Observations from camp..Day 1

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by djphinfan, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Today was club med, not much to come to any conclusions about players, or too much play by play..just some observations..

    Simple formation drills to start by all three units on offense, side by side just going through the motions, all three units going on Ryan’s count..

    Stills..Parker..Drake..Gray..first team

    Kenny stills is shredded, skin paper thin.

    Albert Wilson..I don’t know how he has that speed, he’s built like a fullback..so thick in the lower body..

    Jakeem Grant got those good athletic slight bow legs..always a sign of a good athlete.

    Kenyon drake is Hollywood..love’s to be the center of attention..fast as hell too, like he plays with his speedometer against guys, teases, turns it up when he wants..

    Frank gore walked like an old man but runs like a young one..lol

    Wide receiver drills are my favorite to watch..Their coach has them run these routes hard, motivatesthem to focus by exerting much energy himself..screamer..

    drops in drills...Gisicki

    Drops in competitive situation... Gisicki..Escobar..Morgan..

    Devante looked like he was in a good mood, didn’t see any pouting or sulking like was reported a few days ago..Ran his drills hard.

    We need that guy..btw..he’s got this unique ability in comeback routes to explode back to the qb after dialing down, instant separation, unstoppable if the ball is on time.

    So when I studied Ballage in college he had this annoying little twitch where he kinda hop steps at the LOS, he did it today and his coach got in his azz.

    Raekwon has to do a better job of keeping his hands inside when shedding, his arms tend to get a little to widespread as the offender approaches.

    Devante displays pure talent at the back of the end zone, periotte with a toe tap.

    Ladies and gentleman..Mike Gisicki is a giraffe...funny gait when he runs..But I’ll tell you what, even when he’s covered he’s open..Kiko tried his damnest on one route but simply could not get around his body to make a play.

    Jakeem Grant has the potential to become a very good route runner, to watch him approach the stem of his route and how low his crouch is impressive..must be 4 feet off the ground, then just explodes NSEW..

    Bottom line this kid is a star..most important receiver on offense.

    Danny Amendola really working on the nuances of route running, head deeks, shoulder twitches, anything he can do to create deception..

    TJ and Reshad starting safety’s.

    Competitive situation..11 on 11.

    Jakeem on his patented stutter and go right to the corner of the end zone, dusted the corner, ball is in the air, about a forty yard play, Jakeem explosively leaps, out of nowhere Minks does the same and breaks up the pass at the last second...great play.

    We need to find out who came up and made the hit on drake causing the fumble, I couldn’t see the damn number but it was an explosive move by the safety..ball flopped around for a minute...damn it, I want to know who that was..

    Kiko looked really good today, he really loves playing mike ya know, it’s really what he is on the inside, his instincts are matched to that positions responsibilities..He and Raekwon shared some snaps there..

    The pick 6 was a great play..the pass was from the 20 yard line.

    Sanders has no issue kicking the ball out of the end zone..

    Sprint drills..Amendola and stills leading the pack..

    Some really boring 7 on 7

    Drew Morgan with a great route on a crosser, stopped on a dime, defender fell down, completion and Yac.

    I think Duarte hurt his shoulder on a diving attempt, will see.

    Practice is over..

    Ryan works 10 mins with Parker and Stills..then 15 mins with Jakeem on bubble screens and quick outs..then Steel and Lauren comes out to hug hub hub..

    Last two offensive players on the field...Dowell Loggains and Francis Owunsu, they worked for thirty minutes by themselves.

    Kiko and Grant, Kiko looks like he trusts Raekwon Which enables him to play all over the place and look good doing it, I think it’s best when Kiko just plays instinctively.

    Minks physique is a bit small but the genetics on that kid are hi level specimen stuff..

    Tyreek Hill and Jakeem Grant are very close in talent..breakout year coming for Grant..

    I think Gray and Gisicki will get the most playing time..

    Overall, just a light practice for the boys, got some other thoughts I’ll write down, off to Duffy’s for some cold ones.
  2. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Best players today..

    Kiko and Jakeem.

    Ryan stayed on the ground after the pick 6 cause he was pissed at himself, he wasn’t hurt, do think there might of been bad route, have to see replay.

    It wasn’t a quick slant, LOS was the 20 in red zone work
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2018
    Surfs Up 99, resnor, KeyFin and 2 others like this.
  3. ripper1961

    ripper1961 Active Member

    Jan 13, 2014
    Good to hear about RT too many people were playing it up.
  4. Fin-O

    Fin-O Initiated Club Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    Notice anything that stood out about Raekwon? How about Drew Morgan?

    I was wondering if being around Amendola would benefit him at all. All be it most likely for another team.
  5. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    With the practice intensity where it was today, there isn’t much room for a true mike to perform..it was soft everywhere.

    Drew had a bad drop, and a great route and catch in 11 on 11..he runs excellent routes and I do think he and Ford are battling for the last spot...
  6. Fin-O

    Fin-O Initiated Club Member

    Sep 28, 2015
    Think we are keeping 6 Wr's on the roster?
  7. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I haven’t see ford play, if I do and he’s as advertised, I would say yes..it really depends on ones opinion on how good he is O
    Fin-O likes this.
  8. Surfs Up 99

    Surfs Up 99 Team Flores & Team Tua

    May 5, 2016
    Thanks DJ! At this point, are you more or less hopeful about this years team compared to what you have seen in years past?

    Gase said he was going to change how they taught the playbook. Is it helping?
  9. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    I feel very confident that while Landry is a good football player, he’s a cancer as well..I also know his ego is out of control..and I’m extremely confident where his ceiling is..He can claim Gase is a jerk for not letting him play outside, but Gase knows what some of us know as fact, he can’t, no matter how hard he tries, so how out of control does your ego have to be if you don’t even know your own limitations at this point if your career, he’s fu##in delusional..and he’s very immature..and not like a humble immature like Devante, he’s punk immature..

    I’m confident that Ryan loves to get the ball to his slot receiver, and Landry was a good one..but I don’t think the drop off we will have will be that steep..Amendola if healthy will give his yardage number a run...

    I feel like the decision with Pouncey was absolutely necessary, you can’t play the baby game in practice..do it for a year if you wish, but eventually you’ve got to move on..it’s a huge disruption.

    Suh was a loner..and obviously selfish..he chose to go somewhere else..we offered him a new salary and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t less what he’s getting paid this year..

    Belicek gets rid of great players all the time..culture rules..

    Gase said, sometimes it takes a couple years to figure out what players you wanna ride with..well, it took him one year to get rid of Ajayi, good move, took two to get rid of these other three..I believe will be the right moves in the long run..
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2020
  10. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Landry had over 160 targets last season and I think that shows Cutler's lack of effort more than anything.

    Look at it this way, Jerry Rice had 1,549 catches over a 20 year professional career- he averaged 77 catches a season for 1,144 yards and 10 TD's (real stat is 9.85) a year. Landry had almost 35% MORE CATCHES for almost 300 less yards and 2 less scores- he's nowhere near on pace to be one of the greats.

    Maybe it's not fair to compare him to one of the top receivers though- let's pick an average one like Ted Ginn Jr. He has 362 receptions for 5,072 yards and 29 TD's across his career, which averages to 33 catches for 461 yards and 2.63 TD's per season. Multiply that out by Landry's 112 catches in a season and you get 112 catches for 1562 yards and 8.9 TD's.

    Again, I'll remind you that most think Ginn was a complete bust- yet he would have rolled out an additional 600 yards given the opportunity. Because that's all Landry's stat line is....opportunity from high volume. If you take his number of catches out of the equation and just look at his production, average NFL receivers like Hartline, Bess and Stills have had much more impressive years.
  11. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007

    Like seriously, he got more targets than anyone, wtf is he crying about?

    That’s how caught up in his own ego he is right now, he’s lost, he doesn’t have the ability to appreciate that he was the most trageted receiver in the game..
    KeyFin likes this.

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