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Discussion in 'Other Sports Forum' started by Motion, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    Benching over 265 has nothing to do with it dude, especially a guy in the control position. Getting out of a wrist lock is a matter of turning your wrist and rotating towards the thumb. I'm sure there are more techniques, but a wrist lock is still a matter of power. Getting out of a wrist lock is something I would imagine is hard to do with someone with the strength of lesnar. No one is saying its no technique, just that he, brock lesnar is still one dimensional. Again he improved his ground and pound. Wheres the stand up, or submission?
    Either way you can not deny that ground and pound is a matter mostly of takedown, control position, punches. Yes a guy can roll out of it, but again weight is leverage, on top of strength that lesnar has you have a guy who is great at ground and pound,but again wheres the improvement that gives you hope for the future? He is still working only one part of the fight. A part which is majority brute force. Again I saw no massive improvement, other then he didn't get caught being stupid, and he took it to the ground.
  2. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    lol where was chuck liddells submissions? ground game? hes a hall of famer and one of the greatest light heavy weights ever.....and he had one power.....kick boxing....in his entire career....
    Skeet84 likes this.
  3. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    lol point?
  4. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    if he wins....who gives a **** how he does it.....should make it easier to stop if you only have to prepare for one strength of an opponet :wink2:
  5. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    well thats fine if brock wins, but he is what he is. And what he is a guy who is one dimensional.......... Could he improve sure, great if he does he has the chance to be great, but till then............... till I see him pushed and he has to rely on something else he is one dimensional to me and not great. Descent sure, good, maybe, great, naw.
  6. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    i never said he was great.....yet

    he has the tools to be an unstoppable force. but you have to give him credit...when he first contacted dana......dana told him he should fight lower orginizations first....and brock said....no i want the best

    so his first fight he gets a very good frank mir, then heath herring (who is a very good hevy weight) then randy, then mir again......

    i dont think ANYONE faces that stiff competition right off the bat.....seriously....most guys get "cans" and work their way up....brock got thrown to the wolves (he asked for it) and has done well. cant fault him.....if he gets some BJJ training, some submission work, works on his boxing.....hes going to be a very legit fighter for a long long time
    Phinperor likes this.
  7. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    First, where is everybody getting this 265 stuff?

    Is Brock Lesnar the first fighter ever to make weight and not rehydrate in the 30 hours that follow? :lol: Brock Lesnar is a minimum 280 when he fights. He had about 40 pounds on Mir last Saturday. If/when he and Fedor step into the ring, Brock will have a 40-50 pounds and 7 inches reach on Fedor.

    You think it was a lucky punch?

    AA was just taking off when it connected. If he doesn't jump, Fedor hits him on the orbital bone or the temple. Also interesting, Fedor never picked up his left hand when he came off the ropes. Only the right, which he threw a half second later.

    Arlovski is easily more athletic and the better striker. Fedor wasn't winning the round. But he finished the fight rather quickly. :lol:
    Big E likes this.
  8. TiP54

    TiP54 Bad Reputation

    Nov 25, 2007
    Live from the Internet.
    No, cant' say I have.

    No, I can't.
    But don't make up numbers please, because it is not a 100% takedown record :up:

    Still missing the point.
    Because he has a very high take down percentage?
    Thats it?
    Its not hard to control guys on the ground, when you are on top, and outweigh them by 25 pounds +.
    Example of a GREAT wrestler is GSP.
    He takes them down, holds them down, guys his size, and does an excellent job of manipulating of them on the ground.

    For the record, his first official MMA bout came against Min-Soo Kim.
  9. JagsFan3223

    JagsFan3223 New Member

    May 11, 2009
    It was actually a Lucky Punch Fedor was looking at the ground:

  10. Phinperor

    Phinperor formerly In_Flames Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007

    :lol: my friends and I were making fun of that during PPV 100...such a horrible tattoo.
  11. JagsFan3223

    JagsFan3223 New Member

    May 11, 2009
    Fedor is the best Fighter in the World....He even put a Arm bar on the All Mighty:

    Check it out:

    gunn34 and BuckeyeKing like this.
  12. Skeet84

    Skeet84 New Member

    Dec 14, 2007

    So Mir is good in stand up and dominated his previous oppenent while standing up so your not impressed because Brock had a game plan to get him down and pound him. Brock has good stand up but why take a chance when you can dominate on the ground. Brock had a great gameplan and did what was needed to win. He can stand but thats not his bread and butter.

    Yeah its tiresome but there is alot of skill to keeping someone on the ground other than weight.
    Phinperor likes this.
  13. Skeet84

    Skeet84 New Member

    Dec 14, 2007

    His takedown percentage is around 85% But he is a great wrestler whether you want to admit it or not. Brock can't help that he is that big and powerful. He gets his weight down to what it needs to be beforee the fight and thats all that is needed. GSP is a great Wrestler and so is Brock Lesnar.
  14. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    my post was about brock coming to the ufc.....his first fight in the ufc was mir :up:
  15. TiP54

    TiP54 Bad Reputation

    Nov 25, 2007
    Live from the Internet.
    He threw the punch, and the velocity took him forward.
    Alot of overhead punches look like that. Look at Hendo KOing bisping. He was looking down.

    Have not seen great wrestling. Im sorry. Thats his bread and butter, yes, but its not great. The fact that he is huge, and has brute strength makes up for his lack of technique.

    Got'chya. My bad:up:
  16. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    I hope thats not the sig you're making for me....:tantrum:
    Phinperor likes this.
  17. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    watch till the end

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIDmNMisXQc"]YouTube - Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir: How to Destroy the Half Guard[/ame]
    Phinperor and Big E like this.
  18. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    SICK likes this.
  19. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    What are you talking about............. Mir has a knack for moving in sure. Brock moved him to the ground, awesome. Had brock shown more then that in previous fights, you would have a point. But he does not, so all I can say is he probably would have done it anyways. I'm not impressed because I haven't seen brock do much more then ground and pound. His stand up is weak and his submission seems almost non existant.
    His stand up isn't that good IMO.

    In the control position most of it is leverage. Underneath there is alot of skill IMO.
  20. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    That "technique" doesn't impress me much. I grappled with a guy a few weeks ago who out weighed me by 50+ pounds. There was no punching, we were working on guard techniques. This guy was not particularly skilled and he was considerably less athletic than me. But he was bigger and stronger.

    Despite not being what anyone would describe as skilled, he was instinctive enough to try and keep his weight back and keep separation. I think it would be even more obvious if his goal were to throw punches.

    I was able to eventually reverse him b/c he wasn't a great athlete and I was able to get him off balance. But against a better athlete who had as much of a weight and strength advantage and had just basic instincts (but little to no technique) that would have been a difficult position to escape from.

    The stuff they talked about in that video is basic stuff. You learn that in our first few months ( by few I mean 3 or less) of grappling training. Most of that was instinctually done by the near novice I grappled with. So did Lesner show some technique? Yes, he showed as much technique as someone who'd trained for a few months (probably less if you had individual or even daily instruction). I wouldn't call that highly skilled, but obviously people can define "skilled" however they please.
    unluckyluciano likes this.
  21. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
  22. Skeet84

    Skeet84 New Member

    Dec 14, 2007

    If your Ground and pound was as good as Brocks why would you do anything else? I just don't understand the Hate. He can stand but why would he when he can straight destroy ppl on the ground.

    His Stand up might not be be best in the UFC but its good.

    It takes skill to do everything in a fight except getting knocked out. Keeping someone down in the position you want is a skill. Making sure you don't get on the bottom is a skill.
    Phinz420 likes this.
  23. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    Its fine for that to be his main weapon. But you are missing the point. The point is 1) It is probably one of the easier aspects of mma, and 2) He has shown little to nothing in improvement of his ground and pound, nor a willingness to improve other aspects of his game. Could he be trying really hard sure. But like I said earlier till he is forced to do something else, or just does something else to win, my opinion will remain the same. He is not improving much, he is one dimensional. Its not hate. I don't hate him, but it is what it is.
    And like I said his stand up doesn't impress me.
  24. Eop05

    Eop05 Junior Member Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    I don't understand the hate either.

    Why is it inconceivable to many that Brock Lesnar has come a long way in the past 3 years at MMA?

    We all know he's a gifted athlete who can pick up on a sport in a lot less time than a normal athlete.

    We all know he went to a couple NCAA finals for Wrestling and is a great wrestler. He came very close to making an NFL roster without playing in a college game.

    A gifted athlete like that training MMA full-time for 3 years. Why is it so hard to believe?
  25. rafael

    rafael Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    I don't really see many hating on Lesner other than for his comments after the Mir fight. And since he's apologized, I haven't seen that even mentioned anymore. Although I'm sure it will come up when he fights again.

    What I see is the undue admiration for his "technique" or people claiming he's a well rounded fighter. The truth is that Lesner is a phenomenal athlete who has won his fights in a one-dimensional way. He hasn't shown any reason to label him a great wrestler since he's been in the UFC. And he hasn't come a long way from what he was in his first fight. If he had then nobody would be questioning him. But the reality is that most of those who understand the technical side of the sport will readily admit that Lesner is not very technical. It's not hate to point that out while still giving him credit for winning his fights and his physical attributes, that's just realistic analysis. But claiming that he has great skills that he hasn't demonstrated moves away from analysis and closer to simply being a fan.
    Motion and unluckyluciano like this.
  26. unluckyluciano

    unluckyluciano For My Hero JetsSuck

    Dec 7, 2007
    Ill come out and say what everyones thinking, you guys think raph and I are hating on lesnar because he's white. :lol:
    Big E likes this.
  27. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007

    i dont know about you guys, but thats why im hating on him!
    Big E and unluckyluciano like this.
  28. JagsFan3223

    JagsFan3223 New Member

    May 11, 2009
    lol Yep....can't stand white people
  29. Muck

    Muck Throwback Uniform Crusader Retired Administrator

    Nov 25, 2007
    Sunny Florida
    Was he looking down when he threw it, or when he landed it? ;)

    That's what it looks like when you lean into a punch with an oncoming opponent. Look at Fedor's back leg. That's where the leverage starts. Then you sink and throw that overhand right. Most times when you land a punch like that, you end up looking somewhere other than the face of your target.

    If you really slow it down or look from another angle, Fedor is actually looking up at him while his arm is in the air (after he's started throwing the punch). It's not really out of the 'ordinary' other than AA was in the air when his lights went out. :lol:

    That wasn't an arm punch he threw. Fedor lulled his target in, loaded up and unleashed a haymaker.
    Motion, BuckeyeKing and Big E like this.
  30. Big E

    Big E Plus sized porn star

    Nov 29, 2007
    Bloomington, IN.
    I agree its a power move not a "avoid contact" move when he lowers his head. He had already locked onto his target.
  31. Nappy Roots

    Nappy Roots Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    another thing that gif shows is, and everyone knows the class Fedor shows, even when he knocked AA out in mid air and missed his next left, he immediately tried to jump on AA and land some hammer punches, but the ref stepped in and grabbed Fedor before he could. its part of MMA, you never know when someone is totally out until the fight is stopped.
  32. Section126

    Section126 We are better than you. Luxury Box

    Dec 20, 2007
    Miami, Florida
    What are the thoughts on Florian/Penn?

    it is a tossup IMO.

    I can't pick a winner there.

    I think Silva will be in deep water for the first time in a long time with Forrest.

    I just don;t see him carrying 205 all that well.
  33. SICK

    SICK Lounge Moderator

    Nov 29, 2007
    Charlotte NC
    toss up? penn dominates. book it.
    TiP54 likes this.
  34. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007
    They're both tools.

    I'm rooting for a double KO.
    TiP54 likes this.
  35. BuckeyeKing

    BuckeyeKing Wolves DYNASTY!!!!

    Dec 6, 2007
    hahhah that wasnt a lucky punch. Fedor planned it like that. You can build up more momentum by doing that.
  36. JagsFan3223

    JagsFan3223 New Member

    May 11, 2009

  37. Firesole

    Firesole Season Ticket Holder

    Mar 24, 2008
    god that makes me want to vomit. It just reminds me of Sylvia's title run in the UFC. I can't believe how crappy a fighter he was, and the UFC put up a bunch of stiffs in front of him, including AA, who somehow could not beat this 7 foot tall bag of ****.

    Jeff Monson, AA, Asuerio Silva.......Puhlease.

    I could watch a .gif of Frank Mir breaking his arm over, and over, and over, and over, and over, all day long. God I hate this tool.

    LMAO @ Sylvia always wearing his championship belt....even at restaraunts and night clubs! ****ing tool!
  38. TiP54

    TiP54 Bad Reputation

    Nov 25, 2007
    Live from the Internet.
    I dont really hate Brock, I just don't like the way he acts after his fights. He was a super deuch after beating Herring, and we all saw what he did after beating Mir.
    I also have a problem with people claiming that "Brock hAs mAdSKiLLZ" No he doesn't. He is a big guy, who can wrestle. He is as one dimensional as Bruno. I have no problem with his wins, he is a great athlete, and as long as you win, thats all that matters. But claiming that he got alot better since his first fight is silly, sure he got better, but not anything that jumps at you.

    He swears he has been training his *** off, the man is one of the most gifted fighters ever, but he just does not care all that much.
    Not that I care...don't really like the guy.

    I think Silva will be in for a good fight, but not because of weight. He walks around at way more than that, so I dont think weight difference will be an issue, rather Forrest habit of winning fights he wasn't supposed to win.
  39. TiP54

    TiP54 Bad Reputation

    Nov 25, 2007
    Live from the Internet.
    Fedor's punchout.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EpsAhDWSBM"]YouTube - Fedor Emelianenko's Punchout (Nintendo 1988)[/ame]

    Firesole, gunn34, Big E and 4 others like this.
  40. slickj101

    slickj101 Is Water

    Dec 21, 2007

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