Gotta be honest here, Pretty upset

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by ET7, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. ET7

    ET7 New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    That the only thing holding this team back from being a TOP TOP team is Tannehills long ball.

    He literally left 2 TDs on the field to Wallace.
    That PI we got on Wallace SHOULD have been a TD if the ball wasn't behind him and he had to stop/slide. Still amazes me how fans blame Wallace's lack of aggressiveness to fight for the ball when at least 80% of the time the issue is behind or overthrown balls. If i were him i'd be livid because that ENTIRE middle was open on the deep slant, all RT had to do was throw it 1 yard in stride for a TD.

    Second one was the last attempt in the redzone where he was mad at himself but still I don't care anymore for that BS. He is ****ing WIDE OPEN for crying out loud and again the ball is BEHIND the WR. I mean dude, you make 1000000 passes a year you can't get a little bit of anticipation/****ing MENTAL AWARENESS? I have said it for years, these are traits you CAN'T teach but I keep having faith he MIGHT just overcome that but continues to fail in it.

    PS: Great to see for ONCE in a LONG LONG time refs giving us the breaks or close calls. Felt like the NFL gave us the NE treatment for once!

    Big win none the less and besides his lack of passing I am happy we are still alive in the playoff race!!
  2. FinNasty

    FinNasty Alabama don’t want this... Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    There's always gotta be someone...
    Phinfanjt, bg34, McLovin and 16 others like this.

    GARDENHEAD Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 7, 2008
    New Orleans
    I fart on you.
  4. fin13

    fin13 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    May 29, 2009
    Pass interference means that they did not allowed the play to be completed, so what's your problem
  5. FinNasty

    FinNasty Alabama don’t want this... Staff Member Club Member

    Dec 1, 2007
    If Wallace had a catch radius bigger than a bottle cap... he would have caught a deep pass tonight down the sideline.
    HULKFish, muscle979, ASOT and 13 others like this.
  6. ET7

    ET7 New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Oh the one where he was double teamed and out of bounce pass? the commentator even said if it was in play it would have been a TD but he threw it near the sideline/out of bounce.

    Dude I'm not trying tosay something to just say it, been an athlete for years and I know being a half assed team never gets you far, been on winning teams where we have won back to back championships and very rarely can you do that without having a complete team. One weak link and other teams find ways to exploit it. If at my dumb level of competition compared to the NFL you need a very very very VERY good team to win imagine it at the NFL PRO level. This defense is one of the best in the NFL if not top 3, the offense is GOOD but it is far from VERY GOOD because we can't pass the ball past 10 yards in the air. Did you miss the part where they said only 5 of our passes traveled 10 yards? Its like having a dumber less accurate but a more Athletic Pennington at QB. That PI pass to Wallace was borderline which I think was NOT a PI. Take that out and we don't have 7 points we have maybe 3 off that drive.

    Commentator even at one point there is a LOT of Dolphin players saying Buffalo always makes Miami beat them via the deep ball and it showed how every WR was 1 on 1 and in position and he said that we just aren't making those passes and when we do the ball is off target.
    Aquafin likes this.
  7. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    He's been missing TDs to Wallace since he got here, but whatever, for now I'm in enjoy the win mode...
    ASOT and ET7 like this.
  8. Sumlit

    Sumlit Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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  9. ET7

    ET7 New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Even the TD pass to Gibson was behind him and he stopped and fell to catch it. JUST SAYING man we have a good team we need to take advantage of it.
    Aquafin likes this.
  10. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    Rant forum?
  11. ET7

    ET7 New Member

    Jan 7, 2010
    Agree with you, I am enjoying it because if it was a Loss i'd be super depressed because we are 2 plays away from being #1 in the AFC but at least we have hope right now so I am enjoying it for now! Hopefully we upset Denver and its on man.
  12. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho -=| Censored |=-

    Nov 13, 2009
    Cut Tannehill

    Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 4
    CitizenSnips likes this.
  13. unifiedtheory

    unifiedtheory Sub Pending Luxury Box

    Nov 24, 2007
    Burnaby, BC, Canada
    Dude completes 76% of his passes, has a rating of 114.8, 2 TDs, no interceptions and we win a big game and we have complainers.
    seabass0795, HULKFish, toto and 16 others like this.
  14. 77FinFan

    77FinFan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Mar 10, 2013
    Buckeye Land
    I saw that as well, but I really think Tanny expected him to sit down in such an open area as opposed to continuing towards other defenders.

    I felt a couple/few throws were a little bit behind today, but better than in the past. That pass to Hartline was beautiful. Freaking beautiful.
    Aquafin likes this.
  15. JShady

    JShady Miami Heat lover

    Sep 8, 2013
    That's it, screw the dolphins, cut everyone nowwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  16. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    I understand your point as it does have some validity.

    But this was gameplanned. Hide some deficencies in the O-line and QB pocket awareness by hitting short passes to the playmakers. The playmakers made the necessary yardage to extend drives.

    The few times a "long pass" play design was attempted, Buffalo destroyed the line. That is what they do. They are the best at doing it. Hell, they still had 5 or 6 sacks on the night.

    While your point is well made and valid, in this game, the plan was to stave the rush with quick hits. If Miami had to rely on downfield passing this game, Miami probably loses.
    bigbucks24, DHPVW, ET7 and 1 other person like this.
  17. Disgustipate

    Disgustipate Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 25, 2007
    We've got three years of evidence to show that Tannehill is a more than capable deep passer, so long as he isn't throwing to Mike Wallace. Brian Hartline was top 10 in deep yardage in 2012. His accuracy on non-Wallace targets is better than average. Etc. and so on.

    At a certain point people should come to realize(like the Steelers did) that 2010 Mike Wallace isn't something that you can really recreate, and that the team needs to move on and find a real #1 wide receiver.
  18. Linus

    Linus Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Jan 9, 2008
    How many deep, in-stride TD passes have occurred against us this year? I ask because I seriously think some of you guys believe that other QBs complete 50 yard bombs at like 85%.

    I remember the Calvin Johnson one last week...but if Tannehill had him he would have a few more too. Those passes normally keep the D honest and you hope for a pass interference.
  19. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    All good points but you gotta take a peek at the deep every now and then or the defense will suffocate your quick game.
  20. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    we literally just saw Orton miss one to Watkins tonight. If they complete that pass, its a td and this game gets turned on its head.

    But they didn't...cause its not ****ing easy...
    bakedmatt, resnor and MAFishFan like this.
  21. CitizenSnips

    CitizenSnips hmm.

    Nov 29, 2007
    yeah, definitely not a miss on tannehills part. If it touches your hands, 40 yds down field, its not a miss.
    resnor and thisperishedmin like this.
  22. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    I certainly get that, but it was very effective this game. It really is unfortunate that some of those deeper routes do not get hauled in with more (or ANY) frequency. I think it does limit some things they can do.

    On the bright side, it can't get any worse! haha
  23. bran

    bran Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    New Hampshire
    seabass0795, resnor, speed and 4 others like this.
  24. thisperishedmin

    thisperishedmin Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2011
    If that sideline pass was 2-3 yds towards the center of the field its a pick. The safety was coming over top.

    These threads are so ****ing stupid.
    resnor and bran like this.
  25. bran

    bran Senior Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    New Hampshire
    brady missed ammendola( i think it was) week 1 against us. brady in game 1 against us also had julian edelman deep and underthrew him by 10 yards at least and made edelman slow down to make the catch. i guarantee if the dolphins had a brandon marshall type or aj green you would see those deep balls caught far more frequently.
    resnor likes this.
  26. ET7

    ET7 New Member

    Jan 7, 2010

    don't be an espn box score fan.

    Pennington completed 70% of his passes, face the ravens where they defend the middle and force him to throw deep outs and he gets his *** stomped on and we lose in the WC game. Whats your point?

    You think other teams won't adjust to find ways to prevent us from making 5 yard passes?

    If you does anything below 76% with his 5 yard passes then we are completely F'd.
  27. vt_dolfan

    vt_dolfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    ET phone home
  28. Clark Kent

    Clark Kent Fighter of the Nightman

    May 9, 2008
    I'm not saying this to belittle Tannehill, but he did have two interceptions dropped. One in the end zone. If he doesn't get away with those drops, we're having a different discussion. That said, I thought he played really well. In fact, I thought his mechanics looked pretty sharp overall. Those crossing routes to Hartline were beautiful. When he hits guys in stride, those are the big plays these guys can make. And I don't agree with OP that all he hit were 5 yard passes. He was gunning a few down the field.

    I'd give Tannehill a B+ overall. Thought he made a ton of nice throws, was mobile (that fumble was bad luck), and hung tough (as usual) after some big hits. The scoreboard/stats don't reflect how well he played. That holding penalty that forced us to kick a FG on the first possession hurt, as did the fumble. Could of been a 3-4 TD day for Miami/Tannehill.

    He just has to eliminate those 1-2 goofball throws a game. Some days he gets away with it and some days he doesn't. It's easy to tell which day is which by the Tannehill threads started after the game :lol:
  29. MrClean

    MrClean Inglourious Basterd Club Member

  30. invid

    invid Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 9, 2012
    Team needs to stop turning the ball over in idiotic ways.
  31. VanDolPhan

    VanDolPhan Club member Club Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    Hamilton, Ontario Canada
    thisperishedmin likes this.
  32. pumpdogs

    pumpdogs Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    I agree with you his long ball is terrible.Hell even though it was a push off gibson was wide open in the endzone with nobody around and he still missed him.These are the kind of plays that killed us last year.Everybody talks about brady missing one last week or orton last night but tannehill misses almost everytime.Never seen a qb with a worse touch on the longball.That why we only scored 20 points from our offence.
    On the plus side he played alot better in 2nd half and a win is a win.Defence balled in the 2nd half last night!!
    Negative side I am ****ing beat from drinking,*****ing,cheering and laying pipe then getting up at 4am to go to work.
  33. Alex13

    Alex13 Tua Time !!! Club Member

    Dec 21, 2007
    there was no room in the game thread to post this bull**** ?
  34. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    Commentator is an expert? could have just as easily been picked. Did you not see the db who was only 1/4 step behind?
  35. JMHPhin

    JMHPhin Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Nov 27, 2007
    I wish people would stoip trying to show what qb experts they are. your not get over it. Did you see the Kmart special oline? we are starting other teams backups outside James and pouncey
  36. HogsHDFinsfan

    HogsHDFinsfan New Member

    Sep 16, 2014
    This is right. If the Fins are going to live with RT, they must be willing to live with his erratic deep throws.
  37. HogsHDFinsfan

    HogsHDFinsfan New Member

    Sep 16, 2014
    This is valid. Against SD his passes were a bit off...against Detroit it cost us.
  38. finfansince72

    finfansince72 Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 18, 2007
    Columbia, South Carolina
    I'm not sure what NFL most of the people complaining about Tannehill have been watching. The NFL I've been watching has all time great HOF Qbs missing long passes ALL of the time. The completion percentage for those plays is VERY low, even among the very best Qbs. The difference is that guys like Rodgers, Manning, etc. throw those plays A LOT more than Tannehill does and the completed ones get on SportCenter. Its never been a high percentage play and it takes very good WRs making big plays to complete a lot of them. I'd like to see Tannehill complete more long plays but really do we try it more than once or twice a game? Nope. Hoping Tannehill will go 1 for 1 or 1 for 2 on 50+ yard bombs is nice but it isn't realistic. We also only have one WR that really goes deep and he's not exactly a physical WR. Our offense is missing a big, physical target that can dominate one on one matches physically and it shows on Sundays.

    Tannehill has shown good progress every year. His Qb rating has been very high the last 2/3 of the season in a new offense. He's getting better in the pocket. If he never turns into a great deep ball passer we can still win a Superbowl with a guy completing Round 70% of his passes and a running game and a top 5 defense. The biggest knock I have on Tannehill is his red zone play, we get to the red zone as much or more than any team in the league and we need more touchdowns. We improve our red zone effectiveness and we are a legit contender, if we don't we are most likely a marginal playoff team.
    resnor and JMHPhin like this.
  39. HogsHDFinsfan

    HogsHDFinsfan New Member

    Sep 16, 2014
    Accept reality. Rodgers has a great deep ball...RT does not.
  40. speed

    speed Banned

    Oct 14, 2014
    Literally the worst post of the year.

    May God have mercy on your soul, OP.

    Pathetic trash.

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