Sarah Palin: Iraq War 'atask that is from God'

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by sking29, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Well the title of the thread is pretty self explanatory, so I will give the link and everyone give your thoughts. Remember we are going to discuss this in terms of what it means religiously about our politicians thoughts, etc. and this is not a political debate thus why I didn't put it in the POFO.

    Palin: Iraq war 'a task that is from God' - Yahoo! News
  2. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    That disturbs me intensely. Her trying to corner the market on God and use him as a political tool is ridiculous.
  3. finswin56

    finswin56 Get a mop

    Dec 3, 2007
    St. Augustine
    If you would, please expand on that so that it fits with the theme of this thread.
  4. SkapePhin


    Jan 3, 2008
    Fort Lauderdale
    I always found the concept that God is on a particular group of peoples' "side" patently absurd.. The thought of a "chosen people" by some divine power simply doesn't make sense..Why would a loving God play favorites? And that notion alone would intrinsically cause tension, and by extention, war... Most of these religious wars and skirmishes are based on the concept that one group of people is right while the other is wrong. That God is on their side, while the other side's God doesnt exist.. or that the other side is completely confused on what God is or wants..

    Now, if God really does exist, why favor a certain group to create such a volatile dynamic? You only end up hurting your "chosen people" in the process..
    Pagan and Coral Reefer like this.
  5. DonShula84

    DonShula84 Moderator Luxury Box

    Jan 3, 2008
    I guess this is just another blessing we need to thank God for...

    TBH, this is why religion scares me. Well, one reason it scares me.
  6. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    WOW thats a joke. Though its not the first time someone has used god in the name of politics.
  7. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    First, let me deal with the "chosen people" side issue. The Bible states that the Jewish nation are the "chosen people". The New Testament expands that view to include the Church. But both groups are blessed in order to be a blessing to others and bring all people unto God. Those chosen is not status it is responsibility.

    Now the notion that God somehow ordained the war in Iraq is by all religious standards a massive rationalization. Virtually every major religious leader in America and the world has rejected the administration's argument that the war is desired by God. It is unBiblical and frankly wrong. If she or anyone wants to justify the war according to political, security, and/or economic issues, let them go ahead. Don't try and claim God asked you because that is a delusion!
    Baxter and Silverphin like this.
  8. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    It sounds dangerously close to Bush's own....

    "this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take awhile."

    Exactly what is going to stir the pots in the Middle East....
  9. gafinfan

    gafinfan gunner Club Member

    If Sara Palin's faith causes her to believe something and she shares that belief with her fellow believers that is one thing. If she becomes the VP and trys to make me believe then, in my humble opinion, she has overstepped her bounds.
    finswin56 likes this.
  10. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    One thing to point that she said this I believe BEFORE she was a VP nominee....but will get air play....and it wont look good in the Middle East
  11. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    I meant that I just don't want this thread to become an Obama is better than McCain or McCain is better than Obama thread. I just wanted everyone to give their thoughts on what she said and how it applies to how our politicians think of our country in terms of religion. Some politics involved obviously but its with a focus on the religious part more than a political slap fight. Think of it as what do you think about Palin's religious views thread. People on here are smart enough to get my intentions as evident by the thread thus far. :up:
    finswin56 likes this.
  12. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    This did not deserve to be sent here. It was a very serious political post that was waiting to be slammed but was inappropriately placed here.

    It was a statement by a political figure not a man or woman of God.
  13. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Well, first of all, that is not what Sarah Palin actually said, that is a be generous.

    She said that she prayed that US soldiers are being sent out on a task that is from God.

    Meaning she prayed that they were doing what God would have them to do.

    Funny though, pretty every poster on this thread has taken that Yahoo headline at face value, Christian and non Christian alike.

    Here is what she actually said:

    McClatchy Washington Bureau | 09/07/2008 | Campaign saying little about Sarah Palin's religious faith

    I would have thought by now that some folks would no better, some wouldn't it's the ones that should that surprise they don't.:pity:
  14. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Not really sure what your problem is as this is a thread about her religious beliefs, outlook, etc. is/are. Also she is pretty much saying what the headline says, so I am still not getting the problem. Remember simply a religious overview of Palin nothing to get partisan about. :up:

    I mean this little snippet seems to pretty much drive home what the thread is about:

    Looks to me like she is sort of saying the Iraq War is a task/plan from God.

    I'm not getting your argument here as it seems to not give an alternative.
    ATLFINFAN likes this.
  15. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    Not sure which is true but one, yours, implies that she stated it is a task from God another, padre's, states that she hopes it is a task from God. So one is definite, another one is questioning so to speak.
    ATLFINFAN likes this.
  16. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    What troubles me is the idea that no one else bothered to even look into what she actually said, they were quite willing to believe that Sarah Palin's faith equated to some sort of prayer for a Christian Crusade with -0- fact checking.

    Some I expected that from some people Unlucky their views are clear, it is always easier to believe the worst, others I've got to say I'm disappointed in.

    Christians Pray, this is not some odd practice, now the real issue is what we are praying for.....
  17. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    Sorry Padre,

    The quote that came from her mouth was:
    "that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending (U.S. soldiers) out on a task that is from God."

    What you are claiming is your own spin. Your own presumptions. Going by her quote, there is no rational way to spin this. She flat-out states the war in Iraq is a "task from God." Its pretty plain, simple & clear.
  18. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    And you focus on the last three words and not the whole simple prayer Finascious "that our leader, our national leaders, (in Christianity we pray for our leaders ref Tim.) are sending soldiers on a task that is from God"

    That is about 8 words, not 3 no matter where you put the [B} tag.

    The eye that alters alters all.
  19. Fin D

    Fin D Sigh

    Nov 27, 2007
    What the...

    Really? That's your argument?

    Padre31 is a good man, who believes in God, roots for the Dolphins, and kicks puppies repeatedly.

    So there, you have 17 words, and 3 of them are wrong. I guess because the amount of true words are more numerous than the false words the whole statement is true? Are you a puppy kicker? Of course not.

    No one is begrudging her a prayer. No one. Not even me. However, saying the war is God's task, is not only awfully presumptuous, but counter to the teachings of Christ. If I was a Christian, I'd never vote for anyone who so blatantly used my religion for such self serving interests of man.
  20. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Not wrong, 3 words with a myopic emphasis, the entire prayer is longer then those three words.
  21. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    It still reads closely enough.
  22. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Only if you read what you wish to read Jaj.

    I've heard some crazy stuff, Palan's little prayer was not one of them.

    No worries though, she is a Pentacostal, that will fill your plate to the brim with zanyness and odd sounds....:lol:
  23. Jaj

    Jaj Registered

    Mar 23, 2008
    Los Angeles
    So explain to me this. What exactly is it supposed to mean? The entire statement that is.

    I've read it, I've had other people read it for me. What does it mean to you?

    Who has the task from God, that's my primary question?
  24. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Look quite frankly I don't care whether what she is saying is right or wrong; all I care about is what she said. From what I read and even from your quote/link padre it seems to say that she is praying that our leaders send out our soldiers on a task from God and that she prays that task is part of God's plan. I don't really see how that cannot mean she thinks the Iraq war is based off of a task from God/God's plan.

    Padre, I'm not arguing whether its right or wrong I'm just restating what she said. Plus as far as expecting more from some people on here that bothers me because everyone's opinion is equally weighted, so you expecting more from people that are on an equal level makes no sense.

    BTW Padre although we disagree you are one of my favorite posters for your well thought out arguments and the willingness to speak your mind. So since you don't know me that well don't think I dislike you or anything. You're just fun to argue with. :up:
    padre31 likes this.

    ATLFINFAN Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    First off, Padre, thanks for speaking up for what you read. I agree. In MY words she is saying to ....pray that this is GODS will that we are doing the right thing by sending our troops over there to stand up against terrorism. She isnt saying "it is GODS will", she is saying to PRAY that it is GODS WILL. There is a BIG difference. Again, she is basically saying to pray that we are doing the right thing.
    I used to live in ALASKA, a long time ago, and still have a few friends living there. I have had a couple of them email me when she was picked and they are THRILLED, because they know her, or know OF her, and know what kind of person she is.
    Ohiophinphan, sking29 and padre31 like this.
  26. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    Now that I understand. :up:
    ATLFINFAN likes this.
  27. Ohiophinphan

    Ohiophinphan Chaplain Staff Member Luxury Box

    Thank you for the clarifacation, Padre. I read the head and didn't follow up. My first reading of her petitional prayer confirmed the headline. Upon deeper reflection and subsequent comments in the press, I can hear how her prayer style is different than mine and unfortunately will likely keep getting her quoted in this way. You are probably right on the money when you talk about her Pentecostal style and how it will take some getting used to hearing.
    padre31 likes this.
  28. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    In the end I don't really think that it matters which way her prayer is interpreted. I say this because it will only be helpful among McCain/Palin voters as they will tend to be Christian or Conservative. It won't take votes from their side because its strengthening their base and won't push away possible swing voters. Only some will be put off by it but those are voters that wouldn't vote Republican anyway.
  29. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    For me sking, the tempest in a teapot nature of all of this reminded me that for some odd reason, the media are trying to make normal Christian activities something to be put up for ridicule.

    JFK said the same thing as Governor Palin did, FDR went on the radio and led a 6 minute prayer for our men on D-Day:

    [ame=]YouTube - FDR D-Day Speech June 6, 1944[/ame]

    Now I'm no fan of mixing War and all...I do think that if a leader of America is so moved, then they should follow their consciences, if not, do not play the hippocrite and claim this war or that war is "For God" far from it, that has been the cry of fanatics for Eons...

    But to chase Faith out of the public arena is unacceptable to me, let him who has a word, speak it, if not, then do not, as Chrysostom said there is no force involved, far from it.

    Deus pro nobis.
    Ohiophinphan and maynard like this.

    ATLFINFAN Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Hey Padre......chill with the Pentacostal remarks..........I is one :wink2:
    Ohiophinphan likes this.
  31. GreenMachine

    GreenMachine New Member

    May 13, 2008
    Clermont, FL
    My God does not condone war. My God loves all his children. My God gives us free will..Take what you want from that.
    sking29 likes this.
  32. sking29

    sking29 What it takes to be cool

    Dec 9, 2007
    East Tennessee
    I would personally take from that something that is nice to hear and positive (which I like).

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