Dolphins Season preview Offense

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by padre31, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Chad Pennington...the one time hated Noodle Arm...Penne...Ramen...

    That was when he was a Jet.

    Chad Pennington...2nd in MVP voting...the most accurate Qb in NFL history...

    That is as a Dolphin..his arm is underrated.

    He drives the offense for Miami, his combination of Accuracy and Leadership are the keys to the 2009 offense, throwing for 3,600 yds Pennington has to play to the level he did last season in order for the Dolphins playoff aspirations to come to fruition.

    Chad Henne and Pat White are the designated clipboard jockies, with Henne having the clear upper hand if Pennington cannot play this season.

    Rb Corps:

    Ronnie Brown, two years removed from his ACL injury, he made the pro bowl last season, with the typical 2 yr recovery curve Ronnie should be at his peak this season as an all around running back, Ronnie also doubles as the Wildcat Qb which is the theme for this group, every player has to be multi talented.

    Ricky Williams is in a similar situation as Ronnie Brown in that this is his first full training Cycle back in the NFL in 5 season, signed to an extension, Ricky will share time with Ronnie and it remains to be seen if he still retains some explosiveness.

    The rest, Patrick Cobbs is multi faceted, more than a hustle player, Cobbs shows a nice burst on kick returns, has soft hands as a backfield option, and can slip out to play Wr on occasion, Lou Polite is the short yardage work horse, as well as the lead blocker, Polite like Brown and Williams is also coming into the season with a full training Cycle under his belt. Lex Hilliard will play Special Teams.


    This may be the most upgraded part of the offense as Ted Ginn enters yr three and the light appears to have went on with his route running, Devone Bess returns to his slot role, he made a late season push after Greg Camarillo's injury, available for all 16 games instead of last yrs 12 or so, Bess is a Pennington favorite he could surpass Wes Welker's work in Miami.

    Greg Camarillo, opinions vary on him, some feel he is a limited player a "average joe" one Cb called him after being burned for 120yds+ by Greg C. His knee is the key to the season for him, if healthy, Greg C is a threat to surpass 1,000 yds and 80 catches, his route running is impeccable and his mental telepathy with Chad Pennington is outstanding.

    Brian Hartline, potentially a younger, faster version of Greg Camarillo is the key reserve, he made Tampa Bay all pro Ronde Barber look silly in the preseason.

    Tight Ends, Anthony Fasano had 7 td catches last season, with David Martin leaving, Fasano will be the man at Te for Miami, followed by the Pete Metzlaeers like Joey Haynos, 6'8 and 270, Haynos is a good blocker but has 3 career catches.

    His development is one of the keys to the Dolphin offense, at 6'8 Haynos is a obvious Red Zone target.

    Oline, a solid and highly paid group, Jake Long made the pro bowl and Jake Grove replaced Samson Satele, Justin Smiley returns from a broken leg and Donald Thomas returns from a broken foot, Vern Carey is a massive Right Tackle but surprisingly not a go to guy in short yardage situations.


    Hard to get a feel for this offense as it is not designed for one player to stand out other than the Qb, at times it reminds of one of the McNabb Philadelphia teams with relative no name wide receivers with the ball being spread around and no true "#1 wide receiver" to go to and a running back by committee approach, no one player may stand out but there is not a real weakness either, on any given Sunday any one of the starters can turn in a dominant performance and then disappear the next week.

    Offensive Coordinator:

    Dan Henning is a sort of stealth offensive mind, his track record as a Coordinator is outstanding particularly in his second season, in Carolina, coming off of a 1-15 season, they went 8-8 the next year, by yr 2 Jake Delhomme had developed into a NFL starter and they went to the Super Bowl in 2003, two years after he took the reigns, they returned to the NFC Championship game in 2005, Dan Henning is a winner and knows how to run herd on an NFL offense, his name is never mentioned as one of the best, but he won 2 Super Bowls with the Redskins and his offenses have been to 4 NFC Championship Games, winning 3 of them.

    Dan Henning will never receive the accolades of a Bill Walsh or Don "air" Coryell, but his resume is just as impressive as either of those two legends in the NFL.

    People outside of Miami feel Pennington is the engine in Miami, I disagree, Dan Henning is one of the brilliant offensive minds in the NFL, if the Dolphins offense is to thrive, Dan Henning and his schemes will be the engine.

    Results, I fully expect 3 receivers to have 800 yds in receptions, I also feel that the Red Zone problems will have been solved, Henning and Pennington are to good not to have that problem nailed down with the talent on this roster.

    I fully expect Ronnie Brown to break the 1,000 yd barrier this season but not by much, as in the 1,100 yd range and Ricky Williams will have a resurgence, he will top last season's 600 yds.

    But the passing game is where the greatest improvement will occur, Pennington's "timing/touch" game will have also had a full season with some sure handed Wide Receivers.
  2. PhinsRock

    PhinsRock Premium Member Luxury Box

    Great write up Padre, thanks for the effort and for sharing it with us. I enjoyed it.
  3. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Thanks PR, I think our Offense is going to surprise people with it's productivity, there is no one player to stop, we have several players who can make plays and do not turn the ball over.
    dolfan7171 likes this.
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    I don't like Dan Henning as much as the next guy. His playcalling is too soft, IMO.
  5. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    His track record as a OC is impeccable, what normally happens is the Front Office overvalues their offensive talent and Henning leaves or is fired.

    Anyone who can win with Delhomme and Theisman and make Kerry Colbert a productive Wr is at a different level.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jul 5, 2009
    His track record is good. I'm not saying I want him gone. I just don't like him as much as others do.

    Although, you could say his playcalling is soft because of Pennington's limitations.
  7. padre31

    padre31 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 22, 2007
    inching to 100k posts
    Keep in mind, we were 1-15 the season before, Henning did not have that much to work with, guys who started the season last year like Derek Hagan and Boomer Grigsby were released by mid season.

    Earlier in the year Greg Camarillo was not playing and neither was Devone Bess, and Ronnie Brown was coming back from the ACL and Ricky had not played in 3 seasons, those are 4 weapons we really did not have to begin the season.
  8. greyeagl53

    greyeagl53 Active Member

    Nov 20, 2008
    Central Florida
    Great job, Thank You for sharing it

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