All Potential Wildcard Matches Bring Dolphins Full Circle

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by SkapePhin, Dec 22, 2008.

  1. SkapePhin


    Jan 3, 2008
    Fort Lauderdale
    I know there is still a VERY important game left to play this season, but this topic intrigued me.

    If the Dolphins make the playoffs, they will face an opponent which will complete their unlikely rise to pertinence in a karmicly profound way.


    The last time the Dolphins made an appearance in the post-season, they were unceremoniously ushered out of relevance by Ray Lewis and the Baltimore Ravens in an ugly, boring game that likely featured an inordinate amount of punts and waffleballs courtesy of Jay Fiedler. Though I cannot be certain of the details because I seem to have wiped most of the "highlights" from the Wannstache Era from my memory bank.

    But this is not the only reason why this matchup has a special significance for these Dolphins. This would be a rematch of the game which saved this team from a historic mark of ineptitude a year ago. It would be sweet irony to face the saviors of our 08 season on the same field a year later in the PLAYOFFS.

    But that's not all! They would face the orchestrator of the infamous 08 almost-winless season in their first playoff game! This would be the Dolphins' chance to FINALLY show Cam Cameron what those hapless players of a year ago can do with a coaching staff that makes proper use of their talents.

    And finally, they would face the second-to-last team to beat them in the regular season. Time to exact vengeance, THREEFOLD!


    At 0-2, the Dolphins were left for dead. In week 3, they would face the team that was a mirror image of themselves a season before. The only one win team against the only one loss team of 2008. Even without their Hall of Fame Quarterback, this matchup looked as lopsided as their records the year before. But then, a quirky formation centered around the player that the Patriots had injured a year ago, catapulted the Dolphins to an unlikely blowout win in New England, and in the long run, to a winning season.

    However, the Patriots enacted their revenge on the Dolphins in their regular season rematch in Miami. If the Dolphins make the playoffs, this would have been the last time they lost in the regular season.

    From Wildcat to Wildcard against the perenially charmed playoff Patriots. Can the upstart Dolphins slay the big bad Patriots to live happily ever after?

    It all comes full circle...
    djphinfan, Ludacris and greyeagl53 like this.
  2. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    As much as I'd like to stick it to Belicheck, I'd rather see him out of the Playoffs. I can't image how fast he'd try and get Roger Goodell to make some sort of exception rule for having a better record than a team by potentially 2 or 3 games, depending on who wins the AFC West, and not being in the Playoffs over them.

    Exacting some revenge for Cam Cameron's Gatorade Shower this year would be more sweet to me.
    djphinfan, xer0 and greyeagl53 like this.
  3. greyeagl53

    greyeagl53 Active Member

    Nov 20, 2008
    Central Florida
    :up: Well said
    RoninFin4 likes this.
  4. xer0

    xer0 xD

    May 24, 2008

    It'd be just too sweet to get Cam on the rematch to knock his team out of the playoffs. Maybe even sweeter then knocking the J E S T out the week before.:up:
    RoninFin4 likes this.
  5. RoninFin4

    RoninFin4 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Agreed. Although my thought lies bigger than the Patriots in a way. It could be us, or even God forbid, the Jets (even though they didn't beat SD and Denver, they'd still have more wins if they beat us), and it' really be a case if it's us considering we're 4-0 vs. the AFC West, and none of the teams in division are...

    It could also happen in the NFC. If Dallas and Tampa Bay both win, they're both at 10. If Arizona wins out, they only get 9 max. In that scenario Tampa would miss the playoffs with a better record as well. I don't recall if Tampa played the Cards this year or not, but it just sickens me that there's chances that two or three teams NFL-wide aren't going to make the playoffs with records better than two teams in the playoffs, potentially (Cardinals and the AFC West winner).

    Edit: And Travis, you're absolutely right. Facing the Pats in a wild-card game would be absolutely miserable; both playing them for a 3rd time, and having that corroboration of Goodell and Robert Kraft.
  6. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    no matter what, it couldn't happen this year. Not to mention, if we lose, their could be talks about it for the jets and and dolphins.

    I personally think the Chargers are going to win, and get the #4 seed with an 8-8 record. and (hopefully not) if the jets win, and the pats/ravens win, then the dolphins and jets are both going to miss the playoffs at 10-6, while an 8-8 team got in.

    But...dems the breaks.
  7. GridIronKing34

    GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    I'm pretty sure the Dolphins would rather face the Patriots in the playoffs... Does anyone remember what Jason Ferguson said after the game a month ago? "We'll see them again in the playoffs..."

    The Dolphins were upset in how they showed major disrespect before the game and after... I want to see the Ravens lose this weekend... I want to see the Patriots win this weekend... I want to see the Dolphins beat the Jets... and then I want to see the Dolphins bring down the Patriots in Miami...
  8. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    Well it hasn't happened in the NBA yet, and it's a far worse occurrence there, so i don't see it happening in the NFL.

    For several years there the #9 seed in the west would have been top 4 in the east, but again, thats the rules. Everyone plays by them.
  9. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    The patriots played their very best game against us, i dont fear them in the playoffs.

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