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First Battlefield 3 X360 footage

Discussion in 'Gaming Forum' started by Desides, Sep 16, 2011.

  1. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Clipse and Tone_E like this.
  2. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    McLovin, Tone_E, Clipse and 1 other person like this.
  3. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    ^ I just came here to post that very video.

    LOL. Dirty vid....buddy got owned.
  4. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL

    Am I the only person still playing this game? I have the rest of the year off, and with Back to Karkand available, I’ve been putting in some serious hours. I’m up to rank 32 and I’ve finally developed some good weapon/accessory combos that I’m comfortable with. For example:

    Kobra sight

    Reflex sight
    Tactical light
    12G frag

    I hear the F2000 was pretty damn awesome, but I didn’t unlock it before the most recent patch nerfed it at mid-range.

    Speaking of how things were before the patch…

  5. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    I still play it a lot. Not as much as I'd like since Skyrim is so awesome plus I'm addicted to FIFA 12.
  6. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    I still don’t get the appeal of the PCRPG genre, honestly. Fallout is okay if hokey but that’s about it.

    It’d be nice if it didn’t take 20 years to get up to the 40s in rank.
  7. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Found the solution to my rank speed issue.

    Step 1: Join a 64 player Métro server.
    Step 2: Select support.
    Step 3: dispense ammo crates, aka broboxes.

    You can also do this with the assault class if you toss around medic boxes instead of ammo bins.
  8. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Different strokes for different folks I guess. I've never been much of a fan of JRPG's. Hate the combat. Can't stand MMOs either.
  9. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    But they generally have different battle systems. It’s not all menu-based.
  10. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    TiP54 likes this.

  11. I am on here, i used to play COD, but ever since i put this game in i havent touched COD. Send me a friends request, im on 360. Flickthabean is my gamertag.
  12. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    I play on PC. :lol: I don't even own a 360.
    TiP54 likes this.
  13. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Then yeah, 24/7 Metro Fast Rank server is pretty good. :) Not that I know from personal experience or anything. :shifty:

    BS! I Have 10 resupply medals. I went from rank 30 to 38 only on that metro server cuz I desperately wanted the P90 - unlocked at lvl 40. Then with Karkhand, I discovered the AEK. Wow! Best gun, period, end of. I use the foregrip and the US Holo sight (my kit for any weapon really) and am really doing well. Since B2K came out I haven't touched the original maps at all.

    PS. I did get the P90 and really don't use it all that much due to its limited range. The benefit is the 900 RPM and large mag capacity. But, the FAMAS has the same 900 RPM but the range is classified as "Long" compared to the P90's "Short". The problem is I can't get past the ACOG with the FAMAS, so I gave up on it. I might try to unlock the Holo for the FAMAS next, but the AEK is just killin it for me.
  14. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    To answer your question Desides, I didn't even unlock the F200 pre patch. I was only using the SCAR and the M249. SCAR before I decided to hit the Metro server, and have 450+ kills with it alone and played mosty engineer. Until they nerfed it. It was a powerful gun that people were complaining about the damage it did. But, it was a high recoil low rate of fire gun, but the babies still cried. In any case, that is why various guns got nerfed, including I imagine the F2000. Post patch (2nd last one actually) I haven't really touched the SCAR cuz it doesn't feel the same.

    In any event, unlock the FAMAS and the L85 (B2K assignments) and you will find two great guns that will compliment your AEK. The L85 is the new SCAR. Powerful gun with above average (not much) recoil, while the FAMAS is just an absolute quick firing gun.
  15. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    The FAMAS is a CQC beast and the L85A2 is basically a laser-accurate AK-74m. But I'm not a huge fan of either one, actually. The FAMAS' recoil is too much at range, and the L85A2's low rate of fire has cost me many an engagement. Lately I find myself gravitating back to the M16A3 just for the quick reload and the low recoil when burst firing.
  16. [​IMG]
    Tone_E likes this.
  17. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    Is that Ghost? Died and went to BF heaven did he? LOL
  18. Pretty bad *** pic!!
  19. baboo72

    baboo72 Bleeding aqua & orange

    Mar 23, 2008
    Watford, England
    Just purchased this but probably won't play it for another week or so as having an op on my back later this week, any tips? I take it my CoD run, gun and hope style will be of no use? :lol:
    BleedinGreenNC likes this.
  20. You will find it is much harder to try and run and gun with this game, more of a teamwork approach
    baboo72 likes this.
  21. Bruzer

    Bruzer New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    I love bf3 been playing it on my pc when I get the chance, a nice change from COD series played MW3 with a buddy and could not get into the game, black ops lost its appeal to me fast probably done with the series unless big change happens..
  22. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    It depends on the game mode really. Conquest is the absolute opposite to COD, and this is where the team play really comes into effect. Join squads and work with them if they are acting together. It will help your success rate and enhance your level of fun.

    RUSH can get frustrating as there is an attacking side, and a defending side. Both require teamwork, but def. more on the attacking side. You really need to stay together here.

    TDM is much like COD, fast paced, and run and gun....to certain extent, but NEVER to the fast pace as your are used to in COD.

    Bottom line, it is much easier to die in BF3, so don't get frustrated. We'll, that is inevitable. What I meant to say is feel free to rage quit (i do) but give the game a chance to grow on you. The better you get, the more enjoyable it is. Ultimately, have some fun, try something new. COD you "call in" air strikes. In BF3 YOU ARE the air strike!

    One thing that helped me a ton was playing TDM and Squad Death Matches. They both use different areas of the same map (on PC at least) and both give you an intimate knowledge of those particular sections of the map that come in handy when you have to attack/defend that particular objective (map area) in Conquest game mode.
    baboo72 likes this.
  23. Bruzer

    Bruzer New Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    Ya I only play conquest its my favorite mode.
    baboo72 likes this.
  24. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Conquest Large is the best mode.

    The problem is that the maps are generally designed for a. consoles and b. Rush.
    baboo72 likes this.
  25. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL

    Duke Nukem + Battlefield 3 = best game ever.

    Rated D for Duke (language, intensely awesome ending).
  26. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL

    Between the awful, awful spawning system—apparently spawning right in the path of two enemies' fire is considered acceptable—and the multitude of cheese deaths (spawn at point, run for 2 seconds, get knifed because some random camper was there at the right time) I'm pretty much done with this game.

    Bring on ArmA III.
  27. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    That has always been a part of BF. If you are playing TDM, that is to be expected. Last night I was playing TDM on Noshar Canals and started 10-2 and went all the way back to 10-10 before getting out of my rut. It happens, especially on that map.

    Conquest is fine IMO.

    Check this out though....BF3 to announce next DLC sometime this week. Can't wait.

  28. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Yea I haven't had any troubles with the spawning system. Well, except for the fact that I die every single time I spawn on a squad mate, but that's not really the game's fault.
  29. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    You guys are playing a different BF3 than I am. Conquest is the worst. You can camp Damavand C with a tank and just rack up kills by shooting at the flag because everyone spawns right there. Or you can camp Firestorm B and just shoot whoever appears because the spawn points are all exactly the same.
  30. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    I don't play Damavand at all.

    Any map you can camp spawn points, at any objective. Was the same in BF2. Spawn further away and hoof it over is the only thing I can think of.

    Speaking of Arma 3, did you hear anything regarding its release?
  31. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    That's not a solution, that's a rationalization. Though it would be somewhat practical if vehicles respawned faster.

  32. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Hopefully Bohemia decides not to rush Arma this time. The bugs and optimization of the last 2 on release were awful. As great as they were, I'd rather not wait weeks until the game is playable.
  33. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    Well, it was originally supposed to come out in June, so a six month delay counts as not rushing.

    Also, within the last few weeks they issued a pretty huge patch for both ArmA 2 and OA (though I guess now they're counted as a standalone product) that supposedly they intend to use as a testbed for some ArmA 3 code and concepts. So I'd say they're being careful.

    Hopefully they'll make some concessions to the fact that ArmA is a video game series and make the game and interface a little simpler.
  34. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    As long as the game isn't broken on release, I don't care what they do.
  35. Tone_E

    Tone_E Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 8, 2007
    I want to reload Arma 2, but didn't yet. Too laggy for me (so is BF3 by the way). Not because of the game, but because my CPU is OLD. Thinking of getting a new i7-2600K with a Z68 mobo combo.

    Desides, think that will run Arma3 with full gfx and 10k viewing distance with no issues? I already have an NVidia 560 Ti graphics card.
  36. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    That's what I use. Great CPU for the cheap price. Big improvement over the i5-750 I had before it. Should run ArmA 3 just fine, though probably not with 10k view distance. Much of it depends on Bohemia to be honest. Arma 2 was very poorly optimized until Operation Arrowhead. What GFX card you got?
    Tone_E likes this.
  37. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL

    Anyway, as for the CPU talk… don't get an i7-2600k. It simply isn't worth the $100 price difference over the i5-2500k. If you must buy a CPU now, get that. But you're better off waiting for Intel's new Ivy Bridge CPUs. They start shipping in April and will have a decent performance premium over the current Sandy Bridge line, also less power consumption. And this way you won't have to upgrade again to run ArmA 3 respectably. You'll also want to upgrade the 560 Ti this autumn, either to something in Nvidia's upcoming Kepler line, or something in the mid-range of AMD's new Radeon HD 7000 line.
  38. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    Pretty sure that's the greatest thing I have ever witnessed. As for upgrading, I don't really see the point. Let me know when a game gets released that requires an upgrade because my 2600k and double 5850s are running Skyrim, Crysis 2, Witcher 2, AC: Revelations etc. on max settings no problem. I doubt ArmA 3 is going to be the game to set a new standard for graphics and hardware requirements. If anybody is going to do it, it will be Crytek, and they failed to do so with Crysis 2.
  39. Desides

    Desides Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2007
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    ArmA 2 was and is still hellaciously system-intensive, especially back at launch. They've somewhat patched it and improved it, but it's still a system-raper. Given the announced system requirements, and factoring in that they're always not sufficient, I'd say that holding out a month for a CPU upgrade and holding out a couple of months for a GPU upgrade will be warranted.
  40. Clipse

    Clipse mediocrity sucks

    Sep 27, 2009
    Roanoke, Virginia
    We'll see. I run ArmA 2 on max settings with 5k view distance just fine. I doubt ArmA 3 will require much more since I would hope it won't be as horrifically optimized as ArmA 2. Then again I said the same thing about ArmA 2 after ArmA... 3rd time's the charm.

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