Aurora Loan Services are not good Mortgage Lenders

Discussion in 'Economics and Financials' started by Fin Fan In Cali, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Just a Heads. My friend who was going through the loan mod program, and had gotten his loan paid back up in full, had his house sold right from underneath him with no warning or sale date from Aurora Loan Services. He is currently living in someone else's house right now, as it was sold already. He has his lawyer fighting to rescind the loan in court in the next couple of days. They said in a recorded conversation that there was a problem with his loan mod, to re-file and it would be okay. Two days later his house was sold from underneath him and his family. Lehman Brothers is supposed to be the parent company. Just a heads up for anyone going through economic troubles today. I have told him to contact the local news guy Michael Turko who is on Kusi News here in San Diego. He helped another couple in Fallbrook, plus they got a 600,000 settlement. He could put more pressure on them so they don't do this exact same thing to other families. I told him I don't want the sheriffs coming to his house to evict him and his family.

    They shouldn't even be allowed to be in the Mortgage business at all.:pity:
    opfinistic likes this.
  2. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    I posted this because I don't want this to happen to anyone else.
    opfinistic likes this.
  3. Conuficus

    Conuficus Premium Member Luxury Box

    Dec 8, 2007
    Well away from here
    ****ty deal.........greed is still driving things even after all of this.
  4. adamprez2003

    adamprez2003 Senior Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    new york ciity
    In my business, we deal with Aurora and they are a pain. There are a handful of companies out there that are difficult to work with and Aurora is one. It definitely sounds like there may be a case for a lawsuit but a lawyer who is an expert in Cali law will have to decide. Aurora may be allowed to do that. He should do a forensics analysis of the original loan to see if there were any irregularities. Alot of the Aurora loans were pushed by subprime guys and there are many instances of violations
    Fin Fan In Cali likes this.
  5. opfinistic

    opfinistic Braaaaains!

    Dec 7, 2007
    Peeking in Nabo's Basement
    What a ****ty way to do business. Haven't the American people been screwed hard enough already without nonsense like this taking place? Whoever approved that action should be shot.
    Fin Fan In Cali likes this.
  6. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    I made a call for my friend and told him I did so, so I am hoping that the call plus the lawyer can stop this, and he can get his house back. I don't want to see his family out on the street.
    opfinistic likes this.
  7. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Thanks bro, I will pass that on to him.:hi5:
  8. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    I know about Aurora. They have our first, and were not willing to help in any way. Brother Adam offered to help, to which I greatly appreciate it, but my wife and I were tired of the lack of help, and the stress of covering the mortgage, and when my pay went to about half, we decided it is time to move on. I would highly recommend not using Aurora to the family in the future.:wink2:
  9. Fin Fan In Cali

    Fin Fan In Cali Dolphin fan since 1970 Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    So. Cal
    Brother my friend said thank you very much.:up:

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