film noir vampire comics.. request

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by anlgp, May 23, 2009.

  1. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    film noir vampire media request

    hey, i was wondering if anyone knew of any film noir vampire comics in existence?

    for those not in the know film noir or neo noir is like "sin city". that is the best modern example I can give for the style i am looking for. it was also popular for a lot of crime like movies back in the day.

    neo noir
    sin city

    TL; DR I am looking for vampire comics that look like this:

  2. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    selfish bump
  3. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    Here's a mini series that started last week:

    anlgp likes this.
  4. late again

    late again Senior Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Up until this moment I've never heard of anything aside from something on film being referred to as "film noir".
    And my understanding of film noir is that odd lighting and artsy camera angles are what create the style.
    So in other words..........can you elaborate for someone who may not get out as much as some of you?
  5. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    yeah that's basically it. high contrast coloring, low key lighting, interesting angles.

    what VO posted looks similar to what i'm looking for.. i'll have to check that out.

    here is a list of examples from the neo noir wiki

    modern examples..

    sin city,
    lost highway
    pulp fiction
    reservoir dogs
    noir (the anime)
    mulholland dr.

    doesn't necessarily have to be comics can be movies or art or anything, really. i changed the thread title to reflect this

    thanks guys for trying so far, VO will definitely check that out.

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