40 years of Dolphin fandom....

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by CANEPHINS, Apr 19, 2012.


    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    Saturday I start going over the hill and it just got me thinking about what 40 years of Dolphins football has meant to me.

    Born 4 months before the start of the "Perfect Season" in Ft. Lauderdale at Broward General. I didn't choose to be a "Dolfan". I was born into it.


    Attended 2 games as in infant during that season. Attended many more in the OB as a kid growing up until we moved away in 1980 to Augusta, GA. Only made it to a couple of games in the 80's, but made up for it in the 90's and 00's.

    I have seen, though I might not remember the games so clearly (either because I was too young or too drunk), every player in our Ring of Honor play in person. I was there when Marino threw his 300th TD pass, and I was there when he threw 400.

    I have been with the team through the worst of times, and through the best (though those best were when I was under 3 years of age).

    I watched Shula pace the sideline. I watched Jimmy manage a game. I have seen Wanny and I suffered through Sparano.

    I remember where I was, and emotions I had: during the "hook and lateral" game, the snow plow game, A.J Duhe raping Richard Todd in the mud bowl, the Super Bowl losses, mauling the Bears on Monday night, Marino and Ken O putting on an air show, the fake spike, pretty much every Marino TD pass I can recall in my head, Clayton burning the Cowboys, and so many more. I hurt with each loss, I rejoice with each win.

    I have taken my dad to games, just as he took me to games as a kid. The joy on his face when the Dolphins score a touchdown can bring tears to my eyes every time (see below and you will know why).

    I have had drinks with Czonka.

    I have met Marino.

    But as great as meeting Marino was, it was taking my dad to meet him and what Marino signed for me that mattered most. In 1987 my dad suffered a massive stroke. He has beat the odds ever since then and he is the reason to this day I was born a Miami Dolphin fan and still am. I was able to arrange the meeting with Marino a few years ago when he came to speak in Augusta. I flew my dad in for the week and never told him what was going on. I told him he was going to a sports banquet with me, but that was the only details he received. Then Dan came off the elevator and spent a few min with us. Sadly this is the only picture I have of the meeting as it was taken off a screenshot of a video. The person who was taking pics for me screwed up and didn't get one shot. Oh well...at least I have this and what Dan signed for me.

    Ten years ago for my 30th birthday, at my sisters wedding, my mom presented me with my birthday gift:


    Of all the things I could have had Dan Marino sign that day, I had him sign this picture. I was standing in the same hotel with Dan Marino, in the same ballroom, 7 years later after my mom had given me this great gift. She passed away in 2003, just a year and a half after my 30th birthday. It only seemed right that this had come full circle and he sign the picture, which he did.

    So here I stand turning 40. So many great things have happened in my life and the best is still yet to come. My son is born a Miami Dolphin fan, just as I was. At some point he will hopefully have some high points in his fandom.



    (Taken this past weekend at The Hertiage)

    40 years of Dolphins football...but the best years are still to come as my son and I, together, will hopefully see us bring the Lombardi back to South Florida.
  2. steveincolorado

    steveincolorado Spook, Storme & Pebbles

    Mar 23, 2008
    Thats awesome! I've been a Dolphins fan ever since I can remember. I turn 47 next week and like you we've seen the good and lately the bad. I have a lot of respect for the history of this team, unlike a few of the young punks on here. Hopefully the Dolphins can turn it around and your son can see a winner.
    CANEPHINS likes this.
  3. Bumrush

    Bumrush Stable Genius Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    Awesome post bro!!

    What does your dad think of Suck For Luck or Blow for Barkley?? I'd bet everything I own that he would just roll his eyes!
    CANEPHINS likes this.

    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    He hated the notion of it. He wanted Luck badly though, but not enough to lose for him.

    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    Yep. Tucked away in the misery that has been the past decade (and then some), there is a proud and rich history. At this point there is no quick fix, but the entire culture has to be changed. Hopefully Philbin is the start of that culture change and we can see this ship start to sail in the right direction.

    We deserve it, but even more than that, our kids deserve it for what we are going to put them through. LOL
  6. Onehondo

    Onehondo Senior Member Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    Chesapeake, Virginia
    Great post! I have been a Miami Dolphins fan since the beginning and watched with my Dad until he passed away in 1973. I have loved the Dolphins from the start because of the time I spent with my Dad rooting for the team. I was fortunate enough to still have him with me to enjoy the 1972 season. My love of the Dolphins was forged because of the bond my Dad and I had for the team and I will always be a fan, win or lose no matter what. I would sooner give up on watching football altogether than leave the Miami Dolphins, no matter who the owner is, who the GM or Head Coach is, or what players they do or don't draft or sign.
    Bumrush and CANEPHINS like this.
  7. The_Dark_Knight

    The_Dark_Knight Defender of the Truth

    Nov 24, 2007
    Rockledge, FL
    Great post Canephins!! Like you, I grew up a Dolphins fan and the first year I ever watched football was the Perfect Season...every Sunday the Dolphins played...and every Sunday they won!

    Unfortunately I've not had the pleasure of going to any of the Dolphins games nor the honor of meeting some of the Dolphins legends.

    Awesome that your parents supported your fandom of the Dolphins and that you and your father still enjoy the Dolphins on Sundays. May God Bless and Keep your mom.

    CANEPHINS likes this.

    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    Thank you! Hopefully you will get to see them play someday, and that it is when we are where we should be as a franchise.

    Nothing beats sharing the happiness after a win.

    CANEPHINS No Tats & Dreads Allowed

    Jan 4, 2009
    Savannah, GA
    Yep. Been through the best, and sure as heck have been through the worst. When you have been on the train as long as we have you don't just hop off because things aren't going well. Don't like it, don't agree with everything they have done, but in the end I still will ride with them.

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