Twitter thread on AJ Francis as a rookie vs Mike Pouncey in practice

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by jdallen1222, Nov 15, 2019.

  1. jdallen1222

    jdallen1222 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Plantation, Fl

    Copied from the thread:

    Let me start off by saying, I have no beef with Mike at all, we never really had any problems after this and it was more of a he was trying to be the “Big Vet” To a rookie and I wasn’t having it... MIKE POUNCEY IS GOOD PEOPLES IN MY BOOK. Now let’s spill tea

      1. So it’s my rookie year and it’s OTA’s and we have on just helmets and “spider pads” which are the foam fake-me-out shoulder pads they have players wear... and we’re doing 1on1s which is HIGHLY illegal in the CBA the @NFLPA & @NFL agreed on but watevs

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      2. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        The way the @MiamiDolphins got away with doing 1on1s ILLEGALLY was by having it start as a 2on2 pass rush and then after the ball was snapped 1 of the two OL & DL would stop after taking one step. Basically this was Philbin’s way of telling the @NFLPA **** YOUR RULE!

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      3. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        So, being a rookie backing up the 8-figure man Paul Soliai (who never gets enough credit for how GREAT he was) I have to take all his reps in 1on1s.... So it’s my first time ever going against MIKE POUNCEY, I try a swim, it doesn’t work, he pulls me down to the ground.

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      4. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        He’s walking off laughing and I don’t think anything of it. So reps pass & we’re up again... this time I try a Rip & spin move, it didn’t work and he pulls me down to the ground... Again. And NOW I realize why he was laughing before... he’s pulling me down on purpose. Now I’m mad

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      5. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        I stand up and tell him to cut that **** out or else, he laughs... I want to fight him. Then and there. But the angel on my shoulder talking to me said “A.J. they just gave him $60M, your signing bonus was $7,500... they will cut your angry *** just chill” So I walk back MAD.

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      6. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        After surprisingly making the smart decision, I get back to the DL and the GREATEST D-LINE COACH EVER, Kacy Rodgers tells me, “I understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, but realize you ain’t nobody’s *****, & *****es don’t make this team” That’s all I needed.

        3 replies5 retweets61 likes

      7. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        Remember, we don’t really have pads on. I dont care at this point because Pouncey keeps pulling me down to the ground so he clearly don’t give AF so why should I? Our next rep I line up in a 0-Technique right over his Nose and when the ball snaps I bull Rush the **** out of him!

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      8. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        I run him back into the O-Line and I’m talking **** the whole time “you wanna play bully well the bully is here” and mid-rep while being drove all the way back into the OL, he rips my helmet off, and all hell breaks loose!

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      9. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        The O-Linemen (like best buddys Jon Martin & Richie Incognito) grab me and try to pull us apart, other O-Lineman are trying to jump me, so now the D-Line runs over and it was CHAOS. All practice stopped everywhere and everyone was wondering WTF was going on...

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      10. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        In the middle of all this, after he rips my helmet off my head, Mike cocks it back to swing it at my cranium & as he’s swinging it at my unprotected head, that same angel that told me to chill told him to chill and he literally stopped his arm full of momentum CUZ HES A GOOD MAN!

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      11. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 12h12 hours ago
        Instead he decided to throw the helmet down and punch me in the face like any respectable human being would... the skirmish between us and the OL & DL finally gets broken up by all the coaches blowing their little whistles (Really it was cuz we got tired in that Miami sun)

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      12. FRAN¢ ‏Verified account @AJFrancis410 11h11 hours ago
        Moral of the Story is,Mike Pouncey was able to, in a moment of pure anger, realize hitting someone in their unprotected head with their helmet was a bad idea. And anyone who knows Mike will tell you he is PERPETUALLY with the ****s. So if he could do it, #MilesGarrett is WYLIN!

        4 replies11 retweets95 likes

        End of conversation
  2. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I remember several reports about this brawl, this is the detailed version..
  3. texanphinatic

    texanphinatic Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Detroit Metro Area MI
    Yeah I was reading this reaction piece from current and former pros on ESPN and one that really stood out as kind of a "wait, what?!?!" was from Chris Carter:

    Like, damn.

    Myles Garrett is a dirty AF player, that whole Browns team was playing dirty.
  4. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Id still take Garrett on this team in a second... hes a top3 de
  5. thetylernator

    thetylernator You're as cold as ice, Officer Friendly.

    Dec 31, 2014
    The funniest thing about this story is that Kacy Rodgers said "b*tches don't make this team", but Jonathan Martin did.
    jdallen1222, resnor and KeyFin like this.
  6. Silverphin

    Silverphin Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    I'm not defending Myles Garrett. He deserves his punishment. But Rudolph needs to get suspended, too.
  7. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I absolutely agree...he started it and escalated it.

    Anyone that's ever been in a serious fight knows that in the moment, you're liable to do anything. It's instinct taking over. What Garrett did was wrong but I guarantee you that he never does it indefinite suspension is too much here. But not punishing Rudolph is even worse in my opinion.

    With that said, loved the Pouncey story in the first person account! I wish we got more of that kind of thing from players.
  8. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    I disagree that an indefinite suspension is too much. I don’t care what Rudolph did, it’s not an excuse for ripping his helmet off and smashing him in the head with it. He could have seriously injured him. There is literally no way you can guarantee that he doesn’t do that again. Who knows what else he might do? You can’t have players doing that ****...we’re not watching The Last Boy Scout here.
    jdallen1222 and KeyFin like this.
  9. Vertical Limit

    Vertical Limit Senior Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Rudolph punched and kicked Garrett at the balls..
  10. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    And? That in no way validates what Garrett did. Plus, he's wearing protection.
  11. mlb1399

    mlb1399 Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    Rudolph forgot that in the context of the NFL you can’t touch a QB. When it comes to a street fight, QB or not, probably shouldn’t instigate against a guy who’s got 60lbs on you.
  12. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    No, it definitely doesn't "validate" it....he was dead wrong regardless of what Rudolph did. But at the same time, Rudolph started the fight and the penalty should be the same or greater than what followed afterwards.

    I mean, before he swung a helmet, he had his head nearly ripped off, took punches, took a knee to the groin, got punched/shoved by two linemen, got stomped on, AND THEN he swung the helmet that happened to be in his hands. He had THREE people brutally attacking him and to me, that's as much as the ref's/league's fault as anything. You can't preach player safety when a QB starts a brawl and then teams up on a defenseless player 3 vs 1...Rudolph should be out for the year.

    One other thing- as a former corrections officer, we were taught the +1 rule in self defense. If someone shoves/punches you, you're allowed to punch/shove back plus one level of severity...which would be our batons, tear gas, etc. If they came at you with a weapon, you can retaliate with a weapon plus one level of severity...which would be up to lethal force. That's how we train cops, military, etc. to react in a violent situation and it applies in civilian law as well when you're under attack. If Garrett has to petition the players union, gets denied by the league and then takes it to civil court, I'm pretty confident they'll say his actions were justified since he was being attacked and beaten on by three players.

    Again, that doesn't validate his actions in the slightest...but it's hard for me to judge the guy when the refs had a good 10+ seconds to intervene and protect him. To me this whole thing falls on the league and I bet in a few months from now, the courts will say the same thing.
  13. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    1. No, starting a fight doesn't automatically mean you get the same punishment. Starting a fight SHOULD get a punishment. Swinging a weapon and striking someone in the head with it is a completely different punishment. I mean, if I did that on the street, I'd be facing serious charges... Aggravated assault charges, potentially attempted murder, assault and battery, and who knows what else.

    2. What your were taught in a corrections facility really has no bearing outside of that facility. You know that. I work in juvenile corrections, and I'm not allowed to put random kids, out in public, in their rooms because they're swearing. I can't legally physically manage a teen that's out in public, not under my care.
  14. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    What I was taught in corrections is the same anywhere- its's federal self-defense laws that apply to everyone. And while I agree that you can't put a kid in timeout for cussing on the street, the rules are the same inside or out when you're attacked (at least it is in South Carolina).

    Juvenile corrections here is essentially a daycare from what I've seen...I'm honestly not sure if our officers are allowed to strike back if they're attacked. My roommate in the police academy was going for juvenile corrections and I couldn't believe some of the stories he told me...if that happened in the regular prison they'd lock down everything and someone would be catching major time for assaulting an officer. The juveniles might lose rec time and snack privileges...I couldn't believe it.

    Did you see the entire fight on tv/video? Garrett got beat up be three people before he ever swung a helmet. Pouncey was stomping on him while he was being held down and hit by the 2nd me at some point it stops being NFL rules and starts being a criminal matter. Like I said, I do not agree with swinging the helmet and he should be suspended, but to me the league carries part of that responsibility for letting him get attacked like that on national TV.
  15. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Might be different where you are...but in NH you can't use that justification. You can use force to get away, but Garrett did not have reason to believe that he was in danger that would necessitate using potentially deadly force. IE, you can use force to separate yourself from an attacker so that you can escape. You can't just beat the attacker to death, unless you can prove that had you had justifiable belief that your life was in immediate danger. There is literally no way to argue what he did was legal in any sense of the word.
    KeyFin likes this.
  16. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    I don't know...I guess we'll have to see. I think here if I was being attacked by three people, then grabbed something heavy and swung it at one of their heads...I think I'd be okay legally. But maybe not....I'm sure we'll find out though as this unfolds.
  17. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    Listen, it's football. You start shoving with a QB, regardless of who started it, you're gonna have oline players coming to his defense, ESPECIALLY if you've ripped his helmet off. You can not compare this to a situation where you're walking down the street and a couple guys attack you out of nowhere.

    If I punch you in balls while you're wearing protection , and you hit me in the head with a hammer, while I have no protection, who do you think is going to jail?
  18. resnor

    resnor Derp Sherpa

    Nov 25, 2007
    New Hampshire
    The one legitimate argument, regarding the indefinite suspension, is that the rules state that using the helmet as a weapon is subject to disqualification of the player and a 15 yard penalty.

    I'm not clear on how that relates to I'd you take another players helmet off and strike him in the head with it. It's seems the rule is more talking about pulling your own helmet off and using it as a weapon.
  19. jdallen1222

    jdallen1222 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    Plantation, Fl
    If you saw the fight Pouncey ran over and started the melee after the QB was struck in the head. Villanueva was holding Garret back while dumb**** qb kept charging at Garret. Garret struck dumb**** QB and Pouncey ran over and snapped.

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