  1. CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    going 1-15? or Missing the playoffs at 10-6?

    Unfortunately, both have happened rather recently for us Fish fans. For me it was worse missing the playoffs in 2002. Missing the playoffs was heart-breaking because I felt we had a team that could be effective in the playoffs.

    Going 1-15 sucked, but in the end i think missing the playoffs when you have a good team is far worse.

    What do you think?
  2. alen1 New Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    1-15 is dreadful. I don't like it because you know your not going to be competing for anything; its just awful. I hope I never witness that again. I rather miss the playoffs and have something to build on & look forward to for the next year.
  3. Dorfdad Well-Known Member

    Dec 9, 2007
    Your kidding right? I mean come on this team was supposed to suck balls this year. Were STILL IN IT and Tied for Frist Place in the Division WEEK 13!!!!!! I've been enjoying these games even with our flaws...

    Even if we lose out this season has been one hell of a success. I expected 5-6 Wins now we got a chance to go 10-6, 11-5 with an entirely new team and coaching staff YEAR 1!

    Next year will be tougher, but we will have more players and some free agents willing to come on down to play for a GOOD TEAM!!

    Honestly we are not built for the playoffs, would be icing but im not even thinking about it you shouldn't either missing the playoffs or losing out in round one doesn't make a difference honestly..

    But to answer the question. 1-15 Hurt me Each and Every Week! If we miss out even by losing to the JETS in the final Game and get booted from the playoffs it will suck, but only for one week... Not like last year..
    Agua and FinSane like this.
  4. Dolphin1184 Member

    Nov 30, 2007
    Augusta, GA
    Missing the playoffs at 10-6 is better. This is supposed to be a REBUILDING year. If this is the kind of foundation we are building off of, we should be quite a team in the next 1-2 years. The progress this team has made in LESS than a year is nothing short of astounding. Everyone knows it is very difficult to make the playoffs with the current system, especially in the AFC. This team is a WIN in my opinion regardless if we make the playoffs or not.
  5. Colorado Dolfan ...dirty drownin' man?

    The constant pain of watching your team lose week-in and week-out is far worse than the ripping-off-the-Band Aid pain of missing the playoffs.

    It's not even close for me.

    I'd much rather feel good throughout the season and get a twinge of disappointment from not making the playoffs to the dread of having to see a bad team every game and feel relief that the season was finally over.
    AbideN703 likes this.
  6. Roman529 Senior Member

    Dec 16, 2007
    Colorado Springs, CO
    I don't know about the rest of you guys but when we were 0-13 last year at this time, I was about ready to hang myself from the rafters in the garage. Week after week getting beat and then hearing your family, friends, and fans of other teams taunting you and giving you crap....there is nothing that feels worse than that. I never expected us to have the year we have had so far, even if we don't win another game. If we go 10-6 and fall short of the playoffs, so be it....we will have shown everyone that we are a team that is going to be in the fight for many years to come.
  7. FinSane Cynical Dolphins Fan

    Dec 1, 2007
    Melbourne, Fl
    no contest, going 1-15 is in no way enjoyable. no one should look forward to drafting first the next year.
    DolfanTom likes this.
  8. Pauly Season Ticket Holder

    Nov 29, 2007
    1-15 by a big margin.

    Even if we go 10-6 we're still not a good team and have a number of holes to fill before we are good.
    We need more consistency from our pass rush.
    We need much better efforts from our coverage teams on returns.
    We need to generate better rushing from our regular non wildcat offense.
  9. Regan21286 MCAT's, EMT's, AMCAS, ugh

    Dec 3, 2007
    UCLA, CA
    1-15. You wouldn't believe how much crap I get and still get for that.
    DolfanTom likes this.
  10. Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    At least at 10-6 there were 10 times to at least be happy with victories. Last season I was almost brought to tears with one pass that gave them their only win. The rest was just terrible to watch.
    NJFINSFAN1 likes this.
  11. Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    You've got to be kidding with this thread!

    10-6 and missing the playoffs would mean absolutely nothing to me.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.
    This team is not complete at all.
    It's rebuilding.

    The fact that this staff has filled holes, covered remaining holes with good coaching and game planning and instiled a toughness and accountability to this team is all that matters.

    They've shown they in fact have a plan and have given us no reason to believe they won't make a real run at turning this team around quickly in the years to come.

    To say that you would feel going 10-6 and showing all this promise for the future would be a greater negative than going 1-15 simply because we missed a playoff birth is insane to me.

    I'll take the 10-6 with no playoffs knowing that this team is finally on the upswing any day over being 1-15 with no reason for hope in the future like we were last year. It's not even a question.

    Playoffs or not this year is irrelevant to me because the signs are there that this team will be going places in the future.
    jason8er, DolfanTom and NJFINSFAN1 like this.
  12. AbideN703 Yes, I'd hit it

    Jan 7, 2008
    Springfield, Virginia
    I'd much rather go 10-6 this year and not get in then have to experience 1-15 ever again. Actually, for the next year, two maybe even three, I won't rest easy until the Dolphins have more then 1 win early in the year.

    1-15 will stick with me for a while b/c of how terrible it was. I didn't even watch half the games last year b/c of how little I wanted to see the Dolphins keep losing.
  13. AbideN703 Yes, I'd hit it

    Jan 7, 2008
    Springfield, Virginia
    I'd rather be a bad 10-6 team then whatever the hell else you can come up with
  14. cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    I think you are wrong.
    DolfanTom likes this.
  15. Idahophin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Snake River Plain
    1-15 hurt and is far worse than missing the play offs. The only good thing about the 1-15 was draft day.

    Ever Phin loss hurt bad. :wink2:
    DolfanTom likes this.
  16. Die_Nasty Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2008
    West Palm Beach, FL
    Winning is better than losing, with or without the playoffs.
    DolfanTom likes this.
  17. xer0 xD

    May 24, 2008
    1-15 was just awful...knowing your season is done by week 7 has to be the worst of the two.
  18. NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey
    As Herm Edwards once said, "You Play To Win The Game"

    I never want to smell 1-15 again.
    opfinistic and DolfanTom like this.
  19. DolfanTom Livin' and Dyin' w/ Ryan!

    Apr 26, 2008
    Saratoga Springs, NY
    Not even close for me here. I would not wish 1-15 on my worst enemy (though I would on the Jets, Patriots and Bills :lol:).

    Last year was dreadful, we were a laughing stock, irrelevant, the games were big jokes. At this point last year, at 0-13, I feared the worst. It was like part of me was dead last year.

    I'd gladly take a very relevant 10-6 even if we miss the playoffs. Especially this year, after last year's decent into the pit of hell!!!
    cnc66 likes this.
  20. DolfanTom Livin' and Dyin' w/ Ryan!

    Apr 26, 2008
    Saratoga Springs, NY
    Took you till week seven to realize that last year? :lol:

    I know what you mean though!
  21. DolfanTom Livin' and Dyin' w/ Ryan!

    Apr 26, 2008
    Saratoga Springs, NY
    The worst part was I was at loss number 13 and had to endure about 50,000 "0-16" signs everywhere around Orchard Park. Not to mention seeing John Beck throwing a backwards pass for a touchdown. I didn't think we'd ever win at this point last year, and the thought of 0-16 :angry:

    Can you imagine having to have lived w/ that all last offseason? I feel for Lions fans, as it's going to happen for them.

    Hey, let's ask a Lions fan whether they'd take 1-15 or 10-6 .....
    Die_Nasty and FinSane like this.
  22. BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Well, since this has happened to us recently in both cases.....and this is the first time I have felt that not only are we heading in the right direction, but that we are doing it the right way in both Front Office, FA and draft, since both have happened....so.......

    I would rather go 1-15 and get the #1 pick (Jake Long LT, woohoo) and clean house with the FO then go 10-6 in a given season and miss the playoffs thinking we are more than we are perhaps, not having the draft position, and in the end having to wait for a complete and utter meltdown several seasons later to finalize realize 1-15 was what it took to look ourselves in the mirror and say this has to be fixed and fixed for the long run.

    So whats worse IMO, easily, 10-6 and no playoffs is worse. (Granted going 10-6 and missing the playoffs this season wont feel bad...it will he a huge success)...but its still like spending 16 weeks of kissing your great-grandmother and having the tongues touch.

    1-15 is what it is, but the benefits are enormous, there is no pretending one way or the other. Its clean! I will take clean each and every time!

    Now, I want no part ever of 0-16 (even if it meant getting the #1 and #2 overall picks) LOL!
  23. GridIronKing34 Silently Judging You

    Nov 22, 2007
    Denver, CO
    Well, let me answer your question with another question...

    Would you rather be the Detroit Lions or the Miami Dolphins right now?
    MonstBlitz, jason8er and DolfanTom like this.
  24. BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Silly, you always want to be a franchise thats a year ahead in the development and turn around department. So Miami of course!!!!!:wink2:
  25. CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    The 1-15 Dolphins from a year ago got just as far as the 10-6 dolphins from 2002, I think that should be noted. In the grand scheme of things, they both accomplished nothing. The only thing one did was win 10 games to make fans happy, but in the end they still didn't make a dent in Dolphins history at all. 1-15 was terrible but more of a fluke then a trend, but the Dolphins not getting it done in December is a trend.

    Too many of you are basing this season off last season, and you can't do that. not anymore. If you go into next season basing it off this season, you're probably going to be disappointed. Same way if you had gone into this season basing it off last season, you're ecstatic. but somewhere along the way you have to realize that THIS season is important on its own. Its not important cause we sucked last year, its not important because what could happen next year, its important because of what we can do THIS year.

    Your all assuming that if we win 10 games this season, we should be able to get near that mark next season, and that's not true in this league. You need to strike when you have the opportunity to do so, and not making the playoffs this year would be killer.
  26. NJFINSFAN1 Premium Member Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Northwest New Jersey

    I disagree with that quote, we expelled the rotten loser mentality from last year with a will to win, a work hard and fight attitude, we have come leaps and bounds from last year and the bar is set with this group, playoffs or no playoffs. And I'm not assuming we win 10 games this year, I'm hoping for number 9 first, which will not be easy.

    Players seem to love playing for Sparano, and we will be under the cap next year and players talk.

    In the immortal words of Steve Martin (I think it was him) I'm somebody! Well we are relevant again.
    Colorado Dolfan and Coral Reefer like this.
  27. cnc66 wiley veteran, bad spelur Luxury Box

    Nov 23, 2007
    Snips.. you are making a great arguement, but it doesn't address how "I" felt. You asked what would be worse to "me". All this meaningful and sensible blather means nothing to how "I" felt. 10 first round picks isn't worth it to me, much less one. In all my life, me, or my team has never been 1-15 bad. Our first season ever wasn't 1-15 bad and I was there for that one too.

    The only good thing to come of 1-15 was Bill and his team.
  28. FinsAreLife Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2007
    1-15 for sure man.
  29. opfinistic Braaaaains!

    Dec 7, 2007
    Peeking in Nabo's Basement
    I'd rather have what's on my plate this year than that craptastic dish I was served for three consecutive months last season. 10-6 w/no playoffs (maybe) >>>>>>>>> 1-15 with the feeling of being a Lions fan.
  30. MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    No question whatsoever 1-15 was worse. Think of all the great wins we've had an enjoyed this year. If it doesn't work out and we don't make the playoffs, we still had a lot of fun this year and we know next year we have a solid foundation to build on. You may be kidding yourself into believing 10-6 is worse, but my guess would be deep down there is no question the 1-15 was worse. Any true Dolphin fan would be more saddened by the 1-15 season.

    That being said, I think a legitimate debate is what is worse, our 1-15 season or the Patsies 18-1 season. I think a strong debate could be made that going undefeated only to lose the only game that matters on the biggest stage ever was worse than 1-15. Everyone will remember the Patriots choke job last year, while the Dolphins miserable 1-15season is already becoming a distant memory.
    Die_Nasty likes this.
  31. BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Sure the personal pain is worse suffering through a 1-15 vs. 10-6 season (playoffs or not). I understand that. But from a franchise standpoint, few could argue that the best thing that happened to us (it seems though its early) is going 1-15 and getting the pick to draft Jake, and having TUNA take over the reigns of this once proud organization.

    If we did nothing but go 10-6 and not make the playoffs forever, many fans would be thrilled with never having to face 1-15. But I agree that missing the playoffs is missing the playoffs once you feel you are where you need to be as a team to compete for the brass ring. (which is why this years 10-6 and no playoffs is huge success) I want the Championship. Thats why I am a Fan. I want the title. 10-6 and missing the playoffs is the same as 1-15. But cleaning house from the 1-15 with no false hope or misquided confusion over how close you are to the goal, is the exactly what will (I am 100% confident) will return us to Title Town of the NFL rank and file.

    But thats just me :wink2:
  32. BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area
    Thats why I say this years 10-6 outcome is unfair to compare against the 1-15 off last season.....

    Its the 10-6 in future years when you feel you are closer to what you want the outcome to be. That type of 10-6 is horrific. The pain of 10-6 when you truely beleive you are close - thats the pain of 2002, more likely, that was the pain of the Marino years....so close but no validation. I hate that feeling.

    1-15, I am clearly not saying I want it every year...but the pain of the last game of the season during the Marino Years is harder than the personal dissapointment of 1-15 last year. Again, IMHO!
  33. MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Nuff said.

    Bottom line is anybody who would honestly trade a winning season for a 1-15 season would have a really hard time convincing me they are a Miami Dolphins fan. I think CitizenSnips is a Dolphins fan, no doubt about it, IMO this is just a big reach for the point of an interesting debate.
  34. BigDogsHunt Enough talk...prove it!

    Nov 27, 2007
    DC Metro Area

    Counter: Anybody who would honestly trade a winning season but no playoffs for a Championship Season would have a really hard time convincing me they are a Miami Dolphins fan.


    I will say it this way....after 2002 and going 10-6 w/ missing the playoffs we were further away from winning the franchises next Championship then 1-15 last year put us. We are closer to the Title now, like never before IMHO.
  35. CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    I know bro. I'm just giving a topic to discuss. Nothing more, nothing less. :up:
  36. CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    How important is a winning season though? As someone quoted Herm edwards before "you play to win the game."

    But Herm didn't elaborate enough. He should have said "You play the season to get to the playoffs." a 10-6 season looks great but, if your like me, i look back on the dolphins of 2002 and just feel sad. I look back at 1-15 a year ago and just laugh cause so many things went wrong. I don't wanna look back at the 08 fish and feel that sickness that i do of the 2002 fish.

    If you don't get to the playoffs, then the amount of victories your team accumulated isn't important. And quickly forgotten.
  37. The Aqua Crush New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Calgary Alberta Canada
    No question 10-6 is better. Where games actually mean something week to week. that terrible season i never want to see this team experience again.

    EDIT: Just heard Tim Ryan on Sirius NFL. He put this type of question in perspective.

    He Said:

    Think of your team in terms of your love life, would your rather get some but not all the way, or not get any at all?

    Close to the playoffs is better than nothing at all, like we all suffered through last year.
  38. Coral Reefer Premium Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Back in Miami
    I can't remember a line of thinking recently that I disagree with more than this.

    You make it sound like this is a team that has an aging core that has it's window of opportunity closing on it. Those teams need to carry the flag of "We need to strike while we have the opportunity to do so (should be replaced with "while we have the TOOLS to do so). This Dolphins team HAS already maximized the talent they have to work with. They've already won.

    THis is a young team that has shown the league that they are building a nucleas that with a couple more good moves could be a TRUE and SOLID contender for a championship soon.

    In addition you're saying that fans that expect to see a steady progression of the team through the draft and Free Agency to make it better are setting themselves up for "dissapointment"? Huh? Isn't that how good teams go from bad to good? Projecting a higher level of success "based on what happened this season" is very valid for this team.

    The fans setting themselves up for "dissapointment" are the ones that actually think this team missed a huge opportunity if they don't win a championship this year. The expectation of it is crazy.

    Thirdly, the whole view that a 1-15 team has accomplished just as much as a 10-6 team is hogwash. Complete Hogwash.
    It's the whole "If you haven't won a championship this year then it was a worthless season" view.
    That view is flawed on a number of fronts.
    THe most basic one is that it ignores and belittles the steps teams like Miami are making towards winning a future championship.
    The steps of making progress and laying groundwork aren't things to be belittled.

    This team has CLEARLY accomplished a lot this year. I'd hate to think I actually have to spell out exactly what those accomplishments are for you and why those accomplishments are so meaningful for this franchises future.

    Again, if we miss the playoffs this year it's as meaningful as popping a pimple on your arse tomorrow.
    Colorado Dolfan and mullingan like this.
  39. MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Wow, we just entered a major spin zone. Seriously, what a terrible argument. Without giving any supporting evidence you made a tremendous leap that a 1-15 season leads to a championship season to support your already weak argument.

    Bottom line is a 1-15 season doesn't necessarily mean a future championship season and a 10-6 season doesn't necessarily mean future futile seasons. That is why your argument holds no water. You're making correlations with no evidence to support them. Too many fallacies in your line of reasoning. And honestly in the topsy turvey NFL there really isn't any way to predict future performance based on previous season record. Our 2008 Dolphins are the best example of that! And that is why you can really only say "What is better, 1-15 or 10-6?" Then the answer becomes very easy. 10-6. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you are a rational fan, you take 10-6 over 1-15 any day of the week and twice on Sunday. If you want to keep spinning this ludicrous debate, then be my guest, but to tell somebody they are not a fan for wanting a team to win more games than 1 is nonsensical. :pity:
  40. Ozzy Premium Member Luxury Box

    In the grand scheme of things 31 other teams accomplish nothing every single season since there is only one reason to play the game anyway, and thats a title.

    I'll take 10-6 any day over 1-15 thanks. Playoffs or not, I don't like to be the laughing stock of the league. Even 7-8 wins nets a decent draft pick for the following year. Being on the clock at years end stinks. Period!

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