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Does Huizenga deserve a break?

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Hugo Guzman, Jan 16, 2008.

Does Wayne Huizenga deserve a break?

  1. Yes - he has proven that he really is committed to winning

    33 vote(s)
  2. No - one good hiring move does not erase countless bad ones

    5 vote(s)
  3. I'm torn - he's good in some ways but really bad in others

    10 vote(s)
  1. Hugo Guzman

    Hugo Guzman New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
  2. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    People have been WAY too hard on Wayne re the Dolphins. Wayne doesn't know how to run a football organization, and I think he would be the first to admit this. However, he is committed to winning. There are some major league crappy owners out there that care less about how their team does as long as they make their money. If Wayne ever sells the team our next owner could be on of those guys and then we could welcome mediocre to bad playing to Miami on a permanent basis!
  3. Rick 1966

    Rick 1966 Professional Hipshooter

    Nov 23, 2007
    Powell, WY
    I've always thought he wanted the best for the team...he's simply not a competent football guy. He doesn't know who to hire so he hires big names. Hopefully THIS big name (Parcells) will right the ship, but if he does, it will be a case of a blind squirrel finding an acorn now and then.
  4. Get Up And Go

    Get Up And Go New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Binghamton, NY
    I will always hate Huizenga.

    He screwed over the Marlins(and fans) in Ownership and still screw over the Marlins with a BS lease.

    Yeah, you are a great owner. ***-Clown.:gun_bandana:
  5. Manimal

    Manimal New Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    Your first sentence pretty much nailed why Wayne isn't a good owner. Wayne see's the Dolphins as nothing more than equity, and surrounds himself with 'yes' men that are as clueless as he is. It's too bad that he didn't give Tuna the authority to fire both Weidermeyer and Bailey, since those two are just as responsible as Wayne for this team's demise.

    Wayne cares about winning, but only because of the effect on his bottom line. The Marlins would be in their own stadium with another couple of rings to show off if Wayne were concerned with winning over cost. As well, this poll is automatically skewed since no one knows if Parcells was a good hire. People said the same things about Johnson and Saban.
  6. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    Absolutely unequivocably not true! there's a reason that every head coach that comes through here loves him so much. He has always tried to make the Dolphins a winning team...he just doesn't know how to handle a football organization.
  7. Manimal

    Manimal New Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    Every head coach that comes through here loves Wayne so much because he hands the team over to them like he was letting a buddy borrow his copy of Madden. And again, as stated, the fact that he doesn't know how to handle a football organization is clue #1 that he should not, in fact, be owning a football team.
  8. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    Personally I think he's an idiot and getting rid of Cameron and the staff was a panic move. I think Parcells would have been a great hire last year but to start all over again just shows me he's clueless. Still, this was a good move if not for wasting a year
  9. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    Sorry, but you are basing your opinion off of emotion rather than fact. Owners should be hands off because they are clueless. The owners that do like to be hands on are all guilty of undermining the efforts of their football guys. (Jerry Jones' acquiring Tank Johnson when Ireland said absolutely not, Daniel Snyder's wrecking of the salasry cap to get big name FAs multiple times, etc.) Wayne's biggest sin was A. Not firing Dave Wannestedt soon enough, and B. not finding the right guy to man the front office.

    But to say Wayne hasn't shelled money out to try to make this team a winner is fantasyland stuff. Christ he gave Nick Saban a blank check to assemble the highest paid coaching staff in the NFL.

    If Parcells can man the FO and get us working like a football organization again then you will see the benefits of having Wayne as an owner. he has always been willing to spend to make the Dolphins a winner, he just hasn't hired the right people. So your argument that all h cares about is money is blatantly false and inaccurate.
    PMZQ and late again like this.
  10. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    I think he deserves a break. Wayne proves he is committed to trying to build a winning team by handing over the organization to every coach and GM he has had and giving them his wallet WITH NO LIMITATIONS to try to build a winning team. Its not his fault he put his trust into them and they have repeatedly let him, and let us down.
  11. sleek

    sleek Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    IMO Wayne Huizenga is the problem with this franchise. He knows nothing about football and the worst part is he advertises himself as an open ATM willing to give any amount of money out to anyone he can find to be his superbowl savior. These guys are taking Wayne to the cleaners even if they get fired or resign they are leaving with a nice chunk of the Huizenga estate. We need an owner who is a boss and has expertise in the field. Parcells isn't a long term solution he is a last ditch attempt to throw together a quick Superbowl and after Parcells is gone we will have to rely on Wayne again to hold it together(yikes!). Wayne gets involved when he shouldn't and he is quiet when he should be involved. Since Wayne has been here the indians are controlling the chief and everytime a new indian gets an idea the chief changes everything destroying any chance for stability.This franchise lacks patience,stability ,and leadership based on football knowledge and I dont see that returning till Wayne is gone.

    NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    If Parcells and Sparano last more than two years, than I'll give him a break.
  13. mike_vee

    mike_vee New Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    i think MR.H is a great owner. yes he dosn't know anything about football thats why he tries to buy the best people that are avalible. i think he's got it right this time and wish him the very best because the bottom line is that the NFL is a business first and i'm sure that if anyone of us where to shell out over $100 million and then could sell for close to $1 billion we'd all do it in a heart beat so i really believe he's been tring to build a winner since he's still around even though the fins have been stinking up the joint the last 4 to 5 years.
  14. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    that proves he wants to win.
  15. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Kind of, Wayne H does not "Deserve a Break" nor does he deserve Condemnation.

    We (The Dolphins and their fans you know "Us") have watched the slow be certain slide into the pit of NFL irrelevance, culminating in a 1-15 season and a coaching fun house.

    The Cleansing of Franchise, and the Hiring of Don Tunatini and his Dallas crew is the first time I've had even an ounce of confidence in what Wayne H has done here, to his credit, he had a study done, took the results seriously, and hired the best Football Guy he could.

    Along the way he had to pay Capers 9 million and Cam 7.5 million, along with giving Tuna a piece of the Dolphins and paying hi 4 million a year, for that Wayne H should receive some credit, that is the kind of money it takes to sign a #1 overall pick, and he just threw it at the problems.

    The Bills fans would run over close relatives to have a owner like we have in Miami.
    Mrtree likes this.
  16. Hugo Guzman

    Hugo Guzman New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    I didn't put this in the column because it was out of scope, but I became convinced of Huizenga's passion for football and the Dolphins when I saw him tearing up after Camarillo scored in overtime against the Ravens.
  17. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA

    ABSOLUTELY correct. You can question Wayne's decisions...he has made some that have obviously proven wrong. But you can not question his commitment to this franchise. Whether you think Parcells is a messiah or an albatross around our neck, what we need is a competant person to run the football part of the business. As a financial owner Huizenga is terrific...he just can't make football related decisions.
  18. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    I was going to write it too but didnt... I agree with you
  19. His'nBeatYour'n

    His'nBeatYour'n Glass Ceiling Repairman

    Dec 10, 2007
    New York
    If the Parcells trio is successful, you'll have to give a ton of credit to Huizenga for hiring him away from the Falcons. Parcells to the Falcons was a done deal until Huizenga swept in and stole him away.
    It isn't so much the decision to hire Parcells as it is the ability to land him when he was headed somewhere else.
  20. Manimal

    Manimal New Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    Actually, it's you that doesn't have the facts staright. For starters, if you look at the teams that are competitive year in and year out, they all have owners that are also football people. Isray, Craft, Jones, the Rooneys, etc., they all take a vested interest in the people and players that they bring to the organization. You bring up Jerry Jones and Tank Johnson, yet you leave out the fact that him bringing Owens in, against Parcell's wishes, ended up being the right decision. Jones also was adamant about taking Terrence Newman over Kevin Williams, which was also the right decision since it's a lot harder to find a shut down corner than it is to find a starting defensive tackle.

    In fact, Jerry Jones could easily act as the defacto GM, which he basically is. Craft insiting on the Terry Glenn pick ended up being the right move, too, which Parcells later admitted before he went to the Jets.

    It took Wayne until 2004 to put the correct and, more importantly, proven formula in place to properly run an organization. He went back to giving complete control to the HC when he hired Saban, then went back to the GM/HC chain of command with Cameron. That level of inconsistency should give you an idea as to why the Dolphins have been of zer consequence as of late.

    As stated, when you surround yourself with 'yes' men that know as little about football as you, it's a recipe for constant failure. Parcells will make the team somewhat relevant again, but I doubt he'll be here for his entire contract. Point being, when this whole process starts over again, which it will, the only thing you can hope is that Wayne gets serious about selling the team finally.
  21. burger13

    burger13 New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    South Jersey
    a - how many world series championships?

    b - who gives a crap about the Marlins?
  22. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    Sorry, but I want my football organization run by football people. not businessmen. You bring up Jerry Jones, he COST Dallas Superbowls with his ego. That team was set and his firing of Jimmy Johnson left championships on the shelf. The Steelers have one of the best (If not the best) scouting departments in the NFL. That and their solid head coaching have kept them in the playoffs for years. Kraft and Irsay both have a penomenal front office that is run by football people not them. As a matter of fact looking at these names the only one that is hands on in the organization is Jones...who I think has been a liability to his organization numerous times.

    Which is all a step away from your original argument that Wayne is "only concerned with money." That is hogwash. You can assault his decision making, but his dedication to this team has been unassailable.
  23. sabanhater

    sabanhater New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    all he wants to do is win. he's trying.
  24. houtz

    houtz New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    I fixed that up for you.
  25. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    Do they still play baseball? :confused2:
  26. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    Who gives a crap about the Marlins.. Maybe in your world the Marlins > Dolphins but not on this forum
  27. sleek

    sleek Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    IMO spending alot of money does not equal wins. In the old NFL(before salary cap) or in MLB(no salary cap) that strategy may work. IMO with the salary cap you have to know how to play small ball and sign the right guys to long term deals which requires knowledege about the game and leads to long term stability. Wayne has no knowledge of the game so he is unable to make the right decisions therefore he is leaving the franchise vulnerable to be lead down any path everytime a new guy swings into town. In short Wayne is a follower not a leader and a boss needs to be a leader or he will get played. If he does luck out after shelling out alot of money and finally gets to the playoffs it wont last long because he won't know how he got there or who got him there and we will be back to square one.
  28. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    :lol: Looks like we share the same brain on this one :thumbup:
  29. houtz

    houtz New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    I really don't know. I don't pay attention at all. It's more exciting watching kids hit a Pinata with a baseball bat then grown men in their mid 30's juiced up on steroids. I mean at least when a pinata explodes candy falls out.
  30. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    I never said it equals wins did i??? I said it shows he is TRYING to win...2 different things bro
  31. Mrtree

    Mrtree Juan Huron's agent

    Dec 8, 2007
    Atlanta, GA
    Maybe if everyone got candy when they hit a homerun people would give a crap about baseball! :lol:

    Or maybe if the regular season didn't last for six billion games.
  32. dredd1050

    dredd1050 New Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    He is a good man who followed some devious "tailors"(read the Emperor's New Clothes).

    I think he's found himself the right man for the job this time.
  33. houtz

    houtz New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    You know I think we're on to something.

    I'd love to see Candy fall from the rafters after a homerun is hit. I'd also like the season not to so long. Hell, even the games go on forever.
  34. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
    i heard someone say training camp starts in 4 weeks... No wonder they have to juice. They need to strong stuff to keep their stamina for the two weeks out of the year they arent trying to hit a ball with a long stick
  35. sleek

    sleek Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    I never said he wasn't trying to win in my orignal post . I was saying that the method he is trying I don't feel will bring success.
  36. dolpns13

    dolpns13 Chest Rockwell is my hero

    Dec 3, 2007
    North Jersey
  37. Manimal

    Manimal New Member

    Jan 12, 2008
    You're just contradicting yourself now. Wayne is, admitedly, NOT a football guy and, admitedly, runs the Dolphins like a business. He said as much during the press conference he held when Saban left. Now, I'm not so ignorant as to suggest that Jones doesn't have an ego, and that ego hasn't gotten in the way of some of his decisions, but the fact remains that he won a Super Bowl after Jimmy left, and part of that reason was because he lead the charge to bring Deon Sanders there. You're also forgetting the fact that it was Jones who pushed out a legend in Landry to bring on Johnson, so everything started form the top. As well, the quality people the Steelers have in place for their scouting department and HC can go back to the Rooneys.. the Rooneys live and breath football, unlike Wayne. Bob Craft was a season ticket owner before he was the team owner.. once again, a football fan, unlike Wayne... Irsay was a ball boy, and held every position with the team before he was the owner, unlike Wayne... those teams have quality people in place because they've had long standing ownership that makes their hires based on football... not the biggest name out there, or whichever frat buddy the departing coach gives you the reccomend for, or basically selling the team to whichever big name is out there.

    Even the Bears, before they hired Lovie Smith and were interested in Saban, knew better than to hand the keys over to Saban in the manner in which he wanted, so you could say Wayne slept through the 'checks and balances' portion of his business class.

    I never said Wayne doesn't want to win, either. His ego is such that he would rather not go out looking like the guy that destroyed a once relevant franchise, but as stated, from all of the sports franchises Wayne has owned, the Dolphins, becuase of the way in which the NFL is structured economically and the popularity of the sport, he ends up with a decent cut, so while I'm sure he's not thrilled with the losing, the fact that he's not losing in his pocket ensures he still stays "commited".

    Even Joe Roby, as much as he was criticized, sat down with Shula when they interviewing QBs to select for the draft. Neither came away impressed with Steve Spurrier, so they went with Bob Griese instead. It's that level of involvement you want from your owner-- not someone that's just going to hand the keys over and say, "Just don't crash the car."
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2008
  38. Hugo Guzman

    Hugo Guzman New Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Great point!
  39. Get Up And Go

    Get Up And Go New Member

    Dec 14, 2007
    Binghamton, NY
    The thread asked if he deserved a break. General Question. Plus since this is a forum about a miami sports team its probable that other fans of the Dolphins are also Marlin fans.

    The Marlins have won more Championships in at the Pro than the Dolphins:up:

    I am a fan of the Fins as well.
  40. sleek

    sleek Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Thanks, that is a great read on our new coach. I hope we do great with him aboard. I just have an unstable feeling with Wayne at the top, as long as Parcells is around I think we will be okay Idon't question his knowledge of the game and the players and staff he brings in what scares me is if he leaves in 2-3 years. Hopefully if we are successful Parcells stays awhile. Srry for the miscommunication earlier. Go Dolphins!!!

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