1. Paul 13 Chaotic Neutral & Unstable Genius Staff Member

    Dec 3, 2007
    It just ended. And if you haven't seen it yet, don't read the spoiler:

    Ian and Dan made final two. Everyone voted for Ian to win except Danielle. Also, Frank (the most annoying member behind Ashley) won the fan vote and got $25k. I guess people on the jury couldn't find it in their hearts to give Dan the money even though in my mind, he played the best and most superior game in any Big Brother period. Are you kidding me? What he did with his funeral speech, working an alliance with Frank to save his own ***. His major mistake tonight though was not bringing up the fact that he was at a big disadvantage in that A, he won the game before and that B everyone thinks they know how he plays. That is what made him so trustworthy because he was the NICE DAN the first time around. And he used that trust against everyone to get himself to the final two. It was the only way he could get there. But yet, they give it to Ian the Dog...

    Vote for the winner... not the one who needed the money more... spread the wealth Obama style. What a shame. Okay i feel better :lol:

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