This has a different feel...

Discussion in 'Miami Dolphins Forum' started by Chuck Wilson, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Chuck Wilson

    Chuck Wilson New Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    First of all just want to say what's up everybody. Been around here for quite some time, always checking out the forum because I can't get enough of the Dolphins!

    Truthfully, the play of our team this Sunday has me seriously pumped for the remainder of the season. This might be premature, but this Dolphins team has a different feel around it right now. I don't think this is a flash in the pan in regards to our play this past Sunday, I think the team believes in Campbell and I do too...

    I have the sick feeling that Dan Campbell is going to show enough to retain the coaching job and Ross is going to try to make a splash going with a big name... What do you need to see from Campbell in order for him to retain his job this year?@
    Pandarilla likes this.
  2. dolphin25

    dolphin25 Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2014
    7-5 or better I think he stays.

    I am sold on him too.

    It felt before like we had homerun hitters they were asking to bunt and play hit and run..... now they have freed the dawgs!!
  3. P h i N s A N i T y

    P h i N s A N i T y My Porpoise in Life

    Apr 19, 2012
    Treasure Coast, FL
    Show me your the guy to take this roster to the postseason.... Otherwise we're going to look for someone who's done that before. Campbell winning a few games isn't the type of experience we're looking for.

    Now I know I was beating the Bowles drum back in 2011... So I should be doing it again... But I'm tired of this. Just Hire an actual HC for GoDS'S SAKE. Someone who doesn't have to learn How to lead a team on the fly, like Philbin did. That is what Campbell is doing right now. If he can manage to get a playoff caliber roster into the playoffs, than we'll talk.

    otherwise... I'm looking for a guy who's led a team before, preferably in the NFL.. I'll take Campbell over Adam Gase or Josh McDaniels, but a guy of Sean Payton's experience wins by default.
  4. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    I respect the heck outta you as a fan and poster, but I can't roll with ya on this one. Campbell's first game was better than anything else I saw from Philbin in 3+ years, so I think his on-the-job learning, in these 12 games, will put him far ahead of Philbin, and ready to lead this team into the future. Disclaimer, if they go 9-7 for sure (meaning he went 8-4), maybe even 8-8 (meaning 7-5, being VERY VERY green at the job). So far, it at least "appears" he made some prudent decisions on the coaching staff...something many HCs have a hard time with. I say give him a shot if he's earned it...and so far, he is, if he can maintain it.
  5. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Wasn't it kind of funny how Ross spoke to Campbell in the locker room like they were old friends? We know that's not the case since Ross had stated that he had never talked personally to Campbell just two weeks earlier, yet he's fully committed to handing him the keys to the kingdom after what just transpired. Because let's face it folks...even in the best of wins over the past 3-5 years, we have never seen a Miami team that fired up and hitting folks that hard. We didn't just beat Tennessee....we beat the living crap out of them and made sure that they stayed down for the count.

    So yeah, there's definitely a different "feel" to this squad and I don't think it's too late to be talking about championships. We're 2-3 with a fired up squad going into a very winnable game. So if we get this next one and ride that wave into New England, then 4-3 with championship-caliber play makes the whole first month a thing of the past. The funny part is, we always make our picks by saying, "Okay, Miami usually steps up and topples two big opponents per year, yet they also give away 34 ballgames to teams we should slaughter. But against the majority of the elite teams out there, we just don't have a chance of consistently getting a W."

    Guys, I don't think that's the team we have on the field right now. Before long, I think we can become that team that everyone fears and writes off as an "unwinnable game." If we bring that same kind of intensity each week, then closing out 10-2 or even 11-1 is certainly not out of the question.
  6. Chuck Wilson

    Chuck Wilson New Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    With 10-2 or 11-1?!? As badly as I want to throw on my aqua colored glasses and believe that, I really have a hard time believing that. I'm usually pessimistic regarding the Phins because of all the let down I'm accustom to. I think this team is one of the more talented teams in the AFC but 10-2 under Campbell seems like a reach IMO. If that does happen, coach of the year and contract extension no doubt about it.
    dolphin25 and PhinFan1968 like this.
  7. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
    Going into the season many people on this forum had the Dolphins starting the season 6-0 or 5-1 at worst. This was based on the fact the Dolphins were playing against teams with below average QB's during this first six games. So the win this past weekend against a team with a rookie QB shouldn't be a surprise, even if the Dolphins were only 1-3 going into the game.

    I believe the approach Campbell had going into the game certainly helped the team prepare for the game. I just recognize that this game was against a team which was also 1-3 going into the game and hadn't won on their home field since October 2014.

    So while it was a nice win and I expect them to follow up with another win against a bad Texans team this coming Sunday. I will wait to see how this team plays over their final ten games before I will be convinced Campbell is the right man for the job.

    If he can lead them to 3-3 after the Texan game and then go at least 5-5 over the last ten games, I will be happy to join the Campbell bandwagon. Anything less than an 8-8 record this season should have Ross and Tannebaum looking to hire a new head coach, IMO.

    I hope Campbell turns out to be the real deal but right now I think he still has a lot to prove if he wants to be the Dolphins HC beyond this season.
  8. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    In my opinion, the AFC is not very strong despite the few undefeated teams that are left. This past game convinced me that we could be undefeated as well up to this point in the season if we played like we did in Tennessee. There is no reason why a playoff spot shouldn't be in our future this year. Honestly I believe that we can finish between 11-13 wins for the season.

    I look at it like this: we lost to teams the last couple of years that we should've beaten. We also won games that we should beaten the crap out of. Each of these teams were in the playoffs the past couple of years. We had enough talent the past couple years to beat anyone at anytime.

    If we play like we did on Sunday, we can safely say we can win most if not all of the remaining teams left on the schedule.

    So yeah I think 12-4 or 13-3 is definitely a possibility.
  9. Piston Honda

    Piston Honda Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Perspective is a funny thing.

    If this were a Titans forum I'm certain there'd be people blaming Miami's new found spirit on Ken Whisenhunt, how he sucks as HC, can't get his team ready to play, etc. Instead we are talking about how the TE coach that most fans never heard of two weeks ago is suddenly the key to success. Gotta love e the NFL.
    PhinFan1968 likes this.
  10. Chuck Wilson

    Chuck Wilson New Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    I find it EXTREMELY funny that some people think 12-4, 13-3 is within reach for us at this point. Seriously? While I do believe we have one of the more talented teams in the league, we aren't going against a terrible OL, lack of weapons and a rookie QB for the remainder of the season. And I don't know if it's possible to keep the same intensity we had this past Sunday for 11 more games. Add to that the fact that injuries are bound to happen and we have our own shortcomings as well; expecting 12, 13 wins this year is absolutely insane.
  11. jw3102

    jw3102 season ticket holder

    Sep 4, 2010
    Maui, Hawaii
  12. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    One game guys. Why not wait until the new Campbell era has 3-4 games under its belt?
    77FinFan likes this.
  13. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    Not that I'm hoping for one, at all, but I'm very curious to see how Campbell / the team reacts to its first loss with him at the helm. That will tell us more than last week did IMO.
    jedburg, 77FinFan and Brasfin like this.
  14. Sceeto

    Sceeto Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
    New York
    Smell the f'ing roses.
    77FinFan likes this.
  15. Sceeto

    Sceeto Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2008
    New York
    Smell them before you urinate on them. They will smell a lot better.
    77FinFan likes this.
  16. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    I already attested it was a beat down and sung the praise of a coaching staff FINALLY willing to run the ball and make much needed adjustments (particularly not dropping Tanny back to pass 35+ times a game).

    However, I'm not fanatic enough to start extrapolating entire seasons after one very emotional victory. You'd think some fans would know better by now. A lot went the Dolphins way in Tennessee beyond just their play - particularly an injury ravaged Titan team (especially with Mariota). As more tape gets out over these "new look" Dolphins, other teams will adjust and technically we have the toughest remaining schedule in the NFL.

    So there's no pissing in cherios going on. Just level-headedness.
  17. P h i N s A N i T y

    P h i N s A N i T y My Porpoise in Life

    Apr 19, 2012
    Treasure Coast, FL
    I like what I saw as much as you guys... but it's one game off the bye. We've gotten the jump on lesser teams before. I think the next two weeks will compile enough a sample size to ( begin to ) judge Campbell as an actual Head Coach. If we somehow win these next two games.... Campbell could be on track for Coach of the Year. But the most likely scenario is that we improve somewhat and are left with a tough decision.

    With Campbell long term... I'd assume your going to need some fantastic coordinators. He's never even been either a coordinator or coach before !
  18. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I respect your post. But like I said before, it is my opinion based off what I've seen the past couple years and the past game. I truly believe this is possible based on those games I have seen. Now I understand I could be wrong on this whole thing but it is still possible.

    You know man, I'm really excited about the current and the near future for this team. This win we had just confirmed that for me. Playoffs this year I believe is in the future for us Dolphins fans.
  19. MonstBlitz

    MonstBlitz Nobody's Fart Catcher

    Jan 14, 2008
    Hornell, NY
    Highly doubt that happens. I'm more worried about the possibility of Campbell not doing enough to earn the job, but getting a couple big emotional wins like the Minnesota game last year. Ross strikes me as the kinda guy to chase returns. He will realize he screwed up with Bowles, and not want to make the same mistake twice.

    One thing about Ross - he's loyal to his staff. To a fault. If Campbell earns it, I don't see Ross not giving him the job.
  20. Brasfin

    Brasfin Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
    I'm not saying you're wrong, but this type of beatdown has happened before under Philbin. Last year we started the season with a whooping of the Patriots only to get destroyed by the Bills the following game. Week 9 we shut out the Chargers 37-0, then lost a close one to the Lions.

    Like Campbell said, the challenge now is to not let the team go into a lull. We need to put the pedal to the metal and keep it there. I want to see if Campbell is going to keep that intesity level up high throughout the season.

    This next couple of games are going to be good indicators of what's to come, IMO. If the team can beat the Texans and play a hard fought game against the Patriots (don't necessarily need to win), I think it'll be a sign that we have a good chance of driving this thing right to the playoffs.
  21. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    It's a good thing Campbell has plenty of motivational fuel over the next 3 weeks...I mean, we've NEVER beaten Houston, that's plenty juice for the fire right there...then the Cheats...hell...if he can't get this team up for the Cheats, Sunday was a fluke (for the record, I'm counting on him having them ready and fired up). Then a little revenge on the Jills and Rex's fat *** for the stunts he pulled, and the ***-whooping they laid on the team. Charles Clay is their #1 receiver (no surprise there...he's even outdoing Mike Wallace HAHAHAHA) and there's plenty discontent showing out of that locker room...just what the doctor ordered to keep this train on the tracks.

    Edit: Campbell was the TE coach when Swearinger ended a certain Dolphins TE's career in that pre-season game...I'm sure he remembers it.
    Brasfin and 77FinFan like this.
  22. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I look at games like Green Bay, Detroit, and Denver for example of games we should've won but didn't. All three of these teams went to the playoffs. At one point we were winning in these games. If we played those games like we did on Sunday we would be in the playoffs. Not to mention the final few games we lost that would've gave us the final playoff spot.
    Brasfin likes this.
  23. Phins Up Wins Up

    Phins Up Wins Up Banned

    Nov 27, 2014
    Toughest remaining schedule? Lmao bro we play the two worst divisions in football. The AFC south and NFC east. The Ravens are looking bad this year and this team has had success against the Chargers the last couple years. Even the Colts aren't looking that good. Still got 4 division games with 3 of them on the road so I will give you that. But this is one of the easiest schedules in the league. Still though not sure if this team can make the playoffs. But their schedule certainly helps.
  24. Colmax

    Colmax Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2007
    I think Romo is scheduled to be back that game.
  25. Phins Up Wins Up

    Phins Up Wins Up Banned

    Nov 27, 2014
    Dez Bryant will be back too.
  26. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    IF and it is a big IF, our defensive line can get to Brady and get pressure on him I don't think it is out of the question to steal one in Foxborough or win against them at home.
  27. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    That's what I'm talking about right there.
    NCPhinFan likes this.
  28. Phins Up Wins Up

    Phins Up Wins Up Banned

    Nov 27, 2014
    They've had success against them at home. Winning in Foxborough though has been another story.
  29. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    The Pats D doesn't scare me and I think we could run the ball with some success against them. If Ryan gets some protection from the line, I think he could dice their secondary up. That's why I believe we stand a chance if we control the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.
  30. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    Well they'll have to get on him super fast...because he's throwing in no time at all...that, get some hands on their WRs coming off the line to disrupt their timing...put some glue on Gronk and maybe...just MAYBE we can slow down their offense a bit. If he gets time and we don't slow down their receiving corps off the line, we have no prayer, along with the BS calls they seem to ALWAYS get at Gillette (see the batted-ball penalty a few years ago, along with other phantom crap, in just that ONE game).
    NCPhinFan likes this.
  31. NCPhinFan

    NCPhinFan Active Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    You make excellent points. If we don't slow down their receivers, Edelman, Amendola, and Gronk will have a field day. Of course, if we do hold them off and disrupt their timing how many times will Brady have to whine for them to start calling defensive holding, illegal contact, and DPI penalties on every play?
  32. PhinFan1968

    PhinFan1968 To 2020, and BEYOND! Club Member

    5 yards is 5 yards.
  33. KeyFin

    KeyFin Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    Here's how I see it-

    I literally grew up as next-door neighbors to Manny Fernandez, one of the Fin's all-time greats on defense. And even though I wasn't born for "Perfectville", the neighborhood kids and I heard all the stories first-hand from Manny and our dads. They lost 3 in 1970, 4 in 1971 and of course...we all know what happened in 1972 and 1973. It was clearly one of the better football dynasties. In 1969, however, they finished with a 3-10 record and last in the division. How'd they go directly from being one of the worst to the best in football? We'll get to that in a moment.

    Fast forward to the 1990's and the Marino-era...another dynasty was born. And if you remember that far back, then you likely envision a pretty stout defense in that era as well. Never quite the best in the league but never too far behind the top of the list either. It was an inspired team back then though because everyone believed in the Golden Boy.

    We started this year with the same type of feeling- it was going to be special. But we're the Dolphins, of course, which means that we show up for New England and Pittsburgh but take most of the season off. And just like clockwork, we self-destructed before we ever really got started. Because here's the big secret most people don't realize- we didn't dominate because of people like Morris, Fernandez and Marino...those football dynasties formed because of a true belief in the team as a whole. They were both cocky and hungry every week, believing that they simply couldn't be beaten...and we steamrolled our opponents because of it.

    Now, I know a lot of people will say, "So what, a dumb TE coach got our guys fired up last week." But that's not what he did at all. Campbell simply showed these guys how to play like champions. Playing hard. Having each other's back. Lighting people up. Never admitting defeat. Do you guys realize even how long it's been since our team fully "bought in" on these concepts? I'd say it was Shula's last season. And honestly, that's the only difference between a 3-13 team and a 13-3 squad...believing in themselves and believing in their team.

    What I saw last Sunday hasn't happened in Miami in decades, and this team has turned the corner so completely that there are barely words to describe it. And if they can deliver at those same levels for 11 more games, then there's nobody out there that can't be beaten. Nobody at all.

    But let's look at the flip side of this argument- for over a decade, people have logged into this forum and guessed, "Oh, we'll go 9-7 or maybe 10-6 this year." But those guesses weren't based on the roaster, the coaches or anything tangible that you can weigh with statistics....those guesses were based purely on the expectation of the Fins showing up like they did last week. When we played hard, we won. If we slacked, we lost. Pretty simple stuff. Well, we just saw the game of the decade for the Fins in terms of effort and let me tell you something- they really like that feeling in the locker room. So my guess is that they do it 10-11 more times this year.

    And if I'm wrong, then so be it....I've been wrong for the past 15+ years just like every single other Dolphins fan has been. But like this team, I suddenly believe as well and that can be a scary dangerous thing for an NFL team.
  34. huck1974

    huck1974 FU Gene Steratore

    Mar 22, 2008
    He has not been given an off season to pick a staff. He has been thrown to the wolves. If he gets us to 8-8, I bet he stays. Hindering him will be the QB he has that was average last year and is below average this year.
  35. Chuck Wilson

    Chuck Wilson New Member

    Oct 20, 2015
    You got me pumped up man, that's for sure. I'm definitely hoping we can pull something like that off. But a lot has to go your way to do something like that: penalties, avoiding key injuries, luck in certain situations. I think we have a talented enough roster to compete in ANY game but forgive me for my pessimism but winning 10/11 seems like an awfully big stretch to me. Hell 8/11 seems like a stretch to me but here's to hope
    KeyFin likes this.
  36. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    a tony romo team doesnt scare me.
  37. djphinfan

    djphinfan Season Ticket Holder Club Member

    Dec 20, 2007
    that will be a post presser most gratifying, one because if he does clinch, it should be done in the locker room after the clinching game.
  38. dolfan7171

    dolfan7171 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2009
    I agree
  39. Rock Sexton

    Rock Sexton Anti-Homer

    Mar 14, 2015
    Yes toughest:
  40. spongebob Phins Fan

    spongebob Phins Fan Member

    Oct 24, 2012
    In Here
    You know, at first I was very naves! then I saw and felt a different vibe going in to the 3d quarter of the game.
    I was very relaxed then after that. :yes::yes:

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