Pre-Camp Power Rankings Insult Our Miami Dolphins

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by TrueDolFan, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. TrueDolFan

    TrueDolFan Minion of Satan

    Jun 17, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN
    What a joke, our AFC East Champion Miami Dolphins are ranked #19 in Fox Sports power rankings.

    The Bills are ranked higher than us, and they ranked us only two spots higher than the New York JEST!

    The media bias against our team is ridiculous, people!
  2. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    I'm not concerned about ranking I'm concerned about play on the field.

    We're over the other three AFCE teams right now by default.

    Looking forward to september, come hell or high water.
  3. HardKoreXXX

    HardKoreXXX Insensitive to the Touch

    Apr 2, 2008
    Coral Springs, FL
    Fox Sports = Fox News? (Relax, I'm kidding)

    The Bills ahead of us is a COMPLETE joke. I'm usually not surprised by half the garbage I see when it comes to rankings, but someone should be fired over that.
    Firesole, Fin D and calphin like this.
  4. TrueDolFan

    TrueDolFan Minion of Satan

    Jun 17, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN

    We're ALL concerned about play on the field, bro. And I couldn't agree more with the bolded.

    Some of us are concerned that the media seems to like to treat our team like a rented mule.

    Wouldn't you think that becuase we won the division and put the Patriots out of the playoffs that we would get more nationally televised games than the Patriots? I do.

    We won't though, partially because the media has a hard on for the Patriots and hates us.
    late again likes this.
  5. 124

    124 Banned

    May 12, 2008
    Buffalo ranked ahead of both Miami & the Jets just shows you how much of a moron this Adrian dude from FoxSports really is.
  6. 124

    124 Banned

    May 12, 2008
    It all comes down to the fact that Tom Brady missed the entire season and it still took a tiebreaker for someone else to win the division. Tom Brady should easily give them that extra win or two to put them over the top, if not more than just an extra win or two.

    That is why the National Media will show more New England games because until someone can win the division without Brady missing the entire season, it is viewed as a fraud. Same thing would've happened if the Jets & Favre had held on, we would've taken a backseat to return of Tom Brady and RIGHTFULLY SO.
    resnor, Anonymous and Bpk like this.
  7. azfinfanmang

    azfinfanmang Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    You know Joe, I am just surprised that Tammy buttchin Brady was able to rehab with you being at the business end of his joystick like you seem to be

    The preseason rankings are ALWAYS a joke folks

    This year, just like every year, will turn out NOTHING like what they project
  8. TrueDolFan

    TrueDolFan Minion of Satan

    Jun 17, 2008
    Twin Cities, MN
    You, sir, are a bona-fide New England Patriots nut-hugger. You should be a sports writer, for christ sake.
    Tone_E, Jackson, mullingan and 3 others like this.
  9. anlgp

    anlgp ↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A

    You'd think that but right now people and the media are considering our success a fluke. We've got 4 national games this year and that IMO is the proving ground.

    We prove ourselves this year on that stage and we should be good to go.
    Bpk likes this.
  10. Phinvader Bill

    Phinvader Bill The all new Mr. Event

    May 1, 2009
    Columbia, SC
    I've said this before, and I'll say it again.

    The media has hated the Dolphins for a long time now. Not sure why, but they have. I love that the media hates us. It makes a win that much sweeter. In the next few years when Miami is the juggernaut, and the media is kissing our asses, I would encourage everyone to write every sports writer to remind them how hypocritical they are.
  11. TiP54

    TiP54 Bad Reputation

    Nov 25, 2007
    Live from the Internet.
    That is good.
    Very good.
    Sparano and co can keep on playing US vs the world card.
  12. SCall13

    SCall13 ThePhins QB

    Well, I'm not surprised by the ranking at all. Not because I agree with it, but because everyone looks at our success last year and bases it upon a weak schedule. Fair enough. But this is the NFL, and there are no sure things. We won some games in tough conditions on the road. We showed a lot of heart and lot of character that this team has lacked over the past decade. The team's confidence is high. We WILL be prepared. We are well coached, and we're building a very formidable team that will be competitive against everyone. I feel we are better than 19. Let them have their "professional" opinion. The players know we aren't respected. Anything to put more fuel on the fire is good for me. We'll let our team play the games and earn the respect we deserve.
    dolphindebby and dolfan7171 like this.
  13. Agua

    Agua Reality: Try It!

    Apr 28, 2008
    They hate us because they're all from the northeast and had to watch the Phins trash every AFCE opponent for nearly a decade in the 70s early 80s.
  14. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I want to say good post to everyone on this subject. I honesly am not sure why they place the Dolphins so low or don't think anything good out of us. I think this is the year that not only repeat as division champions, but they will let the whole know that the Miami Dolphins are for real and is here to stay!!
  15. Bpk

    Bpk Premium Member Luxury Box

    - I don;t agree that the Bills are ahead of us, but this guy seems to love his aerial attacks and Moss and T.O.

    - Texans better than us? I'd say no, but we've never beaten them, including last year, so I'll hold y tongue on that until we beat them head to head. (I *know* we're better though.)

    - I think people are reacting emotionally to 124's comments about Brady. I dislike Brady, but don;t kill the messenger. Can anyone honestly argue that the Pats aren;lt better with Brady at QB than with Cassel? If they are not better, you'd be implying that Cassel is just as good as Brady, and that you'd just as soon want Matt Cassel on your team as Tom Brady. Brady annoys me, but he's a HoF talent and I'd guess Cassel probably won't turn out to be one (though I could be wrong).

    By virtue of Brady being an improvement at the QB position (the most important position on the team), I'd have to think the Pats get better *on paper* compared to last year.

    That doesn;t worry me, because the real question is how much better have we gotten too? I don;t think Tom Terriffic and the Patsies are going to like what they see on November 8th.

    We have over nine weeks in the regular season to get ready for them. For Cam Wake to adjust to the NFL. For our rookies and secondary to gel. We're damned lucky we have that long before we meet them, in fact.

    Since last year we have:

    1) Gotten a center who can handle Wilfork one-on-one, unlocking the inside running game against the Pats

    2) Gotten several physical, bigger corners and safeties to deal with the Pats receivers and spread formations.

    3) We have weapon X in Pat White and a Wildcat that can throw.

    Yes the Pats have Brady back. Yes, they are better for it. But our regime has designed this team to beat the Pats, and beat the Pats it will.

    This year I'm not asking "Why not us?"... I'm looking at the Pats and saying "You want it? Come and take it from us."

    This brawl's gonna be epic.
  16. Colorado Dolfan

    Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    Click on the WhatIfSports tab at the top and we're ranked #8... :up:
  17. Irish Phin Fan

    Irish Phin Fan New Member

    Dec 19, 2007
    Cleveland, Ohio
    I still do not understand why some people get so mad about what is written about the Phins. Who cares where we are ranked 2 months before the season starts. Sports writers are entitled to their opinion whether you agree with them or not. Maybe Miami is ranked too low and maybe they are ranked too high. It is way to early to start predicting who is gonna end up where much less getting all worked up about it. Relax and let's enjoy the beginning of training camp and see how our boys look on the field in pads before we worry about how the season will play out. Besides it's us the fans who stick together who's opinions really count anyway.
    mullingan, dolfan7171 and Bpk like this.
  18. Vengeful Odin

    Vengeful Odin Norse Mod

    Dec 2, 2007
    Kansas City, MO
    Dude is Tom Brady your brother or something?

    Your obsession with him is heading into stalker territory.
    late again and anlgp like this.
  19. the 23rd

    the 23rd a.k.a. Rio

    Apr 20, 2009
    Tampa Area
    let's see what the media is saying after game four of the regular season
  20. Soundwave

    Soundwave Phins Sympathizer..

    Apr 15, 2008
    until Marsha can show that she can go a full season on the that tricky knee, the Dolphins are still my favorite to take the AFC East.
  21. finsbuck719

    finsbuck719 New Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    a lot of people think that we are just a one shot wonder team, that cannot repeat the success we had last season. a lot of people think that we won 11 games because of the wildcat, and how it hasn't really been seen that much in the NFL and we used it to exploit holes in defenses, and they think that since teams now have an entire off season to figure out how to stop it and a lot of teams will indeed stop it, then we will have no offense.

    i really think we aren't going to use the wildcat as much as people think we are. i think that the majority think that since we drafted Pat White that we are going to use him exclusively in the wildcat, but i think not! i think we just drafted him to use him as another element in our offense for this upcoming season and i fully believe that David Lee, Tony Sparano, and Dan Henning are cooking up something special for the 09 season.
  22. 54Fins

    54Fins "In Gase we trust"

    Nov 29, 2007
    over there
    I thought the Jets already won the Pre-Camp Power Rankings Superbowl.
    Channing told me to say it,sorry. :shifty:
    PhinsRock, SCall13 and Bpk like this.
  23. Themole

    Themole Season Ticket Holder

    Jan 4, 2008
    Palatka Fl.
    That's exactly it. Plus, the old guard NFL pundits RESENT an AFL upstart of only 6 years to have a run like we have had.
  24. Dolphin1184

    Dolphin1184 Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    Augusta, GA
    Fin D and King Felix like this.
  25. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    124 has a point. I still think the team to beat is the Patriots. That is just the reality of it, IMO.
    But we are defenitely better than the Bills and Jets. For the Bills to be higher than us is a joke.
    Bpk and 124 like this.
  26. 124

    124 Banned

    May 12, 2008
    No, but I did meet his sister & her husband two years ago at the Jets-Patriots game. :lol:
    Vengeful Odin likes this.
  27. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Well, let's not forget folks, the last worst to first teams, the Browns and the Saints did not have good followup seasons.

    That said, why aren't the Ravens and Falcons also discounted?

    That chump has the dirty birds in the Top 5...the Falcons franchise has never put together back to back winning seasons, now they had a turnaround and they are expected to not only continue, but to make a SB run?

    Those rankings at the moment are simply garbage, preseason chatter.

    Let's just make it through Training Camp 100% healthy.
    late again and Themole like this.
  28. late again

    late again Senior Member

    Nov 24, 2007
    Nothing to get upset over..
    but I've got to wonder why these teams are ranked ahead of us:
    1. San Diego - last year 8-8 in a very dysfunctional and bad division.
    2. Atlanta - really? What did they do that we didn't.
    3. Green Bay - This is one I just do not get at all. Yes they had one of the better offenses last year. But still only managed 6-10. Guess what? 1/3 of their total wins were from playing Detroit!!!
    4. Houston - Another 8-8 team last year. In fact a team that has never had a winning season.
    5. Buffalo - They couldn't win even one game in our division last year, but TO all of a sudden makes them stronger than both us and the Jets? What?..
    Pure silliness, if you ask me.

    **padre - I went back and read it again. I missed the "Super Bowl contender" remark the first time. Wow! The writer has a crush on Ryan. Super Bowl contender?
    Fin D and padre31 like this.
  29. Xeticus

    Xeticus Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    The Bills got swept by their entire division last year and outside of Terrell Owens didn't make any upgrades and they lost their premier left tackle. I think the Bills will do worse this year. This guy is probably a Buffalo homer.
    cnc66 likes this.
  30. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    Excellent, Sparano will have this pasted up on every wall. Solid motivation, and who cares what someone writes that is so stupid they put the Bills ahead of us?

    PHINANALYST Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    North Carolina
    we aren't a 'sexy' pick ... we didn't sign any big names, we don't have Brady at QB, etc, etc ... so should we get any love even within our own division -- not necessarily.

    yes, we did win the division last year - and didn't follow it up with a playoff win. had we done that, it might be different - but most folks will atribute the division last year as sans Brady ... and write it off.

    no worries, it will bear itself out this year -- that last year was no fluke, and this team is real and here to stay for at least the next 3-5 years.

    also remember, every time in the last decade that the media did give us attention - what happened ... we tanked ...

    these rankings are not so much about what you could accomplish this year -- it is more about your high profile players and where you ended up last year (albeit, ours has an asterisk next to it).

    if you were to ask fellow players ... i don't think this team would be ranked at #19, that i am fairly certain of ...
    gunn34 likes this.
  32. Larryfinfan

    Larryfinfan 17-0...Priceless Club Member

    I don't usually pay too much attention to these rankings, but seriously...the Vikings, Bills, Cowboys, Packers, Saints, Redskins and Texans above us ?? Even the Chargers would be question to me as to being better than we are....I don't know what we did to piss off the media, but even when we win we don't get much respect...
  33. khat

    khat Active Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Don't you guys know that Tom Brady plays defense and offensive line? Seriously, scoring points was not the Patriots problem last year. We should be ranked higher because we won the division, it's that simple.
    padre31 likes this.
  34. Crappy Tipper

    Crappy Tipper AKA Hero13

    Aug 23, 2008
    I don't want accolades that anoint us now let's whip *** on the field all season and let what will be come to us as the fans.

    The media loves NE, Buf and the Jets for the most part because of so many reasons. We are still considered a lucky fluke. After all we didn't win the other teams just had bad breaks and gave us the division.

    Let's show them in 2010 that 2009 was no mistake and built this team back to the dynasty is used to be.
    anlgp likes this.
  35. brandon27

    brandon27 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    Windsor, ON. CANADA
    After looking at that link, I can't decide if that was written as a comedy piece, or if that is actual reporting. 11-5 last year, won the division, improved the team in the offseason, and were ranked 19th? Below soem teams that should really be ranked lower than us?

    Oh well, thats what they all said last year too!
  36. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    The ravens beat us handily in the playoffs, at our house, with a rookie qb, we played the worst game out of all 12 teams playing...i would say a fair ranking is about #12, the worst seed you can have going in. I say that because even though we beat a team like san diego in the regular season, they stepped up in the tournament and we stepped down.

    #12 sound fair to me.
  37. cnc66

    cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    do I hear #14.. 14 do I hear a #14..
  38. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    12 is my final offer!!
  39. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    I say number 1!
  40. finserg

    finserg Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2007

    Your in for a big surprise lee and TO and you thing were better ? :lol: man i love my dolphins but to say that i would be talking out my @ss, Give credit were credit due

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