To my fellow fans

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by SCall13, Dec 21, 2008.

  1. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    It's been a long time since we've had this type of excitement and energy on the boards. The hopes and expectations are high. The turn around we've had is incredible on its own. Winning ten games after going 1-15 is just incredible. It's been a pleasure to go through the lows with you guys and gals and see the Dolphins turn it around like they have. We have a real shot at the AFC east championship and a first round bye. Who would have thought it? My prediction for Miami this year was 10-6 or 11-5 and i must admit, that was a homer prediction.

    They have exceeded all of our expectations. Regardless of what happens next week, I just want everyone to know that it's been a pleasure to go through the tough times with you guys and be with everyone now as we have taken this step for hope for the future of our franchise. We are a team who has no stars. We are a team who wins with desire, whether it's been offensively or defensively. Some one new is always the star. But the constant has been the fans on this site. And it has been great being with you guys through the bad and now the good.

    We are the ones who don't give up hope. We are the ones who believe. We are the ones who have stuck together throughout the rough times. And I appreciate each and every one of you. We are the fans. We are the heart of the Dolphins because we believe in our team. We stick together. And now we get to share in this great moment in our team history. And, again, win or lose, we will still stick together because we are the true fans who believe in the Dolphins. We believe in each other. It's been an incredible ride this season - and I want you guys to know that I have enjoyed each of you as we continue onward in our journey to what is already the biggest turn around ever. And if it continues next week, I will consider it a pleasure to experience it with all of you.

    Thanks to all of the fans, the players, and the folks for helping us be a family. You guys have been great and appreciate all of you...

  2. n9necount

    n9necount New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Preach on brother! Awesome post and I agree it's been one hell of a run. Tony, Bill, Chad: wish I could buy you guys a beer.
  3. surferosa

    surferosa Balance and Vision

    Mar 23, 2008
    Here here Scall.

    If the Jets lose today, can they still win the division with a victory next week?
  4. BigDogsHunt

    BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    I feel the same way, we did something week is icing..but the cake was harder to bake, the ingredients were amazing to acquire, and mix up.

    I am so proud, the icing would be sweet, but 10 Wins and setting the greatest turn around from a 1 win season in the history of the NFL is wonderful.

    Bring on the JETS and lets go for the icing....either way I am thrilled.
    SCall13 likes this.
  5. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    Unfortunately they still can. We still have to win.
    anlgp likes this.
  6. charlestonphan

    charlestonphan Junior Member

    Mar 22, 2008
    nicely said!

    what a fun year this has been to watch. should things go poorly next week, i will no doubt be a bit dejected. but i will also be grateful for the season the Miami Dolphins have had, and the chance to experience those ups and downs with some darned outstanding people on these boards!

    there is so much positive going on with our beloved franchise. quality free agents will not dismiss the opportunity to come to Miami, because they know there is a team here with grit and determination, a coaching staff and GM who know what they are doing and produce results.
  7. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    Doesn't matter to me I still want the bastards to lose.

  8. BrazForPhins

    BrazForPhins From south

    May 4, 2008
    Scall, you are a better 'speech man' than Cam Cameron. :pointlol:

    Nice words.

    I saw Marino as a kid, he's the responsible for me loving football and I suffered since his retirement watching crappy miami teams, always with hope of better days.

    I'm closer of having an opportunity to go to Miami again, but this time to sit at Pro Player Stadium (Miami stadium nowadays right?) and cheer for the phins. In the near future.

    I know it will be on glory days. We're marching on that.
    SCall13 likes this.
  9. Sethdaddy8

    Sethdaddy8 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2007
    Shortly after we brought Parcells on, Halo 3 came out. And they had this great commercial, shows the Hero in a sticky position...well here it is:
    [ame=]YouTube - Halo 3 - 'Believe' Ad[/ame]

    Before the whole "Believe in Now" campaign...i took this from Halo, and made it my user title...and with some cautious optimism...made it my feelings for this organization.
    but Monday morning QBing is moot here, we're all in it for better or for worse...

    but heres my motivation behind the last 12 months.
    SCall13 likes this.
  10. NyPhinfan

    NyPhinfan Season Ticket Holder

    Dec 21, 2007
    What a great post!

    I sit here with the biggest smile on my face after a gut wrenching ball game today. How far this team has come! I have always been a proud,proud Dolphin fan but after today..after playing in that weather..when things were going against them..when it looked for a little that the whole thing was going down the drain...this team..OUR TEAM..picked itself up off the floor and showed the heart and toughness that this team has lacked in nearly a decade.

    For me..coming into today..I thought the Denver game was the one game that showed us that this was not like other Dolphin teams from the past few years..Todays game showed me that this is a VERY,VERY different team. They will not give up...they are mentally tough...and play with ALOT of pride.

    Living in NY...I cannot put into words how much I HATED Chad Pennington...HATED him. After watching him over the past 15 weeks...all the things he has brought to the table..the leadership...the toughness...the FIRE...I have so much well earned respect for the man. He has given us all a reason to be PROUD be able to lift this team on his back...and for all the rest of his teammates to join in,,has been something to behold.

    Win or Lose next week...this has been a SPECIAL Year....after all the despair we have put up with the past few years...We ARE so very PROUD of this TEAM
    SCall13 likes this.
  11. Rocky Raccoon

    Rocky Raccoon Greasepaint Ghost Staff Member

    Dec 2, 2007
    It's been great. I've always been an extremely optimistic fan and this year was no different. I expected us to be good, but what has happened is almost unimaginable. I've believed since day 1 and I hope it all becomes worth it, not just next week, but for the future of the team.

    It's been awesome being a part of this community.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you as we continue our quest.

    SCall13 likes this.
  12. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    What he said! :up:
  13. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    Well said bro...well said.
  14. orangefinfan

    orangefinfan New Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    That was one of the best thread I have ever read on any board. I Agree with you 100 percent it is great whether we win or lose to be a bale to log in here and belong to a plae that so many people feel as I do or love the Phins as much. Heres to the Playoffs!!
  15. Georgia Fin

    Georgia Fin Fin For Life

    Nov 25, 2007
    West Georgia

    Somebody keep the phone away from this guy tonight before he drunk dials all his old girfriends.:lol:

    Just kidding bro, this has been a hell of a ride and it's great to have such a diverse group of guys and gals to share it all with, so pass me the bottle and the phone, i got some calls of my own to make tonight!!!!:up:
    SCall13 likes this.
  16. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    I'd pass you the phone and the bottle, but I'm still using them!! :hi5:
    Georgia Fin likes this.

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