go completely surprised and to late to do anything. And when off season comes around get amnesia and add more scrubs to fill the OL as if they don't understand the real value and necessity of a solid OL and how it makes everything better.

    Id never have believed that so many professionals through the years could have this basic football 101 go over their heads but with the Fins its been routine (load up with Backups)... We get into the season and then the staff gets all surprised that Ajayi is manhandled in the backfield, Cutler having unexpected problems. One reason we suck is because our organization has never really completed the upgrade to a genuine starting caliber linemen (OL Scrubs don't work and the Fins last 12 years is the proof). And this happens every year. Its like that Movie " Groundhog Day "..... and has become beyond annoying.....

    Next off season if they don't add any other position they should #1 focus on a good OL couple guards, center (healthy), OT, whatever positions we can get some, and not just one quality upgrade and it shouldn't be that tuff to do but we will have to spend the doe.... TE Julius Thomas's $$$ is a good start.....

    ps. like to see the defense after next Sundays game when our DB's and pass defense will actually be tested....if that does halfway well I'd say our defense is better. Tenn. a ground team and Cassell the QB isn't much of a passing test in my mind....though we have improved against the run ....
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
    Phin McCool, tirty8 and dolphin25 like this.
  9. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I agree and don't agree with you- we're limited by what Cutler is comfortable doing....which isn't much at this point. I think Gase has to call conservative but he's overdoing it to the point where we just can't get going. I'll say it again- on 2nd down and 7+, we ran the ball or threw a screen pass 8 times. That was Tannehill's money down last season and we're just pissing those opportunities away with stuff the defense is sitting back waiting on.

    So yes, Gase is by far the biggest problem with the play-calling, but I think he's doing it because of what he sees in Cutler. Could the blocking be better? Yes. Cutler needs to get the ball out faster though and get his back foot in the dirt before he releases. It's really everybody's fault (but Ajayi) and the ****ty part is that it's not lack of effort.
    dolphin25 likes this.
  10. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Sorry, but you're misinformed. I don't care what team is playing, if you stack 8+ in the box and call a run play off guard, there's not going to be a hole there. If you throw a screen pass every single time you run twins to the left, then the safety is going to recognize it and blow the play up. And when your offense runs or throws a screen pass on 60+% of it's offensive plays, teams just jam the middle and shut it down. We've seen that happen for four weeks now- it shouldn't be a surprise that five guys can't block eight. That's why Ajayi is manhandled.
  11. ChrisKo

    ChrisKo Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 28, 2007
    Gase needs to walk up to every defensive player, look them in the eye and issue a personal apology for the Offense not giving them a break.
    tirty8, Bpk, dolphin25 and 1 other person like this.
  12. Electric Boogaloo

    Electric Boogaloo Inventor of the question mark

    May 11, 2013
    Defense played excellent, but I'd temper some of the enthusiasm with the fact we were at home against a team without their starting qb and virtually no difference makers in the passing game.

    Losing Parker definitely altered the gameplan. I believe our only answer for opposing teams stacking the box is to be willing to make them pay via the intermediate and deep passing game. Parker is our go to there. I saw a Cutler today with happy feet and an unwillingness to trust his reads and let it fly. Odd for a vet with lots of experience under his belt. And his mechanics were terrible, as you said. He had Thomas running wide open for a td, but underthrew him severely.
    cuchulainn, KeyFin, Bpk and 1 other person like this.
  13. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    you call slants, that is how you beat quick pressure. We call 3 - 4 receivers run a curl, those take too long AND all the receivers run the same route about the same distance. Just high school play calling.

    KeyFin, hitman8 and Puka-head like this.
  14. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    Slants, Not screens. What I really don't get about that is when they finally did throw some slants today we moved the cahins. And that when The J-train got rolling too. Quit throwing behind the line. Nothing wrong with a 5-7 yard slant for a completion. Or crossing routes and shallow drags.

    OL was actually protecting pretty good today. Cutler just wouldn't pull the trigger. He had 3-4 seconds most plays it looked like. That's all you get. Throw the flippin ball!
    dolphin25, KeyFin and hitman8 like this.
  15. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    So done with Cutler. Think I've seen enough.
    cuchulainn, KeyFin, Puka-head and 2 others like this.
  16. Dolphin North

    Dolphin North Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2017
    It's no big deal. If Cutler had thrown to Thomas on target he would have dropped it anyway.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
    KeyFin likes this.
  17. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    I despise the screens that take forever to develop. Landry or Stills running slants would be much more effective. Why not use Parker on the deep comeback routes as well? There are easy high percentage completions that gain yards out there to be had without all of the east-west plays.
    dolphin25 and KeyFin like this.
  18. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    what's wrong with screens? especially slow developing ones?
    dolphin25, KeyFin and Puka-head like this.
  19. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    Nothing wrong with screens if you have the personnel in there who can block for them. Calling them 8-10 times a game is just wasted plays and stifles momentum.
    dolphin25, KeyFin and Puka-head like this.
  20. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    you sound like one a them anti-Gasers. Everyone knows it takes minimum 10 screens to set up another screen.
  21. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    Quite the contrary. I'm a big Gase fan, but I just wish we could get a little creative with the playbook and open it up some.
    Dolphin North, KeyFin and Fin-O like this.
  22. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    - Adam Gase
  23. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    Aww man....Is a jet sweep even too much to ask?
    KeyFin likes this.
  24. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    "We will do it. It will be mistimed and fumbled."
    - Adam Gaze
    KeyFin likes this.
  25. tirty8

    tirty8 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    I really don't understand the Cutler hatred. The o-line has been absolutely atrocious, the play calling has been atrocious, drops have been atrocious.

    First off, get some new guys to block.

    Second of all, Gase needs to eat some humble pie, and seek help in his play calling.

    Third of all, I wouldn't even care if Julius Thomas was cut. Put in Gray.

    Fourth of all, call Jim Harbaugh. Ask him if he's got any plans for this time next year.
    dolphin25 and Puka-head like this.
  26. Puka-head

    Puka-head My2nd Fav team:___vs Jets Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Slightly left of center
    I agree, play Gray. He was the "QB" for the wildcat play this week, That was a better play than last weeks, he just missed it. I'm not as down on the OL as some. They aren't as bad as the offensive as a whole.
    KeyFin likes this.
  27. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I completely agree. If they stack the box, fake the screen and then float the ball down the field for Stills to run it down. Easy route, easy throw...that's the kind of stuff we need to get Cutler back in the game.

    It's EXACTLY what we did after years of the jailhouse blitzes on Tannehill. Once he completed 3-4 deep TD's over a couple of games, the D stepped back....and that's when we set Ajayi loose. And that opened the middle of the field for RT to launch at will. Maybe Cutler doesn't have the arm strength or the accuracy anymore to make those plays, but what I'm seeing is more mechanics than anything. I still think he's "good enough" to win with now....him and Gase just need to find the right combination of plays to get him going.
  28. dirtylandry

    dirtylandry Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2015
    is there any way to keep in an extra TE?
  29. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    During the preseason, I often stated the success or failure of this team was going to depend on Matt Burke and the defense. After last year's DISMAL showing by the defense I just KNEW we had to have a defense that was going to play hard and hold teams. If we could have THAT kind of defense, along with the offense we have (or should I say "had"), we were going to be a dominant team...barring a sophomore slump by Adam Gase.

    What a difference a year makes. Statistically, we had one of the most dominating running backs in the league in Ajayi...3 incredible receivers in Landry, Stills and Parker and an OL that when healthy and all of our starters were playing....mmmm, mmmm, mmmm!!


    Ajayi can't get yardage because he can't get the OL to consistently open holes so he can get 5-6 yards consistently on runs. Cutler, hardly has time to settle in a well defined pocket to step into and make downfield throws and not to excuse him as well....our coaching staff is calling conservative games and sadly is putting us in 2nd and long.

    Yes we won, but it was a pitiful performance yesterday by the offense and if our poor defense could come off the field for more than 2-3 minutes at a time and rest up, opposing teams wouldn't score more than 10 points a game all season. Our defense is having to hold not only opponents' offenses....but our own offense as well.
    KeyFin likes this.
  30. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    I had concerns about Burke, particularly his secondary coaching and coverage call abilities. Well, so far I am happy to ear crow.

    The offensive ineptitude has surprised me though.

    I expect we'll open it up a bit this week and score 2 or 3 TDs in a loss to the Falcons
    cuchulainn and KeyFin like this.
  31. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    Timmons was a beast yesterday. Love seeing him level the hammer on people.

    I want to see what team can do against a good offense. Titans can be good, but not with that QB.
    Finster likes this.
  32. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    if he sees grant on the crosser its an easy 6..just needs to learn for next time.
  33. Dolphin North

    Dolphin North Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2017
    I wish we could find very good blockers. I would imagine most are already employed. I would like to see somebody else handle play calling. HC is a big enough job, especially for a new HC. Gray had a drop last game but I find he often makes good on his opportunities. I would love to see Thomas cut. He can't catch well and can't block well and those are the only 2 real reasons to have a TE around. Maybe he's the team's designated driver on Thursday nights for the South Beach parties.
  34. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    So, I do see a method in Gase's madness. I really do. He is really catering to Jay's "current" abilities; what he sees in practice. Jay, nor the offense, is executing. I think that has to be frustrating for Gase.

    I watched the KC game. THAT offense sets up very well when executed. The players are making plays, even when something goes awry.

    Right now, the offense simply needs to click. I truly think it starts with Cutler. Regardless of what people say, your supposed leader sort of sets the tone for the other players. Someone, ANYONE, needs to set that tone. Even Landry's first down thing that he does seems lethargic.

    I see a little of what Gase is trying to do. The cutesy stuff. He just wants SOMEONE to do something! It's frustrating, like trying to potty train a puppy. But when the puppy finally gets it, it's great! Then you move to the next thing, like getting the pup to stop humping a visitor's leg.

    We're not even humping legs on offense yet.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
    cuchulainn likes this.
  35. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    Gase turned play calling over to Clyde in the 3rd qtr, yes?

    Julius Thomas is a RZ receiving threat. It's what he did in Denver. Gray or Fasano should be in there otherwise.
  36. tirty8

    tirty8 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2016
    I couldn't disagree more with this post.

    What exactly is the method to the madness of Adam Gase? I think running WR screens all the time (and having Stills as the blocker) and having them fail consistently is just madness. The play calling in general is horrendous. In all seriousness, find me a series where you felt that there was an offensive genius at work.

    KC has much better players than us.

    All this Cutler hatred is crazy. What do you seriously want him to do? Do you want him to block for himself? Do you want him to catch the passes that his WRs were dropping like crazy? Have you looked at the coach cam film? There were many times in which everyone was covered? Should he run routes for his receivers. Think about this. Jay Cutler's completion percentage is 62.4. This is not wonderful but certainly not terrible. That puts him at 17th in the league (ahead of Prescott, Wilson, Roethlisberger, Wentz, Watson, Mariotta). He has thrown 3 ints which is low even considering the fact that he has played one fewer game than most QBs. Objectively, these are not the numbers of a bad passer. When watching him play, I do not see a QB forcing balls, making consistently bad reads, sitting in a clean pocket and just flat out missing WRs. Specifically, what do you want him to do? And I get it, the body language is Cutleresque, but in the famous words of Jay Cutler, "Whatever."
  37. cuchulainn

    cuchulainn Táin Bó Cúailnge Club Member

    Sep 7, 2012
    Hattiesburg, MS
    What were your thoughts on these same plays last season when they were being executed to a higher degree of success with largely the same personnel? Same playcaller as well.

    What do people want Cutler to do? Let's see:

    - Get to the LOS and execute the play call before the play clock expires. (We burned 2 time outs because of this against the Titans)
    - Execute a proper NFL drop back with the ball ready to throw. (Cutler just back pedals with the ball at his waist then winds up)
    - Go thru progressions (Cutler is looking to run first then wings it)
    - Get the ball out of his hands on time. (Cutler is consistently late on reads and throws)
    - Set his feet and throw off his front foot. (No more back foot hoop shots)
    - Throw the ball with some degree of accuracy. (See setting feet above)
    - Run for positive yards when flushed. (He finally did this against the Titans. Progress!!)

    No one is saying that the OL is not a problem, but this is the same level of talent we had on the OL last season when we won 10 games. The only things that have changed are the TEs and the QB.

    Make a play, Jay.
    Hiruma78, KeyFin and Colmax like this.
  38. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    KC is utilizing their players to the best of their abilities. You see a highly accurate QB making plays and the playcalling suits the offense. Seeing some of the plays reminded me of Miami last year when they were banging on all cylinders, which did happen. That's kind of why I brought up KC. There are many wrinkles coming from similar sets. The screen is kind of an Andy Reid staple.

    The numbers you pointed out on Cutler do not necessarily tell all of the story.

    I see a guy who is not pinpoint accurate. A guy who has been bailed out by receivers, yet a guy who has also had good throws dropped by receivers (to be fair).

    Overall, his accuracy is a problem. He hasn't quite gotten down his rhythm. There are times where he's either too late or too early with throw. Poor footwork. Brett Favred a pass at a crucial point in the game when there was no need to even duck his head. He looks out of sorts out there, and I'm not even talking body language. There is no "hatred" from my point regarding Cutler. He just flat out sucks right now.

    You mention stats but fail to mention the ones like TDs or yards gained. Interesting.

    There are reasons for the screens. Maybe Gase just doesn't trust Cutler right now. Maybe Gase is trying to get chunk yards from the screens because something has gotta give if your QB cannot reliably throw an accurate pass downfield. Screens can also soften up a defense. Why do you have Stills blocking on a screen? Because EVERY wideout on the Miami Dolphins is expected to be a good blocker. It is a point of emphasis in this offense: "No block, no rock".

    Back to KC: no doubt there are some really, really, good players on that squad. Miami has some good players, too. This offense, maybe with Tannehill, can look very similar. The options out of those sets only happen because you have a highly accurate, highly mobile, high IQ guy who can recognize what to do pre-snap. Cutler is missing two of the three qualities.

    People expect Gase to just plug and play with Cutler, but he's still in the "feeling out" stage. The offense for 2017 was designed for Ryan Tannehill, not Jay Cutler! It's tough to just sign a guy off the street and expect him to light it up. Ryan Tannehill's strengths may have hidden some deficiencies. I'll give Cutler one thing, he is head and shoulders above Tannehill when it comes to feeling pressure. But I thought Tannehill did better with that last year than in any previous year.

    I suspect in the next few weeks, we'll see more of an offense we were expecting. At least an offense that can put up some more points. Cutler is a big part of the reason why the offense is stagnant. Yes, the offense as a whole can step it up, but the QB is a good chunk of the equation.
    cuchulainn likes this.
  39. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    The big thing to remember is that with our current defense, 21 points would have us 4-0 right now. So even though this defense may be capable of lighting it up when running on all cylinders, we can marginally improve on offense and still have a chance at winning ballgames. I do think the full week at home will help before the short flight to Atlanta (it's basically a home game as far as travel goes)- this will be the first time all season we get Monday-Saturday to practice.

    So I have my fingers crossed that Cutler gets a little better, the WR's play a little smarter, the line gets their act together, etc. That's a heck of a lot to ask for in a week though.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2017
    cuchulainn likes this.
  40. Pauly

    Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    I'm actually hopeful the firing/resignation of theOL coach will help things click.
    I've worked with cokeheads and drunks as my boss at various times over the years. Those guys always looked good to theor bosses because they were hardasses who were demanding. Their solution to any problem was to yell at people until they fixed it, however if they needed to analyze and diagnose things their neurons were burned out. That approach worked, to some degree, if you had good workers who knew what they were doing. But if you had workers who needed directions, who needed things explained they were terrible.
    I see our OL as a group that needs development/analysis to het the best out of it, not a bunch of guys who knownwhat they're doing.
    It might take a few weeks but I am hopeful of a turnaround on the OL.
    cuchulainn likes this.

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